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CM110 病理學第一次期中考 背題

題目/答案/詳解 格式同範例
51=1 號;52=17;54=24

1. Which of the following cell shows both procoagulant and anticoagulated activities?
(A) Red Blood Cell
(B) White Blood Cell
(C) Endothelial cell
(D) Platelet
Ans: ©
Endothelial cell 既能讓血小板吸附,也能夠釋放 NO 阻止血小板吸附而凝血

2. 下列有關梅毒的敘述何者錯誤?
(A) 第二期梅毒的病變為全身性皮疹
(B) 第三期梅毒的橡膠腫(gumma),是一種肉芽腫性炎症反應
(C) 第三期梅毒由於阻
塞性動脈內膜炎(obliterative endarteritis)造成主動脈血管壁的破壞 
(D) 梅毒性主動脈
ANS:(D) 最常侵犯的是 ascending aorta

3. 在成年男性,下列何種病毒性疾病最易侵犯睪丸?
(A) 麻疹 (measles)
(B) 德國麻疹 (rubella)
(C) 腮腺炎 (mumps)
(D) 疱疹 (herpes)
Ans: (C)
Mumps(腮腺炎病毒) – Parotitis 腮腺炎, orchitis 睪丸炎, pancreatitis 胰臟炎, encephalitis 腦炎

(From 容世明 Infectious Disease ppt)

4. 氣性壞疽(gas gangrene)是下列何者所造成的壞死? 
(A) 黴菌感染 
(B) 肺氣腫

(pulmonary emphysema) 
(C) 梭狀芽孢桿菌(Clostridium)感染 
(D) 氣體栓塞(gas
5.下列有關肉芽腫性炎症(granulomatous inflammation)的敘述,何者正確?
(A)蘭漢氏型巨細胞(Langhans-type giant cells)與異物型巨細胞(foreign body-type giant
cells)的形態 不同,但其功能並無差異
(C)肉芽腫內的淋巴球大部分為 B 淋巴球
(D)肉芽腫常見於潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis)之腸壁中

(103 國考題)
(B)sarcoidosis 是 noncaseating
(C)T 淋巴球
(D)ulcerative colitis 沒有 granuloma

A foreign-body giant cell is a collection of fused macrophages (giant cell) which are generated in
response to the presence of a large foreign body.
The nuclei are arranged in a disorganized manner. The nuclei in this cell are centrally placed
and overlap each other. This is in contrast to a Langhans giant cell, where the nuclei are arranged
on the border. By 維基

下方左圖為大家熟知的 Langhans giant cell,可看到 nuclei 排在邊邊;右圖為 foreign-body

giant cell,nuclei 排列較散亂、也沒有排在邊邊
6. 有關結核病之敘述下列何者錯誤?
(A) 脊椎之結核病一般稱為波特氏病(Pott
(B) 在 N-RAMP1 基因之某些多形性型之個人,結核病會自然消退,或直接獲得
(C) 肺外結核最常見為淋巴結節炎(Lymphagenitis)
(D) 對結核桿菌
(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)之免疫反應主要是經由 Th1 細胞刺激巨噬細胞去吞噬細菌
Ans: (B)
(100 年國考題)


7. Which of the following statements about oncogenes is CORRECT?

(A) N-MYC gene amplification is required for the aggressiveness of neuroblastomas through
production of double minutes (dms) or homogenous staining region (HSR).
(B) K-ras mutation can result in GTP-bound activiting state and therefore indicates a better of
treatment response in patients with colorectal adenocarcinomas.
(C) HER2 protooncogene, encoding a receptor tyrosine kinase, is frequently amplified in
gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
(D) BCL2, encoding membranous receptor tyrosine kinase, is a therapeutic target of follicular
不知道 A,D 誰對 QQ
(B)colorectal adenocarcinomas-->pancreatic adenocarcinomas
(C)Her2 amplification in breast cancer
看起來應該是(A)對,參照這題的話(FROM 阿莫),考古也有類似題

8. A 28-year-old young with a familial history of adenocarcinoma undergoes a surveillance

colonscopy. It reveal nearly 250 polyps in the colon, and two focal 1.0 cm ulcerated area. A
biopsy from ulcerated area showed irregular neoplastic glands that have penetrated into the
muscular layer. Which of the following molecular events is believed occur early in the evolution
of his colonic disease process?
(A)Mutation of hMLH1 gene (mismatch repair gene)
(B)Activation of the WNT signaling with nuclear translocation of beta-catenin
(C)p53 gene missense mutation
(D)Inability to hydrolyze GTP-bound RAS

這題也是考古(好像是很老的 96 年),答案也給(B)
還附上了課本來源:[Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th ed. p.296, 297]

9.With respect to p53 gene, which of the following statement is correct?

