Object Multiverse Reboot - Episode 1 Part 2: An Ink Catastrophe

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Object Multiverse Reboot - Episode 1 Part 2: An Ink Catastrophe

Created By Jacob Fairclough

Written By Jacob Fairclough, SilverKoopa888, TardistheTardis, RayInDaHaus9462,
SergeantSnivy and alexlion0511


*Title Card*

[Scene I] [Animated by Silver] (Done)

*The contestants that lost the last challenge are still falling*
Chip: Ok, how high were those platforms? I’d have dropped out immediately if I knew how long
this would take!
Pearl: I’d have been motivated to try harder! I’m sure I would have won, too.
Chip: Suuure. No way you’d have been able to win in that fragile oyster.
Pearl: Not my fault! Nut/Bolt should have made it more durable.
*farther up*
Exit Sign: Ugh, the service here is awful! I haven’t been able to post anything on my Instagram
for 2 hours!
Woodchip: *sarcastically* Oh, no! Everyone’s going to think you’re dead!! We need to get
service quick!
Speary: Hold on… I have service here. let me take a look at your phone.
*Speary takes Exit Sign’s phone*
Speary: Looks like it automatically shifted to Airplane Mode. Wi-fi never works when that’s on.
Exit Sign: Wonderful. I’ve been without service for NO REASON!!
*Exit Sign punches her phone out of anger*
Exit Sign: Wait, NO! My phone!!

[Scene 2] [Animated by Jacob] (Done)

*Star Coin is waiting at the bottom with a giant mattress*

Star Coin: Okay…. I think this is the right spot.
TV: Are you sure? I think you should move it a little bit to the left.
*All the contestants miss the mattress*
TV: I was correct.
Star Coin: ...Well, I’m pretty sure that the last two-
*They also miss*
TV: Wonderful job. Is anyone still alive? I doubt a single person survived the fall.
Silver Star Coin: You’re probably right, but the recovery center should recover them soon.
Speaking of which, I was able to upgrade it when Bolt wasn’t looking so it should be able to
recover everyone at once now.
*everyone is shown to recover at the same time*
Silver Star Coin: There we go!

[Scene 3] [Animated by ObjectCreator]

Nut/Bolt: Was making me explode really necessary?

Meteor: Well, it doesn’t matter, since there’s a recovery center.
Nut/Bolt: The recovery center I built, might I remind you?
D-Pad: Star Coin can’t even build his own s**t! What a lazy wanker!
Fishbowl: Meteor, how did you manage to die? I thought rocks were pretty durable.
Meteor: I’m always on fire.
Speech Bubble: The fact that you literally got cut in half by a baseball makes me wonder how
easily you break.
*Chip pokes Meteor and immediately catches fire*
*Chip burns to death*
Fishbowl: W-what just happened?
*Chip recovers*
Chip: Yeah, touching a person who’s on fire is definitely not one of my brightest moments.

[Scene 4] [Animated by Z Animation Studio]

D-Pad: F**king hell I counted on that win. Whoever the captains are, I bet they’re going to be
stupid and not pick me until the end!
Survival Kit: Yeesh, what’s with all the swearing? I lost and I’m not this upset.
D-Pad: F*CK OF- Actually, thank you for asking rather than antagonizing me immediately! I
appreciate it.
Survival Kit: I’m a boy scout. It’s in my honor to care for everyone, and this includes you too.
D-Pad: Well, since you weren’t too rude about it, I guess I’ll tell you...
*epic flashback time*
D-Pad: Back home, my home and where I was raised, I was treated like sh*t.
D-Pad: I was forced to work harder than I ever could.
D-Pad: All my life was filled with stress and harsh environments.
D-Pad: If I dared to sit back, out came the belt.
D-Pad: Now that I’m grown, I consider swearing and yelling the best way for me to get my anger
*end of epic flashback time*
Survival Kit: There are better ways to get your anger out. I would suggest taking deep breaths! It
helps sort of reset your emotions.
*kawaii cake slides into the scene*
KC: uwu
D-Pad: That sounds stupid, but I’ll try.
Survival Kit: All right!

