AI Classes For Beginer

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Artificial Intelligence

Cer$fied By Microso/.
Let’s Learn!
Technology doesn’t innovate. People do. That is the reason we put individuals first, so we
can engage them to arrive at their maximum capacity with innova0on.

The fast pace of innova0on and business today requests a learning approach that fits the
necessi0es of both the individual and the organiza0on. We built a learning system to
reflect that need. Adap0ng today requires a guided methodology through the intricate
number of formal and casual learning alterna0ves. It requires a methodology that
envelops the top learning techniques u0lized today and adjusts them to help hierarchical

Our learning ecosystem is designed to support how learning is done today and evolves to
meet advances in technology and individual learning needs. Integra0ng the world’s largest
collec0on of proprietary and IT partner content, resources, and exper0se with a global
instructor pool of more than 300 real-world experts, Vepsun Technologies delivers custom
learning to global organiza0ons no maRer where their workforce is located to drive
quan0fiable results..

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Execu0ve Program in Ar0ficial Intelligence Technology Cer0fied by Microso/.

3 A Great Place For Educa0on |

Ar$ficial Intelligence

• Advanced Programming using R & Python

1. R Programming: Introduc0on & Installa0on of R, R Basics, Finding Help, Code Editors

for R, Command Packages, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Objects, Data Types & Data
Structure. Viewing Named Objects, Structure of Data Items, Control Structures,
Func0ons in R (numeric, character, sta0s0cal), working with objects, Viewing Objects
within Objects, Construc0ng Data Objects, Non parametric Tests- ANOVA, chi-Square, t-
Test, U-Test

2. Python Programming: Introduc0on to Python, Basic Syntax, Data Types, Variables,

Operators, Input/output, Flow of Control (Modules, Branching), If, If- else, Nested if-
else, Looping, For, While, Nested loops, Control Structure, Break, Con0nue, Pass,
Strings and Tuples, Accessing Strings, Basic Opera0ons, String slices, Working with Lists,
Introduc0on, Accessing list, Opera0ons, Func0on and Methods, Files, Modules,
Dic0onaries, Func0ons and Func0onal Programming, Declare, assign and retrieve
values from Lists, Introducing Tuples, Accessing tuples, matplotlib, seaborn,

3. Case Studies: Mathema0cal compu0ng with Python, Data migra0on and visualiza0on:
Pandas and Matplotlib, Pycharm, Anaconda, Data manipula0on with Pandas

• Fundamental of Ar$ficial Intelligence

1. Introduc0on to AI, Evolu0on & Revolu0on of AI, Introduc0on to AI, Introduc0on of

Applica0ons in various Domains (Scien0fic including Health Sciences, Engineering,
Financial Services and other industries), Ethics of AI, Structure of AI, Real world
Implica0ons, Intelligent Agents, Uninformed Search, Constraint Sa0sfac0on Search,
Combinatorial Op0miza0on Problems, Heuris0c & Meta-heuris0cs, Gene0c Algorithms

4 A Great Place For Educa0on |

for Search, Game Trees, Supervised & Unsupervised Learning, Knowledge
Representa0on, Proposi0onal and Predicate Logic, Inference and Resolu0on for
Problem Solving, Rules and Expert Systems, Ar0ficial Life, Emergent Behavior, Gene0c

• Machine Learning

1. Machine Learning in Nut shell, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, ML

applica0ons in the real world, Uses of Machine learning

2. Introduc0on to Feature engineering and Data Pre-processing: Data Prepara0on,

Feature crea0on, Data cleaning & transforma0on, Data Valida0on & Modelling, Feature
selec0on Techniques, Dimensionality reduc0on, Recommenda0on Systems and
anomaly PCA,

3. ML Algorithms: Decision Trees, Oblique trees, Random forest, Bayesian analysis and
Naïve bayes classifier, Support vector Machines, KNN, Gradient boos0ng, Ensemble
methods, Bagging & Boos0ng , Associa0on rules learning, Apriori and FP growth
algorithms, Linear and Nonlinear classifica0on, linear and logis0c Regression,
Clustering, K-means, Overview of Factor Analysis, ARIMA, ML in real 0me, Algorithm
performance metrics, ROC, AOC, Confusion matrix, F1 score, MSE, MAE, DBSCAN
Clustering in ML, Anomaly Detec0on, Recommender System

Machine Learning Tools: Introduc0on to the basic data science toolset

Case Studies:

● Usage of ML algorithms, Algorithm performance metrics (confusion matrix

sensi0vity,Specificity, ROC, AOC, F1 Score, Precision, Recall, MSE, MAE)

● Credit Card Fraud Analysis, Intrusion Detec0on system

5 A Great Place For Educa0on |

• Deep Neural Networks

1. Introduc0on to Deep Neural Network, RNN, CNN, LSTM, Deep Belief Network,
seman0c Hashing, Training deep neural network, Tensorflow 2.x, Pythorch, building
deep learning models, building a basic neural network using Keras with Tensor Flow,
Troubleshoot deep learning models, building deep learning project. (Alog model),
Transfer Learning, Induc0ve, unsupervised Transduc0ve, Deep Learning Tools &
Technique, Tuning Deep Learning Models, Trends in Deep Learning, Applica0on of
Mul0 Processing in DL, Deep Learning Case Studies

• Natural Language Processing & Computer Vision

1. Understanding Language, NLP Overview, Introduc0on to Language Compu0ng,

Language in Cogni0ve Science, Defini0ons of language, Language as a rule-governed
dynamic system, Language and symbolic systems: Ar0ficial language (Logical language/
programming language) vs. Natural Language, Linguis0cs as a scien0fic study, And
Descrip0on of different branches of Linguis0cs: Sta0s0cal Linguis0cs, Psycholinguis0cs,
Neurolinguis0cs, Computa0onal Linguis0cs, Sociolinguis0cs etc.

