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S1 : Kil lshot.

“ Mercy is for the weak. “

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Before You Begin,

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⚀ do be aware of strong horror elements within the killing game. We are not an 18+ server,
rather a 13+ server. Everything will be filtered to an extent. Having triggers such as “mention of
death” may make you nonviable to enter the game. ( That specific trigger is completely valid;
however, signing up for a killing game may not make the most sense. )

⚁ please write at least three sentences for each line, as well as delete any brackets.

⚂ the setting of the story takes place in Tokyo, Japan, in present day time ( 2021 ). Following
the setting of a masquerade, all characters must have a fake identity and mask. Their true selves
will be revealed when they kill, are killed, or choose to confess. If your OC does not have a
second identity, and only wears a mask, skip the false section.
⚃ all characters are treated equally. Regardless of if the applicant is staff, has joined only
recently, or has never participated in a killing game, the acceptance process is fair through and

⚄ remember to turn link - sharing on and to make a copy of the template. Do use the same
font throughout the page, and set all answers to size 10 ( besides for the lines inside the red
tables ).

— We wish you the best of luck. —

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♤ OOC Information



TRIGGERS : SQUICKS : [ dislikes. ]

Writing style: [ ex. fluid, one liner. ]
Predicted activity: [ how active will you be in RP? ]
Are you lying? [ kidding. Don’t worry too much. ]
Schedule: [ on which days of the week are you usually busy? When would you like certain events
to be? ]
KG experience: [ have you ever been in an RP like this? When? ]
Blacklisted members: [ is there anyone you’re uncomfortable with being in the RP? Why;
optional. ]
Blacklisted topics: [ what are some topics we should avoid? ]
What motivated you to sign up?
Where did you find the server?
♤ ( True ) Basic OC Information



Character image / desc. —

Mask —
Blood type —
Weight / height — [ in cm / kg. ]
Chest size —

Nationality —
Personality —
♡ Who do they get along with?
♡ What type of people do they hate the most?
♡ How do they react to stress?
♡ How do they act when they’re relaxed?
♡ Explain more.
Strengths —
Weaknesses —
Fears —
Secrets —

Backstory —
♡ Place of birth —
♡ Family members —
♡ Relations in the game —
♡ Triggers —
♡ Who are they?

Reason for attendance at hotel —

True feelings towards others —
Intentions —

♤ ( FALSE ) Basic OC Information

Fronting OC Information




Blood type —
Chest size —
Nationality —
Personality —
♢ Who do they get along with?
♢ What type of people do they hate the most?
♢ How do they react to stress?
♢ How do they act when they’re relaxed?
♢ Explain more.
Strengths —
Weaknesses —
Fears —
Secrets —

Backstory —
♢ Place of birth —
♢ Family members —
♢ Relations in the game —
♢ Triggers —
♢ Who are they?

Reason for attendance at hotel —

True feelings towards others —
Intentions —
♤ Character Images
Fronting OC Information

Character image / desc. —

♔ Their masquerade mask.
♔ Their usual outfit.
♔ Their clothing.
♔ Their face - claim.
♔ Etc.
♤ Prompts

Please answer three prompts of your choice.

( OC POV )

♧ It’s late evening, and as usual, the streets are buzzing with activity. Nothing seems to be too
out of place. But, all so suddenly, you're confronted by a notorious serial killer, and cornered into
an alleyway. In the criminal’s hand is a jagged, bloodied knife.

♧ It has been a week into the killing game. As the doctor checks up your wound , he urges you
to rest. Next thing you know, you can only see utter darkness. You panic, thinking that the lights
have gone out.
“Hey! Why -- why are your eyes entirely white? That’s creepy, man . .”
You scramble around for a few moments, reaching out for whatever your hands meet. It’s true.
You’ve gone blind.

♧ You had a dream. A horrible, sweat drenching and excruciatingly painful one. What was it?

♧ You’ve just finished killing someone. You can tell because of the blood all over your palms,
and your best friend’s dull eyes out on the floor. Then, the spell breaks, as you realize what
you’ve truly done.

♧ Your ideal place to die, and when. Is it peaceful? Chaotic, hectic? Or, do you fear death?

♧ You are given two options: five billion dollars, or your friends’ lives. Which do you choose,
and how?

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