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Learner’s Physical Aspect:


1. Mother’s health during the pregnancy with the learners:

- Mother’s health during the pregnancy with the learner is normal because according to her
she always eats healthy foods just like fruits and vegetables. And he keeps away herself
from stress.

2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:

- The child grows up and he doesn’t have any health problems ever since she was dlivered.

3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:

- The learners started to walk at 6 months old and learn to talk mama and papa on 8
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
- When he was a child her son loves to eat food that has vegetables and even today her son
loves to eat vegetables even though the child is quite thin and his height is small but her
son is very energetic and love to dance that’s why most of the students in MU know him
that his good at dancing.

5. Who took care of him/her as a child?

- I took good care of my child since the day he was born knowing that his father far.

Learners Social Aspect:

1. Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner)

- The learners is very friendly he entertains his classmates by his

2. Who were the learner’s playmates?

- The learner’s playmates are his cousins or even their neighbor since
she was the only child so he get along with them to play.

3. As a child then was he/she allowed to play outside?

- The learner is allowed to go outside for as long as she wont go
beyond the highways.

4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?

- No, he is not allowed to go outside if we will not go together
because his father will angry if I will let him go outside without my
5. Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out/?
- The learner has clear rules regarding going out just too stay inside
the premises at all times.

6. What are these rules?

 Never go alone without parent’s consent
 Never go beyond the house premises.
 Never go to national roads

Emotional Moral:

1. What are your expectations of your child?

- To be respectful and do well in the class and be obedient at home.
2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
- The parents are always encourage the child to at least try his best
in his studies for the future.

3. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?

- If the learners are failed the parents will always say “ its okay
there’s still next time you can do it”
4. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem?
What do you do to meet his/her emotional needs?
- Yes of course when the situation couldn’t handle it with himself
anymore and that’s the time that her child run to her easily since his
mother is a student also in the school. And told to her that there is
one girl who kicked his private part and its hurting him so much and
she ask what’s the reason behind why the girl kicked his private
part and then the child told her that he didn’t do anything to the girl
she directly kicked her child. And the mother of the boy talked to
the mother who kicked his child and then they work and settle
things in private. And I just observed that he truly cared for her child
that she doesn’t want that her child get hurt even though he is small
and thin.

How do you discipline your children?

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