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Displacement of Armenian and Azeri

civilians in the ongoing

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Delegate: Natalia Guerrero Méndez

School: Colegios Bosques
Country: China
Sixth Committee:
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Topic: Displacement of Armenian and Azeri civilians in the ongoing
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Millions of people who have left their homes for several reasons, have
come to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
looking for shelter, food, education and health. It gives them the opportunity to
rebuild their lives and have a fresh start, it also makes sure that those who
need help can reach out for help, to be able to seek asylum, find safe refuge
in other states, and then return home voluntarily.
There have been differences between Armenia and Azerbaijan, giving
rise to several milic conflicts involving the Nagorno-Karabakh territory and
Russia’s position.

China is close to where the conflict is currently developing; which
means that it could be really helpful to bring refugees from the affected places.
While this is happening, Russia has been cut off from globalization. Thus,
Russia as a great world-wide power will go into decline faster. However, the
situation might also bring the rise of China as the dominant alternative to the
West. Nevertheless, an allyship with Russia to aid refugees and gain territory
would be positive to all parties.

(Proposed solutions)
Both Russia and China are world-wide powers; however, while China
has a strong military, Russia does not. In opposition, Russia keeps territories
that, combined with China, could turn into a new world-wide power with
extreme influence. Together, we would instate a peace agreement, in which
aid would be provided to those who were injured; and actions and decisions
taken would be inclined towards the people whose ideologies lean towards
our nations’ ideals.


China: Economía y demografía 2022. (s. f.). Recuperado

12 de octubre de 2022, de

Gómez, R. (2022, 15 septiembre). ¿Qué está pasando entre Armenia y

Azerbaiyán y cuál es el origen del conflicto? Diario AS. Recuperado 12 de octubre
de 2022, de

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (s. f.). China. UNHCR.
Recuperado 12 de octubre de 2022, de

Economía, E. (2013, 17 enero). Rusia sale perdiendo en la globalización,

según el presidente del mayor banco ruso. El País. Recuperado 12 de octubre de
2022, de

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