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II. Determine which form of society is referred to by the following statements. Write
the letter of your answer.
A. Hunting and gathering society E. Feudal society
B. Pastoral society F. Industrial society
C. Horticultural society G. Post-industrial society
D. Agrarian or Agricultural society
____1. Information, services, and advanced technology are more important than manufacturing
concrete goods.
____2. Blue-collared manual laborers are replaced by technical and professional workers.
____3. People rely heavily on hunting wild animals and gathering food for its survival.
____4. A man's social position and prestige depends upon the size of his flocks and herds.
____5. Power is based on owning land rather than monetary wealth.
II. Check in the blank if the scenario described shows responsible use of freedom
and x if not.
___1. Instead of spending her excess allowance on new shoes, Maria decides to open a bank
account and start saving up for her future.
___2. Despite the threats made on his life, the witnesses decided to come forward and revealed
important information regarding the crime he witnessed.
___3. A woman used the internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading vulgar photos of
him on social media.
___4. Despite being told not to travel to other countries, a seriously ill businessman continued
on his vacation overseas.
___5. A man dive into traffic grab and save a girl who is about to get hit by a speeding car.
II. Enumerate by checking the three correct answers
1. Examples in exercising free will and free action
___ A student deciding to participate actively in class to improve his or her grades.
___A recently graduated high school student who decides to pursue dentistry.
___A person decides not to cross the street and allow the speeding car to pass.
___A father chooses to steal money to support his starving children.
2. Political freedom
___Liberation from government oppression ___Freedom to exercise the right to vote
___The right to property and ownership ___The right to contest elections
3. Responsible use of freedom
___ A working student who cheats in the exam to pass.
___ A teacher who open a bank account and start saving up for her child’s education.
___ A concerned citizen who revealed important information regarding the crime he witnessed.
___A businessman who resigned from a lucrative position in an oversee firm to start his own
4. Statement that entails intersubjectivity
___Imposing your own voice to others ___Careful judgment to fellow classmates
___Eagerness to render assistance to others ___Willing to forgive those who hurt them
5. These are necessary for an authentic dialogue to take place
___ I will be a neighbor to other
___ I respect the opinion of my classmates
___I cannot accept that the other will never be fully the same as I am
___I will open myself to the possibility that I will learn something different from others
6. Which of the following are facts about OVID-19?
___The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness.
___COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus.
___People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus.
___There is cure for COVID-19.

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