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01 单 项 选 择

1.(2020 浙 江 温 州 )8. —Have scientists found life on Mars?

—Not yet, but I think they ________it some day.
A. find B. found C. have found D. will find 2.(2020 贵 州 铜 仁 )34.一 Maria,
what do you think of Mount Fanjing?
- Very cool. I____ there once. I'd like to go there again.
A. has been B. have been C. have gone D. has gone 3.(2020 贵 州 黔 东 南
州 )28. —Would you like to go hiking if it ________ fine this Saturday?
—I'd love to. But nobody knows if it________.
A. is; will rain B. is; rains C. will be; will rain D. will be; rains 4.(2020 贵
州 黔 东 南 州 )33. —________did the rainstorm come, Mr. Liu?
—While we ________ a chemistry lesson yesterday afternoon.
A. When; have had B. When; were having C. While; are having D. While;
have 5.(2020 贵 州 黔 西 南 州 )26.While Mike computer games in
his room, his dad came in.
A. is playing B. was playingC. will play D.
plays 6.(2020 贵 州 黔 西 南 州 )31. —Peter, have you ever
been to the English Corner?
—Oh, yes. I there to practice speaking once a week last term.
A. went B. go C.have gone D. will go7.(2020 重 庆 A)25. Listen! Our
teacher ______in the music classroom.
A. sings B. sang C. will sing D. is singing 8.(2020 重 庆 B)26.
Don't drink coffee before going to bed, or you____easily.
A. don't fall asleep B. won't all asleep C. didn't fall asleep D. haven't fallen
asleep9.(2020 四 川 甘 孜 州 )4. I ______ a math problem with Joe when Mike
called me up.
A. have discussed B. discussed C. was discussing 10.(2020 四 川 自
贡 )3. —Alice, have you finished learning the whole book?
—Not yet. So far, we __________ six units.
A.learned B.have learned C.learn 11.(2020 黑 龙 江 齐 齐 哈 尔 市 )8.—What
were you doing at this time yesterday?
—I _______ a movie named Lost in Russia directed by Xu Zheng.
A.was seeing B.saw C.am seeing 12.(2020 黑 龙 江 齐 齐 哈 尔 市 )9.To avoid
gathering (聚 集 ), neither the students nor their head teacher _______ going to
the party this evening.
A.was B.are C.is 13.(2020 四 川 广 元 )9.—I asked him a question, but he
didn't reply.
—Maybe he ________about something else while you were asking.
A. thought B. thinks C. was thinking 14.(2020 四 川 广 元 )14. Tom. together
with his friends, often________ to the old people's home to cheer the old up.
A.go B.going C.goes 15.(2020 黑 龙 江 哈 尔 滨 )13.—Hi, Jill. I ______ in my
math since you shared your good experience with me.
—Great! Congratulations!
A. have made rapid progress B. made rapid progress C. will make rapid
progress 16.(2020 四 川 凉 山 )5. --Jack, I'm busy doing the washing. Can you
give me a hand?
---Wait a moment. I ______the bed.
A. am making B. will make C. was making D. have made 17.(2020 四 川
凉 山 )8. --It's 20 years since we came back to Liangshan.
--How time flies! We ________ in our hometown for such a long time.
A.work B.worked C.has worked D.have worked 18.(2020 四 川 凉 山 )10.On
January 29th, 2020, Zhong Nanshan and his team ________ over four hours
online _________ five patients who were seriously ill, and made a treatment
plan for those patients.
A. spent; checking B. spent; to check C. spend; checking D. spend; to
check 19.(2020 四 川 凉 山 )15. —Let's go camping if
it_________ next Saturday.
—But nobody knows if it ________.
A. is fine; rains B. will be fine: rains
C. is fine: will rain D. will be fine: will rain 20.(2020 黑 龙 江 牡 丹 江 )11. The
government _______ a new rule to stop young people playing video games for
long. Nowadays many students spend less time online.
A.will make B.is making C.has made 21.(2020 黑 龙 江 牡 丹 江 )13.—The
talent show Youth With You (青 春 有 你 ) is becoming hotter and hotter online.
—Exactly. Half of our class ______ interested in it recently.
