CFVE - Prelim Act. 1 & 2

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Carlatan, City of San Fernando, La Union

1. To love Him. (Deuteronomy 6:5) - DEONTOLOGICAL

We should love and accept God in our life with all our hearts because He gave us life and what
we have right now. He loves us despite our flaws and sins; that is why we should also love Him
just like He loves us. He also sacrifices His only begotten son to save us all and free us from our
2. To know that He is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4) - RELATIVISM
God is a jealous God, so we should know that He is one and serve only Him. We should bear in
our minds that there is only one God despite the different beliefs, cultures, and religions that
we have. The Lord God should be the only one we should praise and glorify, and no one
replaces Him.
3. Not to profane His Name. (Leviticus 22:32) - DEONTOLOGICAL
We should not use the Lord's name for worthless and wrong purposes because His name is holy
and sacred, which we should give respect. Honoring and glorifying His name shows that we
recognize Him as our God.
4. Not to oppress the weak. (Exodus 22:21) - DEONTOLOGICAL
God loves and cares for the weak and oppressed people the most. It is not right to take
advantage of a person's weakness because it is inhumane.
5. To love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:18) - TELEOLOGICAL
The summary of God’s commandments is to love, and it is the greatest commandment of God
to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We need to be kind and show kindness to our
neighbors if we want to receive the same action, and it allows us to have a peaceful and
functional surrounding. It is an example of Teleology because it involves doing the greatest
good for many people.
6. Not to take revenge. (Leviticus 19:18) - DEONTOLOGICAL
God does not want us to take revenge because revenge can lead us on the wrong path. Do not
repay evil to evil, and we should let justice be in God’s hands. There is no difference between
you and the person who did wrong to you if you take revenge because you both did a vicious
action that violates the commandments of God.
7. To respect and defer to the elders. (Leviticus 19:32) - DEONTOLOGICAL
It is important to respect elders because they have more experience and are more
knowledgeable than us most of the time. Being polite to the elders like our parents shows that
we value and respect them.
8. To know there is a God. (Exodus 20:2) - RELATIVISM
Even if we cannot see Him physically, know that there is God because even we cannot see Him
physically, He shows His presence by sending people who help us and do good things to us. Not
everyone believe that there is God, but as Christians, we should believe that there is God
because He is the one who gives life to all forms in the world.
9. To sanctify His Name. (Leviticus 22:32) - RELATIVISM
Sanctifying the name of God is an action that brings honor, respect, and glory to God. It shows
that we acknowledge Him as our God and recognize His goodness and glory.
10. Not to slander. (Leviticus 19:16) - TELEOLOGICAL
Slander is a hateful and discriminatory act. It is not right to conclude and make a false
accusation of someone without any evidence or proof because it causes defame and damage
someone's reputation. We should not judge and tell untrue stories, especially if we are not in
the position or in their place.
11. Teach Torah to your children. (Deuteronomy 6:7) - RELATIVISM
Teaching Torah to the children will give them ideas and knowledge about God. It leads them in
a good direction wherein they can be servants of God. It also gives them information about
God's commandments and knowing the difference between good and evil.
12. Not to worship idols. (Exodus 20:5) - RELATIVISM
Worshiping idols is a sin because it shows that we do not acknowledge God as our Lord. God is
alone, and there is no other God we should praise and worship before Him. Even if we have
different beliefs, we should know that our Lord God is the only one we serve and worship.
13. Be mindful of prophecies and commandments (2.PETER 3:2) - DEONTOLOGICAL
We should bear in mind and put in our hearts the commandments of God because it serves as
our guide to be good and to do good actions. Following His commandments builds a strong
relationship with God and also a good relationship with our neighbors.
14. Be not deceived by evil companions (1.CORINTHIANS 15:33) – DEONTOLOGICAL/
There are temptations of evil everywhere, and it leads us to a bad decision. We should not let
an evil companion deceive us because it damages our image and it corrupts our good morals.
15. Do good to them that hate you (MATT 5:44; LK 6:27) - TELEOLOGICAL
Just like what God commanded us to do that we should love our enemies because they are the
one who lacks it and needs it. We should still do good things to those who hate us to show
them the kindness that they need, and we should also pray for them to heal and take away the
hatred in their hearts.
16. Do not commit adultery (JAS 2:11) - DEONTOLOGICAL
It is not right to have intercourse with another man's wife or husband. It is written in the 6th
commandment of God that it is a sin to commit adultery because a couple should compose only
one wife and a husband. Marriage is sacred, and it is a great sin to your partner and, most
especially to God, when you have a relationship outside marriage.
17. Do not kill (JAS 2:11) - DEONTOLOGICAL
We do not have the right to kill and end someone's life because our life is just a borrowed life
from God, and He is the one who decides when our purpose on earth ends. Killing is a mortal
sin because our life is precious, and it has a role or purpose on earth, so we should not end our
life or other's life.
18. Give glory to God (REVELATION 14:7) - RELATIVISM
Glorifying God shows that we acknowledge Him for who He is and what He does for all of us. He
is the highest, and He's the one who gave us life, the place where we live, and everything we
have, so we have to we need to thank and glorify Him.
19. Have compassion (1.PET 3:8; JUDE 1:22) - TELEOLOGICAL
We should be kind and compassionate to one another and forgive them just as Christ God
forgave us. Showing compassion means that we care for our fellow, and it makes us unite and
become a good example.
21. Go preach (MK 16:15) - RELATIVISM
As Christian, it is our responsibility to preach and spread the words of God. This would help us
encourage people to be good and do good to our neighbors. It is also a way to show God's
greatness and goodness, and it allows us to build a strong relationship with Him.
22. Let us not judge one another in doubtful things (ROMANS 14:13) - TELEOLOGICAL
Do not judge others because of doubtful things without knowing their story, but offer a hand to
the one who is weak in faith and help them build a good relationship with God.
23. Put away anger (EPH 4:31) - TELEOLOGICAL
We should not let bitterness and anger invade our hearts because sometimes we make bad
things and decisions because of these traits. Putting away anger can help us compose ourselves
and decide the right choice for our good and the good of others.
24. Build up your faith (JUDE 1:20) - RELATIVISM
A strong faith cannot stumble with any evil around us. Having a strong faith in God conveys that
we believe in His plans for us, and most significantly, we believe in Him. We should build our
faith so we have a good relationship with God and we avoid the temptations around us.
25. Return the robbed object or its value. (Leviticus 5:23) - TELEOLOGICAL
Taking something from someone else without their permission is stealing, and it is an act of
criminal, especially in things that have a significant and immense value. Returning something
and repenting the sins you have made lessen the heavy sins you have made, and it should serve
as a lesson that you will not do evil actions.

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