[Scene 5] [Animated by Jacob] (Done)

*Face and Euro are at a clifftop, and Euro is holding Face*

Face: Alright, Euro, how is this going to work?
Euro: Here’s the plan. I throw you off the cliff, and then you land at the bottom, where I placed
an explosive, which, if done right, should send you off toward the field where the hosts are
setting up. Then you commence the raid on the hosting stuff!
Railroad Tracks: What are you guys doing?
Face: *worried* ...Nothing.
Railroad Tracks: Looks like you’ve set up some sort of parkour course.
Face: Nope, we haven’t set up anything. (okay Euro, drop me now before she asks anything
Euro: Alright. *Drops Face*
Cape: *is walking toward the cliff* Oh, my! What’s going on with Face?
Cape: He’s in trouble! I need to go save him! *runs towards the base of the cliff, but bumps into
the cliff and steps on the mine*
Face: Ah, crap! *the mine explodes, killing both him and Cape*
Euro: Ugh, Cape! Why did you have to meddle with our plans?
Railroad Tracks: What were you two planning? I’m an extreme stuntman myself you may not
Euro: As Face so eloquently put it, we were planning nothing at all! Not a thing! ...I will be on my
way now.

[Scene 6] [Animated by K9] (Done)

Star Coin: Finally, I’ve cleaned up that stupid body dump. I should have listened to TV…
*Star Coin starts to speak over the loudspeaker*
Star Coin: Alright everyone, stop what you’re doing for now, we need to pick the teams.
NES Cartridge: No fair, I just got started playing Mario Hat Kart NotProductPlacement Deluxe!
Star Coin: You’re a captain. You should be excited to pick teams!
NES Cartridge: I suppose...
Star Coin: So, since everyone’s arriving, take a seat.
Chip: I don’t see any chairs...
File Cabinet: I wouldn’t think we’d need them, we’re all out in a field.
Nut/Bolt: Wait, this is a field? Could’ve sworn we were at my construction site a few hours ago.
Pearl: Blind as a bat, I see.
Legal Paper: How much land was even rented?
*Nut/Bolt rolls his eyes*
Star Coin: I meant for you to sit on the ground! Anyway, NES Cartridge and Euro are currently
waiting to choose their teams, and since Euro knocked off Nut/Bolt-
Nut/Bolt: He blew me up!
Star Coin: Okay… since Euro BLEW UP Nut/Bolt, he gets to choose first.
NES Cartridge: Shouldn’t you be discouraging violence?
Star Coin: At least he did something in the challenge, unlike you!
NES Cartridge: Fair enough.

[Scene 7] [Animated by OVM] (Done)

Euro: Hm… Meteor. Your speed could be useful to the team.

Meteor: Oh, thank you..
NES Cartridge: Nut/Bolt’s building skills could come in handy so I pick him.
Nut/Bolt: Not the first time I was picked early. I’ll build whatever the team needs.
Euro: Face, you’re cool. Come on my team.
Face: Awesome!
NES Cartridge: Survival Kit, your survival skills definitely will come into use!
Survival Kit: Excellent!
Euro: I think it’s time to pick up the pace!
Star Coin: Hmm?
Euro: Railroad Tracks and Exit Sign!
NES Cartridge: If he can pick 2, I will too! Marker and Liverpool!
Euro: Tinfoil Ball and Cape!
NES Cartridge: Chip and Fishbowl!
Marker: Woah man this is going way too fast, let us catch up!

[Scene 8] [Animated by Tech] (Done)

Euro: Witch Hat and Gem!
NES Cartridge: USB and Medical Stool!
Euro: Notey and Santa Hat!
NES Cartridge: Legal Paper and D-Pad!
Euro: Tire Swing and Kawaii Cake!
NES Cartridge: Pearl and Symbol!
Euro: Bamboo and Speary!
NES Cartridge: Woodchip and File Cabinet!
Star Coin: You guys are going so quick that I doubt you’re putting any serious thought into your
picks! Well, only Perfume and Speech Bubble are left.
Euro: I don’t want to choose. Both of these people seem awful!
*Perfume is visibly upset*
Speech Bubble: Seriously? Is your vision of me THAT barren?
Star Coin: Soooooo, who will it be, Euro?
Euro: I’ll have to go with Perfume.
Perfume: I don’t want to be with someone who called me awful!
Euro: Sucks to be you. Get over here.
NES Cartridge: Well, Speech Bubble, you’re over here then.
Speech Bubble: Soon enough you’ll regret not picking me earlier.

