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Exercises on Propositions and Logical Connectives

Determine which of the following are propositions. Write PROPOSITION if it is and NOT
A PROPOSITION if otherwise.
1. Pick up the broom. NOT A PROPOSITION
2. Henry Sy is one of the richest men in the Philippines. PROPOSITION
3. a + b = b+ c if c = a. PROPOSITION
4. What’s for lunch? NOT A PROPOSITION
The following are statements for p. Write the corresponding ¬ p .
5. Asia is the biggest continent of the world. Asia is not the biggest continent of the
6. 213 + 1 is a prime number. 213 + 1 is not a prime number.
7. Eleven is less than twelve. Eleven is not less than twelve.
Consider the following statements.
p : Today is Friday.
q : It is raining.
r : I am going to a movie.
s : I am not going to the basketball game.
Using the given propositions from above, write the following compound propositions in
symbolic form.
8. Today is Friday and it is raining. p ∧q
9. It is not raining and I am going to a movie. ¬ q ∧r
10. I am going to the basketball game or I am going to a movie. ¬ s ∨ r

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