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-A constitutional government is a government that is FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MEANING IN LAW

structured according to a written document called
A federal government is a system of government that
a constitution. In a constitutional government, the
constitution is the supreme law of the land. divides the power between a larger central government,
and the local and regional governments beneath it. In
TYPES OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENTS the United States, the federal government’s powers
were established by the Constitution.
There are two main types of constitutional government
advantages and disadvantages. Most constitutional
A federal government is a system designed to take
governments are democracies. Both usually allow for
the existence of local governments, but the degree to power from the rich and give it to the poor, so to speak.
Power is divided among the larger, stronger, central
which they cede power to cities and towns varies.
government of a nation, and the smaller state and
UNITARY GOVERNMENT regional governments within that nation. This is done by
assigning certain responsibilities to each sector so that
A unitary constitutional government is one in which the central government has its own job to do, as do the
there is a strong central government and no real state and local governments.
regional or state governments. France is an example of
a country that has this sort of government. In the United States, the Constitution dictates that the
federal government can maintain control over things
One of the benefits of a unitary style of government is like the creation of currency, the granting of patents,
that it provides for national cohesion. There is and the creation of the lower courts, to name a few.
uniformity throughout the country with regard to laws, Another example of a federal
economic policy, etc. Unitary governments are often government responsibility includes the power to
less bureaucratic due to the fact that there are no declare war. These are known as “delegated powers,”
regional or state government agencies that need to and are specifically listed in Article 1 of the U.S.
interact and coordinate with the federal government. Constitution.
Each state shall be empowered to handle their own BRANCHES OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT
laws, finances, development plans, health, education,
and infrastructure, among others. Currently, the Even though the Constitution splits powers between the
Philippines is under a unitary form of government with federal government and the states, the framers of the
power and authority vested in the so-called "imperial" Constitution wanted further assurances that the central
Manila. government could not gain oppressive authority. To
that end, three branches of federal government were
Besides France, other countries with unitary styles of created, each with its own powers and responsibilities,
government include: and each one having the authority to check up on the
• Italy others. This is known as a system of checks and
• Sweden balances.
• Poland
• New Zealand The legislative branch of the United States federal
• Japan government is another name for Congress, and
Congress is divided into two houses: the Senate, and the
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT House of Representatives. The main function of the
In contrast to unitary legislative branch is to create laws.
governments, federal governments cede a great deal of Individual members of the House and Senate may write
power to their regions, provinces, cantons, or states. draft laws, referred to as “bills,” and present them to
Supreme authority in federal systems rests in the Congress for discussion and voting. Bills that are
federal government, but regional governments are approved by vote in both houses are then sent to the
allowed, to varying degrees, to make their own laws and President for his signature. Should the President refuse
pursue their own government policies. to sign the bill, or “veto” it, the bill goes back to
Congress where they may vote to override the emphasis on family, society and the country but a lot of
President’s decision. attention in the US is paid to individual liberty. The state
tries to ensure all forms of liberty for the individual. This
The Senate is comprised of 100 senators total, with two includes the freedom of religion. Every individual is free
senators from each of the country’s 50 states. The to practice whatever religion he or she prefers.
House of Representatives consists of 435 members, and However, there is no state religion in the US. The
the number of members from each state varies based government does not have a religion or does it pursue
on the total population of the states they represent. So any policy, including the foreign policy, on the basis of
for example, a larger state like Texas would have more religion. There are no religious parties in the US.
representatives in the House than the smallest state in
the country, Rhode Island. Another important area of individual liberty enshrined
in the US Constitution is the freedom of speech and
THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH cultural expression. While everyone is allowed to
The President heads up the executive branch of the independently articulate their views, people are
federal government, which is the branch that approves expected to refrain from making hate speeches.
and carries out the laws that are created by the There is also freedom of information. The government
legislative branch. In addition to the President, the of the United States cannot put any curbs on the media.
executive branch consists of the Vice President and Interestingly, there is no Ministry of Information in the
members of the presidential cabinet. The cabinet helps United States. The media is largely independent and
the President make decisions on the more important free from official control. All media outlets are under
issues, and consists of 15 major departments. Included private ownership which keeps ascertaining public
in the presidential cabinet are the Secretary of State, opinion about their interest in different issues through
the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of the opinion polls and surveys. The US media rarely discusses
Treasury, among others. the country’s foreign policy. A lot of attention is paid to
THE JUDICIAL BRANCH domestic issues by the media because not many people
in the US take a keen interest in foreign affairs.
The judicial branch presides over the country’s court Newspapers and TV channels keep the interest of their
system, and it uses court cases to interpret and express readers and viewers supreme and they avoid printing
the meaning and importance of the Constitution and and broadcasting such material which fails to attract
the laws of the land. The U.S. Supreme Court heads up public attention.
the judicial branch, and its chief responsibility is to rule
on whether or not something is permitted under the
rules of the Constitution, meaning whether it is FEDERALISM 101: THINGS WE NEED TO KNOW 
constitutional or unconstitutional. • MANILA – The push for a shift to a federal form
There are nine justices (judges) on the Supreme Court: of government
eight associate justices and one chief justice. The • has been gaining steam as a possible solution
President selects the justices individually, and the to
Senate then approves the President’s picks. Unlike the • the nation's longstanding problems.
lower courts, justices on the Supreme Court do not have President Rodrigo Duterte, who had a stunning electoral
set term limits, and can serve for as many years as they victory, championed federalism, envisioning it as the
like. In fact, many of them serve the rest of their lives. key to bring "Lasting peace, progress, and prosperity for
The rulings made by the Supreme Court are irreversible, all of our peoples.” Under a federal government, power
and they set precedent or previous for all related cases is divided between the central government and local
going forward. state governments.

WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF A FEDERAL SYSTEM  Each state shall be empowered to handle their own
OF GOVERNMENT? laws, finances, development plans, health, education,
The powers are limited. I learnt that the “individual” and infrastructure, among others. Currently, the
was the top-most focus of the American society. Every Philippines is under a unitary form of government with
policy devised at the official level would firstly think power and authority vested in the so-called "imperial"
how it would benefit or affect the individual living inside Manila.
the American state. In our society, there is greater
For Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, a federal setup creates introduces the position of a Prime Minister, who would
opportunities for local governments to manage their be the head of the government. The President shall be
own economy and chart their own destiny. “Now you elected by direct vote of the people for a term of five
create opportunities; now you create jobs; now you years with one re-election, while the Prime Minister
allow them to manage their own economy; now you shall be elected by a majority of all the members of the
give them the chance to chart their own destinies," Parliament from among themselves.
Alvarez said.
The proposed Parliament shall consist of the Federal
EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT Assembly as the national legislative department, and
Alvarez said some regions, under a federal setup, may the Senate, as the legislative body representative of the
thrive using their strategic advantages in their natural regions.
resources. He said giving these local government units
power over their own resources will help boost regional The President shall be elected by direct vote of the
development. For Minority Leader Danilo Suarez, he people for a term of five years with one re-election,
believes the shift to federalism enables for an equitable while the Prime Minister shall be elected by a majority
and widespread development in the country by sharing of all the members of the Parliament from among
the power -- political and economic -- of the central themselves.
government with the regional government or The proposed Parliament shall consist of the Federal
constituent political units. Assembly as the national legislative department, and
the Senate, as the legislative body representative of the
If we adopt the federal system of government, each regions. The bicameral parliament shall be composed of
state or regional government will be required to a 300-member Federal Assembly and a 15-member
produce its own income. Towns, cities, and provinces Senate, with each state electing three senators. Eighty
will not be welfare-dependent," Suarez said. Suarez percent of the members of the Federal Assembly shall
highlighted that the provinces and regions can largely be elected by plurality votes with each legislative
benefit from the richness of the Philippines' natural district having one seat in the parliament. The
resources. Under the present system, natural resources remaining 20 percent of the members of the assembly
such as minerals and agricultural products are shall come from federal sectoral parties or organizations
considered national wealth and only a small percentage which shall be elected at large. (PNA)
is given to the regional or provincial source. "In a federal
government, provinces and regions that are rich in c) Constitution of Sovereignty. The provisions pointing
natural resources can enjoy the entirety of the revenues out the mode or procedure in accordance with which
they generate by supplying raw materials and producing formal changes in the fundamental law may be brought
goods out of these raw materials," Suarez said. about, e.g.,Art. XVII

Based on the proposals submitted by the House PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION?
constitutional amendments committee, the territory of 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV
the future Federal Republic of the Philippines will be Education, Science & Technology, Arts, Culture, and
divided into five states composed of Luzon, Visayas, Sports (with cases).
Mindanao, Bangsamoro, and Metro Manila.
Under the proposal, each state shall have its own State ARTICLE XIV OF THE PHIL. CONSTITUTION
Constitution, adopt its name, and choose a capital, flag, What is Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
anthem, and seal. all about?
Each state shall have a unicameral state assembly with Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right
legislative powers, and a premiere exercising executive of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall
power. State governments shall be entitled to at least take appropriate steps to make such education
50 percent in the proceeds of the utilization and accessible to all. (1) All educational institutions shall
development of the national wealth including sharing include the study of the Constitution as part of the
the same with the inhabitants by way of direct benefits. curricula.

