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[6 ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS AND IDENTITIES g1 INTRODUCTION in the previous class, we have learnt about algebraic expressions and their addition and ubtraction. Most of the expressions that we worked with had integer coefficients. In this Shapter, we shall study multiplication of algebraic expressions in the form of monomials and binomials ete. Also, we shall learn to work with algebraic expressions that contain oth integer and fractional coefficients. In other words, we shall work with algebraic expressions containing rational numbers as the coefficients of various terms, We. shall also learn how to factorize algebraic expressions. But before all these things, we review here what we have learnt earlier. 6.2 REVIEW OF CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS In algebra, we generally come across two types of symbols, namely constants and varia- bles. CONSTANT A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant. VARIABLE A symbol which takes various numerical values is called a variable. ILLUSTRATION 1 We know that the perimeter P of a square of side s is given by P=4x-s. Here, 4 is a constant and P and s are variables. ILLUSTRATION2 The perimeter P of a rectangle of sides / and 6 is given by P=2(1+6). Here, 2 is a constant and / and b are variables. ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS A combination of constants and variables connected by the signs of fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is called an algebraic expression, TERMS Various parts of an algebraic expression which are separated by the signs of + or ~ are called the ‘terms’ of the expression. ILLUSTRATION3 2x? —8xy+5y? is an algebraic expression consisting of three terms, namely, 2x”,-3xy and 5y?. ILLUSTRATION4 The expression 2x°-3x?+4x-7 is an algebraic expression consisting of four terms, namely, 2x°,-3x”,4x and -7. MONOMIAL An. algebraic expression containing only one term is called a monomial. 'WSTRATIONS —5, 3y, Tay, Saye, Sab ete. are all monomials. PY? Mononials containing unlike terms when added give a binomial as defined below. BINOMIAL An al, Me lgebraic expression containing two terms is called a binomial. . USTRATION 6 ‘The expressions 2x-3, 3x+2y, xyz-5 ete. are all binomials. wi that 8x +7 is not a binomial, because Sx + 7x = 10x, which is a monomial. mri : . INOMIAL, An algebraic expression containing three terms is called a trinomial. - é2 Mathematics for, Ch, In other words, if three monomials are such that no two contain like terms, then the is a trinomial. : fy 3_oy8- 3x2 A ILLUSTRATION7 The expressions a—b+2x"4y?—xy,x9- 29° 8x°°2 etc. are trinomia, i i ion is duct of one or more number, FACTORS Each term in an algebraic expression is @ pro a Jor literal(s). These number(s) and / or literal(s) are known as the factors of that term, ‘A constant factor is called a numerical factor, while a variable factor is known ag a, factor. ; COEFFICIENT In a term of an algebraic expression any of the factors with the sign of; term is called the coefficient of the product of the other factors. ILLUSTRATIONS In -5xy, the coefficient of x is -5y; the coefficient of y is ~5x and y coefficient of xy is -5. ILLUSTRATIONS In —x, the coefficient of x is -1. . ILLUSTRATION10 In 3a2bc, the coefficient of a” is 3bc, the coefficient of b is 3a°c ang, coefficient of ¢ is 3a7b. CONSTANTTERM A term of the expression having no literal factor is called a constant ter, ILLUSTRATION11 In the algebraic expression x” - xy + yz—4, the constant term is ~4, LIKE AND UNLIKETERMS The terms having the same literal factors are called like or simi\, terms, otherwise they are called unlike terms. ILLUSTRATION12 _ In the algebraic expression 2a} + 3ab” - Tab - 4ba?, we have 2.0% a -4ba? as like terms, whereas 3ab? and —7ab are unlike terms. EXERCISE 6.1 1. Identify the terms, their coefficients for each of the following expressions: (i) Tx*yz-5xy Gi) x? 4x41 (iii) 3x? y? — 5x? y?2? +2? : b (iv) 9-ab+be-ca () Fr 5-a (vi) 0.2x-0.3xy +0.5y 2. Classify the following polynomials as monomials, binomials, trinomials. Whit polynomials do not fit in any category? @axty Gi) 1000 Gi) eta? 423424 (iv) 7+a+5b (v) 2b-3b? (vi) 2y-By? + 4y3 (vii) 5x-4y+3x (viii) 4-150? (ix) xy+y2+2t+tx (x) par (xi) pg + pq? (xii) 2p+2q ANSWERS 1. Terms Coefficients Terms Coefficients (i) Tx? yz q i) ag 1 ~xy 5 x 1 1 1 (iii) Bx°y? 3 (iv) ~ab 4 —Bxty2e? 5 be 7 2 Z ~ca a 9 9 Expressions and identities 63 gpnaic Br a 1 i 3 2 wi) 02x 02 b i -0.8xy -03 3 2 ei a osy 05 >, Monomial Binomial | ‘Trinomial N ao CODD, vain 521 ADDITION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS In aiding Te a saorrcheryie different groups of like terms and find the sum of Te Cree oat i up. Note that the sum of several like terms i i “pose coefficient is the sum of the coefficients of those like es ciaieealaaaaliel Following examples will illustrate the same. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES gxample1 Add: 7x? - 4x +5,-3x” +2x-land 5x?-x+9 ‘Solution We have, Required sum = (Tx? — 4x +5) +(-3x? + 2x -1) + (Gx? - x +9) = 7x? - 3x" + 5x? — 4x + 2x — x +5-149 {Collecting like terms] =(7-345)x2 +(-4+2-Nx+(5-1+9) [Adding like terms} =9x? —3x +13 example2 Add: 5x?—2x+5,-Li2444-} and -ox+22-1 3 2 3 5 6 2 Solution Required sum -(58 F453" the-D)(-2 G9) 151 wsst Latent bas derget ggg (Collecting like terms} (eat ese (eee 57-3) [Adding like terms] -(5-5-2}" ‘( gas} (2 3 6 10-1-4) 2 =10+15 +68) (F4 ) (2) ‘( 3 =~) AC 2b ty tase 2” * 30 Example3 Add the following algebraic expressions: , § 22 6 By 2 BY 4 3y? ray Solution 64 Mathematics for Class yy 4.6).(2 1 82, 4).24( 54 5)\,8 -(2- $68 )s(B des )ye( Fo ge) (a 3) 30-20+18) (4-3+18 (Be) (25s 1210) =| Baebes |+{ et ly+ 15 6 \ 28 119, 9,2, 25,8 = Sa Sy+e, 67" *6" 6.2.2 SUBTRACTION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS In order to subtract an algebraic expression from ano “ or from“ to ‘+’ of all the terms of the expression w] two expressions are added. Following examples will illustrate the procedure. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES ther, we change the signs (from ‘+’, hich is to be subtracted and then the 2,1 -ay2+ty-3 2 Example 1 Subirat: 2 2) 3] from 7y? - 2y +10. Solution The required difference is given by ayt-2y+10)-( 23" +3) = Ty? -2y +104 2y? -=y 43 i ) = Ty? +2y?-2y-Fy +1043 (Grouping like terms] ersnyts{-2-Fy+3 5 =9y? -2y +13 - 2?* Example2 Subtract : Solution We have, 22 32 3 a (Fe ergata *s)- (Fer 9o-jae] 4.1 12 aly tay gto from Batya Bayes Baty, eile 8 ee Bt guet ge y-3# yogyt gee 12212 8a 8 =x yet xty-Lxty— 4 BUA geet Say Saty Bo [Grouping hke terms! =(22,1),2 2.38). 8 4 ‘s “i mea YB ey Ox 3 Example3 Take away = +—+ 2° 3° 2 2. Subtract: () - 5xy from 12xy (ii) 20? from — 7a? (iii) 2a-b from 3a-5b (iv) 2x9 4x7 43x+5 from 42° +2? +x+6 23 23 113,52 sy Ly? — = sy ty 2 wv) 3? 77) 5 from 3) Say ceded 4 (vi) gr-fy-Te from gatdy-$e 3 Ah ty 4g? 4 A 2 ry 42-2 1) aby Fay? + 3 ay from Sxhy+ 520" 597 <, ab 35 6 3 4 Uni 2-35 = Sbe-=ac iii) 7 7g Oe + 5 ae from = ene 3. Take away: 6. 