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Man:i am the one he looks to first.

Man.2:tell him simon peter jesus speaks to me like father.

Simon Peter:Haha you're both wrong i am the one jesus favourite.

Man.2;Simon peter how can you say that, what makes you think you are that important to Jesus.

Simon Peter:*Chuckled.

Jesus: in this world the kings and great men lorded over their people, yet they are called friends of the
people but among you it will be different, those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest
lowest rank and the leader should be like a servant, who is more important the one who sits at the table
or the one who serves, the one on the table of course but not here, for i am among you as one who
serves and just as my father granted me a king dom i now grant you the right to eat and drink at my table
in my kingdom, and you will sit in thrones judging the twelve tribes of israel.

Narrator: people at the table murmurs.

Jesus:simon,simon indeed satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat but i have prayed for
you that your faith should not fail and when you have returned to me. strengthen your brethren.

Simon Peter:Lord i am ready to go to prison with you and even to die with you.

Jesus:peter before the rooster crows tommorrow moring you will deny three times that you even know

Chris quantum:im just saying i'd like to, you know maybe get into one of your pickup games after school

Cool Boy:Heh, quantum our games invite only.

Chris quantum:well everybody knows that so what's it take to get and invite?.

Bully1:Heh, we don't hang with guys like you quantum, not cool and too short *Laughs*.

Bully2:Laughs*, oh i don't know i heard quantum here has a wicked little jump shot.

Bully1 and bully2 laughs together

Narrator:Quantum steals the ball from the two bully, as the two bullys try ro steal the ball from
quantum,quantum said.

Quantum:can't touch me,look out,here it comes i've caught the quantum corkscrew

Narrator:As he shoot the ball in to the hoop,the two bullys were amazed

Bully1:All right,do that again so we know it's not a fluke

Chris quanrum:Heh,i dropped that shot in my sleep

Joy:chris you'll never guess what, i got elected president of the chess club.

Narrator:The bullys laugh at joy and chris.

Bully2:seriously chess pop, oh my gosh i'm president

Bully1:quantum you know this chestnut?

Narrator:the bullys laughs again then chris denied that he knows joy and continued playing basketball.

Bully2:personal invite to the game.

Chris quantum:huh?, ohhh.

Bully1:meet you at river park.

Narrator:chris was happy that he got invited by them but theres always consequences.

Gizmo:Chris oh chris i have brought your athletic shoes from home.

Chris quantum:Giz i'm gonna be hanging out with the coolest kids at valley view.

Gizmo: i am very glad for you chris but uh, what is the matter with joy?

Narrator:While chris was happy about the invite but he didnt know that he hurted joy with his words.

Joy;chris, how could you do that!

Chris quantum:Joy those guys don't think the chess club is very cool and you know how much i want.

Joy:that makes it okay to pretend you don't know me?

Chris quantum:Joy, you know i'm your friend

Joy:i thought i knew

Narrator:chris tried calling joys name but joy ignored him and then super book arrived. and it was the
wrong timing.

Super book:i am going to show you the power of forgiveness.

Narrator:Jesus was being taken to the prison and simon peter followed him.

Chris:oh man when i was going to get, huh what's going on?

Soldier:Out of the way!

Gizmo:i say we listen to the big man with a torch


Soldier:Open the gate! we're taking jesus to be questioned by caiaphas

Chris:what's going on?

Soldier2:this man, jesus of nazareth is stirring up all kinds of touble. claiming he's the son of god the high
priest caiaphas will determine his fate.

Gizmo:we must get to chris.

Soldier2:Move in side!

Chris quantum:Hey wait!

Simon Peter:John!

John:Hurry peter!, please let my friend in.

John:Peter! come with me

Simon Peter:john this is all going badly

John:Hurry there is no time to delay!

Simon Peter:Listen to me!, jesus just let them arrest you.

John:And try to stop them maybe that's not the way jesus wants it to be

Simon Peter:What does he want?, this whole night makes no sense. its all going wrong how would jesus
become king he's being arrested by the officials of the very people that he's meant to lead.

John:Peter remember what jesus said?, we must go follow me

Narrator:While peter's getting stressed and nervous he cant decide on what to do. while joy and gizmo
are trying to get to Chris.

Joy:Gizmo what are you doing?

Gizmo:Chris might be trouble in there maybe i can locate him with my scan cam.

Joy:forget about him gizmo, if he doensn't want to be with me then i dont want to be with him.

Soldier:what do you think caiaphas will do with this jesus of nazareth.

Soldier2:Oh he will get his due along with all his followers.

Woman:you were one of those with jesus the galilean.

Simon Peter:i don't know what you're talking about.

Woman: this man was with jesus of nazareth.

Simon Peter:i swear i don't even know the man.

Soldier:you must be one of them you can tell by your galilean accent

Simon Peter:A curse on me if i'm lying i don't know the man.

Narrator:And thats when he remembered what jesus said to him.

Jesus:before the rooster crows tomorrow morning you will deny three times that you even know me.

Narrator:Simon Peter's saw jesus was being taken to the praetorium.

Gizmo:Chris, where are they taking jesus?

Chris quanrum:they're saying the praetorium so some guy named pontius pilate can judge him now.

Narrator:While jesus was being taken to the praetorium Simon Peter walked by joy,chris and gizmo.

Gizmo:who is that man?

Chris quantum:that's peter.

Gizmo:what is the matter with him?