(A)It encodes a nuclear protein that functions to impede cell cycle progression if early G1 phase
through up-regulating p21
(B)P53 can promote cell apoptosis through increasing BAX expression level
(C)Causatively linked to Cowden syndrome
(D)MDMA promotes the degradation of p53
(A)earlyG1->G1/S 嗎?
(C)It is associated with mutations in PTEN on 10q23.3
(D)是 MDM"2"

10. Which of the following descriptions about cancer phenotypic hallmarks is CORRECT?
(A) Genomic instability contributed by defects in DNA homologous recombination.
(B) Induction of angiogenesis at the very early stage of tumor inception.
(C) Cancer cells prefer to adopt more efficient oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATPs.
(D) Evasion of apoptosis requires functionally intact p53.

(A)carcinogens or UV light 會造成 defects in DNA repair->genomic instability
(B)Most human tumors do not induce angiogenic factors during early stage
(C) cancer cell 會選擇代謝力低落的 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
(D) Mutations of p53 造成 evasion of apoptosis

11. A 53-year-old female has had a high fever with cough productive of yellowish sputum for the
past 2 days. Auscultation of the chest reveals a few crackles in both lung bases. A chest
radiograph reveals bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates. Which of the following inflammatory
cell types will be seen in greatly increased numbers in a sputum specimen?
(A) macrophages
(B) neutrophils
(C) mast cells
(D) small lymphocytes
(E) Langhans giant cells
(見題庫 pdf p.24 題號 3)
病程 2 天還屬於急性發炎的時期,出現的發炎細胞以 neutrophils 為主

12. 2 weeks after an acute myocardial infarction, a necrotic myocardium has largely been
replaced by capillaries, fibroblasts, collagen. A variety of inflammatory cells are present. Which
of the following inflammatory cell types in this lesion plays the most important part in the
healing process?
(A) Macrophages
(B) Plasma cells
(C) Neutrophils
(D) Eosinophils
(E) Epithelioid cells
(見題庫 pdf p.24 題號 4)
題目敘述了一些修復的過程,necrotic myocardium 被 capillaries, fibroblast, collagen 所取代,
這個過程是由 macrophage 分泌 一系列 cytokines 所主導
13. A 6-year-old child has a history of recurrent infections with pyogenic bacteria, including
Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The infections are accompanied by a
neutrophilic leukocytosis. Microscopic examination of a biopsy specimen obtained from an area
of soft tissue necrosis shows microbial organisms, but very few neutrophils. An analysis of
neutrophil function shows a defect in rolling. This child's increased susceptibility to infection is
most likely caused by a defect in which of the following molecules?
(A) Selectins
(B) Integrins
(C) Leukotriene B4
(D) Complement C3b
(E) NADPH oxidase
(見題庫 pdf p.26 題號 11)
Ans: (A)
Defect in rolling -- selectin

14. A 20-year-old, sexually promiscuous female experiences lower abdominal pain of 24 hours’
duration. There is no previous history of pain. She is febrile and has a markedly tender lower
abdomen on palpation. The total WBC is 29,000/mm3, with 75% neutrophils. Laparotomy
reveals a distended, fluid-filled, reddened left fallopian tube that is about to rupture.the tube is
likely to reveal all of the following, EXCEPT:
(A) Neutrophilic infiltrate
(B) Fibroblastic proliferation
(C) Exudation of fibrin
(D) Necrosis of mucosa
(E) Dilated blood vessels full of red cells
(Robins 題庫>>會改選項哦~~)
這題講的情況可能是急性發炎並且出現了 liquefactive necrosis,以病程上來說還沒有看到
慢性發炎的表現,故選(B) fibroblast proliferation

15. 一個 36 歲的男性,胃有兩公分的 ulcer 已三個月,有 monocyte,lymphocyte

(A) Chronic inflammation
(B) Abscess formation
(C) Suture granuloma
(D) Ulceration
(E) Serous inflammation (大概長這樣...
Ans:a 但單看只提到後面兩種 infiltration 會讓人想選(A)
因為 ulcer 會看到壞死,急慢性發炎的特徵都有,及纖維化 求救
(B)=Purulent (suppurative) inflammation 特徵:neutrophils, liquefied debris of necrotic cells
and edema fluid
(C)=Foreign body granulomas,這種 granulomas 沒有 T cell 做免疫反應,包住外來物例如