The proposed federal charter retains the position of the

President, who would act as head of state, and
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF GIVING PRIORITY TO appreciation of the role of national heroes in the
EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ARTS historical development of the country, teach the rights
CULTURE AND SPORTS? and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and
Section 17, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution spiritual values, develop moral character and personal
provides that “The State shall give priority to education, discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking,
science and technology, arts, culture, and sports to broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and
foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social promote vocational efficiency.
progress, and promote total human liberation and
development.” 3) At the option expressed in writing by the parents or
guardians, religion shall be allowed to be taught to their
WHAT IS SECTION 5 ARTICLE XIV OF THE EDUCATION children or wards in public elementary and high schools
ACT? within the regular class hours by instructors designated
Section 5 Article XIV – Education, Science and or approved by the religious authorities of the religion
Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports • Section 5. (1.) to which the children or wards belong, without
The State shall take into account regional and sectoral additional cost to the Government.
needs and conditions and shall encourage local planning
in the development of educational policies and Section 4.
programs. (1) The State recognizes the complementary roles of
public and private institutions in the educational system
EDUCATION and shall exercise reasonable supervision and regulation
Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all educational institutions.
of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall (2) Educational institutions, other than those
take appropriate steps to make such education established by religious groups and mission boards,
accessible to all. shall be owned solely by citizens of the Philippines or
Section 2. The State shall: corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of
(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete, the capital of which is owned by such citizens. The
adequate, and integrated system of education relevant Congress may, however, require increased Filipino
to the needs of the people and society; equity participation in all educational institutions.
(2) Establish and maintain a system of free public
education in the elementary and high school levels. The control and administration of educational
Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear institutions shall be vested in citizens of the Philippines.
their children, elementary education is compulsory for No educational institution shall be established
all children of school age; exclusively for aliens and no group of aliens shall
comprise more than one-third of the enrollment in any
school. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply
3) Establish and maintain a system of scholarship grants, to schools established for foreign diplomatic personnel
student loan programs, subsidies, and other incentives and their dependents and, unless otherwise provided by
which shall be available to deserving students in both law, for other foreign temporary residents.
public and private schools, especially to the
underprivileged; 3) All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit
(4) Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous educational institutions used actually, directly, and
learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent, exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt
and out-of-school study programs particularly those from taxes and duties. Upon the dissolution or cessation
that respond to community needs; and of the corporate existence of such institutions, their
(5) Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of- assets shall be disposed of in the manner provided by
school youth with training in civics, vocational law. Proprietary educational institutions, including
efficiency, and other skills. those cooperatively owned, may likewise be entitled to
such exemptions, subject to the limitations provided by
Section 3. law, including restrictions on dividends and provisions
(1) All educational institutions shall include the study of for reinvestment.
the Constitution as part of the curricula.
(2) They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, (4) Subject to conditions prescribed by law, all grants,
foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, endowments, donations, or contributions used actually,
directly, and exclusively for educational purposes shall Section 10. Science and technology are essential for
be exempt from tax. national development and progress. The State shall give
priority to research and development, invention,
Section 5. innovation, and their utilization; and to science and
(1) the State shall take into account regional and technology education, training, and services. It shall
sectoral needs and conditions and shall encourage local support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant
planning in the development of educational policies and scientific and technological capabilities, and their
programs. application to the country’s productive systems and
(2) Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions national life.
of higher learning.
(3) Every citizen has a right to select a profession or Section 11. The Congress may provide for incentives,
course of study, subject to fair, reasonable, and including tax deductions, to encourage private
equitable admission and academic requirements. participation in programs of basic and applied scientific
(4) The State shall enhance the right of teachers to research. Scholarships, grants-in-aid, or other forms of
professional advancement. Non-teaching academic and incentives shall be provided to deserving science
non-academic personnel shall enjoy the protection of students, researchers, scientists, inventors,
the State. technologists, and specially gifted citizens.
(5) The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority
to education and ensure that teaching will attract and Section 12. The State shall regulate the transfer and
retain its rightful share of the best available talents promote the adaptation of technology from all sources
through adequate remuneration and other means of job for the national benefit. It shall encourage the widest
satisfaction and fulfillment. participation of private groups, local governments, and
community-based organizations in the generation and
LANGUAGE utilization of science and technology.
Section 6. The national language of the Philippines is
Filipino. As it evolves, it shall be further developed and Section 13. The State shall protect and secure the
enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and other exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists, and
languages. Subject to provisions of law and as the other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and
Congress may deem appropriate, the Government shall creations, particularly when beneficial to the people, for
take steps to initiate and sustain the use of Filipino as a such period as may be provided by law.
medium of official communication and as language of
instruction in the educational system. Spanish and ARTS AND CULTURE
Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional Section 14. The State shall foster the preservation,
basis. enrichment, and dynamic evolution of a Filipino national
culture based on the principle of unity in diversity in a
Section 7. For purposes of communication and climate of free artistic and intellectual expression.
instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are
Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English. Section 15. Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of
The regional languages are the auxiliary official the State. The State shall conserve, promote, and
languages in the regions and shall serve as auxiliary popularize the nation’s historical and cultural heritage
media of instruction therein. and resources, as well as artistic creations.

