Topic 6 (Part 1)

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Topic 6 (Part 1)

The ICU: Electricity and Magnetism

( in the body )
• Monitoring the condition of a patient is one of
the duties of nurses.
• This means obtaining up to date information
of the condition of the patient, externally and
• The common conditions being monitored are
the temperature, pulse rate and respiration.
• These parameters can be easily determined
by recording/measuring using appropriate
• However, with the advancement of technology,
more complex body function can now be also
• Most of these technologies depend on both
electricity and magnetism.
• Also, human body in itself uses electricity in doing
different functions. Some of these are contracting
of muscles and the beating of the heart.
• Hence, it is worth noting to discuss the science
behind the use of electricity and magnetism for
human body function, diagnosis and even
• Discussing electricity and magnetism is
enjoyable when its foundation is fully grasp,
the atom.
• It is the smallest part of an element (such as
iron and oxygen) that cannot be reduced by
chemical process.
• The figure in the next slide displays a simple
model of an atomic structure whose average
diameter is 10-10 meters.
Atomic Structure
electron (-)

-protons (+)

electron (-)

• Surrounding the nucleus are the fixed numbers of electrons

that move around to orbit at specific distance.
• The distance between the electrons and the nucleus is very
far compared with the size of an atom, just as the moon is
very far from the earth.
• The protons and the neutrons are of the same sizes which are
2,000 times larger than the electrons
• Atom is very very small. In fact, a tip of a ball
pen composes of millions of atoms.
• So, what hold atoms together? There is a force
that pulls the electrons and protons towards
each other called electrostatic force.
• Since the electrons are negatively charged and
the protons are positively charged, then they
attract each other causing the atoms to be
• The attraction between the electrons and the
protons is either a push or a pull, depending
on the charges present and the distance
between them.
• If the number of protons and the number of
electrons are equal, then it is neutral.
• More electrons means negatively charged and
more protons means positively charged.
• When an atom losses electron maybe because
of “rubbing off” or “stolen” by another atom,
then it is no longer neutral and is called ion.
(Read more on this topic).
• In human body, the negative and positive
particles are separated by membrane.
• The intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment is the
system that includes all fluid enclosed in cells by
their plasma membranes is considered as
negatively charged with respect to ECF.
• Extracellular fluid (ECF) surrounds all cells in the
body which is considered as positively charged.
• The movement of these particles is the result of
the electrostatic attraction.
• However, at the end of such movements, the
charges resulted to be equal, implying that part
of the membrane to be electrically neutral under
normal circumstances.
external pacemaker
• In the case of a heartbeat, which is the
contraction of heart muscles, it requires an
electrical stimulation.
• When the heartbeat is not normal, a cardiac
pacing called external pacemaker is to be
attached to control the heart beats.
• This technique of attaching external pacemaker is
to allow time to heal the minor ischaemic
damage so that the heart will beat to its normal
pattern and rhythm.
• How it works is beyond this presentation.
• What concerns this topic is how the electrostatic
force attracts called electricity, a small flowing
electric current.
Current, Resistance and Voltage
• An electric current is the collection of charged
particles (ions or electrons) that move from one
place to another.
• The rate at which these particle moves, i.e.,
charged per unit time (seconds) is actually the
strength of the current I is expressed in amperes
• However, the particles do not move freely, there
are interferences called resistance R to their
• The resistance R is measured in ohms, .
• The energy (force) per charge that causes the
particles to move is called the voltage,V
expressed in volts.
Ohm’s Law
• The relationship of these quantities, current I,
resistance R and the voltage V is given by
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒,𝑉 𝑉
• 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝐼 =  𝐼=
𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒,𝑅 𝑅
• in honor of the discoverer Georg Simon Ohm
the German scientist who published his paper
in 1827.
• The current, with the symbol I has a unit of
amp after the Frenchman Andre M. Ampere,
• while the force that causes the charge to flow
(some use E for electromotive force) has a unit
of volt after the Italian Alessandro Volta.
quantities and units in an
electrical circuit
Electrical Circuit Terminologies
• Volts (V) – This is the electrical potential
difference between two points in a circuit. A
common dry cell battery has 1.5 V. However,
commercial vehicles use 12V. This can be
understood as the pressure to push electrons
in the conductor.
• Amperes (A) – This measures the amount of
electric charge flowing past a point in a circuit
in a given amount of time (commonly
abbreviated to 'Amps').
Electrical Circuit Terminologies
• Ohms (R) - A measure of electrical resistance
to the flow of charge in a circuit. The symbol
of resistance ( in ohms ) is . The smaller the
resistance, the strong is the flow of electrical
• Watts (P) - This is the power, which measures
the rate at which an electrical circuit converts
electrical energy into another form. The
power (in watts) is determined using the
formula 𝑃 = 𝐸𝐼, where E is in voltage (drop),
I is in amphere (Amp or A)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
• This machine requires high currents for the
operation of electromagnets in order to make
high-resolution images of the human body.
• Nevertheless, it is worth discussing the basic
of the flowing of electrons called current
cause the energy that charges the particles
called voltage and the interferences of these
electron movements called resistance.
• This flow is presented in the next slide called
the electrical circuit.
Electric Circuit Diagrams
• Current ,I
• Source,V Resitance, R

