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Term Project

Project Title

Course: Organizational Behavior

(EMBA 2022)

Group Name and/ or Number

Members Name (Roll No)

Course Instructor: Dr. Sumant Kumar Bishwas

Indian Institute of Management Jammu

Sep, 2022
List of Figures
List of Tables

Chapter 1: Introduction Page No.

1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives

Chapter 2: Methodology, and Case Description

Data sources, Industry/ Organization for Study (How the cases are
developed/ identified)
2.1 Case Situation 1
2.2 Case Situation 2
2.3 Case Situation 3
2.4 Case Situation 4
2.5 Case Situation 5

Chapter 3: Key Learning and Discussion

Chapter 4: Conclusion, Limitations and Future Directions



Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

Brief summary about the OB concepts selected for the study and the reason for selecting
those concepts (relevance of the concepts).
1.2 Objectives
Objectives of the study should reflect the expected key learnings and outcomes from this
Chapter 2

Methodology and Case Description

How the study has been conducted. How the cases have been identified and developed?
Which industry/ organization selected for the study and why?

2.1 Case Situation 1

Write the case situation in your own word.

Discuss the relevant OB topic and concepts reflected in the situation.

Follow the same instructions for other case situation writing as well-

2.2. Case Situation 2

2.3 Case Situation 3

2.4 Case Situation 4

2.5 Case Situation 5

Chapter 3: Key Learnings and Discussion

Discuss the key learning (5-10 points) from the projects.

Chapter 4: Conclusion, Limitations and Future Directions


S.N. Roll No. Name Major Contributions Contribution %







For writing References use APA Style of Referencing

For website References

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online
Periodical, volume number (issue number if available). Retrieved from, retrieved on Date.

If no author mentioned, provide the link of the webpage with retrieval date.

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