A.is B.are C.was 22.(2020 黑 龙 江 龙 东 地 区( 农 垦 ))16.It has been two
months since my father ________ for Italy.
A.was left B.left C.leaves 23.(2020 黑 龙 江 龙 东 地 区( 农 垦 ))17.—No one
can tell when they ________.
—When they ________, I’ll let you know at once.
A.return; will arrive B.will return; reach C.will return; arrive24.(2020 北 京 )7.If
you take this train, you ______ in Shanghai in five hours.
A.arrive B.will arrive C.arrived D.have arrived 25.(2020 北 京 )8.I ________
on the computer when Frank called me last night.
A. work B. will work C. was working D. am working 26.(2020 北 京 )9. We
________ each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often.
A. don't see B. didn't see C. won't see D. haven't seen 27.(2020 北
京 )10. —What’s that noise, Sam?
—My little brother _________ with his toy car now.
A. will play B. is playing C. plays D. played 28.(2020 贵 州 安 顺 )14. Since
1990, Project Hope ________ millions of students from poor families realize
their dreams.
A.will help B.has helped C.helps 29.(2020 安 徽 )7.— The air here is much
fresher than before.
—Exactly! We a lot of trees in the past few years.
A. planted B. were planting C. have planted D. will plant 30.(2020 黑 龙
江 绥 化 市 )4. Be quiet. Your grandmother ______ in the room.
A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. sleep 31.(2020 黑 龙 江 绥 化 市 )9. We can't leave
here until our teacher _______.
A.will arrive B.arrives C.arrived32.(2020 黑 龙 江 绥 化 市 )16.My family ______
for dinner now. We’re busy.
A. is preparing B. are preparing C. prepares33.(2020 黑 龙 江 绥 化 市 )24. By
the time the teacher came, we ______ cleaning the classroom.
A.finished B.have finished C.had finished34.(2020 湖 北 鄂 州 )8.—What do
you usually do in your spare time?
—I often go to our community library. It ________ for two years in order to
encourage us to read more.
A. opens B. has opened C. has been opened D. has been open35.(2020 湖
北 武 汉 )4. —Is Helen here?
—Not yet, but she_________ in half hour.
A.arrives B.will arrive C.arrived D.has arrived 36.(2020 湖 北 武 汉 )5.In
the past 70 years, China________historic changes and made great
A. experienced B. experiences
C.has experienced D.would experience37.(2020 湖 北 武 汉 )6.Sally________
where she had left the car and the police found it this morning.
A. forgot B. has forgotten C. forgets D. had forgotten 38.(2020 湖 南 怀
化 )7. In 2022, China ______ the 24th Winter Olympics (冬 奥 会 ) in Beijing.
A.held B.hold C.will hold 39.(2020 湖 南 湘 西 )9.The world is changing with
every minute, and China________ with every minute, too.
A. is changing B. had changed C. changed 40.(2020 湖 南 湘 西 )12. — Tina,
is your father a teacher?
— Yes, he is. He _______ English for nearly 20 years.
A.is teaching B.teach C.has taught 41.(2020 湖 南 湘 西 )14._______, you
will get good grades.
A. If you will work hard B. If you work hard C. If you worked hard42.(2020
湖 南 益 阳 )10. My mother ________ in the kitchen when the rainstorm came.
A.was cooking B.is cooking C.cooks43.(2020 江 苏 南 京 )3.Sorry, you can’t
take the dictionary away, Vicky. I ________ it.
A.used B.am using C.have used D.was using44.(2020 江 苏 苏 州 )2.— Wow,
you’ve made so much progress in drawing.
— Thanks. I ________ two online courses this winter holiday.
A. took B. will take C. take D. was taking45.(2020 辽 宁 丹 东 )7. Fresh water
______ more important than anything else.
A. is B. are C. was D. were 46.(2020 辽 宁 丹 东 )8. —Mum, where is dad?
—He ________ the supermarket.
A. was going to B. has gone to C. has been to D. is going to 47.(2020 辽
宁 丹 东 )11. —Look! The children ________.
—How happy they are!
A. was dancing B. danced C. are dancing D. dances48.(2020 辽 宁 丹
东 )17. John________ us when he is free.