45.5.3 x 542,341 (i) om -3* +619 from > osenaned Mathematics for Classy, 66 a6 $6 eof Gac-2ab+2be from Sab Tac~Sbe - -1lz. 4. Subtract 3x - 4y - 7z from the sum of x — 3y + 22 and — 4x + 9y 1 +3m— + 2m —3n? 5¢ Subtract the sum of 31 - 4m - 7n? and 21 + 3m — 4n? from the sum of 91 + 2m ~ 3n? ang « Sut Sim vant? 6. Subtract the sum of 2x-x? +5 and -4x-3+7x* from 5. 7. Simplify each of the following: (i) 2-345-322-5247) ii) (5-8x+2y-(x-y)]-(@x-Ty+9) py a Git) Daly gat toa atet eye + Say 4 |e 2 2) eer hy ~freut}-(2y 3423?) (2» sy liao 1 1 ape? — 1 92g? aL on? 1.2 1 3 7 or satbies sab e— abe ~ zetia +g a-ze ab + ca b. ANSWERS » ad Se iy) 2384 _ 9b 53c 1. @) Ba a) 752 (iil) xy? + 2x2y (iv) or aap! Ole 10 | 31 lis? 7. —xy-—z- A 3 x ) Tg) 3RF i” (vi) 5x8 + Ee 2.6) Ixy (i) ~9a" (ii) a-4b (iv) 2x5 45x? 2x41 a co W) ~g¥ tye eyes fo ia. 3 (vi) arp (vii) -3* r+ “9 1 (iti) ~Fab + be Bae agebralc Expressions and Identios w 4 Brtly-22 6. L+dm4lan? 6, 3+ 2x ~6x? 15.1.3 . 1 ge Rtg i) 4-824 10y (ity 187 ,2)_ 6 2 3 2 , f 37 pe tay fe od gtye u iv) -y?-y #12 Ww) jot het gable Fade! + Lathe 43 MULTIPLICATION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS bon eee In the Sk we msl hey ke en fone of algebraic the multiplication of algebraic expressions, we shall be using the following Seog sos in ° DS reed ieane like signs is positive and the product of two factors ie, (@) ()xH=+ (0) @)x@)=- () ()x@)=- and, (d) (-)x(-)=+ (ii) Ifa is any variable and m, n are positive integers, then a™xa"=a™" For example, a? xa® =a°*5 = a8, xy =y4*! = 98 ote, When two algebraic expressions are multiplied, the result is called the product and the two expressions making up the product are called factors or multiplicands. The multiplicands in a multiplication operation may be two monomials, one monomial and one binomial, two binomials or two polynomials. The simplest case of multiplication is the multiplication of one monomial with another monomial. So, we first discuss the multiplication of two monomials. 63.1 MULTIPLICATION OF TWO MONOMIALS Consider the: multiplication of two monomials, say, Sab and 56. We shall perform the multiplication of these two monomials by the repeated use of commutativity and associativity of multiplication. We have, (3ab) x (5b) = (3ab)x (5x6) By commutativity of multiplication | = (Bab)x(x5) we have, 5x b=6x5 i =(8abxb)x5 (By associativity of multiplication) = [(Bax b)xb]x5 t+ 3ab =3axb) = [Bax (bxb)]x5 By commutativity of multiplication we have, (Sax 6) xb =3ax(bxb) =(8ab?)x5 =5x3ab? (By commutativity of multiplication] =(6x3)xab? [By associativity of multiplication} =15xab? = 15ab" 68 Mathematios for Class yy, ient 15 Thus, the product of monomials Sab and 5b is 16ab”. Clearly, Se er saath vances product 15ab? is equal to the product of the coefficients in 3a aE parte ablendit le ab? in the product 15ab? is equal to the product of the vari in monomials 3ab and 5b respectively. a. omials. Thus, we have the following two rules for the multiplication of two mon is duct Rule 1 The coefficient of the product of two monomials is equal to the product of thei, coefficients. i ‘oduct Rule 2 The variable part in the product of two monomials is equal to the product of the variable parts in the given monomials. oe ‘These two rules are also applicable for the product of three or more i t of two o1 Following examples will illustrate the use of these two rules in the product of T more monomials. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example1 Find the product of the following pairs of polynomials: () 4,7 Gi) -4a,7a (iii) — 4x, Tay (iv) 4x3,-3xy (wv) 4x,0 Solution We have, @ 4x 7x=(4x7)xx=28x x= 28x (i (4a)x (Ta) = (-4 x 7) x (ax a) = -2807 Gif). (4x) x (Tay) = (4 1) x (x x xy) = -28x"*1y = -28x?y Civ) (x) x(-S2y) = (4x-8)x (a9 xy) = -12(x""1y) = -124y (v) 4xx0=(4x0)xx=0xx=0 Example2 Find the areas of rectangles with the following pairs of monomials as their length and breadth respectively: @ Gy) Gi) (10e, 5y) Gi) (2x2, 5y2) Gv) (4a, 3a?) (v) (8m, 4np) Solution We know that the area of a rectangle is the product of its length and breadth. Length Breadth Area = Length x Breadth “ @: x y axy say Gi) 10x by 10x x 5y = 50 xy Gii) et by? 2a? x By? = (2 x 5) x (2c y2) = 10x*y? o ‘e 3a? 4a x 30? = (4 x 3) x (a x a2) = 1993 v) mn 4np 3mn x dnp =(3 x 4) =12mn’ Example3 Multiply: Sa © Bab% by batbte Ci) eye by Satya? — Gi ~82ty28 by —S0¥* iy ty pee (iv) Ty a'y by Saty Solution (i) We have, (8ab?e*) x (6a°b*e) = (8X5)x(axa® xb? xb2 x03 x¢) (v) 2.10°be by 4ab? ugetraic EXDIESS Example 4 Solution sions and Identities és = 15al*3p2*2¢3+1 =15a‘b*c* (ii) We have, astyen{-F'x") =(44-j ates xveyxaned aH GxBBylt1glt? = _ gxty2,8 (iii) We have, (em 2) o[-Bog etree xe - s ainytizgan 8 384 (iv) We have, (se) (eae xx! xyxy) adetiyin Sy (v) We have, (2.14"be) x(4ab*) =(2.1x4)x(a? xaxbxb? xe) =8.4a7*151*%¢ = 8.4a°b%c Find the volume of the rectangular boxes with following length, breadth and height: Length Breadth Height @ — 2ax Bby Bez Gi) mn np pm (iii) 2q 4q? 8q° ‘We know that the volume of a rectangular box is given by Volume = Length x Breadth x Height i) Volume = 2ax x 3by x 5 cz = (2x 3 x5) x (ax x by x cz) = 80 abexyz (ii) Volume = mn x n?p xp2m = m?*'n*?p*?= m3 n3 pS (ii) Volume = 2q x 4g? x 8q° = (2x 4x 8)q?*?*5= 64q° Mathematics for Class y, 6.10 Example5 Multiply: i) ~6a*be, 20° and - 2 iy 4a°b?,100" and 6 ® ; ; 3 : (iv) -x,2yz and - 59” Gi) 3.15x and - 23x*y Sokstion Gi) We have, 1 (-60%be)x(20"6)»{~ | ~{-8x21— 7 }ptatxatxoxbx0) agate = 3a'be Gi) We have, (50 )<100%)x(6) ) x10%6)x(ahxo?xb4xb) 9 80 sseag2-1 80,553 3 3 (iii) We have, (3) x(15x)x(-23x7y) =(3x15x—23)x (xxx? xy) =-1035x!*?y = -1035x*y. (iv) We have, cancer| Fae | -[-1G? eet eB eta yierpter 342 Bptrtetyiegtes a Batytet Example6 Find each of the following products: (i) (~2x*)x(1a®x")x(6a°x®) (i) (487t)x(885¢8)x (28 ¢4)x (-2) (ii) (5x*)x(-10xy4)x(-2x%y®)x (10xy) Sokstion (i) We have, (~2x*)x(Ta*x" )x (6a°x*) =(- 2x7 x6)x (x? xx" x 2° xa? x a5) B42 G28 gg gly (ii) We have, é (457t)«(38%t?) x (2st*)x (~2) = (4X3 X2x —2)x (8? x 89 xg xtxt® x14) ABs209*1 plede4 =~ 48558 gta Expressions and identities B.A (iii) We have, (x°)x(—10xy4)x (24878) x (10xy) =(5x-10x-2%10)x (x8 xxx28 xxx y4 xy®xy) =10002*041 44661 _ ogg qH4ytt gxample7 Multiply each of the following monomials: G) Bayz, Bx, 0 Gi) Sab, 2b, abe 3 B69 sai) 3a2ye? Oba? Gi) G92", O.5xy*2", 1.16x%y2, Baye (iv) 20x™y229, (Oxy2)? w) (8249), y's) 292% ana $2) Solution (i) We have, (Bxyz)x (5x) x0 =(8x5x0)x(xxxxyxz) =0xx7 yz =0 Gi) We have, 6.) (5, \ (12 Zab |x{ 2. ce (Fe (5%) 2 abe] ie 22 =(FxGx GH exoxoxdxoxexo 4 = Baye = Faroe ii) We have, (Gate 0.50% c116e42% x12) = $xOSKLIx2 Uehara xyay eta ea ee) By 5 116 9) (teal y ylearel y s2rar8ed) 4 10 100 87 6,5,8 = ae xh y8e! 100 (iv) We have, (20x2%y?z®) x (LOxyz)? = (20:!