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Activity 1

Research on the early beginning of education in different nations. Make a

matrix to show the different historical foundations.

Epoch Goals Student Method Agents Curriculu Influence

s m
To teach children Informal, adults Parents, Informal,
Primitiv survival children tribal elders, transmission
e skills, teach imitate religious of skills
group leaders
To prepare Male of Memorizatio Priests and Religious or Restriction
Egypt priests upper n and scribes technical on
according to class copying texts texts educational
scribe for control to
the empire priest elites.
Prepare Male of Memorizatio Government Confucian Written
China elites to upper n and officials classics examination
govern the class recitation s for civil
empire service.
according to
To cultivate Male Memorizatio Athens: Athens: Athens; Well
Greek civic children n and private reading, rounded,
responsibilit ages 7-20 recitation in teachers, writing, liberally
y primary philosopher arithmetic, educated
schools, s poetry, person.
lecture Sparta: music. Sparta:
discussion Military Sparta: drill, Concept of
and dialog in teachers military military
higher songs and state.
schools. tactics.
Epoch Goals Students Method Agents Curriculu Influence

Roma Develop civic Male Memorization Private Reading, Practical

n responsibility children and recitation schools writing administrative
for the ages 7- in ludus; and arithmetic, skills relate
empire, 20 declamation teachers, law, education to
administrative in rhetorical school of philosophy civic
and military schools rhetoric responsibility.

Arabic Cultivate Male Memorization Mosques Reading, Arabic

religious children and recitation and writing numerals and
commitment of upper- in primary court arithmetic, computation,
to Islamic class schools, school religious medicine and
beliefs; ages 7- limitation and literature, science
expertise in 20 discussion in scientific materials
mathematics, higher studies
medicine and schools

India To learn Males of Memorizing Brahmin Vedas and Cultural

behavior and upper and priest religious transmission
rituals based castes interpreting scholars texts and
on Vedas sacred texts assimilation,
Epoch Goals Students Method Agents Curriculum Influence
Medieval Develop Male Memorization Parish, Reading, Structure
religious children of and recitation chantry, writing and
commitment, upper class, in lower cathedral arithmetic, organization
knowledge girls and schools, text schools, philosophy, of the
and ritual; women analysis universitie theology, university,
establish entering discussion in s, military and institutionali
social order, religious higher schools knighthoo chivalry zation of
prepare for community and universities d knowledge
appropriate ages 7-20

Renaissance Cultivate Male Memorization Classical Latin and Emphasis

humanist children of and translation humanist Greek on literary
expert in aristocracy and analysis of educators Classical knowledge,
Greek and and upper Greek and and school literature, excellence
Latin class, ages Roman like lycee, poetry and art. and style in
classics; 7-20 classics. gymnasiu classical
prepare Classical m and literature,
people to literature poetry Latin two track
serve and art schools system of
dynastic schools
Reformation Cultivate Boys and Memorization Vernacular Reading, Commitment
commitment girls ages 7- drill, elementar writing, to universal
to a 12 in indoctrination, y school arithmetic, education to
particular vernacular catechetical for general catechism, provide
religious schools, instruction in public, religious literacy for
denominatio young men vernacular classical concepts and everyone;
n and and upper schools, school for rituals, Latin origins of
general class in translation and upper and Greek schools,
literacy humanist analysis of class theology. dual track
schools classical school
literature in system
humanist based on
schools socio
class and
Activity 2
Write an original essay by answering this question.

What is an Educated Man?

The word 'education' can refer to a variety of topics. An education is a person's

collective knowledge, but what exactly does it imply? To know what it means to be

educated and what it means to be an educated person, we must first define education.

Education is the pursuit of knowledge throughout one's life. Consider the following

situation: no matter how smart you are or how quick you read, you will still not be able to

read all of the books produced globally and know everything about everything. Every

day, new discoveries and inventions are made, and it is impossible to keep up with

them all. As a result, education is not a goal that can be achieved after a certain number

of years of study, but rather a lifelong process that takes up your entire life. To call me

an educated man implies that I am a man who is open-minded. A man who is as

transparent as a book. A selfless person. A man who will go to whatever length to do

the right thing. Being an educated man does not imply being close to perfection, but

rather a man who devote his life to gaining knowledge passionately and wholeheartedly.
He also needs to understand the world in order to appreciate how much more there is to


Choose 2 well known Educational theorist and discuss their significant

contributions to education in general.