A.joins B.join C.will join D.joined49.(2020 辽 宁 营 口 )5.—Be quick, Sara!
The taxi is waiting for us outside.
—A moment, please. I _______ some visitors our products.
A.showed B.am showing C.was showing D.show50.(2020 辽 宁 营 口 )16.Not
only Jim but also Lucy _______ a few cities since they came to China.
A. will visit B. visited C. have visited D. has visited51.(2020 河
北 )3. It dark. Shall I turn on the light?
A.gets B.got C.is getting D.was getting 52.(2020 河 北 )9. I’m so glad that
I nearly half of the test now.
A.finish B.finished C.will finish D.have finished 53.(2020 山 东 菏 泽 )5.—Have
you ever________to Caozhou Peony Garden?
—Yes,I________ there last year.
A.been;went B.gone;went C.been; gone54.(2020 四 川 乐 山 )5.—Hello, John.
This is Mike. What are you doing now?
—I'm watching a film on TV. It ________ at 7:30 and will be on for another hour.
A. starts B. started C. has started. 55.(2020 四 川 达 州 )12. — Jenny, do you
know if your mother _______ back tomorrow?
— Sorry, I don’t know. As soon as she _______ home, I will tell her to call you.
A. comes; gets B. will come; gets to C. will come; will get D. will come;
gets 56.(2020 四 川 遂 宁 )6. — The new shirt looks good on you.
When did you buy it?
—On July 7th. I________ it for a week.
A.have bought B.have had C.bought D.buy 57.(2020 四 川 遂 宁 )9.— I wonder
if Sally________ us prepare for the party.
—I’m sure she will if she________time.
A. helps, will have B. will help, has C. will help, will have D. helps,
has 58.(2020 江 西 )2. —The coffee’s finished!
—Oh, sorry! I ________to the shop to get some.
A.am going B.was going C.went D.have gone 59.(2020 江 西 )7.I don’t
know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my
grandma ________ me at an early age.
A.teaches B.taught C.will teach D.has taught60.(2020 海 南 )12.Eric often
_________his aunt before he moved to the city.
A.has visited B.visits C.visited 61.(2020 吉 林 )12.Tom_______ when I called
him yesterday.
A. read B. is reading C. was reading 62.(2020 湖 北 黄 冈 )6. —I to
Hainan on vacation with my parents this coming summer holiday.
—That's great!
A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone 63.(2020 湖 北 咸 宁 )9.—Project Hope
celebrated its 30 birthday in 2019.
—Yeah. It ________ children from poor families the chance to go to school
since 1989.
A.offered B.has offered C.is offered D.is offering64.(2020 湖 北 孝 感 )7.So
far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones _______ a lot.
A. is increasing B. are increasing C. has increased D. have
increased 65.(2020 湖 北 宜 昌 )11. —How about the third season of
documentary Aerial China( 航 拍 中 国 ) ?
—Great. I_______ it twice.
A. watched B. watch C. will watch D. have watched 66.(2020 甘 肃 天
水 )43. Not only Jim but also his sister ______ a few cities in the south since
they came to China.
A. have visited B. has visited C. visited D. visits 67.(2020 甘 肃 天
水 )48. —The Whites have ______ Hong Kong.
—Oh, really? I have never ________ there before.
A. been to, gone B. gone to, been C. been to, gone to D. gone to, been
to 68.(2020 江 苏 镇 江 )6.—Hi, Daniel. You didn't attend
the chess class last night.
—Oh, I________ my son's model plane.
A. am repairing B. repair C. have repaired D. was repairing 69.(2020 江 苏
镇 江 )13. —Mum, I want to watch the news about our school. Change the
channel, please!
—What a pity! It is eight o'clock now. It________ for a while.
A. has been over B. was over C. has finished D. finished70.(2020 江 苏 盐
城 )7. —My mother said you went on a Silk Road trip last year.
—Yes, it a wonderful trip.
A. is B. was C. will be D. were 71.(2020 上 海 )36. Every year thousands of
tourists________the mountain area to relax themselves.