°y02)x (1Oxyz)x (LOxyz) =(2010x10)x (x® xaex xx 9 x yx yx2™ x2x2) = 2000¢10+111,20e341, 806161 = 2000x172 () We have, 4 -aetyxlantarxa*{ 52] \ pMathrornation for Clas yy 612 “| dean Unf pat xanmnynyt ny! nandien) AB avetstemaytine AB ayy e D x y 7 6 wy Example8 —Exproan tho following product as a monomial: tatyactaba( bat peat Vorify the product for x = 1, Solution Woe have, tah atah)x{ Eat coe Pe ei" - Leta bx -6 ix! x x? xc! x8) = Verification: For x = 1, we have LHS. (apatite (6) 1 x (Tx neff xa ete 6x") 42 Lx Tn dx Gane and, » aye 42 RES. ~F x(t LHS. = RS, Example9 Multiply - = xy" by © x? i r res 3 Y and verify you = 1 : 7 ye sult for x =2andy = 1, _4 6 4.6 (-$9*} ($+) ($8 penetestay afer. 8s A Verification: Forx=2andy = 1, we have “ 18 (For) ($e) “{-f2ar}y (8 nh xt) «8 mee and, RHS, =-$2'y4 = Sig Hence, x0) = -% fors= 2andy= L.wehave Lars, - =RHS, sraic Expressions and Identities algebra! 6.13 2, 2 example 10 Find the product of —5x%y, - = ay'z, aye? and —42, Verify the result when x=l,y=2andz=3. soution We have, Verification: For x =1,y = 2andz=3, we have LHS. “5x0 xax{ —frartaia)s (peor (-7*4) =Coxaxare{—Farxana 5 xaxzxe)o(-3) 3 15 4 48 3 =caoxcar(?)-(-$) a and, RES. =-$x" x2! x34 =-Sxrxi6xe1 _ LHS. = R.H.S. 1 mre Find the value of (6a°)x(—-10ab”) x (~2.1a7b8) fora = Land b= 5- Sol We have, (6a®)x(-10ab”) x (-2.107b*) =(5x-10x-2.1)x (a5 x axa? xb? xb*) =(5x—10x—24 \x(a°xaxa?xb?xb") 10 =105a°*#*747*# = 1050°° Puttinga=1and bei, we have 1 _105 1 eee 1050%B° =sosxcn? (5 J =105x1x35 = 35 EXERCISE 6.3 Find each of the following products: (1-8) L Gta 2. -8a?x4b* 1 2 22 3. (-Bxy) x (-3x2y2) 4. gu" st ‘yz ————————— s—it_ Mathematics for Class.» 614 5. (4 ot)x( 2y2) x 5 3 9 & crom(2"") _# (i ne )x(So¥) 4 Find each of the following products: (9-17) ae» 10, (-ba)x(-100")* 3 _i4 *) 12. (2-2) oo 1 “4. (rms ( 7 6. i oat )s(-4 gfr)xaspta’r) 9. ab)x(-Bab e)x (Babe?) A da?) x 6a?) 892") 18 Lat \s( 8 *i)x(-§ re) \e 7 5 ry 052) »{Ln'') (243292) Le . 17.02. Sxy) x (0.12) x (0.16) Express each of the following products as 0 monomi for x= 1: (18-26) jials and verify the result in each caw 4 18, (82)x(4x) x(-52) 19. asrxcaen( 2") 20. x*) «(22° x (2x)? 21, (x2)° x (2x) x (-4) x (5) _ gt Wiive down the product of — 4°58 and — 20xy. Verify the product for x = 2.5, = 1 23, Evaluate (3.2x°y?)x (2.1x2y*) when x = Landy = 0.5 194, Find the value of (5t®) x (~ 1.5328) x (- 12xy*) when = 1, y = 0.5. 25, Evaluate (2.3a°b?) x (1.2a°b*) when a = 1 and b = 0.5. 2%, Evaluate (~ 8x" y®) x (—20xy) for x = 2.5 andy = 1. Express each of the following products as a monomials and verify the result for x = 1) ° (27-31) 27. (-ay4)x(yx?) xy) 28. (5:24) x(Eaty?) xcs 2 (20%) i-1sser{ 5) Ph (-4 Ms )x(-2ote}s(-Ze%e) an.( 5") o{ Stat) 0 Evaluate each of the following when x = 2, y =~ 1. 32. caya{ SE] ate" 38. (Bes) 8") (Le) Algebraic Expressions and Identities 6.15 ANSWERS 1am 2, ~120%b! 3. 1529522 4. gatytet 5. Beye : fn a 7. 2 ate a. hatye 9. -2100%*e? 10. ~100a° 11, —72x8y%2? ab? 18, -a4e33 M4, 15. 4x4y225 16. = piq'r® 17. 0.0368x%y 18, ~60x 19. = 20, 20212 an, 403° 22. 160x"y? 23, 0.21, 24, 2 25. ° 26. 2500 27, ~25y8 2B Sey 29. 30°? 30. sove 31. Batstet 32. 16 33. 56 6.4 MULTIPLICATION OF A MONOMIAL AND A BINOMIAL In the chapter on operations on rational numbers, multiplication over addition. This property helps u: form 3x(2+7). In the previous class, we have studied that multiplication of literals is also distributive over their addition ie., ax(b+c)=axb+axe. We shall use this property to multiply a monemial and a binomial. Thus, if P,Q and R are three monomials, then we have (i) Px(Q+R)=(PxQ)+(PxR) Gi) (Q+R)xP=QxP+RxP In other words, we multiply each term of the binomial Q + R by the monomial P and add the products to get the required result. Also, Px(Q- R)=(PxQ)-(PxR) and, (Q- R)xP =(QxP)-(RxP) Following examples will illustrate the multiplication of a monomial and a binomial. we have learnt the distributivity of s to simplify the expressions of the ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example1 Multiply: 2x by (3x + 5y) Solution We have, Qxx (Bx +5y) =2xx3x+2xx5y =6x? +10xy Example2 Multiply: (7xy + 5y) by 3xy Solution We have, (Ixy + 5y) x8xy = Tay xBxy + 5y x 3xy =21x1tty!1 4 15ay!? = 21x79? +162y? Bab? (2a Example3_ Multiply: -_— vy( 22-2) Solution We have, (Fhe Mathematics for Class yy af | 2a ( ) - x -| -—— |xd 5 3 5 3,2 grige , 3521 2 25? + 3ab® 3 5 5 5 1 : Example4 Find the product of 2 apand s+t. Verify the result for s=> and ¢=5. Solution We have, x a 1 tes, ae Ttxis+0 a Lots 3st = 98 t+ itt Verification: When s - and ¢=5, we have LHS. =fstexe+0) 11 _ 35,11 _ 385 ie (a 145) -(7x1x5)x -{34(3) x5}x(3+5) (Peps Bg A RHS. afetsdee 3 2 -(3) x5 H(3] x6 Thess Tetxas = 35,178 _35+950 _ 385 28 24 16 6 8 16 16 . LHS.=RHS. Remark The method used to multiply a monomial and a binomial in the above four examples is generally known as horizontal method. However, the multi- plication can also be performed column-wise as given in the following examples. Example5 Multiply: (s«-§9%sJoy 5. Solution Horizontal method Column method We have, We have, 4 1 (s-9%*}g2 ax- Sy" 1 4 1 =8xxiay—ly'xxe : xSY Br t%59 x59 2 = (3x2 )xxxexy-(41\xy?xyxex 3 2-227 ia: 52 . 25 ety fet a= =5°Y gre ager igebraic Expressions and Identities algebra cxample6 Find the following products: solution Example 7 (i) b Saif) 0.10x(0.01ax0,0018) = wa (ii) ii) 6.17 4 100xx(0.01x*-0.01x) (jj) 121.5abx| ae + We have, 100xx(0.01x* — 0,01x?) =100xx0.01x4 ~ 100xx0.012? =(100x0.01)2° ~ (100x0.01)x? 1 =[ 00x }x5 _ wL\ ( 05) (100%) at _ 8 We have, 121.5abx{ ac +6 10 =121.5abx ac +121.5abx 2 =121.5a°be +12.15ab? We have, 0.1ax(0.01a +.0.0016) =0.1ax0.01a+0.1ax0.001b =0.001a? +0.0001a6 Determine each of the following products and find the value of each for x = 2 y=1.15,z=0.01. (i) 27x7—8x) (ii) az(x?+y%) Gili) 2%(x—y) _ Gav) (22 ~ 3x)x(—4y) @ We have, 27x°(1- 3x) = 27x? x(1- 8x) = 27x? x1- 27x" x3x (Expanding the bracket) = 27x" -81x° Putting x = 2, we have (ii) 27x*(1-3x) = 27x(2)? x(1- 3x2) =27x4x(1- 6) =27x4x-5 =-540 We have, xz (x? +") =xzx(x*+y*) Sean? exzxx? + azxy? =a8z tay" Putting x =2, y= 1.16 and z=0.01, we get xz(x* +") ieee aoe en 4.15" -2xo.01x{(2" +4 { ga25 - 0.106450 =0.02x(4+ 1.3225) =0,02x5. (iii) We have, eex(x-y) egixx- OXY eetx-#°y Putting = 2,9 = 116 and2 = 0.01, we Bet 2ix-y) =(0,01)? x(2-1.15) = (0,0001)x(0.85) = 0.000085 (iv) We have, (22-3x)x(-49) =(22)x(-4y)— 8xx(-4y) =~ Bay + 12xy Putting x =2,y=1.15 andz=0.01, we have (2z-3x)x-4y =[(2x0.01) - (8x 2))x(-4x 1.15) ) = (0.02-6)x(-4.6) =-5.98 x -4.6 = 27.508 Examples Simplify the expression and evaluate them as directed: 7)-3y - 4) -63 for y = -2 (i) x(x-3)+2 forx=1 (ii) 3yQy- Solution (i). We have, x(x-3)+2=2°-3x+2 For x= 1, we have, x? -3x+2=(1)?