PSWA Application Form

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Penumbra School for Wolves Alike

Character Application Form

If you are receiving this letter, we know what you are and I’m sure you know
what we mean. If you don’t, please dispose of this letter as it was not meant to
be yours. This is your acceptance letter into Penumbra School for Wolves Alike
or PSWA! A haven and school for werewolves and werecanines alike to get the
education needed for the outside world and to learn how to be one with your wolf
side and hide it from the humans. Come and join the school and meet the
headmaster and his pet, the school’s mascot.
(NOTE: Send this to BOTH Not the FBI#7401 and Aphia_Celencia#7245 on Discord when

This information is about you, the player.
Player Tag and Number (Ex: Not The FBI #7401):
Player Name:
Player Pronouns (He/She/They/Other):
Player Age (must specify if 16+):
Blacklist (Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable?) If so, please list:


This is the information required for the school, Headmaster, and
your fellow students to know about you.
Character Name (List their Alias here if they go by a different name):
Character Age (Must be at least 18):
Character Gender/Pronouns:
Character Ultimate (A talent they are very good at):
Character Sexuality:
Character Likes:
Character Dislikes:
Character Overall Appearance (Give a basic summary of what they look like or a
Basic/Public Backstory:


This is the information required for ONLY the Headmaster to know
so he can best fit your needs and avoids certain things as much as
possible. Please do not skip ANYTHING in this section unless it does
not apply to your character.
Character Real Name (If they were going by and Alias or had a fake name):
Character Real Ultimate:
Character Personality:
Character Power (If none put n/a):
Power Drawbacks/weaknesses:
Full Backstory:
What is your character’s most prized possession?:
Please describe this possession:
What is your character’s most beloved person? (Ex:Mom/Dad/Friend):
Please describe this beloved person (A basic appearance and Personality
What is your character’s darkest secret:
What is your character’s deepest fear:
What is one thing your character hates:
What is one thing your character loves:

Your health is of the utmost importance to us at PSWA so that we
can best fit your needs while attending the school. Do NOT skip
out on anything here.
Mental Health (Includes traumas, disorders, etc.):
Physical Health (Includes disabilities, injuries that had a lasting physical impact, etc.):
Blood Type:
Height (in ft):
Weight (in lbs):
Allergies: (Optional)

This is important information for the Hosts, please do not skip out
on the ones that do not have “optional” next to them.
Out of 1-10, 1 being least likely and 10 being most likely, will your character end up
being a Victim. Why?:

Out of 1-10, 1 being least likely and 10 being most likely, will your character end up
being a Murderer. Why?:

Out of 1-10, 1 being least likely and 10 being most likely, will your character end up
being the Mastermind. Why?:

Out of 1-10, 1 being least likely and 10 being most likely, will your character end up
being a Survivor. Why?:
What would your Character’s Execution be like?: (Optional)

(Keep in mind this depends on the number of applications we receive)

Out of 1-10, 1 being least likely and 10 being most likely, will your character end up
being a Traitor. Why?: (Optional)

These are to be answered IN CHARACTER as if your OC was in this
situation in RP, DO NOT answer these as if your OC was being
interviewed. These are to see how you RP and how your character
would react in certain situations. Please do at least three RP
prompts and delete any other ones that you may leave blank.
Remember that this is a literate role play.

Walking alone, you hear footsteps behind you, walking faster and hearing the mystery
person match your speed. You start to run to get away from the person, you are being
chased down by an unseen foe. How do you react?
[Answer here.]

During the trial, you are accused of being the person behind a heinous murder, by
your friend no less. All the evidence seems to point to you as if you were being
framed but there was something off about the evidence. You are not the murderer.
How will you defend yourself?
[Answer here.]

Upon waking up, you decide to change your clothes and grab a bite to eat. When you
leave your dorm and walk down the hall, you stumble upon the dead body of one of
your classmates... How do you react?
[Answer here.]

The Trial ends and the votes are being cast, all the evidence points to your closest
friend in this game. But, it couldn't be them, right? They wouldn't kill, you both were
getting out together and everything seemed just fine before, with no intentions of
murder from them. How do you react?
[Answer here.]

It's the middle of the night, you had troubles sleeping and decided to get up and
quickly get a cup of water or tea to relax. Though, while walking down you think you
see the figure of a person leaving someone's room but when you rub your eyes,
they're gone. How do you react?
[Answer here.]

These are stats for the game. YOU CAN ONLY USE ONE SET FOR ONE
(15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)

This is the inventory of your OC for the game when it starts.
(Up to 10 items)

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