TalesOfXadia Character Journal Pyrda

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PYRDA (she/her)

Pyrda believes her destiny lies in preserving the

balance of magic. She is eager to experience a
wider variety of primal forces and hopes to acquire artifacts that
will be shared by all peoples, rather than hidden from the world.
She’s befriended Easgann, suspecting he’ll lead her to her dream
of one day retiring as a guardian of knowledge.

Devotion ⑧ Liberty ⑥
Love writes better stories I follow a destiny that
than greed and other speaks louder than I.
nonsense does.
Mastery ⑩
Glory ④ I am not ashamed to

I serve magic and humble myself before

knowledge, not my the great process of life.
own ego.
Truth ⑥
Justice ⑧ I search for my own
Judgment seeks us out; truth, rather than the
we will all be beholden truth others feed me. Agility
to it one day.


Skywing Elf ⑧
1 Hinder: Gain one Ⓟ ● when you switch out this
distinction’s die rating for a ④.
1 Wingover: Spend a Ⓟ● to add both your Agility and
your Strength dice to your dice pool when you are
airborne or using your wings. Spirit

Mage of the Wind ⑧

1 Hinder: Gain one Ⓟ ● when you switch out this
distinction’s die rating for a ④.

1 Share the Gift: When you use your Sky Magic specialty
in a test, contest, or challenge, you may keep an
additional effect die and grant it to another character ASSETS
as an asset.
Glass Bird Artifact ⑥
Thoughtful Mediator ⑧ Figurine of an extinct Xadian dove,
imbued with Sky magic.
1 Hinder: Gain one Ⓟ ● when you switch out this
distinction’s die rating for a ④.

Sky Magic Spells ⑥

SPECIALTIES • Alis Secreto (Long Distance Whisper)

• Aspiro (Forceful Gust)
Diplomacy ⑥ Sky Magic ⑧

© and ™ Wonderstorm Inc, 2022. Cortex system © Fandom Inc. All rights reserved. Tales of Xadia | Pyrda

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