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The Structure Proposal/Dissertation (MBA) Dissertation (20,000 words) Research Introduction: Organisational Background, Introduction: Detailed outline with

problem definition. Should contain overview and sections Importance of proposed work. 1 page. on aims and objectives - Approx 3 - 4 pages Concise research problem outline with problem definition. Broad approach should be outlined Approx 1 page

Literature Review: should be discursive

and DISCUSS the issues with reference to key literature. SHOULD NOT DESCRIBE the literature. The aim is to demonstrate that there is a body of literature - Approx 2 pages

Literature Review: should be discursive

and DISCUSS the issues with detailed reference to literature. SHOULD NOT DESCRIBE the literature. The aim is to review the body of literature surrounding the research issues Approx 15 pages

Methodology: should outline WHY the

selected research methods are appropriate. This should be underpinned with philosophical discussion and reference the appropriate research literature Approx 2 pages

Methodology (and Method): These can be separate chapters Methodology should outline WHY the selected research methods are appropriate. This should be underpinned with philosophical discussion and reference the appropriate research literature. Method should provide a recipe approach of what the researcher did, describing procedures that were used (such as interview protocols, approaches to a survey, financial analysis, project management, market analysis etc.). Information on the population is required (if a survey) and what constituted a representative sample) - Approx 10 15 pages

Method (separate from above section): Should provide a recipe approach of what the researcher intends to do, describing procedures to be used (such as interview protocols, approaches to a survey, financial analysis, project management, market analysis, web or system design etc.). Some information on the population is required (if a survey) and what would constitute a representative sample. Also some indication of the analyses approaches to be used should be outlined, with tests. Not enough to say will use SPSS or NVivo. Approx 2 pages Timescales: This can be concerned with issues surrounding a project plan. Problems that may arise and contingency plans - half page Suitability: Your suitability for the research should be outlined in terms of RELEVANT qualifications, experience and role -half page

Summary Results: This section should

present SUMMARY results in easily understandable form (tabulations, summaries etc.) in a logical sequence. Reference detailed results (held in appendix). Graphics should only be included if they are KEY to research findings Page length dependent on nature of subject

DlSCUSSion: Should follow from results. Use of referencing to previous sections/chapters important here and forward to detail in appendix to BRING together dissertation. Conclusion: Should conclude summary results and relate to literature. May lead to recommendations? (Discussion and Conclusion 5 - 6 pages Reflection: Should reflect on the research and the programme, can indicate both and effects on learning and research styles. 5 - 6 pages

Ethics: Access and Resource implications directly related to the research surrounding Ethics, sensitivity. Need example questions details on settings what will do with data and consent forms. References/Structure: use of Harvard
System mandatory

Appendix (Approach Table,

reject/Action Plan): Include approach able (that should relate to methodology section and project/action plan (that should relate to method section) also any protocols. Ethical Approval Form

References: Use of Harvard System mandatory Appendix: Not included in word length, contains Interview questions, questionnaires, detailed analysis relevant interview and document extracts etc.


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