2. Language Analysis and Computa0onal Linguis0cs, Seman0cs, Discourse, Pragma0cs,

Lexicology, Shallow Parsing and Tools for NLP, Deep Parsing and Tools for NLP, Sta0s0cal
Approaches, NLP with Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Pre-processing, Need of
Pre-processing Data, Introduc0on to NLTK, Using Python Scripts.

3. Word2Vec models (Skip-gram, CBOW, Glove, one hot Encoding), NLP Transformers,
Bert in NLP Speech Processing, NLP Model Deployment Techniques using Flask, NLP
Applica0ons- Language iden0fica0on, Auto suggest/ Auto complete, chat bots,

6 A Great Place For Educa0on |

Computer Vision
4. Introduc0on to Computer Vision, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing,
The Three R's of Computer Vision, Basics of Image Processing, Low-, Mid- & High-Level
Vision, Edge Detec0on, Interest Points and Corners, Image Classifica0on, Recogni0on,
Bag of Features, and Large-scale Instance Recogni0on, Object Detec0on & Transfer
Learning, AlexNet, ResNet, ImageNet, Gender Predic0on, Face / Object Recogni0on

• Reinforcement Learning

1. Introduc0on to reinforcement learning as an approximate dynamic programming

problem, Overview of reinforcement learning: the agent environment framework,
successes of reinforcement learning, Bandit problems and online learning, Markov
decision processes, Returns, and value func0ons, Solu0on methods: dynamic
programming, Solu0on methods for learning, Solu0on methods for temporal
difference learning, Eligibility traces, Value func0on approxima0on Models and
planning (table lookup case), Reinforcement Learning Applica0ons, Implemen0ng a
Reinforcement Learning applica0on

Case studies: successful examples of RL systems, simula0on based methods like Q-


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Ar$ficial Intelligence on Azure PlaMorm(AI-100/ AI-102)

• Evaluate text with Azure Cogni$ve Language Services

1. Classify and moderate text with Azure Content Moderator

In this module, we'll introduce you to Azure Content Moderator and show how to use it for text

2. Add conversa$onal intelligence to your apps by using Language Understanding Intelligent

Service (LUIS)

In this module, we'll introduce you to Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) and
show you how to create a LUIS applica0on

3. Discover sen$ment in text with the Text Analy$cs API

Learn what your customers are really saying about your product or brand when they send
feedback. We'll create a solu0on that uses Azure Func0ons and the intelligence of the Text
Analy0cs API to discover sen0ment in text messages.

• Process and Translate Speech with Azure Cogni$ve Speech Services

1. Create speech-enabled apps with the Speech service

The Speech service enables you to build speech-enabled applica0ons. This module focuses on
using the speech-to-text and text-to-speech APIs, which enable you to create apps that are
capable of speech recogni0on and speech synthesis.

2. Translate speech with the speech service

Transla0on of speech builds on speech recogni0on by recognizing and transcribing spoken

input in a specified language, and returning transla0ons of the transcrip0on in one or more
other languages.

8 A Great Place For Educa0on |

• Create Intelligent Bots with the Azure Bot Service
1. Build a bot with QnA Maker and Azure Bot Service

Bots are a popular way to provide support through mul0ple communica0on channels. This
module describes how to use the QnA Maker service and Azure Bot Service to create a bot that
answers user ques0ons.

• Process and classify images with the Azure cogni$ve vision services

1. Iden$fy faces and expressions by using the Computer Vision API in Azure Cogni$ve Services

Learn about the Computer Vision API in Azure that allows you to iden0fy facial details in pictures.

2. Process images with the Computer Vision service

Use the Computer Vision API to analyze images for insights, extract text from images, and
generate high-quality thumbnails

3. Classify images with the Microso/ Custom Vision Service

Create, train and test a custom image classifica0on model using the Custom Vision Service to
accurately iden0fy pain0ngs from famous ar0sts.

4. Evaluate the requirements for implemen$ng the Custom Vision APIs

Evaluate the requirements for a solu0on that implements the Custom Vision Predic0on and
Training APIs. Your completed design plans will support workflow requirements, and you'll be
beRer prepared to work with developers and architects.

5. Extract insights from videos with the Video Indexer service

Learn how to use the Video Indexer API to upload, index, retrieve insights, and search for content
in video files.

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10 A Great Place For Educa0on |
Ar0ficial Intelligence
INR. 41,990*
* Inclusive of all Taxes

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