這題也是 Robbins 題庫喔,雖然我不知道選項是老師改的還是同學背錯

8. A 36-year-old man has had midepigastric abdominal pain for the past 3 months. An upper
gastrointestinal endoscopy shows a 2-cm, sharply demarcated, shallow ulceration of the gastric
antrum. A biopsy specimen of the ulcer base shows angiogenesis, fibrosis, and mononuclear cell
infiltrates with lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells. Which of the following terms best
describes this pathologic process? (見題庫 pdf p.25 題號 8)
(A) Acute inflammation
(B) Serous inflammation
(C) Granulomatous inflammation
(D) Fibrinous inflammation
(E) Chronic inflammation
(E) One outcome of acute inflammation with ulceration is chronic inflammation. This is
particularly true when the inflammatory process continues for weeks to months. Chronic
inflammation is characterized by tissue destruction, mononuclear cell infiltration, and repair. In
acute inflammation, the healing process of fibrosis and angiogenesis has not begun. Serous
inflammation is an inflammatory process involving a mesothelial surface (e.g., lining of the
pericardial cavity), with an outpouring of fluid having little protein or cellular content.
Granulomatous inflammation is a form of chronic inflammation in which epithelioid
macrophages form aggregates. In fibrinous inflammation, typically involving a mesothelial
surface, there is an outpouring of protein-rich fluid that results in precipitation of fibrin.

16. 關鍵字:macrophage,plasma cell,問哪一種發炎?

與急性發炎的 neutrophil 做區分

17. One month after an appendectomy, a 25-year-old woman palpates a small nodule beneath the
skin at the site of the healed right lower quadrant incision. The nodule is excised, and
microscopic examination shows macrophages, collagen, a few small lymphocytes, and
multinucleated giant cells. Polarizable, refractile material is seen in the nodule. Which of the
following complications of the surgery best accounts for these findings?
(A) Chronic inflammation
(B) Abscess formation
(C) Suture granuloma
(D) Ulceration
(E) Edema
The polarizable material is the suture, and a multinucleated giant cell reaction, typically with
foreign body giant cells, is characteristic of a granulomatous reaction to foreign material.
Chronic inflammation alone is unlikely to produce a localized nodule with giant cells. An
abscess, typically from a wound infection, would have liquefactive necrosis andnumerous
neutrophils. An ulceration involves loss of epidermis or other epithelial layer. Edema refers to
accumulation offluid in the interstitial space. It does not produce a cellular nodule.
來自 Robbins 題庫,已有前人附上原書詳解,簡單來說就是縫線+肉芽腫的特徵,故選(C)

嗯 是的!上面的詳解也有提到不過我沒注意
所以才是"Suture granuloma" 喔~

18. 對不起 QQ

19. A 72-year-old man with severe emphysema has had worsening right ventricular failure for
the past 5 years. For the past 4 days, he has had fever and increasing dyspnea. A chest radiograph
shows an accumulation of fluid in the pleural spaces. Fluid obtained by thoracentesis has a
specific gravity of 1.030 and contains degenerating neutrophils. The most likely cause of this
fluid accumulation is an increase in which of the following mechanisms?
(A) Colloid osmotic pressure
(B) Lymphatic pressure
(C) Vascular permeability
(D) Renal retention of sodium and water (尿瀦留)
(E) Leukocytic diapedesis
上網查這個病的概述跟 inflammation 高度相關,而且題幹有寫到抽出液含有 degenerating
我明明有上課啊 OAQ
The formation of an exudate containing a significant amount of protein and cells depends on the
“leakiness” of blood vessels, principally venules.
(A)The extravascular colloid osmotic pressure increases when exudation has occurred, and the
protein content of the extravascular space increases, causing extracellular fluid accumulation.
(B)The lymphatics scavenge exuded fluid with protein and reduce the amount of extravascular
and extracellular fluid.
(D)Sodium and water retention helps drive transudation of fluid.
(E) Leukocytosis alone is insufficient for exudation because the leukocytes must be driven to
emigrate from the vessels by chemotactic factors.