Section 8. This Constitution shall be promulgated in Section 16. All the country’s artistic and historic wealth
Filipino and English and shall be translated into major constitutes the cultural treasure of the nation and shall
regional languages, Arabic, and Spanish. be under the protection of the State which may regulate
Section 9. The Congress shall establish a national its disposition.
language commission composed of representatives of Section 17. The State shall recognize, respect, and
various regions and disciplines which shall undertake, protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to
coordinate, and promote researches for the preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and
development, propagation, and preservation of Filipino institutions. It shall consider these rights in the
and other languages. formulation of national plans and policies.


Section 18. (1) The State shall ensure equal access to 3. Religious denominations should submit their
cultural opportunities through the educational system, request for time allocation for optional religious
public or private cultural entities, scholarships, grants instruction to the principal within the regular
and other incentives, and community cultural centers, class hours.
and other public venues. 4. Religious instruction shall be given for not more
(2) The State shall encourage and support researches than 90 minutes a week within the regular class
and studies on the arts and culture. hours.
5. Religious instructors shall be designated or
approved by the religious authorities to whom
the children belong.
SPORTS 6. No students/pupils shall be allowed or
Section 19. (1) The State shall promote physical permitted to attend religious instruction classes
education and encourage sports programs, league without the written request or permission of
competitions, and amateur sports, including training for his/her parents or guardian.
international competitions, to foster self-discipline, 7. Inclosed are sample forms of the request or
teamwork, and excellence for the development of a permission for optional religious instruction to
healthy and alert citizenry. be accomplished by the parents or guardian.
(2) All educational institutions shall undertake regular 8. Principals are enjoined to adhere to the above-
sports activities throughout the country in cooperation mentioned requirements vis-à-vis religious
with athletic clubs and other sectors. instruction on public schools.
9. Immediate dissemination of this Order is
June 18, 1990 Secretary
DO 69, s. 1990 Incls.: As stated
Reference: DECS Order: No. 39, s. 1987
Optional Religious Instruction under Paragraph 3, DECS Memorandum: No. 231, s, 1987
Section 3, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution Allotment: 1-2-3-4— (M.O. 1-87)
To: Bureau Directors Secretary of Education Sara Duterte
Regional Directors Chairperson of CHED Prospero de Vera
Schools Superintendents Director-General of TESDA Danilo Pakingan Cruz
President, State Colleges and Universities Budget₱900.41 billion (DepEd + CHED + TESDA + SUCs)
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators Primary languages Filipino · English · Philippine regional
1. The 1987 Constitution provides for religious languages
instruction of students/pupils in public System type national
elementary and high schools within the regular Total22.9 million (public schools) + 4.8 million (private
class hours, at the option expressed in writing schools)
by the parents or guardian, without additional Primary1.8 million (public kindergarten schools) + 13.2
cost to the Government. (Sec. 3, Article XIV.) million
2. In compliance with this Constitutional mandate,
school’s superintendents are enjoined to ask Education in the Philippines is provided
their principals to: by public and private schools, colleges, universities,
1. arrange existing regular class hours to and technical and vocational institutions in the country.
accommodate the teaching of religion Funding for public education comes from the national
within the regular class hours; and government. For the academic year 2017–2018, about
2. assist in the preparation and 83% of K–12 students attended public schools and
distribution of appropriate forms which about 17% either attended private schools or were
parents or guardians may use to signify home-schooled.
their conformity or refusal to have their
children or wards receive religious With the "trifocalization" of the educational system in
instruction. the country, three government agencies handle each
level of education. At the basic education level, next year’s debt servicing expenses expected to be
the Department of Education (DepEd) sets overall bigger than this year’s, at P1.35 trillion.
educational standards and mandates standardized According to the NEP, debt payments in next year’s
tests for the K–12 basic education system, although budget include P1.02 trillion in principal amortization
private schools are generally free to determine their and P582.3 billion for interest. At present, the national
own curriculum in accordance with existing laws and government’s outstanding debt is at P14.63 trillion by
Department regulations. At the higher education level, the end of 2023.
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) supervises
and regulates colleges and universities. Meanwhile, Meanwhile, P852.8 billion was proposed for the
the Technical Education and Skills Development Department of Education (DepEd) to help the agency
Authority (TESDA) regulates and accredits technical and implement a full resumption of face-to-face classes.
vocational education programs and institutions in the However, ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro
country. said that at least P1.3 billion must be allocated to the
By law, education is compulsory for thirteen years education department.
(kindergarten and grades 1–12) and is grouped into
three levels: kindergarten, elementary school (grades 1– The educator-turned-legislator also slammed in a
6), junior high school (grades 7–10), and senior high statement the proposed budget cut in the University of
school (grades 11–12). They may also be grouped into the Philippines and UP-Philippine General Hospital.
four key stages: 1st key stage (kindergarten–grade 3), A report from the Philippine Collegian, UP’s official
2nd key stage (grades 4–6), 3rd key stage (grades 7–10) student paper, said that the DBM has proposed a P2.54
and 4th key stage (grades 11–12). Children usually enter billion budget cut for the UP System in 2023, with P893
kindergarten at age 5. Institutions of higher million slashed in the UP-PGH’s budget, the country’s
education may be classified as either public or private official COVID referral hospital.
college or university; public institutions of higher
education may further be subdivided into two
types: state universities and colleges (SUCs) and local
colleges and universities.