[Scene 9] [Animated by TARDIS]

Star Coin: Alright, now that teams are settled, you two can make your own names! However,
they must both be alliterated.
Euro: Okay, I’ll need some time to think.
Star Coin: Not happening. You both have fifteen seconds. Go!
Euro: What?! Um, uh, we will be, uhh... the Devious Doubloons!
NES Cartridge: Hmm, and we will be, The Grandiose Gamers!
Symbol: Both team names suck!
NES Cartridge: We had fifteen seconds! Give us a break.
Symbol: I could have done better in ten.
NES Cartridge: Keep thinking that.
Star Coin: Ok, now with that over with, I’ll let you guys socialise or go express your opinions on
your team in the confessional booth over there. *points at the confessional booth*
TV: Huh. I’m surprised that thing still exists.
Star Coin: And in the same pristine condition too!
Star Coin: Anyways, me, TV and Silver Star Coin need to set things up for the next challenge,
so see you!

[Scene 10] [Animated by AllMightyAmmolite] (Done)

*With the Devious Doubloons*

Euro: Greetings and salutations, my minions!
Face: Could we be addressed as something else?
Euro: I like the sound of “minions”, so no. Anyway, let’s use this time to get to know each other
better. We want to build our team dynamics early on!
Speary: Smart idea!
Euro: That’s because I came up with it.
Notey: So, what do we do while waiting for the challenge to start?
Perfume: Let’s do team-building exercises!
Santa Hat: Yeah!
Tire Swing: Such as?
Perfume: Uh, not sure… Anyone have an idea?
Notey: This isn’t quite a team-building exercise, but maybe we could look around the set?
Face: I’m a bit preoccupied with stunts.
Railroad Tracks: I’m gonna go with Fa--
Face: I roll solo, Sorry.
Railroad Tracks: *annoyed* Perfect!
Witch Hat: I’ll just do my own thing.
Notey: Now who’s left?
*everyone else is gone except Perfume, Gem, Tire Swing, and Santa Hat*
Tire Swing: Okay, let’s start looking around.

[Scene 11] [Animated by Tree] (Done)

*With the Grandiose Gamers*

NES Cartridge: Uh, now that I lead you, what should we do as a team?
Survival Kit: How about a nice game of tag?
Nut/Bolt: *yawn* Sorry, I’m too tired. ‘Boutta pass out.
NES Cartridge: It’s 2 in the afternoon.
Nut/Bolt: You try building a clam shell and a recovery center in the same day.
NES Cartridge: Still, could you please wait until --
Nut/Bolt: *dozes off*
Liverpool: He better wake up before the challenge.
Marker: If he doesn’t, I say we vote him off.
Fishbowl: But how do you know if it’s a contestant vote?
Star Coin:*over loudspeaker* I AM. IT’S CONTESTANT VOTE.
Fishbowl: Oh…..
Chip: We have control for once! Quite refreshing.
D-Pad: I’m so glad the viewers aren’t in charge! If they had a say, I’d be gone immediately!
Woodchip: Hey NES Cartridge, you like games, right?
NES Cartridge: Yes, I do!
Woodchip: This could be a nice bonding activity. Show us your collection!
NES Cartridge: *dumps a backpack filled with games and consoles like the Wintendo straight, a
SP4, 3bs’s, all that stuff but remade so it isn’t product placement all over the floor* That’s just a
fraction of what I have!
D-Pad (in the background): NEEERRRRRRD
Medical Stool: Now where do we plug all these into?
NES Cartridge: *silent*

[Scene 12] [Animated by Z Animation Studio] (Done)

Star Coin: Alright everyone, it’s time for the challenge!

Speary: Already?
Liverpool: *kicks Nut/Bolt* Wake up, ya doofus!
Nut/Bolt: *wakes up* Ugh… Five more minutes, Mom...
Bamboo: What’s the challenge?
Star Coin: Can’t you be patient for five seconds? Anyway, for the first team challenge, you’ll all
be playing a turf war.
NES Cartridge: Like in Splatoony?
Star Coin: You know it!
NES Cartridge: I got to rank 50 in that game! I did it in the sequel, too.
Marker: The original was better to be honest.
NES Cartridge: How can you say that? It added an entire new mode! Plus, there’s more stuff
coming in future updates.
Marker: They should’ve had that stuff when the game came out.
Star Coin: So, who hasn’t heard of turf war?
*Pretty much 2 / 3*
Star Coin: TV, care to display the rules?
TV: Mk, here you go.
TV: In turf wars, you guys will have about 3 minutes (or 10 considering there’s way more than 8
of you) to cover the ground with ink. Ink guns will be given to you once we start the challenge.
The team that claims the most turf in the end will win the challenge.
Star Coin: And of course, the losing team will have to cast their elimination votes in the next
Notey: Wait, the contestants are the ones that vote now?
Star Coin: Didn’t you listen when I said it over the loudspeaker??
Notey: Nope.
Star Coin: *buries head in hands*

