Question 31 - 40

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Question 31 to 35 ( 5 marks)

1. What’s Kinah’s favourite animal?

Her favourite animal is _____________________________________

2. Where do they live ?

They live________________________________________________

3. What do they look like ?

They are _______________________________________________

4. What do they like to do?

They like to _____________________________________________

5. Why does Kinah like them?

She likes them because __________________________________
Question 36 – 40 ( 5 marks )

Read and complete

fish palaces crocodiles ate pyramids desert corn hunted

What do you know about Egypt? Ancient Egyptians built huge

__________________ in the ____________________. They also built
beautiful _________________for their kings and queens. Lots of people
lived near the River Nile. Did you know there were crocodiles in the water?
But what did ancient Egyptians eat? They did not eat corn, but they
_____________________ a lot of beans. They also
_____________________animals or caught fish. What else do you know
about ancient Egypt?

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