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Danganronpa: Seas of Despair Template

Name: Kazuto Harue

Nicknames: Kaz

Age: 17

Ultimate: SHSL Hacker but pretends to be the SHSL

Hair Stylist

Gender: Non-binary

Birthday: April 21st

Appearance: They have long hot pink hair that is

usually up in a ponytail with two long pieces of hair
tied in the front. They wear a white button up with a
black graphic tee over it, a black pleated skirt with
fishnets and knee high socks, a belt with chains and a
choker with chains paired with black platforms. They
have a few ear piercings, a nose piercing, two lip
piercings and a tongue piercing.

Personality: They are very sassy, confident, and

outgoing. They hate being told what to do, they like
being independent and free. They don’t get mad easily
and are pretty chill most of the time, but will call out
anyone, even if they are their closest friend. They are
very good at keeping secrets, but do love to gossip.
Likes: Fruit, Sweets, Spicy food, Computers, Tech, and

Dislikes: Strong smells, loud noises, sunlight, and

rude people.

Fears: Dogs and Heights.

Family Info:

*×+Deeper Info+×*

Backstory: They were born into an already broken

family, their Father had cheated on their mother while
she was pregnant with Kaz. She left him and got with
their new Stepdad, who wasn’t much better than their
biological father. But he was more accepting than their
biological father. They were bullied in school for being
“girly”, even though they were dressing androgynous.
They didn’t care about the comments, they just
focused on themself. They got into hacking because
their stepdad was a hacker as well, and they became
the Ultimate Hacker after becoming obsessed with it.
They pretend to be the Ultimate Hair Stylist for safety
reasons, since the government is kinda after them for
hacking into their systems and finding their secrets.

Photo of Appearance:
(I’m not gonna put a pic of the tongue piercing cuz it might be gross for someone Idk)
Voice Claims: Kino from Kinos Journey

Theme Song: Verbatim by Mother Mother

Roleplay Sample: Tokuda slowly opened their vibrant orange

eyes, their eyelashes fluttering as they began to look around their
surroundings. Their breathing hitched and they sat up from their
lying position. Their head swung around, they stood up quickly
and noticed they didn’t have the sheets around their legs
anymore. They leaned down and grabbed the bottom of their
jeans, rolling it up and seeing their scars gone. They shot up and
tears filled their eyes as they remembered what happened…

Tokuda had gotten a note to meet someone at the

Decontamination room. So they went, stupid them. They got
there, waiting for whoever invited them there. They Heard the
door open and felt someone push them into the room. They ran
for the door just as it closed, clutching at the handle. They tried
opening it, but with no luck they looked out the window to see who
pushed them in. Tears filled their eyes as the oxygen in the room
slowly left, they pounded on the door, screaming as loud as they
could. But it was no use, they could barely get a scream out as
they began to suffocate. With them gasping for air and using their
remaining strength to pound onto the door they soon felt all their
strength drain.
Tears ran down their face as they lost all strength and felt their
lungs collapse. They fell limp and finally passed, their eyes fixated
out the window of the door at the one who did this to them. Their
arms were stretched in front of them, showing their attempts of
escape. The sheets on their legs were still there, blood showing
through the white fabric. The last thing they heard was a loud
scream, and footsteps. They were stupid to fall for such an
obvious trap.

They covered their mouth as they remembered, tears falling

down their cheeks. They glanced around, seeing nothing, like
they were trapped in an all white blank room that seemed to go on
forever. A giant screen popped up in front of them, startling them
and causing them to jump. The screen flickered to life, pixels
showing their dead body and the scene that played after they
died. Their hand reached out as they watched, reaching for the
people they were taken from. They dropped to the floor, breaking
down in violent sobs. Why did they have to be so stupid? Falling
for such an obvious trap?? They didn’t want to die, but it was too
late for that. They looked back up to the screen, reaching out
once again with warm tears streaming down their tan face. They
couldn’t believe they were dead… why did they have to die so
soon?!? Why now.. they sobbed and sobbed until they almost ran
out of tears. They stayed on the floor for a bit, calming themself
down from their breakdown. They wiped the tears, standing up.
They took a deep breath and watched as their classmates made
their way to the trial room. They heard a cough and quickly turned
Behind them was their parents, and their clan. They wore sad
smiles, waving to the small teen. They were all so much taller
than them, taller than the average Japanese person. Their eyes
filled with tears again, this time it was tears of joy. Pure joy of
seeing their most loved ones in front of them. They took off in a
run, running to them and jumping into their open arms. Tears
streamed down all of their faces as they hugged, holding the
small one in a tight embrace. At least they got a happy ending..
That was all they could hope for. After being let go, they chuckled
and wiped the tears. Their eyes were red and puffy from crying.

They turned slightly, looking back at the screen, the trial was still
going on and they could hear faint voices from the screen. They
smiled softly, wishing a happy ending for everyone there. That
was all they could do, they looked back at their family and smiled

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