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DANGANRONPA E: Tropical Terror

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Are you awake yet?
Oh thank goodness, do you…… remember your name?

(Character Name Here)

It’s not nice to lie

I mean your real name, silly

(Fake Name Here, delete if none)

What a pretty name!
̶̋ ́ ̶̦̳̑1̸̮̉̚ ̸̲͉̊1̷̦͓̍̀15̵
Nice to meet you, I’m 1̷̞͂̇1̸̥͌̔5̵̟̏̚ͅ ̴͙̋1ͅ1 ̶̛̹͕ ͇̼͐
Here, let me help you up.
So, what do you do? Oh, sorry, as in your talent. It seems
everyone else here has one too.
(Character Talent Here/Fake Talent In Parenthesis if any)

I never thought that would be an actual talent, what do you
mean that's mean to say?
Anyways, just so I don’t assume anything, what do you go by?
Pronouns? Gender?
(Character Gender Here)

(Character Pronouns Here)

Can you walk? Here, let me carry you, I have somewhere to take
you, we don’t know if you’d need any medical help, yet.
In here, C’mon.
While we’re walking, well, I’m the one walking… mind telling me
a bit about yourself?
What do you like and dislike? Like your favourite food, colour,
or whatever else you’re comfortable sharing
(list what your character likes here, 3 max)

(list what your character dislikes here, 3 max)

Oooo, what scares you?

What! Don’t look at me like that!
I’d NEVER put a snake in your bed…yet
(Character fears and phobias)

You’re scruffed up quite a bit, how long have you been in

there? Haha, it was most likely for half of your life….er, how
old even are you? N-not that I have anything against older
people! I just need to know….for the medical examination…
Huh? Oh, I forgot to tell you. To make sure you’re in the best
shape possible, we have to examine you!
Please step onto the scale riiight over there. Don’t be shy!
(Character Age)
(Character Birthday)

( What number is on the scale? List here in pounds(lbs))

See, you get it!

Now, let me get my meter stick. Huh, what’s all this equipment
doing on the island? Oh, that’d be a better question for when
you wake up again. Stand reeeeal straight for me, please.
(List height here in inches(in))

For the sake of a medical emergency, I’ll need to draw some of

your blood. Don’t worry, it’ll just be a little pinch…
(List blood type here)

Perfect, err, this… this next one… is very… personal…

Step over here please, oh and lift your arms.
It’ll make this less awkward if you just comply.
(List chest size here in centimeters(cm))

..yea, but now the examination is done!

Go freshen up in the washroom over there, you don’t want
dirt on your face before the big game! Off you go, shoo shoo.
(What do you see in the washroom mirror/picture of
appearance? Please provide at least a bust example)

Oh, it’s you, I didn’t expect you to return so soon 1̵̻͙̞̘̀̆̎͠1̵̛̊̄̑͜0̵͚̘̍̇͋͐̌ ̸1̸̗̲̺͓̼̏̀͋̈́1̵̢͎̮̼̣̈́̅1̴̡͉͇̟͐͛̑̚
̵̇ ̸̛̝̻̤̪͙̽͊1̸̢̭̐́͌̈́6̸,̻͎̘͔̿̀͑̅͝ I found another student!
W-wha? You wanna talk to them?
They’re in the washroom over there.
Hmph, well my student, consider yourself lucky, it’s not
everyday 1̸1̵͙̯̟̱̰̾4̶̲̰͋̃̕ ̵̟̦̮̞̯̇͌͘1̴͍͓̦̈́0̷̢̒̇1̷̞͉͚̓̃̓ ̶̦̅̀̃0̶̡̘̣̣̬̐9̸̥̪̱̲̊̈̀̚͜7̶̪̙̱̀͑ ̸̢̤̮͙̲̈́1̵͖̍́0͉́̿8
̸ ̶͉̦̽̇̏̏͝ speaks to someone like you, or
bursts into washrooms...

Greetings, newest attendee of Hope’s Peak field

trip. I am 1̶̖͇̦͖͖̭̫̭͛͂͝0̸̢̈́͠7.
̶̧̛̥̞͉̟͉̖̝̠̲͛͆̋͗̊̿̊͛̍͌̕ I will be responsible for your
health, safety, sanity, but most of all, your
overall well being. Do not bother to introduce
yourself, nor anything of the sorts. Frankly, I
could not care less.
With that out of the way, I must ask you some
important questions on pressing matters.
First of all; What does the general public know
about you?
(What can be found on your character when looking them up?)

Fascinating indeed. A continuation; How do you

treat such “General Public”?
(What is their public personality?)

...I see. I know that you’re not truly like that.

Please refrain from lying and flattering yourself.
(What is their real personality?)

How… Informational.
This will sound insensitive, however you will surely
go through worse. I want to know your deepest secret.
I will not tell you any in return.
(What is your character’s biggest fear?)

Hm. What a silly thing to fear. For the sake of the

examination, state everything about your past. Ignore
the camera if it makes you more comfortable. It’ll be
rolling no matter what.
(What is your character’s backstory? Minimum of 6 sentences.)

Who are you close to? You seem like you know at least
one person so please, tell me their name or names.
(What people does your character know? Explain how they feel
of them in detail.)

Now tell me… Between you and me, if you were ever,
say, abducted and forced into… a rather gruesome
situation. What role would you play?
(What role does your character fit into (Mastermind, Traitor,
Blackened, Victim, Survivor)? Why?)

Additionally, if you did play a part as either

abductor or assistant, what would you have to offer?
(What ideas can you bring to the table if you are
Traitor/Mastermind? If this does not apply to you, please put

Lovely. Before I send you on your way to get…

acquainted… with your peers and surroundings, I have
one more matter to attend to. Situational reactions.
First: You wake up in a locked room, smelling of mold
and mildew. In front of you is a table with three
small boxes. The left box is cardboard, sealed shut
with packing tape. The middle box is bejeweled and
sparkles in the flickers of candlelight. The right
box is covered with rusty chains and locks. A note on
the table reads ‘You may choose one box.’
What do you do?

Second: The smell of smoke fills your nostrils in the

middle of the night, waking you from your sleep. Your
house is on fire, and your whole family is staying
What do you do?

Third: You’re in class. The school bully has been

pelting you with paper balls and has not gotten in
trouble. You know that the teacher is picking
favorites like always, and you’re unfortunately not
one of them.
What do you do?

Excellent. You did wonderfully. That was all I needed

to hear. Now, please stand riiight… there. Stop.

You are handed an envelope, opening it. Inside is… a word search?
A door closes in front of you, 1̵̧̳̯̗̰̤͇̳̻̿̑͛͜ͅ0͋́ ̵̫̼͉̒2̶̗̋͝’s voice muffled. The person from
before was back, looking over your body through the small round
window. It felt… cold. Your clothes were suddenly soaked, as you
struggled to keep your eyes open. You could only make out a few
word fragments before passing out:
“Th…...nker is just abou…..”
“.....at about Monot…..?”
“.......e’ll make it work.”


Preferred Name:
Preferred Pronouns:
Discord Tag: user#xxxx
Time Zone:
Availability/when you’ll be active the most:
How often are you on Discord?:
Is this your first season with us?:
● If yes, who did you admin, if no, delete:
Anything else we should know?:

Thank You For Applying!

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