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Name of Team:
1.Deni Arifin
3.Gufron adinata
Step 1: Brainstorming
a. Write all the ideas that come to your mind
b. Find the smaller ideas (subtopic)
c. Find details for each subtopic.
d. Pick a topic which has many details.

Short fair hair

Michael Douglas

Slim Body

Personality Always trying

Sixty years old 25 September 1944

Never give up
Step 2: Mind map your idea

Michael Douglas

Physical appearance Personality Personal life Achievement

-Have Brown eyes -Slim body They have got a He is very

-short Blonde Hair daughter who is two famous
years old. They all live american
in the United States Of
Step 3: Put the text planner into a text layout

Michael Douglas is a very famous and popular American actor.
He is about sixty years old. He is a slim person and he is average height. He has got light
brown eyes and short fair hair.

Characteristics Features
He has a very beautiful wife, namely Catherine Johns who has green eyes with straight and
long black hair

Conclusion/Concluding Statement (optional)

He is husband and wife who have a daughter who is 2 years old, they all live in the united
Step 4: Make a paragraph

Michael Douglas Title

Michael Douglas is a very famous and popular
American actor. Introduction/
He is about sixty years old. He is a slim person
and he is average height. He has got light brown eyes
and short fair hair.

His wife is a very beautiful British actress who is Descriptions

named Catherine Zeta-Johns, she has got green eyes Characteristics features
and long straight black hair.

They have got a daughter who is two years old.

They all live in the United States Of America.
Step 5: Put the text planner into verb, adjective, and noun

Verb Adjective Noun

Actor Famous Hair




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