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1. trainee (n): 29. schedule (n):
2. to analyse: 30. manufacturing (n):
3. intern (n) => internship (n): 31. mining (n):
4. apprentice (n): 32. sector (n):
5. to adapt to: 33. supplier (n): => to supply:
6. to acquire: 34. customer (n):
7. employer (n): 35. consumer (n):
8. degree (n): 36. profit (n):
9. qualification (n): 37. loss (n):
10. essential (adj): 38. competition (n):
11. to offer: 39. raw material (n):
12. to demonstrate: 40. monopoly (n):
13. graduate (n, v): 41. to own:
14. confident (adj): 42. to manage:
15. independent (adj): 43. entrepreneur (n):
16. reference (n): 44. manufacturer (n):
17. firm (n): 45. to recruit:
18. cross-cultural (adj): 46. staff (n):
19. sensitivity (n): 47. promotion (n):
20. uncertainty (n): 48. stock (n):
21. patient (adj): 49. turnover (n):
22. to respect: 50. cost of goods sold (COGS):
23. diplomatic (adj): 51. to extract:
24. team spirit (n): 52. break-even (n):
25. to encourage (n): 53. cash (n):
26. to impress: 54. credit (n):
27. working environment (n): 55. cash flow (n):
28. productive (adj):
A. Internship B. High school C. Abroad
D. Intern E. Trainee
1. A student who works in a company.
2. Someone who is learning a job or profession.
3. A school for children aged 11 to 18.
4. A job that a student does to get experience.
5. In another country.
cross-cultural a reference diplomatic
demonstrate competition intern
6. a thing you say or write that mentions somebody/something else
7. to show something, or show someone how to do something, or how a system or product works
8. having or showing skill in dealing with people in difficult situations
9. involving two or more different countries or cultures
10. the situation in which people or businesses are trying to be more successful than each other, for
example by making more sales in a market
A. Supplier B. Raw materials C. Extract
D. Mining E. Monopoly
11. To remove a substance from another substance.
12. The process of getting coal or metal from the underground.
13. A company that has complete control of the product or service it provides because it is the only
company that provides it.
14. Substances such as coal or iron that are in their natural state before being changed by chemical
15. A company, organization or country that provides or sells a product or a service.

B. Cash C. Cash flow

A. Cost of goods sold (COGS)
D. Break even E. Credit
1. Money in the form of notes and coins; money in any form, especially money that is available for
you to use when you need it.
2. The rate at which a business takes in money through sales and pays it out for the things it needs
to continue operating.
3. An arrangement to receive goods from a shop or money from a bank and pay for it later.
4. The cost of making a product, which includes materials, manufacturing and labour.
5. If a person or business breaks even, they neither make a profit nor lose money.
1. customer satisfaction (n): 31. exchange (product):
2. repeat business (n): 32. to deal with:
3. customer service (n): 33. provide technical support (n):
4. existing customer (n): 34. faulty product (n):
5. returning customer (n): 35. to dial a number:
6. prospect (n): 36. to put on hold:
7. (customer) lead (n): 37. to get through:
8. customer referral (n): 38. to hang up:
9. to train: 39. to return a call:
10. to contact: 40. to leave a message:
11. priority (n): 41. to record:
12. warranty (n): 42. to respond:
13. to deliver => delivery (n): 43. inflation (n):
14. to ship: 44. salary (n):
15. to install => installation (n): 45. unemployment (n):
16. hotline (n): 46. to apologise for:
17. newsletter (n): 47. make a reservation (n):
18. upgrade (n, v): 48. to negotiate:
19. typical (adj): 49. to make a complaint:
20. order (n, v): 50. to adjust:
21. process (v, n): 51. entrepreneur (n):
22. emotion (n): 52. to makes sense:
23. determination (n): 53. to rely on:
24. to reflect: 54. real estate (n):
25. to pause: 55. accounting firm (n):
26. efficient (adj): 56. be likely to:
27. colleague (n): 57. focus (n, v):
28. to recommend: 58. marketer (n):
29. money-back guarantee (n): 59. campaign (n):
30. (give a) refund (n, v):

A. Referral B. Consumer C. Lead
D. Customer E. Prospect
1. This person is a possible future customer. The chances of this are low, but the company still
contacts them.
2. This person is a possible future customer. The chances of this are high, and the company may
already be in contact with them.
3. This person goes into a store and buys something. They are the end user.
4. This person buys something at any point in the chain. They may be a manufacturer buying
from a supplier, a distributor buying from a manufacturer or the end user buying from a store.
5. This person becomes a new customer because an existing customer recommends them.
A. Delivery date B. A faulty product C. Customer satisfaction
D Deal with a complaint properly E. Ship a product
1. Pleasure that people get when they buy things from you.
2. Send a product by air, sea or road.
3. Time that the goods arrive at a place.
4. Take the right action when the customer says there is a problem.
5. Something that is not working or is broken.
A. Provide technical support B. Give a refund C. Dial the number
D. Apologize E. Exchange the product
1. Say sorry.
2. Change the product for a new one.
3. Give them their money back.
4. Give help with complicated things like computers.
5. Press the button on your phone.
A. Shareholder B. Entrepreneur C. Share
D. Supply chain E. Strategy
1. Someone who uses money to start a business and make business deals.
2. One of the equal parts of a company that you can buy as a way of investing money.
3. Someone who owns shares in a company.
4. A plan or method for achieving something, especially over a long period of time.
5. A series of processes involved in providing a product to someone
1. private limited company (n): 21. inventory (n):
2. franchise (n): 22. distribution (n):
3. public limited company (n): 23. to recycle:
4. partnership (n): 24. original (adj):
5. sole trader (n): 25. merchandise (n):
6. packaging (n) => to package: 26. to raise capital:
7. to assemble: 27. set competitive prices:
8. stock (n): 28. to source supplier:
9. solution (n): 29. to conform to:
10. advantage (n): 30. to ensure:
11. to rescue: 31. buy-out (n):
12. partner (n): 32. to restructure:
13. out of stock: 33. item (n):
14. labour (n): 34. apart from:
15. retailer (n): 35. background (n):
16. purchase (v, n): 36. to maintain:
17. to store: 37. in common:
18. to run out of: 38. margins (n):
19. to inspect: 39. bankruptcy (n):
20. warehouse (n): 40. be short of:

