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Bee 3 - Semi-final
Task 1

Read the text. Find ten misspelled words and circle them. Then write the correct spelling on the
numbered lines below. There is an example.

Do you have any dreams that you really want to acheive? My dream is to be able to communicate
in the English language at an advenced level. It sounds rather simple, but actuelly, it takes years of
studying to get there. I first joined a beginer class three years ago, and have made a lot of progress
since, but I am certaine that it’s going to take at least a couple more years before I reach my goal. It’s
difficult to say exacly how long, it depends on too many factors.

One day, I would even like to study for a degrae in foreign languages. I forgot to mention that I’ve
also been learning French and Portugese, and I enjoy competting with other students in various
language related contests. I think that in future knowing how to communicate in several languages
will help me towardes securing a really good carear. It would be really awesom to run an
international business, or become a lawyer one day.

Example: ____achieve_________

1) _______________________________ 6) _______________________________

2) _______________________________ 7) _______________________________

3) _______________________________ 8) _______________________________

4) _______________________________ 9) _______________________________

5) _______________________________ 10) ______________________________

BEE 4 S-F CANDIDATE NAME: ____________________________________________

Bee 3 - Semi-final
Task 2

Look at the pictures and put the letters in the right order to make the correct spelling of the


___donkey________ _________________
_ ___


_________________ _________________
__ ___


_________________ _________________
___ ___

Task 3 – Listening

You will hear a short recording.

Read the text on your paper and complete the gaps.
You should write one word in each gap.
You will hear the recording twice.

1. My big brother is a __________.

2. He plays the __________ in a band.
3. Recently, his band got a really positive __________.
4. Practising is a really big part of his daily __________.
5. But I __________ he needs to do it if he wants to be the best!

This is the end of the paper.

BEE 4 S-F CANDIDATE NAME: ____________________________________________

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