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Joana Marie H.

Write an essay responding to the ideas about what does it mean to be a global citizen?
Significance to your future profession as accountants.
A global citizen is someone who has an awareness of the world and how their actions can
impact on it. We all want to make the world a better place for ourselves and for future
generations. A happier, healthier and equal world is a good thing for all.
According to the study a global citizen is someone who is curious about the environment,
cultures, geology and economics, and how they all connect with each other. And also have a
desire to positively contribute to communities to improve life for others. We are sensitive to
causes and suffering around the world and feel responsible for their impact on it and making
change. We suffer over wars, hunger, environmental destruction, injustice and the power
plays that perpetuate those crimes against humanity and the earth. A global activist is
someone whose voice is heard or actions taken toward creating a healthier, more equitable
world. I am a global citizen because I have dedicated my life to gaining the education and
skills to raise awareness worldwide.
It really helps me feel good about the career path I’ve chosen. It became pretty apparent
that there really are not enough professional accountants in the country to keep up with the
economic growth that’s been happening here. Global Citizenship Education must be a top
priority, it is the most powerful tool we have to cultivate respect for the world and each other,
to provide our people with the understanding of a diverse world, to empower youth to lead
our societies, to embrace peace, to enjoy our differences. An education that goes beyond the
classroom door is what our educated societies should strive for. Every year we have more
accountants, engineers, economists, lawyers, but how many of them are agents of positive
changes? We have already learned that the world not only needs technique knowledge but
also more compassion and tolerance. The concepts taught in the classrooms are meaningful
but they are not enough. It is time to live the concept.
Accounting is a very important term to our modern society and as being a global citizen. It
is the career for men and women who at the start have their eyes set on top positions in
industry, management, government, and general business.We define a global citizen as
someone who sees himself or herself as being part of an emerging world community and
whose actions help define this community’s values and practices. As an accountant in the
making being a global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world
and their place in it. They take an active role in their community and work with others to
make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer.
In the public sphere, the accounting profession supports a public sector that is more
transparent and accountable to its citizens. It is also crucial for providing legislators, markets,
and citizens with the information they need to make efficient policy decisions, and to hold
governments accountable for their performance. My future profession can contribute
significantly to the aim that end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. The
ability of countries and corporations to measure progress, monitor impact and report on
achievements in these areas will be critical. This is where, in my opinion, accountants have a
key, but easily overlooked, role to play.

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