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DOCUMENT + Hoang Cao Khai (1850-1933) oan Cao Khai waste et Vinames high afi to aly othe Froch ree tey invaded Norah Ream fs 1983 He pripte athe tie Fronch efor pach the country In sesequnt ears Hs lel er ‘th Poschsarand hi he psi of Ka Lace, rpretntatieof the pero cr in Tin, om 885k 897, hn the French colo [verent bole hint and ade the rooh resident oar of Tonkin the ol delgate of th Vmarese rae Tk nts exer rm ht book Ea Amar Hong Cao hai rid to pr sade hs compass to op resting French domination bcos woul be far bene to coltoat th France one a nd bone eeu Francs wuld aye th sonny every eet oon as From te tine Fane came to govem renal ofa, ings mandarin tnd common peopl, hve reeved bent Hos he protect And et ‘tems inpeaefor th proteoro aly eveyone, Uap ae the Frople wo ne nt ese heir mandrl ponent, even hogh they fad sscesfily sed ter examinations. Thee ae ober who have we tied tnt manda orden and ave no een expotid. Sil thes emai ose to Face simply cus he ances 0 paras found ehncles onthe veo side revs Prince Al he pope I ja tn fc te te the Preach avd o Gia nth (163) ut ir eng ofthc Viena (3), wth te exception free and band, ‘he opponent fe colonial omiistson were onthe whole, ell seed sl ng hen ce eet ton De eo ‘hey i what hy i, guide ony by th pai; tey were ner 158 Calon Experienced ‘encered about the ccumstances orth onions ofthe rg asin the French so tht they ened up being aby oes the ow and ven dangerous toh pape They ay serve a erage ou aye ‘Se make aout he Five year apo been oor poole new abot the apne visa one Roni, they concidd t sallComtie col ight agai ig oe, weaker aes cold is up apis toager ones. Ths Why Tey sed Teuning pric nd stations they hepa oat or Sty hey ‘fe wen plotig gut he French in oe an “Those who aped within or borders pratshiy eve the lowing aat- ‘nent "Our nunc se are oft th 33600 sue ame {es and popula of more han 15 millon seule Theo ean ey not ein ib autasomy""lnth past” ey cea orem, "Chia ‘mnt our oy tie. Te i te 9], Ngo Gaye wont aon the River Bach Dang and sconllyexpel te seuthem Han. The stad time (1027} Le Lo fog ste aC Langa chased wy the Min Drethse not ea recede? Why toy can we at ein aur aon "Wat thee pole ae not seo hi the ps China a Car ean shared he sare edition system and he ame level fehl. Moreover alouph China is situa near cur eouty communion be teenth vo comtieshave always been vey nconvenicat Letus uke ook SLL Su memo wc ewe tt “Chinese trope depres ome ‘Youn and Yeats in te diet of 8 Naame fone fhe cs | iam when ts led by China a ie than ages ay. Yet took them he banded et coer tht dane. Te spies ne high Because te woop ado ng hood nd spin with hom” Wee stand now why China hd soc alts in governing eu cout. France obviously i separated fom oa cout by Tog dance by lan. And yt fen day singer cold rng lmaoo from India o even fm the Ain continent o cur cunt, Perm tenia progres csi every dy. Win the ate es ne wet de Steahip othe bourne, fo hein on he ro thea te Shy om he leggy wa ees othe len ne Whe eet ‘races occur every dy eset, bw ca we, whet eutmede tha (ou), cxpes fo gt aint hve moder ohne? node ware, boner econo rhe nly importa ft, ‘semis aloe ts consider te ancl ide of ings Wath he st ‘en yeas Tranval in South fica ought gaat Eland for more than yen [1899-190] England spent more than he nde lon pun, [And ete war stl going on Inthe nd rane was made teste of England. Six yes po (1904 Jpn fought agit Ras spending ore "tan ne mifion yn cn miliary stp lee Although Japan por Hom Cae Kat (88-1853) 150 ‘et Fs coun, it sil ado asp ch high expends Final ‘Shae i Snanci souces anda to accep he ontons fr psce Sithotanpoung ny war repumton open Russa Under ese escamstancs Tow cia we expect win fe spoorcouny, apis ih coy he Panes? ll this donates the wesc of any apiaon to be orgie win cr bodes ‘so those wo vot it foreign oa apt aps Frc, they mont eon the fling may The French and ea people do telog to the same race; we do ot share the sae ring pte 0 France Somat protects eso ere sel fom thx wha longo the Soe ce and shaw wah us the sae ring system $0 3 in our "Fete poole ar inden, no aware ofthe rence Between clniza- ‘on inthe stand solani he press Inthe pst Chin cloize = ong th Kose aod Bu, 00 oblige senda Cia ten ould best abut having so many subrdate curr. Colonization ia he preety is no lnge