發炎+修復範圍,在劉瑀給的題庫裡面有 32+19 共 51 題喔(p.24~p.32、p.38~p.42,後面


20. 下列有關原發性中樞神經系統淋巴瘤的敘述,何者錯誤?
(C)絕大多數的腫瘤為 B 細胞淋巴瘤,且大多數細胞會表現 BCL-6
(D)血管內淋巴瘤( intravascular lymphoma)通常以廣泛的微小梗塞表現,而不是以腫塊表現
Ans:(B) (105 國考)

21. 基底核出血最符合下列那一項病況?
A. 60 歲慢性酒精中毒男性,出現頭痛、腦膜徵象(meningeal sign)、發燒、腦脊髓液嗜
中性白血球 增加
B. 80 歲男性,住養老院,長期痴呆
C. 突發頭痛、半身不遂,血壓 220/115 mmHg
D. 漿果樣動脈瘤破裂
22. 45 歲男性,身體檢查發現腎臟長了一顆 4.5 公分的 mass,組成為 unifrom cell,clear
cytoplasm,無 mitosis,沒有證據顯示有其他的轉移疾病,問該 mass 的分類。(題目附註,
腎臟腫塊>2cm,且為 clear cytoplasm 是 malignant)
(A) benign,grade:,stage:
(B) malignant,grade:high,stage:high
(C) malignant,grade:high,stage:low
(D) malignant,grade:low,stage:high
(E) malignant,grade:low,stage:low
grade 是看分化程度和細胞分裂數目,分化好的 grade 低,分化差的 grade 高,題目說其為
uniform cell,代表分化較好,應該是 low grade
stage 用 TNM 系統,直徑 4.5 公分屬於 T2,無轉移現象是 M0,淋巴結侵犯程度我不知道,
我猜應該是 N0 或 N1 吧,然後綜合起來應該是在 stage IIa~IIb 間(全部分四級,我猜 2 級
以上參考趙俊彥病理 P63~65,但我還是不確定 QQ

(B)plasma cells
(E)epithelioid cells
此題應與上面第 12 題相同。(A)

24. 下列關於肉芽腫性炎症(Granulomatous inflammation)的敘述,何者正確?
(A) 蘭漢氏

(B) 乾酪性肉芽腫常出現在類肉瘤
(C) 肉芽腫內通常是 B 淋巴球
(D) 肉芽腫常出現在潰瘍性結腸炎
(ulcerative colitis)的腸壁中
Ans: (A)
(B)常出現在 TB,類肉瘤病(sarcoidosis)不會出現乾酪性肉芽腫
(C)T cell
(D)肉芽腫少見於潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis)常見於另種發炎性腸炎" Crohn's disease "

25. 神經細胞被稱為紅色神經原(red neurons)的原因是因為:

Ans: C

26. Which of the following morphologic changes is NOT a feature of anaplasia?

(A) Loss of polarity
(B) Nuclear pleomorphism
(C) Absence of mitosis
(D) Increased nucleus-to-cytoplasm (N/C) ratio

Ans: (C)考古

27.Which one of the listed numbered sequences best illustrates the postulated sequence of events
that proceeds the formation of an infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma of the 
oral cavity? 
= carcinoma in situ 
2 = invasion carcinoma 
3 = mild dysplasia 
4 = moderate dysplasia

5 =squamous metaplasia
(A) 34512 
(B) 54312 
(C) 45312 
(D) 53412 
(E) 35412

(D)嗎? 對 XD

28. During a routine physical examination, a 45-year-old male is found to have microscopic
hematuria. Further workup reveals a 4.5-cm mass in the upper pole of his right kidney. This mass
is resected and reveals a tumor composed of a uniform population of cells with clear cytoplasm.
Mitoses are not found. Further workup fails to reveal the presence of any metastatic disease.
Based on all these findings, which of the following best characterizes this tumor? (Note: Renal
tumors composed of cells with clear cytoplasm that are larger than 2.0 cm in diameter are

Aggresiveness Grade Stage

A Benign Not applicable Not applicable

B Malignancy Low Low

C Malignancy Low High

D Malignancy High Low

E Malignancy High High

這題跟上面 22 題一樣餒

29. 52-year-old man presents with symptoms of gastric pain after eating, during workup, 3-cm
mass is found in the wall of stomach. This mass is resected and histologic examination reveals a
tumor composed of cells having elongated, spindle-shaped nuclei. The tumor does not connected
to the overlying epithelium, and is found only in the wall of stomach. This tumor is most likely
originated from?
(C)glandular epithelium
(D)smooth muscle
(E)squamous epithelium
PPT 裡也沒有,那我就硬著頭皮解了 歡迎翻案
整理 3 項那團 mass 的重點:
1. cells having elongated, spindle-shaped nuclei
>>從選項看的話,讓人想到 smooth muscle cell
2. does not connected to the overlying epithelium
>>意思應該是,跟胃的表皮細胞是沒有接觸的 表示不是從表皮長過來的 吧(? found only in the wall of stomach
>>只有在胃中看到,表示不是從別處的細胞 metastasis 來的 吧(?
若理解無誤:從胃源起的話,選項剩 CD,再加上題示 12 的話,最大可能答案應該是 D

另外一個網站的,看來就是 D

30.Which of the following tumors is benign?