Debt servicing and education will get the biggest chunk

of the P5.268-trillion proposed budget of the Ferdinand
Marcos Jr. administration. On Monday (August 22),
the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
officially transmitted the 2023 National Expenditures
Program (NEP) to Congress, with House Speaker Martin
Romualdez making a promise to DBM
Secretary Amenah Pangandaman that the lower house
will tackle the budget right away before they go on
recess on October 1.

The budget [process] of 2023 will be very transparent.

This will be a product of the entire House of
Representatives where the majority will listen to the
minority bloc’s concerns and of course, we as the
representatives of the people will also be attuned to
their needs,” Romualdez said. He also assured that
“every centavo of the national budget will be spent
wisely to implement programs that would save lives,
protect communities and make our economy strong and
more agile or brilliant.”

However, a whopping P1.6 trillion – or 29.8% of the

proposed budget – will just go to debt servicing as the
government has to repay the debts it incurred, with

The environment in which teaching takes place is

extremely important for a positive learning experience.
To make students feel comfortable, schools strive to
create an inspirational learning environment classroom
is a central place for educational activities, which is why
it should be visually appealing. This is why classrooms
INTEGRATIVE METHOD IN TEACHING SOCIAL SCIENCE are usually filled with colorful posters and pictures that
DISCIPLINE IN BASIC EDUCATION send positive messages (respect your classmates, read
books, eat healthy, etc.). 
 Characteristics of good teaching method 
 Factors that determine the selection of teaching 3. CLEAR COMMUNICATION
 Lecture method  The way in which the teacher communicates with
 Problem-solving method  students is crucial for learning. Teachers’ manners and
 Project method  approaches to students may vary, while some are
 Role-play  relaxed, others firmly believe in maintaining discipline.
 Dramatization method  Regardless of the personal style, a good teacher is
 Collaborative learning  expected to present the lesson in a clear and age-
 Multi-media approach  appropriate way. 
 Activity-based learning 

