Season 2-Danganronpa Cursed Hope Application Form

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Tell me about yourself!

Name- Flowey
Discord User- Flowey The Flower#4056
How active are you in a scale of 1-10?8
With how many Lines do you usually roleplay?-2

About the character

-Name-John Hitsoba
-Ultimate-(Optional)Ultimate Youtuber
-Fake Ultimate (Optional)
-Speech (Optional.How do they talk?)-
-Public Biography-He is a famous youtuber with lots of fans
-Appearence (Please use an original design,you can use Picrew if you are not good at

Psysicological Information

-Personality Described John its very nice but a little shy and realistic
-Likes-Making Videos
-Triggers-Get annoyed
Backstory Stuff
-Complete Backstory:He was a normal child with a brother and really bossy
partents,one day he was so angry of his father that he grabbed a knife and acidentally
killing him,after that he hide the body and nobody knows the truth,in the meantime he
used to watch youtubers and then some years later he decided to become one too
-Secrets-He do clickbait videos sometimes
-Biggest Secrets-He acidentally killed his father
-Important relationships-His brother
-Criminal Record-1

Dice Stuff
You have 25 points!


Gacha Machine Stuff

Tell me at least 3 things your character would hate as gift-Clothes,shoes and school

Tell me at least 3 things that you character you be neutral about it was
gift-Books,comics and masks

Tell me at least 3 things that your character would like as gift-Candy,pizza and

Tell me 3 things that your character would love as gift-Chocolate,games and toys

Killing game stuff

-Any specifics traits of development?He will start to be less shy in later chapters
-Any character routes that you can see happening?(optional)
-What’s do you want your character to be? (killer,victim or survivor?)Survivor
-Are you okay with your character dying?Yes
-Chapter death preference:3
-Anything else?No

Thanks for applicating!Good luck!

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