[Scene 13] [Animated by Dex] (Done)

Tinfoil Ball: Pardon me, sir, but how can armless people like myself hold a ink gun?
Silver Star Coin: Use your legs, duh!
Medical Stool: Face, Pearl, and I don’t even have limbs!
Star Coin: Sucks to be you! Figure something out.
Pearl: I’d be able to use my oyster if a certain SOMEONE hadn’t made it so weak!
Nut/Bolt: Jeez, I can just build you a new one!
Star Coin: Tooooooo late. We’re starting.
Pearl: No!!
File Cabinet: Won’t it take an eternity to clear up all the ink after the challenge?
Star Coin: I had an arena built specifically for this challenge. We can just leave all the ink there.
USB: Neat.
Star Coin: I’m flattered. Okay I’m gonna teleport you all to the arena now.
Witch Hat: How will you manage to --
*all the contestants along with the hosts get teleported to the arena*
Star Coin: I knew that teleportation spell that shady guy on the street taught me would come in
handy someday.
Witch Hat: Magic is supposed to be MY thing!
Star Coin: Does it look like I care? Three, two, one, GO!

[Scene 14] [Animated by Jacob] (Done)

NES Cartridge: Okay, team. I’d suggest we split in half so we can cover more ground.
USB: How do you know that’ll work?
NES Cartridge: As I’ve said before, I got to Rank 50 in this game. We’ll have Marker, Liverpool,
Nut/Bolt, USB, D-Pad, Survival Kit, Speech Bubble, and I go out in the open. Everyone else will
stay out of sight from the other team.
Symbol: Hmph, fine.
File Cabinet: You’re not just gonna complain the whole time, are you?
Marker: Yeah, dude, next thing you know, you might find yourself eliminated.
Symbol: Doubt it.
Fishbowl: G-Guys, please don’t argue! It w-won’t solve anything!
NES Cartridge: You’re right. Go, go, go!
*NES Cartridge’s group runs off*

[Scene 15] [Animated by TSF] (Done)

Speary: So, what’s the plan?

Euro: Notey and Face can fly. They can see which areas are untouched.
Notey: Woo!
Euro: Also, if you come across anyone from the other team, focus on taking them down. We
can’t risk any casualties!
Perfume: *holding a ink gun* How do I even use this thing?
Euro: You pull a trigger and it shoots ink.
Perfume: Oh.
Tire Swing: Let’s get a move on already...
Euro: Eh, I guess.
Cape: Super Cape to the rescue! *runs off*
Euro: Okay, as for the rest of us, we should split up into small groups. Notey and Face can fly to
us and give us information.
Bamboo: What will the groups be?
Euro: Anyone can be with anyone, I don’t care.

[Scene 16] [Animated by Seganimations] (Done)

Nut/Bolt: Mk, with my spectacular building skills, I figure I can make something that can rapidfire
NES Cartridge: Like a turret?
Nut/Bolt: Exactly!
*he sets it up*
Nut/Bolt: One of us is gonna have to sit back and man this thing.
USB: I’ll do it. I don’t want to be out in the open getting all inked.
NES Cartridge: I suppose we’re also gonna need 2 people on defense.
Liverpool: Let the limbless guys do it. They can’t help with any offensive stuff.
Medical Stool: How are we supposed to defend the turret with no limbs?
Liverpool: I dunno, just yell to get our attention or something.
Medical Stool: Sounds good to me.
Pearl: The less I have to do, the better!