• Three fundamental parts:

• A power source ( a battery or generator) to drive
electrical current around the circuit
• A conductor ( a cable or wire ) to carry the current
around the circuit
• A load (a bulb, a heating element, a motor etc.) that
has resistance and converts the electrical energy into
another form (light, heat, kinetic etc.)
• There are two types of current; Direct Current
(DC) and Alternating Current (AC).
• Direct current means the flow of charge is in one
direction and the source (voltage level) is
• Some of the examples in direct current are the
dry battery cell use in flashlights, battery use in
watches and alarm clocks and the battery use in
• Alternating Current (AC) on the other hand,
connotes the flow of charge is in both directions
and the voltage changes with time.
• An example of alternating current is current
produce from hydroelectric plant which is used
by most of the households.
Current Flow
• Current flow is the movement of free
electrons within the conductor.
• Since electrons are negatively charged they
actually migrate towards the +ve terminal of
the battery when subject to a voltage
difference, so current flow is from -ve to +ve.
• Regardless of the flow, an electrical circuit is
complete if there are source (voltage ,in volts
V), current (in ampheres, A) and resistance (in
ohms, ).
Example 1
• A nebulizer boasts of having a 15-Amp motor.
Determine its resistance when plugged into a
110-Volt outlet.
• Solution:
• The diagram
• I=15 Amp
• V= 110 V R=?
Example 1
• Solution:
• The diagram
• I=15 Amp
• V= 110 V R=?

• From 𝐼= =
• 𝑅 = 𝐼
, where E = electromotive force ( in volts)
110 𝑉
• = 15 𝐴𝑚𝑝
• 𝑅 = 7.3 
Example 2
• Defibrillator machines are used to deliver an
electric shock to the human heart in order to
resuscitate an otherwise non-beating heart. It
is estimated that a current as low as 17 mA
through the heart is required to resuscitate.
Using 100,000 Ω as the overall resistance,
determine the output voltage required of a
defibrillating device.
• Solution: (next slide)
Solution to example 2.
• I= 17 mA

• E=? R = 100,000

• From 𝐼= =
• 𝐸 = 𝐼𝑅 , where E = electromotive force
( in volts)
• 𝐸 = 17 𝑚𝐴 1 00,000 
1,000 𝑚𝐴
• 𝐸 = 1,700 𝑉
Example 3
• A stun gun or TASER is designed to put out a
few seconds worth of electric pulses that
impress a voltage of about 1200 V across the
human body. This results in an average current
of approximately 3 mA into a human body.
Using these figures, estimate the resistance of
the human body.
• Note:
• A Taser (also spelled tazer) is a non-lethal electroshock weapon used to
incapacitate targets via shocks that temporarily impair the target's physical
function to a level that allows them to be approached and handled in an
unresisting and thus safe manner
Solution to example 3
• From 𝐼= =
• 𝑅 = , where E = electromotive force
• ( in volts)
• I = is the current in Amphere
• (A or Amp)
1,200 𝑉 1,000 𝑚𝐴
• 𝑅=
3 𝑚𝐴 1𝐴
• 𝑅 = 400,000  or 4 x 105 

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