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Mendoza, Jhona Paula N.

BPA - 1105


The flight from conversation written by Sherry Turkle is all about how technology alters
how people communicate in comparison to how we did it before. Different devices, software,
and social media platforms have now replaced face-to-face talk as our innovative method of
communication. Instead of having face-to-face conversations, we now exchange communication
through a variety of devices, programs, and social media platforms. Although we live in a
communicative world, Sherry Turkle argues in her New York Times article "The Flight from
Conversation" that we have "sacrificed human conversation for online connection" and that "we
have become accustomed to a new way of being alone together."

I’ve learned that the little devices most of us carry around are so powerful that they
change not only what we do, but also who we are. Technology-enabled, we are able to be with
one another, and also elsewhere, connected to wherever we want to be. We want to customize
our lives. We want to move in and out of where we are because the thing, we value most is
control over where we focus our attention. I think that the E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, all of these
have their places in politics, commerce, romance and friendship. But no matter how valuable
they are, they do not substitute for conversation. It is in my firm belief that it teaches patience.
When we interact with our digital devices, we learn different behaviors. As we increase the
volume and speed of online connections, we begin to expect faster responses. To get them, we
ask each other simpler questions; we dumb down our communication, even on the most
important matters. In my opinion it is important to use gadgets, but there must be a limit to
interacting with friends and family. I always use my gadgets to watch TikTok, Twitter, and
Instagram because it entertains me. I have met a lot here. It makes my communication with
others easier, and because of this, I have learned to play online games and kumu.

Moreover, I discovered that because technology allows us to communicate with

individuals who are near us, there must be some restriction on its use. Our platforms can be used
in a variety of ways for communication. It's challenging to make friends at this college since I
don't understand their interests because more people are glued to online gaming and more
hobbies. I'm still hesitant to engage in conversation with people since I'm not sure if it will be
Mendoza, Jhona Paula N.
BPA - 1105

worthwhile. I became more accustomed to utilizing technology to connect with others, and
because I placed more emphasis on apps, that is how I now see myself.

The article's assertion that using electronic communication methods like emails, SMS,
chats, and the like is risky caught my attention right away as I was reading it. I strongly reject
this. Why? Our world, in my opinion, is changing drastically from the previous year due to how
quickly it is changing. The world is evolving. Everything is changing, from the enormous shifts
in our technological development to even the slightest behavioral changes among our new
generations. Noting that technology tends to control the world in order to make it function, it
should be underlined that technological communication is not a bad thing but rather a useful
medium for the expanding environment we live in. As long as you can strike a balance between
connection and dialogue.

While I agree that "Social media connections are important, but they do not replace
conversation," a part of my gen z spirit, according to some of its parts, disagrees. If we only
focus on one thing and one thing only, something may be left that prevents us from improving
ourselves in the changing world we live in. I believe the fundamental reason is that we are
accustomed to discussing technological topics. And because we, the younger generations, are so
fearful of making mistakes and eager to avoid them, we choose "online communication" rather
than face-to-face interaction. Despite my opinions and convictions, I believe that the primary
issue in this situation is the inescapable advancement of technology, which will cause a change
in the actions of some individuals. Some people's perceptions of our world, where making
conversational errors is an act to be ashamed of and not a form of expression, are shifting as a
result of these environmental changes.

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