-3x1+2=1-3+2=3-3= Gi) We have, fea By (2y -6)-3(y-4)-63 =(6y* - 21y) - (Sy -12)-63 =6y? -2ly-8y +12-63 =6y* -24y-51 For y= -2, we have 6y? -24y -51 = 6x(-2)? - 24 (-2)-51 cxmple®) Ada: =6x4+24x2-51 =24448-51 =72-51-21 (i) 5m (3-m) and 6m* -13m s . ‘olution (i) We have, (i 4y (8y? + 5y — 7) and 2(y? - 4y? +5) 5m (3 ~ m) = 5m x 3-5m x m = 15m -5m2 ~5m' 5m (3 -m)+6m? - 13m — a ose and Identities 6.19 AiG 215m -5m* + 6m? -13m 5m - 13m) + (6m? - 5m?) =2m+m? (ii) We have, 4y (By? + 5y ~7) = 4y x By? + dy xBy ~4y x7 = 12y° + 20y? - 28y 2(y9 —4y? +6) = 2x y9 + 2(-4y?) + 2x5 = 2y9 - By? +10 ‘Adding the two expressions 12y$ + 20y - 28y + 2y- By? +10 14y° +12y? - 28y +10 example 10 Subtract $pq (p -g) from 2pq (p +4) soution (i) We have, 3pq (p-9)=3p"q - 3pq° and, 2pq(p+q)=2p"q+2pq° Subtraction: 2p%q + 2pq° 3p°q-8pq" - + —p'q+5py Aliter We have to find 2pq(p+q)-3pq(p-a = 2p%q + 2pq ~3p"q + 3g" = 2p?q-3p°q+ 2pq° + 8Pq° =-p'q+5pq" Example 11 Add: (i) p(p-9(9-") andr(r-p) (ii) 2x(z~x~-y)and 2y (z Solution (i) We have, Pip aeala~ rere p) 2 ~ pg -gr+r tp =p" + +r? pqg-qr-'P (ii) We have, 2x (2-2 -y) + 292-9) = xz - 2x? - Dxy + 292 — ay? = Daz ~ 2x? — Any + 292-29” sz 7 Mathematics for Crass y), Example 12 (i) Subtract: 3/(/-4m+5n) from 41 (10n ~ 3m + 21) (ii) Subtract: 8a (a+ b+ c)-2b(a-b+c) from 4e(-a+b+0) Solution (i) We have, Required difference = 41 (10n - 3m +21) -31 (- 4m-+5n) =(401n - 121m +81?) -(31? - 121m +15/n) = 40In - 121m + 81? - 31? + 121m -15in =25In+51* (ii) We have, Required difference = 4c (-a +b +¢)- (8a (a+b+¢)—2b(a-b+0)} =-4ae + 4be + 4c? - {8a +3ab + 3ae— 2ab + 26° —2bc} =-dac + Abe + 4c? - (80? +ab+ Bac + 26° -2bc} = dae + 4be + 4c? - 3a” - ab ~ Bac - 26° + 2be = Tae + 6be + 4c? — 3a” - ab - 26? Example 13 Simplify each of the following expressions: (i) 15a? - 6a (a-2)+.a(3 + 7a) (i) P20 —3y?) +x (xy? - 2x)-3y(y — 427y) (iii) 4st(s —t)— 68°(t - ”)— 307(2s? — s) + 2st(s -t) Solstion (i) We have, 15a? - 6a(a-2)+a(3+7a) =15a* ~ 6a” +12a + 3a +70” = 15a” ~ 6a” + 7a? +12a + 3a =16a* +15a (ii) We have, 2°(1— By?) + x (ay? ~ 2x) By(y - 4x*y) =x) 1-39? xx" + xy? — xx 2x -Byxy + Byx4dx2y =a? —Bx%y? + x¥y? 24? By? 4 10x%y? = (x? ~ 2x7) + (82? y? + x?y? + 10422) _ gy? =—x* +10x"y? — 3y? (iii) We have, 4st (8 —t)- 6s*(t - t*) - 31?(25? — 5) + 2st (s - t) : 2 = 4stxs— 4st xt 65° xt + 6s" xt? — 3t” x Qs? + 31 x5 + 2stxs— 2st xt agebrai Expressions and Identities 621 = 4s"t— Ast? — 652 + 6574? _ 6524? 4 361? 4 26% — 254? = (487t—65t +.257t) + (— 4st? +3972 — 2st?) + (6574? — 6st?) = (4-6 +2)87t + (443 2st? + (6 —6)5%/? =—8st” EXERCISE 6.4 Find the following products: (1-15) 1, 20°(8a +50) 2. -11a(8a+26) g, ~Sa(Ta— 26) 4. -11y?(8y +7) 5. Eat +y*) 6. xy(x3— y%) ody (0.1x° +0.1y) : (-2 be - § 42 2p292 1. Oly! 8. {-qab?e— 5a? | (500%?) 8s 9 ye ‘) 4 9 . Saye? = 10. ~— aye =x? ye 2 8-9 (3 aye — pe a3 vy 7?) 11. 1.5x(10x"y - 1002?) 12. 4.1xy (L.1x-y) y 7 a(8 92 13. 250.iy( 22+) 14. Eaty(2ay? +2) 1. Sata? +b? 3c?) 16. Find the product 24x (1— 2x) and evaluate its value for x = 3. i. Find the product — 3y (xy +y) and find its value forx = 4 andy = 5. 18, Xs Multiply ~33%)8 by (2x —y) and verify the answer for x = 1 andy = 2. Multiply the monomial by the binomial and find the value of each for x = - 1, y = 0.25 and z= 0.05: @ 1572-82) Gi) —3x(y2 +22) iii) 2°(2-») (iv) x2(x? +5) 0. Simplify: Gran? (8 — x) — 3x (x4 + 2x) - 2(x4 - 8x”) (i) a8y (a? — 2) + Bay (x8 - 2*) Gi) 8a +2(a+2)-3a(2a+1) Gv) (x4 4)4 8x (2x? —1) +40? +4 ) a(6~e)-b(e~a)-c(a-b) Wi) a(b~c)+b(e-a) + e(a-b) it) 4ab(a—b) — 6a2(b — b?) — 3b* (2a? — a) + 2ab(b— a) Mathematics for Class yj, 6.22 (vit) 22 2 41) - 2% et D2? - 9) (ix) 20? +8a(1-2a°)+ a(a+0) (%) a? (Qa-1)+8a+a° -8 38 (xi) Satya detet ange -1 (xii) a®b(a—b4) + ab? (dab - 2a?) -a°b(1 - 25) 3_q?-1 _ Ssh a®b(a? —a+1)- ab(a* - 2a” + 2a)— b(a" —@ ) ANSWERS 3, -360?+10ab 4 839° 779" 1. 6a? +100° 2, -38a" -22ab : Sy +0.01y? 64,8. 6. xty—2y* 7. 0.01x5y+ 5. Gxttgn? 'y renee a, Batatet + ipatote! 9. Sarees 3, 2y2 10. Bape eget? 11. 15x3y —150x"y’ . 12. 4.51x?y —4.1ay? 13. 250.5x"yz + 25.05zy’ 3 4 4 ae 2 i4 Sa° +—ab? — 4ac’ 4. Boy sdey 15, 30 +30 16. 24x? -48x*,-1080 17. -3xy? -8y° -675 4) 30 y2 2 75 18. ~aaty! 4Saty4 0 19. () 809? —45xy?, 75 39... 1 ay) at 2, 17 i) ~Bay? —3x2', ii) Px-ay-a liv) Pet aye 20. (i) -x5-2x4-2x3 (ii) -x5y (ii) Sa? -a+4 (iv) 6x9 45x? +044 (v) 2ab-2a0 wi) 0 (vil) -4a7b+ab? (viii) -x* +2x? - x* 3 () ~6a4+30"+4a (%) 30°? +3a-8 (xi) sede Zitels (xii) 306° Guilt) b 6.5 MULTIPLICATION OF TWO BINOMIALS In the previous section, we have studied multiplication of a monomial and a binomial. ! this section, we shall study multiplication of two binomials, In the multiplication of binomials, we will use the distributive property of multiplication of literals over th®! addition as discussed below. ° Consider two binomials, say (a+b) and (e+d). By using the distributive proper'Y ® multiplication of literals over their addition, we have (a+®)x(c+d) =ax(c+d)+bx(e+d) =(axe+axd)+(bxe+bxd) =actad+be+bd ic Expressions and Identities age er 623 from the above result that to multiply any two binomial ; It for nomial py each term of the other and add the products. als, we multiply each term ed sere i iustrated by flowing examples, e ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES imple Multiply (@x+ 2y) and (6x +8y). et We have, (3x + 2y)x (5x + 3y) =3xx(5x +3y)+2yx(6x+3y) » =(8xx5x + 32x 3y) + (2y x5x + 2yx3y) =(15x? + 9xy) + (LOxy + 6y*) = 15x? + 9xy +10xy + 6y” = 15x? +19xy + 6)” gxample2 Multiply (2x+3y) and (42 -5y) Solution We have, (2x-+3y)x(4x—5y) = 2xx (4x — By) + Byx (4x —5y) = (2xx 4x — 2x xBy) + (By x 4x - By x5y) =(8x? — 10xy) + (12xy - 159") =82 — 10xy + 12xy- 15y? = 8x? + Qxy-15y” Example3_ Multiply (Fe - ; » Jona (5x? — 4y?). Solution We have, : (i-7} (6x? —4y) 1 2_4y2y_h 2_gye = 5ex(ba" —Ay)— Fyx(6 49") edyxse?—2 2 yxpet at yxdy? gexte xx4y? q7%oe yaxty’ 2xty+ 9? Remark The above procedure of multiplying two binomials is known as horizontal method. There is another way of multiplying each term of one binomial with each term of another binomial and arranging these products so that like terms are combined column-wise. This method is known as the column method of multiplication of two binomials, This method is very similar to long multiplication of two whole numbers. Note that the column method of multiplication is useful when the binomials being multiplied contain terms with the same base 50 that the product contains like terms. These like terms when arranged in columns can be easily simplified. Followi ing examples will illustrate the column method. p> Mathematics or Class yy 6.24 a Example 4 Multiply (7a +36) and (2a+3b) by column method. Solution — We have, Ta+3b x 2a+8b Ada? + 6ab Multiplying 7a +3b by 2a ar + : : ‘ +21ab +96? Multiplying 7a+3b by 3 “ae? +210b +96" Adding the like terms d. Example5 Multiply (7x - 3y) by (4x - 5y) by column metho Solution — We have, ‘Ix By x 4x—By 28x? — 12xy Multiplying 7x - 3y by 4x —35xy +159” Multiplying 7x - 3y by - 5y 28x? — 4Txy +159" Adding the like terms Example6 ‘Multiply (8x? +y2) by (x? +2y°). ‘Solution Column method: We have, 3x? +9? » x at 42y? A) ates? Multiplying 3x? + 9? by x2 +6x7y? +294 Multiplying 3x? + y? by ay? Bx! + T2y? + 2y4 Adding the like terms Horizontal Method: We have, (Bx? + 9) (x? +292) = 8x x(x? 429%) + y? x(a? 429?) Bx? xx! + Bx? x Dy + y2 x32 +y?xay? 8x! + 6x%y? 42252 pay4 = 8x4 +7xy? 4 294 Example? . Multiply (0.5x-y) by (0.5x+ y) Solution . Horizontal Method: We have, (0.52 - y)x(0.5x+y) = 0.5x(0.5x + y)~ y (0.524 y) fr gxample 8 solution ic