A. Private limited company B. Franchise C. Public limited company (plc.)
D. Partnership E. Sole trader
1. One person owns and controls the business.
2. Two or more people own and manage the business.
3. Several people (shareholders), often family or friends, own a part (share) of the company.
4. A large company; anyone can buy or sell its shares on the stock market.
5. A joint venture between a local entrepreneur and a well-established business.
A. Ships B. Purchase C. Store
D. Warehouse E. Labour
1. A large building where goods are prepared for delivery.
2. Work done by people.
3. Sends products to customers.
4. Kept ready to be used.
5. Buy from another business.
A. Packaged B. Stock C. Checked
D. Assemble E. Run out of
1. Materials in reserve
2. Examined to make sure everything is correct.
3. Put different parts together.
4. Not have enough.
5. Put in boxes.
A. Satisfy customer needs B. Help customers purchase C. Deliver the goods
D. Set competitive prices E. Meet customer needs
1. Ship the product to the customer.
2. Decide how much people will pay.
3. Provide something people require.
4. Give credit or easy terms of payment.
5. Give people what they want.
A. Raise capital B. Inventory C. Segment
D. Make investments E. Source suppliers
1. A section of a market defined by certain criteria.
2. To obtain money for an investment.
3. A list giving details of all the things in a place.
4. To identify providers of products and services.
5. To spend money and expect a return.

1. to attend (an interview): 30. venture capitalist (n):
2. to make a good impression: 31. interest rate (n):
3. job offer (n): 32. borrow capital:
4. job fair (n): 33. business plan (n):
5. ads (n): 34. start-up company (n):
6. candidate (n): 35. to register a business:
7. to recruit: 36. to enter a new market:
8. to hire: 37. brand image (n):
9. resume (n): 38. market share (n):
10. work placement (n): 39. to conduct market study:
11. primary school (n): 40. to run a campaign:
12. productivity (n): 41. to buy space:
13. career path (n): 42. to raise awareness:
14. promotion (n): 43. revenue (n):
15. position (n): 44. profit margin (n):
16. strength (n): 45. variable cost (n):
17. weakness (n): 46. fixed cost (n):
18. optimistic (adj): 47. management fee (n):
19. pessimistic (adj): 48. business model (n):
20. ambitious (adj): 49. franchiser (n):
21. hard-working (adj): 50. know-how (n):
22. loyal (adj): 51. royalty (n):
23. flexible (adj): 52. negotiator (n):
24. tolerant (adj): 53. to sack:
25. leadership (n): 54. conference (n):
26. business loan (n): 55. marketer (n):
27. official paperwork (n): 56. overheads (n):
28. corporate lawyer (n): 57. to forecast:
29. return on investment (n):

A. Primary school B. Résumé C. Grew up
D. Degree E. Graduated
1. Changed from a baby to an adult.
2. Completed my studies.
3. A school for children aged 5 to 11.
4. A course of study or university qualification.
5. The American word for CV.

A. Business loan B. Official paperwork C. Interest rate
D. Return on investment E. Venture capitalists
1. Government or administrative documents.
2. The percentage that banks charge to finance projects.
3. Money from a bank to start or help a company.
4. People or organizations who invest in new business.
5. The profit on money that was used to buy something.
A. Borrow capital B. Business plan C. Corporate lawyer
D. Register a business E. Start-up companies

1. Put information about a company on an official list.

2. Receive money with a promise to pay it back.
3. Small new business.
4. A specialist in company law.
5. The written strategy for a company.
A. Enter a new market B. Increase market share C. Run a campaign
D. Build brand image E. Conduct market studies
1. Encourage positive feelings about your product.
2. Collect information on what people are buying and selling.
3. Start selling to a different category.
4. Publish a series of ads.
5. Make a large amount of total sales.
A. Obtain personal recommendations B. Launch a new product C. Word of mouth
D. Buy space E. Raise awareness
1. Bring a new item to market.
2. One person tells another.
3. Increase understanding about the product
4. Get approval from customers.
5. Pay for a place to advertise.
A. Revenue B. Variable cost C. Fixed cost
D. Overheads E. Profit margin
1. The difference between how much money you get when you sell something and how much it
costs you to buy or make it.
2. Money that you pay regularly as the costs of operating a business or organization.
3. Income from business activities or taxes.
4. A cost that changes according to how much of a product is made.
5. A cost such as rent that a company has to pay that does not depend on how much it produces.
A. Register a company B. Franchise fee C. Brand name

D. Management fee E. Business model

1. A charge for services such as accounting, marketing, R&D, etc.
2. A procedure for making money.
3. To follow the official process of creating a new business.
4. A payment for the use of a company's name and methods.
5. The name of a company chooses for its product or service.
A. Franchiser / Franchisor B. Franchise fee C. Physiotherapist
D. Know-how E. Royalty
1. Knowledge that is needed to do something, usually something practical.
2. A payment that someone such as a writer or musician gets each time their work is sold or
performed; a payment from a franchisee to the franchiser, usually a percentage of gross sales.
3. A person who licences a franchise, a business that sells franchises.
4. The initial sum of money that the franchisee pays to the franchiser for the right to join the
5. Someone whose job is to treat injuries using special physical exercises.


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