John Dewey - An educational philosopher with a desire to improve educational

psychology to have practical applications. He established major laboratories to explore

his ideas. He believed the child is an active learner. Prior to his work, it was widely

assumed that the student should sit and rote-learn. Dewey felt learners learned best by

doing. He also believed that learning should be focused on the whole child and that it

should be relevant to the learner's environment. He also thought that all children should

be able to learn and receive a good education, regardless of their social, economic, or

racial or ethnic background.

Jerome Bruner - An early constructivist who advocated for concepts such as

Students learn by trial and error. He felt that pupils ought to be given more opportunities

to solve challenges by applying what they already understood. True learning involves

"Finding out how to use what you know to go beyond what you know" is part of the

process. As a result, a teacher's responsibility would be to assist a student in thinking.

What a student would perform on his or her own is done more efficiently by the student.

Teachers must assist pupils in making connections between different concepts they

know and ideas of others. Teachers are expected to create curricula and learning

experiences in a manner that allow pupils to think with the material they already have,

but also go beyond that to create new discoveries, you must go way beyond what you

already know.


Dr. Neilsen (2012) Historical Foundation of Education Retrieved from

South Dakota State University (EPSY:302) Educational Psychology Retrieved from
Activity 1
Explain the contributions of the different era and what educational
practices today that were gleaned from these.

The education system of the Philippines has been highly influenced by the country’s

colonial history. The economic position in the Philippines during pre-colonial times was

a major contributor and element in the schooling system. They had to deliver schooling

that was plain and simple because of their practical and consistent manner of

producing. Alibata, the native alphabet, was used as the medium of education.

Education was used to preserve the cultural heritage of the country. In comparison to

the early settlers' system, the system evolved into a formal system during the pre-

Spanish period. They establishment of a comprehensive educational system in the

country, which includes: There are three levels of education: elementary, secondary,

and college. During America's occupation of the country, the most significant and lasting

contributions were made. During this time, English became the major language of

instruction, and a public-school system was founded for the first time. With the

Americans out of the picture, the Japanese Occupation started on 1941. Changes in the
system of education were implemented a year later. Education aimed to foster a new

Filipino culture based on the self-consciousness of the people as Orientals.

Among the three colonizers of the country, the Americans dominate. With English as the

medium of instruction, the Philippine education is a prototype of the American system.

Schools are categorized into public (government) or private (non-government). The

Philippine education system underwent a significant improvement towards the start of

the twenty-first century's second decade.

The Department of Education began implementing the new K-12 educational system in

2011, which featured a new curriculum for all schools across the country. The K-12

program has a "phased implementation" that began in the school year 2011-2012.
Activity 2: Make a reaction paper on this question.
Do you believe that government should control education?
Yes, I believe the government should have authority over education. In our country,

education is primarily a national and municipal responsibility. To identify the needs for

teaching functions and assessment structures, families, communities, public and private

schools that provide education and curricula are all standardized. The government's role

is crucial because it is responsible for providing main assistance and educational

opportunities to all children through the public-school system. For basic education, the

government is working to improve education delivery by addressing a backlog of

facilities and instructional materials, as well as institutionalizing alternative learning

systems (ALS). Gains in education quality will be made by systematizing continuous

curricular evaluation with the help of stakeholders in the sector. Without government, I

think the educational system that we have, can’t stand alone or it won’t be enough to

sustain the stakeholders including the learners, teachers and parents as well. They

provide a vital role in ensuring that education will become a great contributor to the

wellbeing of the society and the economy.

Create a graphic illustration of the historical
foundations of Philippine Educational System
Campillo (2021) Historical Foundation of Education Retrieved from

Barcelon Jr. (2017) Overview Philippines Educational System and its Present status
Retrieved from

Macasaet-Governance of Education Sector Retrieved from

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