CHARACTERISTICS OF TEACHING Student-teacher relationships should be characterized

by mutual respect. To build such a positive relationship,
Teachers have the greatest responsibility when it comes both sides have to demonstrate positive qualities. On
to the quality of education. Teaching requires the one hand, teachers will earn students’ respect if
commitment, educational leadership, and the ability to they set clear and fair rules. Effective classroom
convey knowledge in a way that enables students to management is very important in this case since
acquire it. However, knowledge, although important, is students expect a certain level of discipline and the lack
not the only necessary parameter for successful of it may cause an unproductive classroom
teaching. Teachers also need to understand students’ atmosphere. 
needs, the and way they think, and to be able to
maintain their attention in class in order to be
successful. 5. CRITICAL THINKING 

6 Characteristics of Good Teaching One of the main teaching goals is the development of
critical thinking in students. It helps them to combine
1. ACTIVE LEARNING TECHNIQUES acquired knowledge, and personal skills and attitudes to
It has long been known that classes where the teacher correctly interpret the obtained information. In
talks incessantly throughout the lecture, while the practice, this means that teachers should encourage
students are passive listeners, do not yield satisfactory students to interpret the received information in their
results. Modern education requires active student own way, and to take a certain position which they will
participation, which can be achieved by using some of defend with arguments. This is one of the requirements
the following active learning techniques:  for successfully overcoming obstacles in life, which is
why critical thinking education is extremely important
• Discussion  both in modern education, and life in general.
• Brainstorming 
• Note-taking  6. PROBLEM-SOLVING
• Teamwork
One of the most important characteristics of teaching is Lecture Method
problem-solving. Not only is overcoming obstacles
The formal, verbal presentation of information or other
crucial for a successful education, but it also represents
material by an instructor to a group of students or other
the foundation for a successful professional and private
learners. The lecture method is used mainly when
life. Although it may not seem like it, teachers find it
groups are large or time is limited (e.g., in personnel
hard to define tasks that will be challenging enough
training). It can also be used to introduce other
without being too hard. Appropriate tasks will not make
instructional methods, such as audiovisual
students feel helpless and inadequate but will
presentations or role play, or to summarize material
encourage them to work toward a solution.
developed by other means. 
10 Qualities of a Good Teacher
Problem Solving Method
 Good Teachers are Strong Communicators  Problem solving is the process of identifying an existing
 Good Teachers are Adaptable  problem, determining the root cause or causes of the
 Good Teachers Listen Well  problem, deciding the best course of action in order to
 Good Teachers are Engaging  solve the problem, and then finally implementing it to
 Good Teachers Focus on 
solve the problem. 
 Collaboration 
 Good Teachers show Empathy Role Play Method
 Good Teachers Have Patience 
 Good Teachers Value Real-World Learning  Role-play is a technique that allows students to explore
 Good Teachers are Lifelong Learners realistic situations by interacting with other people in a
 Good Teachers Share Best Practices  managed way in order to develop experience and trial
different strategies in a supported environment. 
Dramatization Method Dramatization in education is an
activity which provides learners all learning styles as
Choosing an instructional method then requires the whole and learning by experience these are by
instructor to consider at least three main aspects: 1) the movement, active learning, social learning, learning by
learning objectives, to make sure the method is discussion, emotional learning, collaborative learning,
appropriate, 2) the nature of the materials and 3) how and learning by discover. 
we want students to interact with this information. 
Collaborative Learning 
Collaborative learning is a situation in which two or
Teachers are the pillars for their students. They play the more people learn or attempt to learn something
most important role in their students’ life by providing together. Unlike individual learning, people engaged in
support, boosting their confidence, guiding them in the collaborative learning capitalize on one another's
right direction, and of course teaching them. They are resources and skills.
the facilitator of learning in the learning teaching
Role of the teachers in collaborative learning Teachers
process. The best teacher is one who is able to apply the
facilitates collaborative learning by creating learning
best teaching method to teach students and guide them
tasks that encourage diversity but aim at high standards
towards a quality learning process.
of performance for all students. These tasks involve
FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHING RELATED TO TEACHER students in high-level thought processes such as
decision-making and problem-solving That is best
Teacher Development is an entire process in itself that
accomplished in collaboration.
involves upskilling, learning and evolving as a teacher. It
provides adequate training to a teacher to be able to Benefits of effective collaboration Kids learn best in a
match the growing needs of students and parents in the social environment. Subject or topic information can be