[Scene 17] [Animated by AllMightyAmmolite] (Done)

*with Survival Kit, D-Pad, Woodchip, and File Cabinet*

Survival Kit: It seems we’ve gotten most of this area.
D-Pad: Yeah, and- *sees Speary* Uh-oh! Someone’s approaching us. *runs toward Speary*
Survival Kit: D-Pad, you’re gonna get yourself shot!
D-Pad: No worries. I’ll gun her down before she even sees me.
Speary: I see D-Pad!
D-Pad: Crap. *Speary shoots as fast as she can, but Survival Kit Dives to get D-Pad out of fire*
Survival Kit: I’ve been shot! D-Pad, don’t let us down!
TV: Oh yeah, Star Coin forgot to mention this, but if you get shot or die, you’re out of the
challenge. Obviously.
File Cabinet: You’ve gotta be kidding me!
Woodchip: And we’re down a player.
D-Pad: ...He saved me?

[Scene 18] [Animated by Jacob] (Done)

Witch Hat: Notey, see that gigantic podium in the middle of the arena?
*show the thingy*
Notey: What about it?
Witch Hat: Take me to the top of it. When I’m up there, I can scope out the entire arena and
shoot pretty much everywhere.
Notey: Sure thing.
*when up top*
Witch Hat: Alright, now you and Face should go try and fly over enemy base and take out NES
Notey: How come?
Witch Hat: He knows the most. Without him, their team turns into a pack of chickens running
without their heads. They’ll be gone in seconds!
*cut to Euro*
Euro: Ha ha! I just had a great idea!
Bamboo: What?
Euro: I’m gonna plant an ink bomb at their base! It’ll destroy their turret and kill everyone
manning it!
Exit Sign: Do you even know how to make one?
Euro: Already done!
Exit Sign: Oh.
*Euro starts running to the base*
*near base*
USB: Oh shoot! I gotta fire at him!
*USB starts rapid fire*
*Euro dodges everything*
Euro: No one can land a hit on me!
Medical Stool: Pearl, do something!
Pearl: Did you forget neither of us have limbs?
NES Cartridge: EVERYONE RUN AWAY QUICK! *attempts to run away but trips* Oof.
Euro: Wait… Is it going to blow up before I actually --
*the bomb blows killing Euro, Pearl, NES Cartridge, and Medical Stool, leaving the turret in bad
Star Coin: Well, it looks like both team captains are out. This should be interesting.
Chip: *angrily* Wonderful! With NES Cartridge gone, we’ve lost half our knowledge!
Legal Paper: I’ll lead us. I’m the greatest voice of reason we have.
USB: Alright honey, just don’t be a bossy control freak gurl.
Legal Paper: If it takes a control freak to win, then so be it!
*USB gulps*
USB: I was only kidding…

[Scene 19] [Animated by Puffy]

Nut/Bolt: Our captain is dead!

Marker: That’s okay, I know how to play just as well.
Nut/Bolt: Woah, Marker, take cover! Bamboo is just around this wall!
Marker: Bamboo doesn’t seem very skilled, I bet she can’t even hit us.
Bamboo: I’m not deaf! I’ll find you guys!
Marker: Start the timer, let’s see how long it takes for her to find us.
*speech bubble walks over here*
Speech Bubble: I predict one minute.
*one minute later, bamboo finally finds the two*
Marker: *stops timer*
Speech Bubble: I was right.
Marker: Let’s all stand still and laugh as she fails to shoot at us.
Bamboo: I’ll show you!
*Bamboo tries to shoot but it gets jammed*
Bamboo: Come on!
*marker and nutbolt laugh*
*the gun breaks and starts rapid fire*
Bamboo: Woah! I can’t control this!
Marker: Oh snap! Run!
Speech Bubble: Out of the way!
*Bamboo can’t control it and shoots Speary, Gem, Railroad Tracks, Perfume, and Kawaii Cake
Marker: I guess she’s not useless after all.
*Nut/bolt shoots bamboo*
Nut/Bolt: Now she is.

[Scene 20] [Animated by Din0]

Fishbowl: LOOK OUT!!

Liverpool: Huh?
*cut to witch hat above*
Witch Hat: 5 people from down below! Shoot!
*Face, Witch Hat, and Notey all have shot down Liverpool, Symbol, Fishbowl, Chip, and Speech
Legal Paper: This is not good. USB, can you do something to the turret and get it running?
USB: Look man, I’m no technician, I don’t know how to fix it.
D-Pad: I’ve got this. *kicks the turret and it gets to work*
Legal Paper: ...Well then. I’m glad we fixed the turret, but we need to get rid of the aerial people
D-Pad: No problemo! *starts shooting the turret at Notey and Face rapid fire*
Notey: Huh? *gets shot* Oof!
*Witch Hat and Face both get shot*
Witch Hat: I’m not down yet..
*witch hat lying down chucks down a potion taking out D-Pad and USB*
File Cabinet: Hey, that’s not fair!
Legal Paper: It definitely isn’t, but no matter. We’ve gotten rid of our biggest opposition.

