Fazbear Fan Frights 1:"the Mean Shadow"

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It was a normal day, a ring was activated and a school class had just ended. While everyone
leaves really excited and happy that the class was over, they were interrupted by the
infamous school mean girl, named Klaire along with her “best friend” Sheila, witch she
treated her more like servant than friend. As she was walking around in the corridor being
like your typical mean girl:Annoying and always thinking and talking that she was the best,
until she bumped into a young girl,who was her best friend's sister. She tried to apologize but
Klaire ignored saying that it was her fault, and the young girl said:”But you bumped into me
first, so isn’t that kind of your fault?” Those words were enough
to make Klaire furious but before a fight could start Sheila came, stopped all of that and
apologized to Klaire about her sister, and Klaire calmed down. Before Klaire leaves the
school, Sheila asked if she could go to her sister birthday to keep her company, and Klaire
rejected at first but then she decided to go because she thought that she could have
“revenge” on her sister. So Klaire and Sheila were going to their houses thogheter and while
they were talking Sheila told Klaire that the party is going to be on Freddy Fazbear Pizza,
witch just got renovated with new and safer animatronics, and it was her sister favorite place,
Klaire said that she never went there but that she heard about the legends of the cursed
animatronics on that place, but Sheila told her to calm down because the place was safe
now. After some hours, the party was going to start and Klaire was starting to get ready,
while she was getting ready her mother came and said to her to put the most beautiful
clothes possible because her mom was also kinda of a mean person, and she agreed, and
after she got ready she went with her mom to the party. When she got there, she was
surprised, she saw a lot of people there, and the place looked very festive with lots of
arcades, balloons, pizza, and of course the animatronics which looked like they were made
of some kind of hard plastic along with kinda creepy eyes. After walking in there for a bit she
was able to find Sheila, along with her sister and a boy named Anthony, a friend of Sheila, so
after telling Sheila that she was glad to be there, even thought, she was kinda lying since
she only went there to get revenge on her sister, she decided to try to talk with Anthony,
since she thought he was cute.

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