classroom and beyond. more effective when it comes from peers. Collaborative
learning encourages this social aspect of education and
enhances student understanding. Educators can share
workload, and ideas. By collaborating on and building a Traditional instruction
shared playlist of videos, for example, educators share a structured education program that focuses on face-
inspiration to develop high-quality resources for their to-face teacher-centered instruction, including teacher-
classes. led discussion and teacher knowledge imparted to
students. Students are matched by age, and possibly
Multimedia Approach The multimedia approach
also ability. Instructional materials are based on
empowers the student to speak to data utilizing a few
textbooks, lectures, and individual written assignments.
unique media. It can stimulate the interest of the
All students in the classroom generally receive a single,
student and give them striking impressions. Multimedia
unified curriculum. Subjects are often individual and
can consider diverse learning styles – some students
independent instead of integrated and interdisciplinary,
learn by translating the content, while others require
particularly in secondary school.
more graphical portrayals.
Traditional Classroom
5 Benefits of Multimedia Learning 
A traditional classroom is an educational place where
 Deeper understanding. 
the teacher delivers knowledge to the students in
 Improved problem solving. 
person without any third-party medium. This is the
 Increased positive emotions. 
most common way of learning all around the world.
 Access to a vast variety of information. 5.
Here, the pace of learning remains constant.
 World exploration. 
Traditional classrooms are placed to transmit the skills,
values, and knowledge of social and moral conduct to
Importance of Activity Based Learning (ABL) 
the next generation.
Activity-based learning also facilitates better
understanding by creating far learning grounds for Classroom instruction
everyone. It ensures that the student is always engaged
 means that part of a driver education course that
in learning; sharpens the analytical skills and problem-
occurs in a classroom environment that enables a
solving skills of the learners and also promotes the
student to learn through varied instructional methods,
binding between tutor and learner.
under the direct guidance of a driver education
Local Craft Museum Through arts and crafts, children instructor.
learn to value and appreciate artifacts and images
The organization of instruction
across cultures and times. Experience in design, arts,
and crafts enable them to reflect critically on their own Educational organization rests to some extent on
work and those by others. They learn to act and think psychological views about learning, but explicitly it is
like designers and artists, working intelligently and concerned with the grouping of pupils for educational
creatively. experience and instruction.
Art and crafts help young children explore and express Pupils in general are organized by age into what are
their emotions, share how they relate to their family usually termed grades, classes, or forms. Each school is
and friends, and talk about their difficulties, their future also usually either comprehensive (containing students
dreams and aspirations, even if they have not yet pursuing various academic, commercial, and vocational
developed a full vocabulary to do so. It also develops curricula) or based on the so-called dual
courage and a healthy self-esteem. Art & craft is plan (containing only students pursuing a particular
organized expressions of ideas, feelings and experiences curriculum). In some countries, the dual system is
in images, in language, in gesture and in movement. actually tripartite: there may be schools for classical
They provide for sensory, emotional, intellectual and academic study, schools for technical or vocational
creative enrichment and contribute to the learner's study, and schools for more generalized, “modern,”
holistic development. diversified study. Whether comprehensive or dual-plan,
schools frequently have some kind of streaming or
multi-tracking whereby students are grouped according
to ability so that there are separate classes for the less Some teachers have been known to be either strict or
able and the more able. structured. Not that either strict or structured or both,
is a bad thing to be. However, the need for a
Team teaching represents an attempt to make better
comparison of the two terms should be made clear.  
use of every teacher’s potential in any subject area, to
create a flexible learning situation, and to make non- By Webster’s definition, strict means stringent in
streaming more effective. For example, the normal class requirement or control under strict orders;  severe in
of 30 pupils with an individual subject teacher is the discipline.  I often related the term strict to what
replaced by a larger group of pupils and a team of someone says you can and cannot do. 
teachers, who pool their efforts. Although the team
Structured means something is arranged in a definite
plan may take several forms, it generally assumes some
pattern of organization.  A classroom that is structured
variety of the following elements:
is very important in managing and organizing an
(1) large-group instruction, in which the effective classroom. Rules are in place that limit what
total complement of some 50 to 150 students in the kids can and cannot do to keep others safe but structure
program is periodically taught by one teacher (either provides an organization and routine that produces an
the same teacher or several teachers in rotation) in a environment that is conducive for children to learn. A
lecture hall; safe environment that is structured is a perfect balance.

