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Plot Diagram




Exposition MIDDLE Resolution

An armed conflict forces Pedro and Alma Madrigal, a young married couple, to flee their home village in Colombia with their infant
Exposition - triplets Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno. The attackers kill Pedro, but Alma's candle magically repels the attackers and creates Casita, a
sentient house for the family located in Encanto, a magical realm, bordered by high mountains.

The rising action is when Mirabel slowly understands why they don’t talk about her uncle Bruno
Rising Action - and why the family’s magic is fading. In this, she and her Abuela had a confrontation and then,
her family realizing the mistake they made to Bruno.
Encanto’s climax is when Abuela and Mirabel had their confrontation making Abuela furious. Then,
Climax - the entire village and all of the Madrigals go looking for her, proving they're not making the same
mistake they made with Bruno, and Abuela processes Mirabel's words and casita's collapse.

Alma discovers this and thoughtlessly blames her for the family's misfortunes while Mirabel snaps at her for making everyone do things
Falling Action - her way. Their argument creates a gigantic fissure that destroys the Casita while Alma's magical candle extinguishes in Mirabel's hands
in her futile effort to save it.
Mirabel and Alma reconcile and the two, with Bruno in tow, assemble the Madrigals to rebuild Casita with the townsfolk joining in.
Resolution - Mirabel installs a new doorknob to the main door, restoring the family's gifts and reviving Casita. She and Bruno join the family for
another photo.

B. Choose 3 characters of the movie and determine what type of character are they in terms of personality,
development and principality.
Isabela Madrigal -
Personality IIsabela is primarily known for being graceful, beautiful and even "perfect", both inside and out,
by everyone. Although not very close with her family for most of the film, Isabela cares for them
and wants to do whatever it takes to make them proud. She is one of the few people who does
not have a negative opinion of her infamous uncle Bruno, partially due to him telling her a
positive vision in her future. Isabela had a strained relationship with her youngest sister Mirabel,
showing a temperamental and petty side to her. When Alma yells at her and Mirabel about the
mess they caused in the town while they sang, Isabela goes from confident and happy to scared
and ashamed. After she finally released her emotions (when Mirabel calls her a "selfish, entitled
princess") and grew a cactus, she became more expressing of her true feelings, and expanded
her powers.

Isabela can conjure and grow flowers. She can also manipulate plant life. Her powers appear to
Powers and Abilities be linked to her emotions. When Dolores mentions Mariano's desire to have five babies, she is
shocked and flowers sprout in her hair involuntarily. It is also seen in "What Else Can I Do?" that
she can grow dyed versions of exotic plants, like a purple-colored cactus.
Isabela is a 21-year-old Colombian woman with dark skin, hazel eyes, a tear-shaped beauty
Physical appearance mark on her left cheek, and long, shiny, black hair. Her dress was painted in various colors
(yellow, red, blue, the colors of the Colombian flag) with the main color dark blue, with matching
flowers, and her hair has yellow, green, and blue streaks. Towards the end of the movie, her
dress becomes a much lighter indigo, with the other colors remaining as splatters on the bottom,
and the tips of her hair are indigo and blue.

Bruno Madrigal -
Personality Bruno is introduced in the film as insecure and avoidant, and believes others' accusations that
his gift only brings problems. After he is fully re-accepted into his family, he becomes more
cheerful and enthusiastic. Bruno is shown to be gentle with animals in a way similar to his
youngest nephew, Antonio. He also shares a complicated relationship with his mother due to his
gift not living up to her expectations. Bruno is very selfless, and his biggest act of selflessness is
catalyzed by his love for his family.
He sacrificed his reputation and went into self-exile for a decade to protect his youngest niece,
Mirabel, from being ostracized and treated the same way he had been after seeing their family's
magic disappear. Despite the way his family treated him when he was around and spoke ill of
him after he left, Bruno is not spiteful or vengeful, and has a forgiving heart.
Powers and Abilities Bruno's irises glow bright emerald-green and the sand circle rises into the air to create a whirling
dome of sand. These images are not always clear and they do not always progress in
chronological order, but when he focuses on certain images, the vision increases in clarity.
When the vision ends, Bruno creates a thick emerald slab showing an image of the most
significant detail of the vision.

Physical appearance Bruno is a 50-year-old man with overgrown, curly black hair mixed with gray streaks, a big and
pointy yet somewhat rounded nose, and whitely clean teeth. He has green hazel eyes, light
freckles on his face, and prominent eye bags. When he uses his precognitive powers, his irises
glow bright green. Bruno inherited most of his physical characteristics from his late father,
Pedro, and has a overly pale complexion.

Camilo Madrigal -
Personality Camilo is a fun-loving, easy-going, and energetic teenager. Described as a "theater kid", he
enjoys using his shapeshifting ability to try different personas and playing pranks or teasing his
relatives. While mischievous and a bit impertinent, Camilo's antics are harmless and are simply
playful in nature. He is also a caring brother to Antonio, as he tries to help him relax during his
ceremony by jokingly impersonating his father. Camilo is very sweet and gentle with Mirabel,
unlike his other family members.
He treats her in a soothing manner when trying to get her to calm down and puts up with being
accidentally jolted by her without complaining. Camilo does suffer from pressure and has
insecurities like much of his family, though he hides it under his cheerful demeanor. When the
secret about Bruno's vision and the impending destruction of the Casita is revealed, Camilo is
visibly stressed and was clutching his entire head in fear. Although he enjoys his gift, it makes
him questions his sense of self, and constantly shapeshifting for others does tire him out.

Powers and Abilities Camilo has the power of shape-shifting and can take on the form of any living person he sees.
His clothes shape-shift with him to match those of the person whose shape he is assuming.
When he is afraid or nervous, his head will turn into an infant's atop of his adolescent body and
his arms turn small and skinny. He also cannot mimic traits beyond a physical level and turning
into his family members does not give him their gifts.

Physical appearance Camilo is a 15-year-old Colombian boy with a slender build, light golden-brown complexion, dark
auburn hair, hazel green eyes, and freckles across his nose and cheeks. Like his late
grandfather, Camilo wears a white long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his collar
opened with the buttons mismatched, and the rest is left largely unbuttoned and loose. He also
wears a yellow ruana with darker yellow streaks, black pants and black sandals with white
etchings. Camilo's clothes have a chameleon motif, with chameleons on his shirt collar, ruana,
and sandals.

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