Chris quantum:uh he's, he's probable you know upset because they're taking his friend jesus away.

Narrator:while they're talking about peter and jesus super book comesback to get them.

Chris:so where are we now guys

Gizmo: we have arrived at the sea of galilee. it also appears super book has taken us approximately three
weeks forward in time.

Chris quantum:Man we got to get home sooner or i'll miss my chance to play basketball with the coolest
guys in school.

Joy:they're not cool giz a pair of binoculars please.

Chris quantum:what did you say?

Joy:Giz a pair of binoculars please

Chris quantum:before that you said they're not cool, just shows what you know joy ask anybody at
school it's taken me all year to prove i've got what it takes to hang with them and now they're
gonna let me, so that makes me.

Joy:totally uncool too.

Chris quantum:what, wait i told you joy if i hung out with the new president of the chess club, do you
know how much they'd make fun of me!, fine if joy doesn't want to hang with me i don't want to hang
with her i'll just work on my quantum corkscrew until super book take us back Giz basketball mode.

Gizmo:chris joy has been your friend a lot longer than those boys at school.

Chris quantum:well i can be her friend when im with her and they're friend when im with them they
never have to know about each other.

Narrator:While chris is practicing about his corkscrew basketball joy decided to talk to Simon Peter.

Joy: hi i'm joy and i, wait you're peter you were with jesus at the house of caiaphas.

Narrator:Simon Peter ignored joy when she was talking to him

Man:we're all followers of jesus or we were.

Joy: what do you mean about we were

Man:if you were at the house of caiaphas how have you not heard, jesus was crucified.

Man2:after he died we were all so fearful.

Man:most of the disciple hid from the romans or the mob others simply ran away.

Man2:but then the most amazing miracle happened jesus rose from the dead.

Joy:What?!, i remeber i mean if he's alive where is he?

Man2:he has come to us several times but he has been different, i saw him and was not certain it was

Jesus:put your finger here and look at my hands put your hand into the wound in my side, do not be
faithless any longer believe.

Man2:my lord and my god.

Jesus: you believe because you have seen me blessed are those who believe without seeing me.

Joy:that's amazing.

Man2:why did i ever doubt him.

Narrator:while they're was talking abour jesus and how he rosed from the dead, simon peter went to go

Simon Peter:i'm going fishing

Man:we'll come too, he cannot forgive himself

Joy:for what?

Man:he denied even knowing jesus.

Joy:and some people don't even feel bad for what they did.

Narrator:While they were getting ready to fish chris and joy was still mad at each other.

Joy:i'll take this mall boat i don't think chris wants to be around me anyway.

Chris quantum:Peter, that night they arrested jesus i undersrand why you had to say you didn't know him
i mean they could have arrested you who knows what everyone was thinking that night, you had to
protect yourself didn't you.

Simon Peter:jesus knew satan was abour to test me and i failed never let down your guard chris the devil
is like roaring lion sneaking aroud to find someone to attack.

Narrator:while they're was trying to catch fish jesus suddenly arrived at a island.

Gizmo:Chris i have been checking this area with sonar and perhaps the disciples should move to another
location, there are no fish in the vicinity

Chris quantum:i think they kind of figured that out already guys keep looking.

Narrator:while they fall asleep while trying to catch a fish, someone suddenly was calling out good

Simon Peter:Who is that?

Man:who's that?

Man2:Who's calling out?

Jesus:have you caught anything?

Man2:No, we haven't caught a single fish

Jesus:cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.

Simon Peter:what is he talking about?

Man2:we've been fishing all night apparently off the wrong side of the boat

Man:there's nothing to lose

Man2: what makes him think this is going to work?

Gizmo:i have been running the sonar all night and there are no fish anywhere near here that is a fact.
Narrator:they think that the man on the island is talking nonsense but they dont know that it was jesus
himself. and then it happend they're were starting to get fish and they're struggling to get the net up
because there was just so many fish appeared then suddenly a man recognize jesus was on the island.

Man:peter it's jesus.

narrator:As the man said hesitating, mean while Simon Peter jumps off the boat and swim as fast as he
can towards jesus, jesus said.

Jesus:bring some of the fish you have just caught.

Simon Peter:lord i-

Jesus:simon, son of jonah do you love me more than these?

Simon Peter:yes lord, you know that i love you.

Jesus:then feed my lambs.

Jesus:son of jonah,do you love me?

Simon Peter:yes lord,you know i love you

Jesus them take care of my sheep.

Jesus:simon son of jonah, do you love me?

Simon Peter:lord, you know everything, you know that i love you

Jesus:then feed my sheep and follow me

Narrator:peter denied jesus three times, so jesus is restoring him three times. and then super book
arrived again as chris was just about so apologize to Joy.

Chris quantum:Joy i want to say, look i messed up sometimes people make mistakes they get
overwhemled or afraid

Gizmo:or selfish

Chris quantum:but mostly afraid, i never should have denied that i knew you in front of those guys joy i
mean it im sorry.

Joy:i forgive you chris and i'm sorry if i overreacted a little

Bully1:hey quantum you gonna play with us or not?

Chris quantum:you know what i'm not gonna nope i gotta go

Bully2:go where?
Chris quantum coolest thing just happend joy was just made president of the chess club so i'm gonna go
celebrate with my friends.

Gizmo:check mate game over :) see ya who needs the quantum corkscrew when i've got the gizmo gut

Narrator:And thats all every one this is the project of group.

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