Patterns and Numbers in Nature and The World

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Activity 1:

After watching the video, I have discovered that Mathematics is basically the
foundation of everything in nature. Mathematics is found in the order of things, and
sometimes even in chaos. Mathematics is found in patterns, in the geometry of things.
Mathematics is the reason why this future exists, the technological future, and it would
also be the foundation for a more advanced technological future. And as an IT student, I
see mathematics as a tool to not only discover what was hidden, but also to invent what
would make our lives easier. Mathematics is already there, yet at the same time, we
create mathematics. We create logical explanations for the already existing
mathematical concepts. Mathematics is an art of nature, a tool of practicality, and a
logical explanation for what’s happening around us.

Activity 2:

Symmetrical pattern

Symmetrical pattern
Fractal pattern

Symmetrical pattern

Symmetrical pattern

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