A. visited B. were visiting
C.visit D.have visited 72.(2020 上 海 )37.Mike________the furniture into his
new flat this time yesterday.
A. would move B. was moving C. has moved D. had moved 73.(2020 福
建 )5. Han Mei, a good friend of mine, ________ me a lot with my English in the
past three years.
A. helps B. helped C. has helped 74.(2020 福 建 )12. — Your hometown is
famous for tea, right?
— Yes. Now tea plants ________ on most mountains here.
A. will grow B. are grown C. were grown 75.(2020 甘 肃 武 威 )6. I can't hear
you. I ________ to an English speech.
A.am listening B.was listening C.listen D.listened 76.(2020 甘 肃 武 威 )9.I
________ the guitar ever since I was 8 years old.
A.played B.have played C.am playing D.will play 77.(2020 甘 肃 武 威 )13.I
want a mobile phone which ________ good pictures.
A.took B.is taking C.takes D.take 78.(2020 广 西 贵 港 )11.—Have you written
your book report, Bill?
—No, not yet. I________ it in two days.
A. have finished B. will finish C. finished D. finish 79.(2020 内 蒙 古 包
头 )10. Corn production ______ nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years in
A.jumped B.jumps C.will jump D.has jumped 80.(2020 云 南 昆 明 )4.Since
1989, Project Hope________millions of young people from poor families
achieve their dreams of going to school.
A.will help B.helps C.has helped D.is helping 81.(2020 湖 北 襄 阳 )13.—
Has Jack solved the difficult math problem?
— Not yet. But I believe he ________ in a few minutes.
A. has worked it out B. will work it out C. was working it out D. works it
out 82.(2020 湖 北 恩 施 )6. I hear that it often ________ in
Sichuan and there are usually floods, especially in summer.
A.rains B.rained C.will rain 83.(2020 湖 北 恩 施 )11.I like novels written
by J. K. Rowling. So far I ________all her works about Harry Potter.
A.have read B.read C.am reading 84.(2020 湖 北 天 门 等 )2.Dad ________
TV when it began to rain yesterday.
A.watches B.watched C.is watching D.was watching 85.(2020 湖 北 黄 石 )8.I
________our English teacher in the supermarket yesterday.
A. meet B. met C. have met D. has met 86.(2020 湖 北 十 堰 )8. —Is Li Mei
a teacher?
—Yes, she is. She ______ at a village school.
A.teaches B.is teaching C.taught D.will teach 87.(2020 湖 北 十 堰 )9.—I
called you yesterday afternoon, but you didn't pick up.
—Sorry. I ______ an online class at that time.
A.take B.took C.is taking D.was taking 88.(2020 江 苏 泰 州 )9.Some primary
and secondary schools ________ winter sports to their courses since Beijing
won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.
A. added B. will add C. have added D. were adding89.(2020 江 苏 扬
州 )6. Yesterday Mom________ me some money to buy a dictionary.
A.gives B.gave C.has given D.was giving 90.(2020 江 苏 徐 州 )6.— Alice
has gone out.
— Oh, has she? What time ________she________?
A.has; gone B.is; going C.will; go D.did; go91.(2020 江 苏 淮 安 )11.Last year
Huai'an Flyover(高 架 ) _______. Now it brings much convenience to people.
A. finished B. finishes C. is finishing D. was finished 92.(2020 江 苏 南
通 )13. Mr Jiang _______ the company to develop the 5G network for years.
Now he works as the chief engineer in it.
A. joined B. was a member of
C. has joined D. has been a member of 93.(2020 四 川 成 都 )1. Bob, you
________in this city since 2018. How do you like it?
A.lived B.live C.have lived94.(2020 四 川 攀 枝 花 )12.—Where is your uncle?
I haven't seen him for a long time.
—Oh, he________ Sydney.
A. went to B. has been to C. has gone to D. goes to 95.(2020 贵 州 黔 南
州 )6. While Xiao Ming _______ his homework, his mother came with a cup of
A.has doing B.had done C.is doing D.was doing 96.(2020 贵 州 黔 南 州 )11.—I
have seen the film We Are All Fighters against the COVID-19. What about you,
—Oh. I __________ it last week.