esrossions and) Identities rah 20.5xx0.5x +0.5%xy — yx0.5x~ yx 20,251? + 0.5xy - 0.5xy ~ y” 20.252" - 9° Column method: ‘We have, 0.5x-y x O5x+y y x 2 ; 0.282! ~ 0.5 Fi Multiplying 0.5% ~ y by 0.5x +0.5xy-y Multiplying 0.5x-y by y panne ete Ae 2 2 0.2527 -y’ Adding the like terms Multiply (« + *) and [% - | 5 5 Horizontal Method: We have, (+3) (=-] 5 edax{ 32-42 | 22 xf 3x- 2 5) 5 5 4y ax w 4y =4xx8x—-4ex— + 4 ao 12 sae 8 + 2 xy e0- B° i 12 =12x! 5 2 xy 5” Column cheer We have, Multiplying 42+ % by 32. Multiplying 42+ 2 by -2 ‘Adding the like terms 6.25 Eh 6.26 Mathernatios tor =. Mass Example® Multiply {2m + (—nd} by (dm 6 8)) Solution Horizontal Method. We have, {2m 4 (= n)} x {8m 4 (5) = (2m ~ n)x(-3m = 6) = 2m x(- 9m ~ B)=nx(~3m~B) = =6m* — 10m + 8mn+5n Column method: : We have, 2m +(—n)= 2m ~—nand ~ 3m + (6) ~ 3m = 2m-n =6m +3mn Multiplying 2m—n by ~ 3m ~10m+5n Multiplying 2m-n by ~5 —6m? +3mn— 10m +6n Adding the like terms : Example 10 Find the product of(7+53*) and (7y- y?) and verify the result for y = 3 Solution We have, (94254) xcry-9") = yx(ty— V4 29 xdTy- 9") = yxy yxy t By xty— By xy? = 19 ~ 9 +29 -2 4 oe he Wy +¥ -GF Verification: When y= 3, we have 2 LHS. o(9+ 5x" }py-9) (94-0 Jeera -%) -(8+ 9-9} (arp -(23#} RHS. =Ty?+y" -2y = 7x13 +3? ~2 x(a sions and Identities &. Pg ee es 27x9+2T- 7 x81 162 162 630-162 _ 468 69427102 290-7 63+27-—7 7 a ; LHS. = RHS. Find the value of the following products: ea @ (e+ 2y)(e- 2p atx =hy=0 (ii) (gm 2n)(2m—Sn) at m = 1,n=—1 (iii) (4a? +80) (402 +3d)ata=1,b=2 (i) We have, (x +29) (@- 29) ex(x—2y) +29 (@- 29) enxxxxdy + 2yXa— 2yX2y soution — Oxy + 29x49” 2 =x? -4y When x = 1,y = 0, weget (x +2y) (@- 29) =x? -4y? =(1)?-4x(0)? =1-0 =1. (i) We have, (8m -2n) (2m -8n) = 3m (2m—8n)- 2n (2m -3n) = 3mx2m —3mx3n—_2nx2m + 2nx3n =6m?—9mn—4mn+6n° =6m?—13mn+6n" When m = 1,n =- 1, weget (8m-2n)(2m-3n) =6m?—13mn+6n° =6x(1)? —13x1x(-) +6x(-D? =6 +13 +6 = 25 (iii) We have, (4a? + 3b) (4a? + 36) = 4a x(4a? + 3b) + 8bx(4a" + 3b) = 4a? x 4a? + 4a? x3b +3bx 4a? + 86x36 = 16a‘ +120" + 120% + 96? =16a* +240" + 96? When, a =1,b =2, we get (4a? + 8b) (4a? + 8b) = 16a‘ + 240% + 9b? 428 Mathematics for Classy SIGH) + 94 A) x2 192) © 16448436 «100 Example 12 Simplify the following: i) 56x" + tby?) (634 163") Solution , (i) We have, ioe! +169) 6x" ~ 189") : [i tost + ss)? -16y") (ii) gx (Qe? ~ Bx) Bx (x* ~ 8x2 By using associativity ] of multiplication I By using distributivity of) -( ix6? + ix 167 )w? -15y’) multiplication over aditn| (2x? + 5y")x(6x" - 15y*) = 2a? (6x! ~ 15y?) + By? x(6x" - 15y*) 2 ox? 16x? ~ 222 x By? + By? x 6x" ~ By? x 15y” 21204 —30x4y +30x%y? -75y4 =12x4 -75y* (ii) We have, 9x4 (2x —5x*)xBx* (x4 - 327) P 292! x(x? — 5x*)xBx® «(x4 - 32") y ee [Pring sini = (9x' x(2x* —52*)}x {5x9 x(x4* - 3x7) of multiplication =(92! x2? — 9x4 x52") x(5x° xa* — 5° x32") =(182" — 45°) x(5” - 152°) = 18" x(5x" — 152°) — 45x°.(5x° - 154°) = 182" x5x°° — 182" x15x° — 452° x52" + 452° x 152° = 9027 — 2702 — 2952" + 675x°% =~ 2252" +90x"7 +6752" —270x'° Example 13 Simplify the following: (i) (2x-+5)(Bx—2)+(x+2)(2x-3) (ii) Bx+2)(2x+3)-(4x—3)(2x-1) (iii) (22 +3y) (8x4 4y) - (Tx + By) (x42y) Solution (i) We have, (2x +5)(3x—2)+(x+2) (2x3) = 2x(8x~2)+5 (3x2) + x(2x—-3)+2(2x—3) jx” — Ax + 15-10 +22" -32+42-6 =(6x" +2x*) +(~4x 4 15x - 3x +4x)+(-10-6) = 8x" +122-16 ic Identities " rat expressions. and 629 (ii) We have, (gx + 2)(2x+3)- (4x —3)(2x-D) 2 (34 (2x + 9) + 2(2x + 3)) ~ [4x (2x ~1)- 8(2x—1)} et 4 9x +42 +6) - (Bx? — 4x -6x +3) (6x? +13x +6) - (82” ~ 10x +3) gx? +182 +6-8x? +10x-3 2-22? +23x +8 (iii) We have, (2x +8y) (Sx +4y) (7x + 8y)(x + 2y) = (2 (Bx + 4y) + By (Bx + 4y) — (Tx (x + 2y) + By (x + 2y)} = (6x? + Bay + 9ay + 12y")— (Tx? + Lazy + Bxy + 6y") =(6x? +.17xy +129?) — (7x? + 1 7xy + By”) = 6x? +17xy +12y? - 7x? - 17xy - 6y? = 6x2 — 7x? +1 7xy -17xy + 12y" - By? =x? +6y?. The distributivity of multiplication of literals can be extended to the product of algebraic expressions containing any number of terms, as shown in the following examples. Example 14 Multiply: (2x? - 3x +5) by (5x +2). Solution Horizontal method: We have, (2x4 — 3x+5)x (5x +2) =(2x? — 8x +5) xbx + (2x” — 3x +5) x2 = (10x? — 15x +252) +(4x? - 6x +10) = 10x" 11x? +192 +10 Column Method: We have, 2x? — 8x45 x bx+2 10x° - 15x? + 25x Multiplying 2x? — 3x +5 by 5x 44x? —6x+10 Multiplying 2x? -3x+5 by 2 10x’ — 11x? +192 +10 Adding the like terms Example 15 Multiply: (2x? — 4x +5) by (x? +3x—7) Horizontal method: We have, (22? — 4 45)x(x? 482-7) =e = 222 (a? +34 —7)— x(x? +3x—7) +5 (x? + 8x7) Solution 6.30 Example 16 Solution Multiply: 1. (6x +8) by (7x +2) 2 3. (Tx + y)by(x+5y) 2 = (xt +629 — 1422) +(4e° ~ 128 = 2x4 + 6x9 — 4x9 — 14x” - 12x" + 5 Mathematics ore. a a 4 pax) + (6x? + 16x ~ 35) x2 + 28x + 15x — 35 = 2x* + 2x9 — 21x? + 43x - 35 Column Method: We have, x 2x? 4x45 x? 432-7 2x* — 4x9 +52? +6x° — 12x? + 15x —14x? + 28-35 2x‘ 42x38 21x? +43x-35 Multiplying 2x? — 4x +5 by x2 Multiplying 2x? — 4x +5 by 3x ‘Multiplying 2x? -4x+5 by —7 Adding the like terms Simplify: @ @x-2)(e-Gx+5) Gi) (6-2) - 2x)(4 - 3x) @ Gi) We have, (8x 2)(x-1)(8x+5) ={(8x—2)(x—0} x @x+5) [By Associativity of Multiplice, = {8x(x-1)-2(x-1)}x(8x+5) = (8x? — 8x —2x +2)x(8x+5) = (8x? — 5x +2)x(8x+5) = 8x? x(8x +5) — 5x(8x+5)+2x(3x +5) = (9x° + 15x”) + (—15x? ~ 252) + (6x +10) =9x° +15x" — 15x? — 25x +6x+10 =9x° —19x+10 We have, (6-x)(3-2x)(4-3x) = {(6-x)(3 — 2x)} x(4 3x) = {5(8 — 2x)—x(3~2x)}x (432) = (15-10x— 8x +22x*)x(4—3x) = (2x? — 13x +15)x(4—32) = 2x? x(4 —3x)-18xx(4—3x) +15x(4~3x) = 8x? — 6x° — 52x +392? 460 _ 45x =-62° +472? 97% 4.60 EXERCISE 6.5 . (2x +8) by (x —3) 4. (a-1) by 0.10? +3) 5. (Bx? + y") by (2x? +3y?) 6. (§2+4>)oy(S2e4s] a .sions and Identities vy) by ( 2+?) 7 ae caplby +7) 2 2 2) rr ox?y? - 529 ) by (x = ax? - 1) by (42 3 45x") f a the following 7, Gx - 59) (* +y) / 2 2 ofh-¥)(59) simplify: 20. x2 (x + 2y)(x- 39) 22. a°b? (a + 2b)(3a +b) 24, (x3 — 2x? + Bx — 7)(2x — 3) 26, (6 - x)(6- 5x)(2- x) 98, (8x -2)(2x—8) + (5x—3)(x+ 1) 30. (Bx + 2y)(4x + By) — (2x - y)(7x— 3) products and verify the result for x = pan 2 8. (x? + y*) by (Ba + 2b) 10, (0.8a 0,58) by (1.5a - 3b) x? 2 ox EH) (2, 9% ooo G +4 (2+) AG, (8x*y- eotin[s e 2.1") L416, Oxy +8y?) (By? — Ly=-2 18. (x*y-1)(8- 2x*y) 21. (x? -2y?)(x+4y)x?y” 23. x? (x—y)y? (x + 29) 25. (6x +3)(x-1)(8x—-2) 27. (2x? + 3x —5)(3x” — 5x +4) 29. (5x —-8)(x + 2)— (2x +5)(4x—3) ~ BL. (x? — Bx + 2)(Bx — 2) — (Bx? + 4x — 5)(2x — 1) 42. (x8 — 2x? + Bx — 4) (ee — 1) — (2x 8) (2 1. 85x? +31x+6 |. Tx” + 36xy + By” . Gxt + 11x7y? + By4 a aby? g2y8_y8 ~15d? ~ 38df -7f? i eae 1 3, 454 7 get gab +7 oe 252 15, 82° +10x4 — 449 — 5x? 1, 3x? _ Day By? 1 19, plea . 25” 1. 35. PY + 4ety9_oy8y6 _ g.2)6 se -x+) ANSWERS 2, 2x? +2x—24 4, 0.1a°-0.1a7 +3a-3 6. 32 + Bay 42y* 2 8. Sax? +3ay? +2bx? + 2by” 10. 1.20? -3.15ab +1.567 93,73 2,2 12. 58 +790" ta" 34 3_ 5a 4, gxty- ay? +aty? - 59 16. Gxy! — 4xy +994 -6y” 18, 5x7y-2x4y?-3 20, x*—x*y—6x"y? 22, 3atb? +7a°b? + 20°" a ——$_ <5 fo, 6.32 29x +21 23, xty2 4 3439.2 mA. : oy 2a 26 60-92% + 41x” - 5x 25. 