(2) small-group instruction, which alternates with large- A Structured Classroom

group instruction so as to allow small numbers of
 Establish rules and routines from the get-go
students and a member of the teaching team to discuss,
 Establish a classroom community of respect
report, and exchange ideas;
(See for The Love of Responsive Classroom.)
(3) independent study, whereby students are given  Establish clear routines, expectations and logical
individual projects or library work; and consequences (see my Interactive Modeling
Scripts for routines at my Shop.
(4) team planning sessions, in which, daily or weekly,  Establish clear learning goals
the teachers plan, coordinate, report on, and evaluate  Provide flexibility
their programs.  Show interest in your students
 Develop relationships with students and their
How do I need to structure desks and for what families
For teacher-focused activities, straight rows facing front
and; a chevron pattern angled to face front are most If you do not have a structured classroom, your
appropriate and needed when giving/projecting direct students will not learn to their highest potential. Once
information from the front of the classroom. This desk you have a structure classroom management down pat,
structure provides teacher control and lets you put it’s full steam ahead to teaching and learning.
certain kids upfront; however, it complicates teachers The Physical Space
and students getting in and out of rows, and separation
can inhibit student-teacher relationship-building. Organizing the physical space is another important
piece of the classroom. It should be a place that is
For student-focused activities, whole/semi-circles, organized, inviting, and and makes the best use of the
triads and quad groups, and rotation stations are classroom space. 
necessary when working on collaboration, teamwork,
relationship-building, and projects. Those student- Classrooms come in all shapes and sizes and I was
focused arrangements are more engaging and active, completely bummed when I had a small, stuffy room
and they create a structure/control for the social that was not conducive for 20-25 bodies to move
interaction that our students need. around in without bumping into each other. Students
having their personal space is just as important as
Strict vs Structured physical space.

An Organized Classroom
 Create a student-friendly environment that is Proper Guidance: The presence of a subject teacher is
inviting and welcoming. also beneficial as the doubts arise in mid-lecture can be
 Carefully define and separate your students’ solved then and there. It will also promote more
space from the teacher’s space. students – teacher interactions which will add on to the
 Identify spaces that will be utilized for teaching learning capabilities of student.
and learning, for whole group teaching, small
groups, work areas, centers, etc.  The theme is one discipline
 Identify “dead” spaces to be used for storage
A major component of being an effective
 Teach students about the physical space. Teach teacher is making correct classroom discipline decisions.
students that everything in the classroom has a Teachers who cannot manage student discipline in their
space, like their personal belongings, classroom classroom are limited in their overall effectiveness in
materials, and resources. almost every other area of teaching. Classroom
 Label everything, including bins and shelves, discipline in that sense may be the most critical
materials and resources. Your students could component of being an outstanding teacher.
then “read” the room if they forget where
something is or goes. Study of two or more Learning Areas
 Update the classroom display spaces, such as Grouping of traditionally discrete but related subjects
student work on bulletin boards. with the explicit aim of integrating students’ learning.
For example, the learning area ‘social sciences/studies
As you set up your structured classroom, think about can include elements of geography, history, citizenship,
how you’ll organize the physical space and manage your economy/ commerce, philosophy, and sociology.
students so it is an environment that is conducive for (Adapted from: UNESCO IBE 2011).
teaching and learning.
Many education systems organize the curriculum of
general education around broad learning areas or fields
of learning. For example: language and communication
Traditional Education System (including a first and a second language); mathematical
Traditional learning holds the use of conventional thinking; exploration and understanding of the natural
learning tools comprising of blackboards, chalks, books and social world (including natural sciences, geography,
and pens. Confined within the walls of classrooms, history, biology, physics, and chemistry); and personal
students acquire education from teachers present in the and social development (including artistic education,
classroom and get direct assistance from them in the citizenship, ethics and physical education). (Mexico,
time of inconvenience or doubts regarding the subject. Study plan of basic education, 2011).
Enrolled to the institution for a specific term or period, Theme – Collaboration
the students attend classes every day. Still followed by a
huge number of educational institutions, the customary Teacher collaboration involves teachers working
learning through classrooms has its own perk and worth together to achieve a common goal through the sharing
such as: of evidence-informed practices, knowledge, and
problem-solving. Teacher quality improves when
Social Exposure: Getting exposed to a group of students teachers recognize their own expertise and feel
from different places across the world will always be fun comfortable in offering it, while also being open to
and relaxing. It will not only increase the sharing of accepting the advice and feedback of others.
knowledge but will encourage the students to learn

Extra-Curricular Activities: In a group full of same age

groups, learning can either be academic or other group
activities promoting proper learning. Students can not  
only part-take in different activities but classroom
learning will stretch their learning ability to the fullest

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