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1 Writing
2 Speaking
3 Listening
4 Reading

As an Indian, I love my motherland and have a golden dream for my

country. My aim is to fulfil this dream and make India the ideal country in
the world to live in. My dream is to make India the happiest, richest and
healthiest country, something like the goose that laid golden eggs. I would
love to see my country progress in all fields, including science, technology,
medicine, health, education an justice.
I would love to see people think about the overall betterment of the society,
so that welfare of the nation is the topmost priority.
India has been a land of diverse cultures, and it would be a great
opportunity to showcase these cultures to the world. Setting up of cultural
centres in every city, town and village and enabling them to become self-
sustained tourist centres will ensure that the benefits of development
reaches to all levels of the society.
India has become a leader in the field of technology, and the largest number
of engineering students graduate from India. A focus on education will
ensure that the engineers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, chartered accounts,
artisans and many other skilled persons get the job they require. I would
love to see Indian perform well in the international sports arena, with world
class sports training facilities spread across the country.
India is a concept rather than a country. It is the collective consciousness
of over 1.30 billion Indian people. The best way must be accept the huge
regional, religious, cultural and linguistic diversity and plurality of this
humongous mass of humanity and nurture them, than look for any single
or ideal India. The more we try to find out and formulate an ideal India,
we’d be moving farther and farther away from the actual India.
An Ideal India must have the strong defence force in the world, with the
army, navy and air force possessing the most sophisticated equipment to
safeguard such a peace-loving nation. Friendly relationships with its
neighbours will ensure that India becomes the jewel in the crown.
We have been a country united in diversity, and I believe that this is the
most unique feature of our country. I wish that all politicians start focusing
on the country’s development rather than use politics to divide and rule the
I am already seeing the seeds of change being sowed and it is only a matter
of time before I will realize this dream of mine, to see India as the most
Ideal Nation to live in the world.
India must be a harbinger of peace , a compassionate nation know for its
intellectual currents and a good quality of life for its citizens

This means I do not want India to become another USA - the world does
not need another policeman nor do I want India to be known for it's guns
and weapons whom everybody "fears" .Rather we must try to follow the
footsteps of some European nations like Germany(of past few decades) and
the Nordic nations . We must provide excellent quality of life for our
citizens - Health, education etc where each individual feels that his/her life
is valued.

India has solid civilization values for this. What we lack is a uniform
distribution of wealth. If we can get rid of the economic and social
inequalities then I believe India will become a heaven- with it's warm
spiritual soul and colorful spirit.

How we achieve equality is the question . Sadly, our present model of

development is getting us growth but the inequalities still remain . Also, we
must seek to live in harmony in nature and not just set up industries because
an "industry" seems to connote development. Rather, now the world is
realizing there is nothing "backward" about Agriculture. So, in my view we
must focus in Agriculture, Services and Tourism. India has the land and
climate to become the kitchen for the world. As climate change dawns and
world populations rises - globally food shortages will arise - India can
provide solution to this global challenge and in this way also achieve the
prosperity is seeks. Also, by focusing on agriculture, we will better the lives
of farmers and the rural poor - thus also solving the inequality challenge to
a large extent. We are already a global leader in the Services ( IT) sector -
let us build on that. India has a HUGE potential in Tourism. India has
everything that a nation needs to be a great destination - Blessed with a
variety of Climate , natural beauty , Historical sites and vibrant culture - we
have failed to build on these advantages. eg We have 7500 KM of coastline
! Nations with a tiny fraction of that attract tourists to their beaches.

Summing it up - my idea of INDIA is a place where we have removed

"every tear from every eye" and the government provides opportunities for
its citizens to discover their potential. Where, everybody does not
necessarily have a car but there exists an excellent public transport system
which everybody can afford. Where there is compassion and brotherhood .
Where we "Live" life and not run a mad race for "Development" . Where
"Love" wins over "Hate"

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