[Scene 21] [Animated by Tree] (Done)

Santa Hat: We 6 are the only people left on our team!

Tire Swing: Still, we outnumber the Gamers.
Meteor: That means nothing! They’re approaching us!
*Cape get shot in the face by marker*
Meteor: See!? *gets shot by nutbolt*
Tinfoil Ball: Great, now we’re outnumbered! We need to get ahold of ourselves!
Exit Sign: Let’s stay back and wait for them to come for us!
*two mines are dropped on opposing sides of the passage*
Tinfoil Ball: No, let’s move out! The best offense is a good -- *steps on a mine and blows up*
*marker and nut/bolt begin to fire*
Tire Swing: They’re firing! *Tire swing gets spooked, but all the ink goes through her hole, and
onto santa hat*
Santa Hat: Oh my.
Exit Sign: Okay, now we’re REALLY outnumbered!
Woodchip: Yes! We’re winning! Time to- *goes boom*
File Cabinet: You idiot! That mine was for the OTHER TEAM to step on!
Marker: Unless you’re a medium, I don’t think he can hear you.
File Cabinet: I know that, I’m not stupid! I was just venting my frustrations!
Legal Paper: Guys, don’t argue now! As long as we keep this up, we’ve won!
Tire Swing: *freaking out*
Exit Sign: Calm it, we gotta keep our -- *gets shot*
Tire Swing: Aghhh! *shoots rapidfire, only to miss every shot*
*Marker and Nut/bolt laugh*
Marker: Your aim sucks! *gets shot along with File Cabinet* I’m dead! I didn’t get returned to the
marker box on time!
Nut/Bolt: We’re not losing this now!
*Legal Paper and Nut/Bolt hardcore shoot Tire Swing down*

[Scene 22] [Animated by Jacob] (Done)

Star Coin: And with that, The Grandiose Gamers win! Nut/Bolt and Legal Paper were the last
two standing, and they’ve won with 70% of the land being covered with their ink!
*Nut/Bolt does a cool, epic pose, while Legal Paper just stands there*
Silver Star Coin: Now let’s recover the dead contestants.
*everyone recovers*
NES Cartridge: Ugh, what happened?
Nut/Bolt: Legal Paper took charge while you got bombed, and he and I won the challenge for us!
NES Cartridge: Yesss!
Star Coin: Well, Euro, since your team lost, it’ll have to face elimination next episode.
Euro: Nghhhh.
Star Coin: And as I said earlier, it’s contestant vote. No pesky viewers getting rid of the
interesting people first!
Star Coin: I’ll see you all next time on the next episode of Object Multiverse Reboot! Thank you
for watching!
D-Pad: I doubt you’ll see any of them! They all probably went away after hearing it’s a
contestant vote show.
Star Coin: Be quiet, the episode is over.
Marker: He has a p-
Star Coin: I said, the episode is over!
Kawaii Cake: *Squeak*
Star Coin: GOODBYE!


[Scene 23] [Animated by Silver]

Survival Kit: Hey, D-Pad. I heard you didn’t swear at all during the challenge.
D-Pad: Yeah, and it sucked! I hated keeping in my anger.
Survival Kit: Just keep at it. I promise you it’ll benefit you in the long term.
D-Pad: If you insist. Also, thanks for taking that blow for me. I shouldn’t have rushed in like that.
Survival Kit: No problem, it’s in a scout’s honor.

*Episode Ends*

(also keep in mind that we need to write the characters based on their personalities)
(Oh and just in case we forget the personalities of the characters: https://sta.sh/015sqocnpb7u)

The Grandiose Gamers:
NES Cartridge (Team Captain)
Nut and Bolt
Survival Kit
File Cabinet
Medical Stool
Legal Paper
Speech Bubble

The Devious Doubloons:

Euro (Team Captain)
Santa Hat
Tire Swing
Railroad Tracks
Tinfoil Ball
Exit Sign
Witch Hat
Kawaii Cake

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