A. have seen B. see C. saw D. will see 97.(2020 黑 龙 江 龙 东 地
区 )9. —Excuse me, sir? No one is allowed ________.
—Sorry, I ________ know that.
A. swimming; didn’t B. to swim; didn’t C. to swim; don’t98.(2020 黑 龙 江 龙 东
地 区 )16. My parents ________for 30 years.
A. have married B. have got married C. have been married 99.(2020 黑
龙 江 龙 东 地 区 )17. —I wonder if we ________a farewell party next week.
—If we ________it, I will call you.
A. will have ; have B. have;will have C. will have; will have 100.(2020 山 东
日 照 )8. —Let's go for a walk.
—But I ________ my work yet.
A. don't finish B. won't finish C. didn't finish D. haven't finished 101.(2020
山 东 临 沂 )17. Thanks for letting us borrow your camera. We__________it to
you next Monday.
A. return B. will return C. have returned 102.(2020 辽 宁 沈
阳 )5. —Have you ever visited Shenyang EXPO Garden?
—Yes. I ________ it last year.
A. have visited B. visit C. visited D. will visit 103.(2020 辽 宁 铁 岭 葫 芦
岛 )9. —Jim, what did I say just now?
—Sorry, I don't know. I ________ the math problem.
A. think about B. thought about C. was thinking about D. has thought
about 104.(2020 湖 南 郴 州 )8. — I really want to go to
college for further study.
— Believe in yourself. If you ________ hard, your dream will come true.
A.will study B.studied C.study 105.(2020 湖 南 长 沙 )2.— What happened to
Mrs. Smart?
—She cut herself while she ________ lunch.
A. prepares B. is preparing C. was preparing 106.(2020 湖 南 长 沙 )7. The
film My People, My Country, which amazed lots of movie-goers, ________ to
the top of the Chinese box office last Monday.
A. jump B. jumped C. jumps107.(2020 湖 南 邵 阳 )7. —Our city, Shaoyang, is
getting cleaner and cleaner day by day.
—Yeah. We __________a national modern, cvilied hygiene( 文 明 卫 生 ) city.
A.create B.are creating C.created 108.(2020 江 苏 常 州 )5.—Jim, turn down
the music. Our baby is sleeping.
—Don’t worry. He__________ for half an hour.
A.woke up B.has woken up C.was awake D.has been awake 109.(2020
广 西 梧 州 )10. It's ten yeas since I ________ to study English.
A.begin B.began C.has begun D.have begun110.(2020 广 西 梧 州 )12.—Tom,
what's your dad doing?
—He ________ my bike.
A. repair B. repairs
C. is repairing D. will repair 111.(2020 辽 宁 大 连 )18. I ____my CD here and
there, but I still can’t find it.
A. have looked for B. look for C. will look for D. was looking for 112.(2020
江 苏 宿 迁 )11. —Do you know Sunshine Town very well, Mr Chen?
—Sure. I____here since I was born.
A.has lived B.lived C.have lived D.lives 113.(2020 广 西 柳 州 )7.Mr. Smith
_____________a novel last year but I don't know whether he has finished it.
A.wrote B.was writing C.has written114.(2020 贵 州 毕 节 )6.The Great Wall
is a place of interest. All of us ________ there before.
A. has been B. have been C. has gone D. have gone115.(2020 贵 州 毕
节 )9. Don't get off the bus until it ________.
A.will stop B.stop C.stopped D.stops 116.(2020 辽 宁 阜 新 )9.My Chinese
teacher always ________ us to read more books.
A.tell B.tells C.will tell D.told117.(2020 山 东 莱 芜 )11.When I walked past
the park, I saw some old people _________ Chinese Taiji.
A. do B. doing C. did D. are doing 118.(2020 山 东 莱 芜 )13. — I didn’t see
you at the meeting yesterday. Why?
— I _____ for an important telephone call at that moment.
A.wait B.waited C.am waiting D.was waiting 119.(2020 四 川 内 江 )3.—Dad,
where’s mom?
—She _______ in the kitchen now.
A. works B. worked C. is working D. was working 120.(2020 内 蒙 古 呼 和 浩
特 )12. If Tom _______ the film The Wandering Earth, he’ll never forget the
scene in which many people make the hard journey back to their hometown.