15x* ~ 16x? 5x46 oe aia? -11x+3 27. Gx‘ — x° — 22x? +37x-20 = “og? +89? +80zy 29. 3x2 724 x? 7x49 gh 6x9 + 10x” —12x+7 81, —x° — 22x? 430x-9 82. 6.6 IDENTITIES . : i one variable. In the previous class, we have studied linear equaviore 7 We hay, fs i mn either side ha learnt that an equation contains two algebraic expressions © OF the tn, ign (‘=" i i a r x=3, we have, LHS. =3x3+2-;; ary Eee In other words, the equation 2x. de; true when #=3. Also, it does not hold good for any other value of. On the other hang sauality 7425S io true for all values of z- The OP? of equalities are kn. identities as defined below. : WENTITY An identity is an equality which is true for all values of the variale (s). Clearly, an identity implies that the expressions on either side of the equality sign :. identical. 6.6.1 STANDARD IDENTITIES We shall now study three standard identities. These identities are very useful in fac: zation and simplification of algebraic expressions. IDENTITY1 (a+b)? =a? + 2ab+b* or, (a+b) =a" +b? + 2ab ie, Square of the sum of two terms = (Square of the first term) + (Square of the second term) +2 x (First term) x (Second term) Proof: We have, (a+b)? = (a+b)(a+b) fe ates => (a+b)? =a (a+b)+b(a+6) [By distributivity of multiplication over addi => (a+b =a? +ab+ba+b? (By distributivity of multiplication over addi = (a+b)? =a? +ab+ab+b? be abe => (a+b)? =a? +2ab+b? => (a+b)? =a? +b? +2ab IDENTITY2 (a—b)? =a” -2ab+b? or, (a—b)? =a? +b? ~2ab ie, Square of the difference of two terms = (Square of the first term) + (Square of the second term) - 2 x (First term) x (Second term) Proof: We have, (a—b» = (a—-bya-b) ee _b)- oo ait = (a—b)® = a(a-6)~ b(a—b) [By distributivity of multiplication over * : |. Q ee ind Identities i aye pesos : 6 (a—b? = a? -ab-ba +0? [By distributivity of multiplication over addition) 2: ~ab= 2 (a-b? =a -ab ay ae (a-b = a? -2ab +b" (a-b? = a? +b? -2ab ut sy 3 (a+b(a-B)= a -o : irst term Second term) (First term ies proof: We have, (a+b)(a-8) (a+b)\(a-8) = a? —ab+ba-b” (a+b)a-6) = a? —ab+ab-b? (a+b(a-b) = a? -b* ill illustrate the applications of these identities. - Second term) = (First term) - (Second term)* ) = a(a—b)+b(a—b) [By distributivity of multiplication over addition| 2 {- ab=ba) 2 2 Following examples Wi ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example! Evaluate: Gi) (Qx4+3y)? — (ii) (2x - 8y)” (iii) (2x + By) (2x —3y). soution (i). We have, (2x? + By)? = (2x)? + 2x (2x) (By) + (3y)? = 4x2 +12xy +99” [Using :(a +b)” =a? +2ab+b?} (ii) We have, (2x — By)? = (2x) — 2x(2x)x (By) + (By? = 4x? —12xy + 99” (iii) We have, (2x + 8y)(2x — By) = (2x)? - (89)? [Using (a - 6)? =a? — 2ab +0") [Using :(a + b)(a-6)=a” -b) = 4a? -9y’. Example2 Write down the squares of each of the following binomials: 1 y @ (=+3) (i) (»>-4) Gi) [7E Solution (i) We have, : ay 3 aay 2 (=+5) =x +axax$+(5) [Using :(a+ 6)? =a? + 2ab+b'] 2 ax? ee : x +xat+ 4 (ii) We have, 1y 1(1¥ (#-3) = (65? ~axsbx} «(3 } [Using :(a- 6)” = 2ab +b") = 250? -5b+4 4 Mathematics or lags, 6.34 Qh (iii) We have, 27 y (>+¥] =y sanyo) ‘ cya yet my: +7 4 Example3 Find the product of the following binomials: : 2x? + 5y? o (§ a *+a)$ a *+3) (ii) ( x? + By *\ 5s y Solution G@) We have, fen) 4 2-3) fraa=e 7 2 te) +2x4c?xa+(oF (Using :(a +b)? = a? + 20643 = Bat +007 +9 (ii) We have, (52 +00" Ge +5y ") 2 -(5+") fe aa=0 22) 52 -(3) 2x ax? xSy? + (5y?? (Using :(a +b)? =a? + 2ab+0" 44 ote 20 252 4 2594 Example4 Find the esd of the following binomials: () (6x? ~7y) (6x? — 79?) Gi (a3) 3= x57) Solution (i) We have, (6x? ~ Ty?) (6y? — 7?) = (6x? 75°? fa.o- = 6x?)? — 2x 6x" x79? + (7y2)? =36x* —84x7y? + 49y4, . Example5 Find the Product of the following binomials: oGeBlieb) wlmtang Gil) (@? +.B?) (a? +62) (iv) (-a+e)(-a~e) _ ad gee soutlon Example 6 Solution @ Gi) (ii) (iv) 1d identities 1 sions an jg EDIE 635 We have, 2 arate e 3 2 5 2 =|7*] -| 6? [Using :(a+ =a i é g(a + b)(a—b) =a ~b2} 25 12 i6* 36° We have, 3 =aai-(5) [Using :(a +)(a—b)=a? - 67) We have, (a? +b?) (-a? +b") =(a? +0?) {(a?-0?)} =~-(a? +b?) (a - 8”) =-{(a2)? 0} =! -b8)=-at +t = bt a! We have, (a+e)(-a-e) ={4a-0)} {a+0)} =(a-0)(a+e) =a" -¢ If x4=4, find the values of x a) gt a a @ P+a W tee @ u We have, retea x On squaring both sides, we get x x44 3s =16 x ae 3 =16-2 {On transposing 2 on RHS] eed a4 Mathematics for cy a Sy 6.36 (i) We have, veges On squaring both sides, we get 1 2 +4) =14 (+2 a= w4( LY caxstxt =196 x ed => totn2 =196 x = x44 2196-2 x = +t =194 x Example7 If x-4=9, find the value of x + x Solution — We have, x-teg x On squaring both sides, we get 2 (3) =81 x 2 x -axxxt+(2) = => exxx—t x 81 _ 2-24; =81 = 45 + 2+t u83 => ae 1 1 Example8 If x-—=9, find x+—. x x Solution We have, x-t=9 x [On transposing 2 on py [On transposing - 2 on RHS es {On squaring both sid pressions and Identities 637 1 ay wt ati 1 e er tah ...Ai) reh) eats boannl Now. x 2 x 5 =834+2 [Using (i)] 2 S 27, find the values of each of the following: 1 (ii) =e \2 4) iy oo [s1i}eerentes = (+4) oe eeeass 1) 1 2 xt] =2742 2+ = 27 given) x 2 (*+4) =29 x = relat V2 [Taking square root of both sides} (li) We have. u 7 ' 1 Le ' ~ . 6.38 Example 10 Solution Example Ww Example 12 Solution Example 13 = (x- 1) ear =2 x = (= 1)' 225 =2 x * => x-+ x diss (Taking square root of by : oth si If x+ y= 12and xy=14, find the value of 2? +. We have, (x+y) =x? + y? + Oxy Putting the values of x +y and xy, we obtain 12? =x? +y? 42x14 => 144 =x? +5? 428 => 144-28 =x7+y? > x+y? =116 If 3x + 2y = 12 and xy = 6, find the value of 9x? + 4y”. We have, (Bx + 2y)? =(8x)? + (2y)” + 2x Bx x By (Bx + Qy)? =9x? + 4y? +12xy* 144 =9x7 +4y?+72 144-72=9x7 +4y? 9x? +4y? =72 If 4x? + y? = 40 and xy = 6, find the value of 2x +. We have, (2x +9)” = (2x)? +y? +2x Ix xy (2x + y)? = (4x? +9?) + 4xry Huuds 4d 12? =9x? +4y? +12x6 [Putting 3x + 2y = 12 anday=4 => => (Ox +y) =40+4x6 [Using 4x2 +y?=40 and)” => (2x + y)? = 64 => Qx+y=+tJ64 4 => axty=t8 [Taking square root of both e Find the continued product: (i) (+ 2)x- 2)? +4) Gi) (2x +3y)(2e —3y)(4x? +99") 2 o (Bee) 1)( ser Gi) (@-DetDOP HDHD — Civ) (+-2)(x+2)(¢ +A)f: ei oaic Expressions and ldenties Ae —— 6.39 (i) We have, (xe + 2)(x—2)(x? + 4) ={(x+2)(%— 2) (x? +4) [By associativity of multiplication] = (x? —2?)(x? +4) (+ @+b)(a-b)= a? — 42) = (x? —4) (x? +4) =(x?)?? -4? (y (a+ b)(a-b)=a? 62) =x‘ -16 (ii) We have, (2x + By) (2x — 8y)(4x? + 99”) = ((2x +By)(2x - By)}(4x? + 9y?) = ((2x + By) (2x — 3y)} (4x? + 9y?) ={(2x) - (ayy? }(4x? +997) (Using :(a+b)(a—b) = a? — 6] = (4x - 9y?)(4x? +9y?) = (4x?) -(9y?)? [Using :(a +b)(a—b) =a? - 6) = 16x‘ -81y*, (iii) We have, (e-D) +1) (2? +1) (x4 +1) ={(e-1) (e+ DH? +1) (x4 +) = (x? -1) (x? +1) (x4 +1) ={@?-n@? +n}at + = {?? -1?} et +1) = (x4 -1)(x* +1) ={at? -1} =x8-1 (iv) We have a=bec. example 17 Using the formulae for squaring a binomial, evaluate the following (i) Gon? (ii) (99? Git) (93)? soution We have, (i) 01)? =(100+1)? = (100)? +2x100x1+ (1)? [Using :(a + 6)” =a? + 2ab +5?) = 10000 +200 +1 =10201 Gi) (99)? =@00-1? = (100)? —2x100x1+(1)? [Using : (a - 6? =a? - 2ab +b?) =10000-200+1 =9801 Gii) 3 =(0+3)? = (90)? +2x90xs +(3)? =8100+540+9 = 8649 Example 18 Simplify the following by using: (a + b)(a-b)=a?