sting ln ott Inthe preset sytem clo oun sinpy seth people int colonies and bin te atc fared gods tab sald Therefore, th oer the cloi oun eo ous, the fs te people can sein sur cotty andthe more numero the fd Our county wil bent at fll eavanage Lok the Chinese wo Enid to cu ry, Thy sly ame oe dow ere ty didn ilo ay advantage potion, and yet they cape all the cope [tsnses fom or pope Agu ke lok at Jap I as cond Koen fy fr Sve or sie yes thd allen Kore har encountered tld “dou. Wot, thn, cn we expect of the people wo bong oe same ‘ate rw shrew th sme wing ys? O wht se wl hey be? Wen hat rane sport cou. as ley pet eet moun ‘fmm nor Sout, ot, mater wht appr, kw ave aly ‘pee rant topo tou county. Every powefl county on this cath ths cen feeign rons. Price ald el wth Rain eps: tow Sete op with Engl jst forthe sake of posers Idocia. France tht power and et fin restr sty mamainsd, 00 tr wh ind of pation against the French We faz in opm coun tre, erin nang wil come ot of "Bathe, so coaty capbl of onan? Let ws consider for & ramet tt propstion. Our cour has ha dace panies gin {toon Al fee depended en he belp of Rance. The Bist oppor ‘ecu ener he eign of Enpror Gia Long (802-20). Ate ine. We Sart enetningeltns wih Franc, Hod we flowed the example of| France in efonning our esaona tem, we woul have wasfomed ot EE county nto avr pert oe, deal ofal he ter ous of Asa, aot tlie fap the reset ine "The second appoint tok pce ding the ig of Emperor Te Dos (us47-43) At da tne Pane had sendy stv i oor coy. Had Francs instedusto eng ar eden tou county wuld ‘ve gained wooomy, net une iain te same pero. Tate per tues ang othe ant Thte itch ean expect them no Bet ‘he bied oppor concen he fue: Wemay expe somching ot oft ‘eae tom tow om ee capt rely om Francesa ae dice ‘odio ino our edsatoel stam. Then, fer ur ilgees ae pened up protahy Face wilt sou aoa i neal aan feign elaons ste sill wil be ou protector. Then we sal econ ke my be cbs enly Decne We deal ih Fane theo uch possy ther coli powers ‘The reson ost theft ht al cso esnips seated msn thir people ther cole. ance bes ‘ire, Look a England tad Gamman; the peopl they sed to he ‘lose ae the very oor oes, and por ppl, one seed in he clois, fever mace the hope OF oe iy eum ack to ie oun. ASS Frances her people ae pospeous hy are we to aug ayo ie Inte eer sine Napolon the Firs Preach laws guna el shares in inhetins so th sone and anges eave ears: hey len ard tole como, even allen Preisly Bec of te comfort and tere tir ayo i even French] frmes and bsiessnen et alne ‘scram wl ent th soumtry afer say of abot treet ‘sain the colony Tha sows tthe rch pacquiao, ply wanted place to vaso and ota allan en for peat serlement. ‘oun tha serous some ve come peel soe eon he Wa {orboming pone so hatin oder defen! Indokn we se reser ‘omer of top, wish wil ee = rea aout of money. Es in| France comune or cory, What aed ape ppctintly even a ‘ed mullon fans. The beats eas fen our cour doa amet thst mich Thee, i Pans etd ring in more oop nd heres the pst ew yon the ret igre he goverment have allocated tha ance neds to py a pobey of scion wih our posi Tht policy ins at satin our people 5 a estou spo ote dees ‘om coe. Fortes two esos we my fa ht twas inde he goo a of cor omy to ped by Free “arm, ne So mato Desome asooomons, wht ld we do? Tohae autonomy we ts sy nd ay wel wes make race ureter And we cmt sh ray thet It ea wa na be pou ma st se the mss om he te 00 Mimo gow 2 toe fst you mat pan seo the fountain or ISSenne od ego int chitin, Up he anton we (Sermct a bi ee he sol we cn cxpest a le. But ons cur ‘Shcanm prowecy, ve cones camper» pect a noe ‘SpronThow whe ae hy ieigent od who lave agua spe ‘Site inowltge on expec govenent out hem at seompe SGeiethe mail car Thos wo a ened wi an ray tl face nl ho ae sill in ther ra cn expr Yo be cpanel: ha’ Smpeuton nth profson ARougs he French tebe, ne ‘cit dhe pfs our peopl soe the rank md repre we bald he majrys be rexch a ats mee mir. Sh mete snl ed way tos Bod x lg of ed al rots iis and Bence or pl flow ht Pt, Sonera, 3 Win fity onc hier wl women he recta IRtinhigen ace Is relvely uy oan nteligen ace governor Sop one, tt il fe feat even or a nla race to doin ‘Stes nligen as Au Da ine Pac wil give ack oo ero Ine wil ony pes us in in a ‘io tae ai ee he ‘a Sn am (Madea iy) The eri et in Vs

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