考古題 見葉老師講義第 14 頁

31.Which of the following is NOT one of the four cardinal features of tetralogy of Fallot?
A. Ventricular septal defect
B. Obstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract
C. Right ventricular hypertrophy
D.Atrial septal defect
four cardinal features of tetralogy of Fallot :
ventricular septal defect
right ventricular outflow tract obstruction
right ventricular hypertrophy
aortic override of the septal defect

32. Which one of the following is NOT the adaptive response of cells?
(A) atrophy
(B) intracellular storage
(C) autolysis
(D) hypertrophy
Ans: (C)

33. what is relation to pancreatitis?

(A) fat necrosis
(B) caseous necrosis
(C) liquefactive necrosis
(D) coagulative necrosis
Ans: (A)
胰臟發炎—>lipase 釋出—>lipase 到 adipose tissue—>adipose tissue 被 lipase 分解破壞—>中
性脂肪變成 fatty acid—>又 fatty acid+calcium 變成脂肪酸鈣(saponification)—>fatty necrosis


34. The major mechanism of alpha-antitrypsin deficiency is caused by ______?

(A) Defects in protein folding and transport.
(B) Increase rate of production.
(C) Inadequate rate of metabolism.
(D) Deficiency of critical enzymes
Ans: (A) 考古
附上老師 ppt:
Defective intracellular transport and secretion of critical proteins
ER stress induced by misfolded proteins
[Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th ed. p.62, 63]

35. The model of partial hepatectomy belong to

(A) Hormonal hyperplasia
(B) Compensatory hyperplasia
(C) Pathologic hyperplasia
(D) Hormonal hypertrophy
Ans: (B)考古

36. Which one of the following can suppress apoptosis?

(A) p53
(B) Bcl-2
(C) Bax
(D) cytochrome C
Ans: (B)考古

37. Which of the following enzyme does not belong to defense mechanisms against free radical?
(A) catalase
(B) glutathione peroxidase
(C) superoxide dismutase
(D) aldehyde dehydrogenase
Ans: (D)

38. Which one of the followings is caused by vitamin C deficiency?

(A) Pellagra
(B) Scurvy
(C) Rickets
(D) Beri-beri
Ans: (B) 背!

39. Which one is less likely caused by alcohol abuse?

(A) psychomotor stimulation
(B) deficiency of thiamine
(C) growth retardation of infants
(D) fatty liver
And: (A)

40. Which description about leptin is CORRECT?

(A) It may reduce food intake by inhibiting POMC/CART neurons.
(B) Many obese persons have low blood leptin levels.
(C) It may enhance the expenditure of energy by stimulating NPY/AgRP neurons.
(D) It is secreted by adipocytes.

Ans: (D)
(A): to reduce food intake by inhibiting NPY/AgRP neurons
(B): many obese persons have high blood leptin levels
(C): to enhance the expenditure of energy by stimulating POMC/CART neurons

41. Which one(s) of the following statements is (are) TRUE?
(1) Mixed tumor of the salivary gland is also known as pleomorphic adenoma.
(2) Teratomas are principally encountered in the gonads.
(3) Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is an oncogenic RNA virus.
(4) Immunohistochemistry cannot be used to classify lymphomas.
(A) 1 and 3 are correct.
(B) 2 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(D) Only 4 is correct
(1)對的,Neoplasia ppt p10
(2)對的,Neoplasia ppt p10
(3)對的,Neoplasia ppt p60
(4)錯的,Neoplasia ppt p68 通常是~
Ans: (C)

42.Which one(s) of the following statements is (are) true?

(1) Carcinoma in situ does not metastasize.
(2) Teratomas are principally encountered in the gonads.
(3) Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is an oncogenic RNA virus.
(4) Immunohistochemistry can’t be used to classify lymphomas.
(A) 1 and 3 are correct.
(B) 2 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(D) Only 4 is correct

Ans: (C)嗎 求解(1)?