-b?. (i) 68x72 (ii) 101x99 (iii) 67x73 (iv) 128? - 777 Solution (i) We have, 68+72 14 2 So, we express 68 and 72 in terms of 70. 68x72 = (70—2)x(70+2) = (70) - 2 We have, 101+99 _ “>: So, we express 101 and 99 in terms of 100. 101x99 =(100 +1)x(100-1) =(200)* -1* =10000-1 =9999 (iii) We have, 67+73 2 So, we express 67 and 73 in terms of 70. 61x73 =(70-8)x(70+3) =(70)* -(8)* = 4900-9 = 4891 (iv) We have, 128? - 77? =(128 +77)x(128 -77) = 205x651 = 10455 =4900-4 =4896 . 100 =70 ™ 6.42 Mathematics fo, cy la i q Example 19 Find the value of x, if (i) 6x =237 ~17? iii = 2 Gi) 4x =98? -88° (ii). 26x = 536? _ 1392 Solution (i) We have, 6x = 237-17? : Ae = 6x =(23+17)x(23-17) [Using : a* -8' = +bVq => 6x=40x6 Gx _ 40x6 6 6 => x=40 Gi) We have, 4x = 987 — 88” => 4x =(98 + 88)x(98 — 88) => 4x=186x10 4x _ 186x10 a 2 FS (Dividing both sides by 4 3, - 1860 4 => x=465 (iii) We have, 25x = 536" — 136" => 25x = (536 + 136) x (536 - 136) Dividing both sides, 6) [Using : a? ~ 0 =(atb\(ay, [Using : a? —b? =(a+b)(0-b = 25x =672x400 = ee [Dividing both sides by =o «& => x=672x16 = x=10752 Example 20 What must be added to 9x” - 24x +10 to make it a whole square? Solution We have, 9x? —24x +10 =(8x)? —2x3xx4+10 It is evident from the above expression that First term = 3x and, Second term = 4 in” To make the given expression a whole square, we must have (4) = 16" of 10. Hence, we must add 6 to it to make a perfect square. Adding and subtracting 6, we get 9x? -24x+10+6-6 =9x" ~24x+16-6 =(8x-4)? -6 — ic Expressions and Identities algedta! 6.43 EXERCISE 6.6 1, Write the following squares of binomials as trinomials: 2 eee? (ii) (Ba + 3b)? (ii) (@m +1? (ivy (90+ i | ee ¢ 2 z 2 w(t 2) wo (F- 2) win (3-2) itn [ £2) (Sa _ 8b)? (atb — be?) (24,2 (ix) (ca (x) @ rc (xi) 36’ 3a. (xii) (x? - ay? » Find the product of the following binomials: () @x+y)@x+y) (ii) (a +2b)(a- 26) (iii) (a? + be) (a? — be) 4x_3y)\(4x | 3y 3 3 ; wo (F - 2)($+% () [Pet ees (vi) (2a? + 6%) (20° - b°) (4, 2)\(4 2) .. 1\(3_1 wa (2+) (=o (P+ 5)(4-3) 3, Using the formula for squaring a binomial, evaluate the following: «@) (102)? (ii) (99)? (ii) (1001? (iv) (999)? (v) (703? 4, Simplify the following using the formula: (a - b) (a +b) = a?—6*: (i) (82)? -(18)" (ii) (467)? -(33)" (iii) (79)? - (69)? (iv) 197 x 203 (v) 113 x 87 (vi) 95 x 105 (vii) 1.8 x 2.2 (viii) 9.8 x 10.2 5. Simplify the following using the identities: 2 _ 4? _ i) See (ii) 178 x 178-22 x 22 (iii) nO 108 = Wee 1td 16 : 96 8,63 x 8.63 - 1.37 x iv) 1.73 x1.73-0.27x0.27 ) a 6. Find the value of x, if: (i) 4x=(62)? -(48)?—(ii)_-14x = (47)? - (83) (iii) 5x = (60) - (40? . 1 7. Ifx+=20, find the value of 2? +4, x 8 e223, find the values of x? +4, and xt + x 1 9 Itat+4 216, find the values of x+4and.x-2 x x x 0. c M+y=4 andy =2, find the value of x2 +y? H Ifx-y=7 and xy =9, find the value of x? + 2 Pi : Mathemat Bae tt | 2 2 12. Ife + 5y = 11 and ay =2, find the value of 9** +257 13. Find the values of the following expressions: . 2 7 G) 16x? + 24x 4-9, when x= 7 (ii) 64x? +81y? +144xy, when x=1land y= 3 : 2 3 (iii) 81x? +16y? —72xy, when x= gandy ar 14. If x+tes, find the value of x* a x wut x+t x 16. If 2x+3y=14 and 2x~3y=2, find the value of xy. (Hint: Use (2x +3y)? - (2x - 8y)” = 24xy] 17. If x? + y? =29 and xy =2, find the value of SRsty | Ww-y —tat x ey (18. What must be added to each of the following expressions to make it a whole square? =12, find the value of x~ 4. Gi) 4x7 12247 Gi) 4x? 20% +20 19. Simplify: () ey) ety) (a? +9) (x4 +y4) WW) 2x1 (2x +1) (4x? +1) 1624 +) GHD (7m —8n)? + (Tm+ Bn)? (iv) (2.5p -1.59)" -.5p - 2.59) im? -n*m) + 2m'n? 20. Show that: (i) (8x+7)? -84x=(8x—7)” (ii) @a-5b)? +180ab = (9a + 5b)” 4m_3n)? 16m? | 9n® (iii) (2-2) +2mn =~ + BW (4 pq +8q)* —(4pq—3q) = 489" @) (a-b)(a+b)+(b-c)(b+0)+(c-a)(c+a)=0 ANSWERS 1 L @ x? 44x44 (i) 64a? +48ab+96? (iii) 4m? +4m41 (iv) 81a? +30+ 36 za ee . 2 542 w) Pate wi) eto (ii) oa (viii) Poe 9a? 15, 25 Go abt age © ad? 20%? 4 a%e4 4a? 8, 40° r Gi) opr 9" oa® Gai) x4 ~2Pay + 0?y? Expressions and Identities gebra 6.45 ; 2 iy g® 442 Gi) a B22 wy 293 a @ Art tans y a ii) at ~B%¢ wo eS . 6 rm 4 (vi) 4a’ -' (vii) #-5 (viii) x ( 10404 Gi) 9801 Gii) 1002001 (iv) 998001 (v) 494209 ‘ fi) 6400 Gi) 217000 (iii) 1480 (iv) 39991 (v) 9831 (vi) 9975 i) 396 (vill) 99.96 ; 5a) 100 Gi) $1200 ii). 300 (iv) 2.92 () 100 & @) 100 ii) 80 ii). 180 7 398 8.) 1,119 9 J20,4 10, 12 ll. 67 12. 61 5 100 (i) 10000 Giii) 9 4. 6239 152/140 16.8 17. (i) + Jag. ii) £5 (iii) 833 302 @5 19. @) x8—y§ Gi) 256x°-1 (iii) 98m? +128n? (iv) 4(p? -q?) wy) mt + mint 662 A SPECIAL PRODUCT We have, (x+a)(x+b)=x(x+b)+a(x+b) (By distributitivity] =x? +xbtaxtab (By distributitivity] =x" +bx+ax+ab (: xb = bx] ? +ax+bx+ab (+ bx + ax =ax+ bx] =x" +(a+b)x+ab Thus, we have the following identity: (x+a)(x+d)=27 +(a+b)x+ab Using this identity, we can derive the following results: i) (eta) (xb) =(x +a) {x +(-b)} =x? +{a+(-b)} x+a(-b) =x? +(a-b)x-ab =x? +(a-b)x-ab i) (xa) (x4+b)={x+(-a)} (x +) =x? +{(-a) +b} x+(-a)b =x? +(b-a)x-ab (=~ a) (x+b) =x? +(b-a)x-ab (xa) (x—b) = {x + (-a)} {x-(-b)} =x? + {(-a) +(-b)} x +(-a)(-b) (x4) (x-b)= x? (a+b) x+0b Pillowing examples exhibit the use of these identities in simplifying and evaluating Bebraic expressions. (x+a)(x-8) (iii) eee — : 6.46 Mathematics Loree, SI ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES ee ar oman -O4-y GY) (y-7(y +3) (v) (2x8) (2x +5) Bx~5) Solution Using the identity: (x+ a) (x+8)= 2" +(a+b)x+ab, we have @ (x +2) (x48) =x? +(24+8)24+2%3 =x? +5x+6 GD 47) (@-2) =e + D (x + (D} =x? +{7+(-2)}xt+7x-2 =x? 452-14 GH) (-4) (9-3) = {+H} {y+ (-B)} =y? +{(-4)+(-3)} y +4) x (-3) =y?-Ty+12 Gv) (yD (y +3) = {y+} (9 +8) = +{(-1) +38} y+ (-7) x38 =y?—4y-21 () x ~3) (2x +5) =(y-3) (y +5), where y = 2x = {y+(-3)} (y +5) =y? +{(-8) +5} y+(-3)x5 =y?-y-20 = (8x)? -3x-20 = 9x? -3x-20, Example2 Evaluate the following: (@) 107 x 103 Gi) 56 x 48 (ii) 95 x 97 Solution Using the identity: (x +a)(x+b)=x2 4 (a+b)x+ab we have (107x108 = (100 +7) x (100 +3) = (100) +(7+3)x10047%3 =10000+10x100+21 0000 +1000 +21 =11021 Gi) 56x 48 =(50+6)x (50-2) = (50 +6) x (50 + (-2)} 50)” +16 + (-2)) x50 +6 x ~2 = 2500 +4x 50-19 500 + 200-19 =2700-12 = 2688 A 647 ; prac Expressions and identities —- (iii) 95x97 = (100-5) x (100 - 3) = {100 + (-5)} x (100 + (-3)] = (100)? + {(-5) + (-3)} x 100 + (-5) x (-3) = 10000-8100 +15 = 10000 -800 +15 = 9215 EXERCISE 6.7 1, Find the following products: @) +4)(a+7) Gi) (11) +4) (iii) (+7) (x -5) 4\(..8 i) (@-3)@-2—w) ?