A. saw B. see C. will see D. sees121.(2020 内 蒙 古 呼 和 浩 特 )14. — I called
you last night but no one answered the phone.
— I with my parents __________ a TV programme about celebrating the 20th
anniversary of Macao’s return to China.
A. was watching B. watched
C.have watched D.were watching122.(2020 天 津 )11.—The book is popular.
________ you ________ it yet?
—Yes, I have.
A. Are; reading B. Were; reading C. Have; read D. Will; read123.(2020 广
西 桂 林 )6. He _______this city when he was eighteen.
A. leaves B. doesn’t leave C. left 124.(2020 广 西 玉 林 )5. —There are plenty
of difficulties and problems in some families of the countryside.
—Don't worry. I believe things________ soon.
A. will work out B. have worked out C. work out D. worked out 125.(2020
吉 林 长 春 )18. I ________ five books since I joined the book club.
A.am reading B.will read C.was reading D.have read 126.(2020 西 藏 )24.We
will achieve our Chinese Dream earlier if all of us ________.
A. pull together B. pulls together
C.pulled together D.will pull together 127.(2020 四 川 巴 中 )9.If it doesn’t rain
tomorrow, we ______ a picnic.
A. will have B. had C. have had D. was having

02 填 空
1.(2020 湖 南 常 德 )10. ( 1 分 ) ﹣ What's he doing? ﹣ He ( use) the
computer. 2.(2020 湖 南 永 州 )44. My family ________ (go) to Yongzhou
botanical garden(植 物 园 ) last weekend. 3.(2020 黑 龙 江 绥 化 )48.This novel is
very interesting. My brother __________( read) it three times. 4.(2020 湖 北
鄂 州 )49. I was watching TV while my parents _______ (chat) on the
Wechat. 5.(2020 江 苏 苏 州 )42. Shake the bottle well so that the milk
________ (混 合 ) with the tea.6.(2020 湖 北 荆 门 )55.Although his parents didn't
want him to work abroad, Li Yang _________( stick) to his own
decision.7.(2020 甘 肃 天 水 )23. He f________ the exam because he was so
careless with his spelling. 8.(2020 江 苏 镇 江 )45. At yesterday's meeting,
I______(控 制 ) the speed of speaking and made myself heard clearly. 9.(2020
江 苏 盐 城 )65. Scientists say that music makes our brain “feel happy" and it
_______the importance of music in cultures all over the world.( 解
释 ) 10.(2020 上 海 )59.If you_____red and yellow,what colour will you get?
( mixture) 11.(2020 广 西 北 部 湾 )47.I haven't seen my grandpa for a long
time. I __________(想 念 )him so much.12.(2020 内 蒙 古 包 头 )47. He's a quiet
artist and doesn't like to talk much, but his work ______. (shout) 13.(2020
江 苏 泰 州 )63. A stranger________ (主 动 提 出 ) to give her a ride on the street,
but she refused politely.14.(2020 江 苏 无 锡 )46. Don’t worry. Hobo is a smart
dog and I’m sure he __________ (come) back soon. 15.(2020 江 苏 无

锡 )48. Millions of young people _______ (fight) in World War Ⅱ so we could

live in peace. 16.(2020 贵 州 安 顺 )60. Beijing Opera, an important part of

Chinese culture, ________(have) a history of over 200 years. 17.(2020 黑
龙 江 龙 东 地 区 )37. Li Ziqi, together with her grandma, ________ (live) a happy
and peaceful life.18.(2020 黑 龙 江 龙 东 地 区 )43. 1 tried to talk with them, but
they ________ (agree) with me.19.(2020 山 东 日 照 )53. There is a train in now.
If you run, you'll just ________ (赶 上 ) it.20.(2020 山 东 威 海 )32. He
__________/rɪ`gretrd/ having missed that good chance. 21.(2020 山
东 威 海 )34. He _________/`mænɪdʒɪz/ the business for his
father. 22.(2020 江 苏 常 州 )51.—How is your program getting along?
—Jack Ma____________(agree)to help us, but he has changed his mind.

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