我覺得(1)現在沒有侵犯所以才用 does not
如果改成 will not 那就是錯的了

43. Which of the organs often show the presence of hemorrhagic (red) infarct after
thromboembolic event?
(1) Lung (2) Spleen (3) Intestine (4) Heart
(A) 1 and 3 are correct
(B) 2 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(D) Only 4 is correct
(1)非實質器官 ex 肺、肝、腸道 (相對來說的實質器官:心、脾)
Red infarcts occur (1) with venous occlusions (e.g., ovary), (2) in loose tissues (e.g., lung) where
blood can collect in the infarcted zone, (3) in tissue with dual circulation (e.g., lung and small
intestine) that allow blood follow from an unobstructed parallel supply into a necrotic zone, (4)
in tissues previously congested by sluggish venous outflow, and (5) when flow is re-established
to a site of previous arterial occlusion and necrosis (e.g.,following angioplasty of an arterial

44. Which of the following is(are) the major predisposing factor(s) to the formation of thrombus?
(1) stasis and turbulence of blood flow
(2) exposure of subendothelial collagen
(3) hypercoagulable blood
(4) intact endothelium

考古,123 無誤

45.Which of the following organ(s) often show(s) the presence of hemorrhagic(red) infarct after
thromboembolic event?
(A) 1 and 3 are correct.
(B) 2 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(D) Only 4 is correct
Ans: (A)

46. Which regarding aortic dissections is TRUE?

1 Type A dissection is the most common form

2 Type A dissection is characterized by involvement of the abdominal aorta 
3 Type B
dissection is highly associated with hypertension 
4 Type A dissection has lower mortality rate
than type B 
(A) 1 and 3 are correct
(B) 2 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
Only 4 is correct
Ans: A 嗎?
主動脈剝離的常見成因是高血壓 (所以 3 對吧) 
Type A 最常見,死亡率高。
又分主動脈弓含降主動脈(Debakey I),及不含降主動脈(Debakey II) (1 對 4 錯,2 錯
Type B 僅降主動脈。

47. Which of the following statements regarding vasculitis is (are) TRUE?
(1)polyarteritis nodosa is associated with chronic hepatitis.
(2)kawasaki disease is associated with coronary artery aneurysm.
(3)antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody are very useful markers for diagnosis and monito--- of
some vasculitis.
(4)giant cell arteritis is also called pulseless disease.

Ans: (1)(2)(3)
(4): Takayasu arteritis 才是 pulseless disease,giant cell arteritis、Takayasu arteritis 都是 large
vessel vasculitis

48.Which of the following congenital heart diseases are characterized by right-to-left shunt?
(A) Transposition of the great arteries (TGA)
(B) Atrial septal defect(ASD)
(C) Tetralogy of Fallot
(D) Patent ductus arteriosus
Ans: (A)(C)
Left to right shunt atrial septal defect(ASD), ventricular septal defect(VSD), patent ductus arteriosus,
atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD)

Right to left shunt Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of the great arteries (TGA), Truncus arteriosus,
tricuspid atresia, Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC),
Eisenmenger complex

Obstructive coarctation of aorta, pulmonary stenosis and atresia, aortic stenosis and atresia
congenital anomalies
路人口訣:T 開頭的一定是右到左
49. Which one of the following is related to initiation of free radicals?
1 Absorption of radiant energy
2 Fenton reaction
3 Enzymatic metabolism of exogenous chemical or drug
4 Defects in membrane permeability
(A) 1 and 3 are correct
(B) 2 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(D) Only 4 is
Initiation of free radicals:
1.reduction-oxidation reaction
2.absorption of radiant energy
3.enzymatic metabolism of exogenous chemicals or drugs
4.fenton reaction

50. Which description is CORRECT?

1 Telomerase has low activity in germ cell.
2 Telomerase is a DNA-protein-complex.
3 Telomere is absent in somatic cell.
4 Telomerase is reactivate in immortal cancer cells.
(A) 1 and 3 are correct
(B) 2 and 4 are
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(D) Only 4 is correct
1 telomerase has highest activity in germ cell
2 telomerase is a RNA-protein complex
3 telomerase is undetectable in most somatic cell

應該還有一題這個:(病理有 AB 卷哦!)
和 septic shock 無關
(1)DIC (2)metabolic disturbance (3)hypotension (4)massive edema


(A)慢性酒精中毒,出現頭痛且 CSF 裡嗜中性球增加
(B) 80 歲老人住院,長期癡呆
(C)突發頭痛,血壓 220/115

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