-4)G2-3) WD («+$)(=+3) (vii) (8x +5) (8x +11) (viii) (2x? — 3) (2x? +5) (ix) (2? +2)(2? -8) (x) (8x-4y) (Qx-4y) 1 (xi) (8x? - xy) (8x? -Sxy) (xii) (=+2) (x +5) rt 3 4 1 Gani) (24) (20g (xiv) (x? +4) (x? +9) 5 14 (xv) (y? +12)(y? +6) (xvi) (97+8)(-4) ‘| (xvii) (P vi0(o" -}) 2, Evaluate the following: (@) 102 x 106 (ii) 109 x 107 (iii) 35 x37 (iv) 53 x55 (w) 103 x96 (vi) 34x 36 (wii) 994 x 1006 ANSWERS 1 @ P+1v+28 (i) x -Tx-44 (iii) x? +2x-35 (iv) 25x46 st-Paaa iy Ba (vil) 9224482455 (vill) 4x4 44x? -15 @) Az 2 2 (i) ox 2128 22) 32 4 ZO 4 B26 (x) 6x2 Way +16y? — (xi) Ox4 —B1x8y +12x4y%xil) x +E e+ a 9 25 73 Gai) 2425241 (xiv) xf +182" +36 ov) 941892472 Gi) y* -gay? 2 vii) oS ot 4 2 @ @ rosi2 (i) 11663 (iii) 1295 (iv) 2915 ©) 9888 wi) 1224 (vii) 999964 bh Gas Mathematics fy, G ITIES ACTIVITIES FOR VERIFYING THE IDENT! f its side and that of a reetay, As we know that is the square 0 the are iS re) it ig, Product of its Teagan ans breed We use these results, fo represen ileebraie eometrically. If x is the length of a side of ® saa vide x units. > Beo the term x? is represented by the area of a square © am exxext === If length and breadth of a rectangle are x and y, then its area is xy. So, term xy ig hm sented geometrically by a rectangle of dimensions x and y units. sey |y | Let us now see how these results help us in verifying algebraic identities. ACTIVITY! Verification of identity: (a+b)? =a? +2ab+b" In order to verify the identity (a +b)* =a? +2ab+b?, we follow the following steps: StepI Draw a square ABCD of side a cm on a card board ‘ ae a——~a Boe: Step II Extend the sides AB and AD by b cms, to get the | points E and F. Clearly, BE = DF =b cm. i Step III Complete the square AEGF. Step IV Produce BC and DC to intersect sides FG and EG at | H and I respectively. Step V Cut the square along BH and DI to get two squares ?| ’ ‘ABCD and CIGH of sides a cm and b om b | respectively and two rectangles BCIE and DFHC + ss r——+a>—— each of dimensions a cm and b em. Clearly, Area of square ABCD = a”, Area of square CIGH = b? Area of rectangle BCIE = ab, Area of rectangle DFHC = ab and, Area of square ANGF = (a + 6)? Since square AEGF is cut into four pieces (two squares and two rectangles: Area of square ANGF’ = Area of square ABCD + Area of rectangle BCIE + Area of square CIGH + Area of rectam! > (a+b) =a? +ab+b? +ab Fig. 6.1 te DPE A“ . ions and identities \ ageeraic EXPTESS 6. 1.49 or, (a+b)? =a? +2ab+0? as we have verified the identity (a+b)? =a” +2ab+b? through an activity. 2 Students are advised to take any numeric values of wnt for those values. agTMIrY 2 Verification of identity: (q- b)* = a? ~2ab +b? der to verify this identity, we may follow the following steps: wo{ Draw a square ABCD of side a cm on a card board paper. Sapll Mark points E, F, G and H on its sides AB, AD, CD and CB respectively such that BE = DF = CG = CH =bem, whereb (ab)? =a° -(2ab-b?) or, (a-b)? =a -2ab+b? Thus, we have verified the identity through an activity. NOTE 2 Students are advised to verify the identity by giving different sets of numeric values to a and b. . ACTIVITY Verification of identity: a? -—b® = (a+b) (ab) Inorder to varify this identity, we may follow following steps: Step Draw a square ABCD of side a em on a card-board paper. Str Mark points, E and Gon sides AB and AD such that AE = AG =b cm, where b a? —b® =(a+b) (ab) This verifies the identity. NOTE 3 Students are advised to verify the above identity by giving different numer: values of a and b such that a >b. ACTIVITY 4 Verification of identity: (x +a) (x+b)= x" +x(a+b)+ab In order to verify this identity geometrically, let us follow the following steps: StepI Draw a square ABCD of side x cm on a card board paper. | Step II Extend sides AB and AD to E and F respectively such that BE = a cm oni DF=bem. Step IIT Complete rectangle AEGF with two adjacent sides AE and AF. Step IV Produce BC to meet FG at H. Also, produce DC to meet EG at I. Step V Cut out rectangle AEGF along BH and DI to get one square ABCD and the rectangles BCIE, DCHF and CHGI. Step VI Compute the areas of square and rectangles obtained in step V. Area of square ABCD = x? Area of rectangle BEIC = xa Area of rectangle CDFH = xb Area of rectangle CHGI = ab Area of rectangle AEGF = (x + a) (x + b) wate ies A ® Clearly, ‘Area of rectangle AEGF = Area of square ABCD + Area of rectangle BEIC + Area of rectangle CDFH |, + Area of rectangle CHGI { : b (xta)(x+b)=2x? +xa+xb+ab + wae or, (e+a)(e+b)=22 42 (a+b)+ab a ‘This verifies the identity. Fig.6.4 a! NOTE: Students are advised to verify the above identity by giving different num” to x, aand b. - nvaic Expressions and Identities os age ae ina a : THINGS TO REMEMBER — The leters which are used to represent numbers are called literal numbers or literals Jiteral numbers themselves as well as the combinations: ithe rules (and signs) of addition, subtraction, multipli oun the properties of these operations. « aymbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant. |) Asymbol which takes various numerical values is called a variable Acombination of constants and variables connected by the signs of fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is called an algebraic expressi Various parts of an algebraic expression which are separated by the signs of + or'~are called the terms of the expression. of literal numbers and nu: ; bers obey ication and division of numbers along Analgebraic expression is called a monomial, a binomial, a trinomial, a quadrinomial according as it contains one term, two terms, three terms and four terms respectively. 8. Each term in an algebraic expression is a product of one or more number(s) and/or literal number(s). These number(s) and/or literal number(s) are known as the factors of that term. A term of the expression having no literal factor is called a constant term. 10, Ina term of an algebraic expression any of the factors with the sign of the term is called the coefficient of the product of the factors. The terms having the same literal factors are called like or similar terms. The terms not having same literal factors are called unlike or dissimilar terms. 13. The sum or difference of several like terms is another like term whose coefficient is the sum or difference of those like terms. Inadding or subtracting algebraic expressions, we collect different groups of like terms and find the sum or difference of like terms in each grou up. To subtract an expression from another, we change the sign (from ‘ + °to‘~'and from*~° to “+ of each term of the expression to be subtracted and then add the two expressions When a grouping symbol preceded by ‘~" sign is removed or inserted, then the sign of each term of the corresponding expression is changed (from ‘+’ to’ ~’and from‘ —*to' =) * The product of two factors with like signs is positive and the product of two factors with unlike signs is negative. Ifa isa variable and m, n are positive integers, then a" xq" = q™** The coefficient of the product of monomials is equal to the product of their coefficients. The variable part in the product of two monomials is equal to the product of the variable parts tn the given monomials. P,Q, Rand S are monomials, then we have O PxQtR)=PxQtPxR (i) (QER)xP=QxPLRxP (O (P+Q)x(R+8) = PxR+ PxS+Qx R+QxS 22. An identity is an equality which is true for all values of the variable (s) %. Following are some identities: © (a sb wa? +b? 4 20b C7) (a-b)* =a? +b? -2ab {a +)(a~b) =a? 62

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