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Name: Janna Regina Pangan Section: COE101

Score: Date: 10/07/22

Directions: Provide what is being asked. Write your answers on the space provided below.
(2 items x 25 points)

In no more than seven (7) sentences, evaluate the contribution of the human activities to the
destruction of the environment.

There are several ways that humans affect the environment. Reduced water quality, increased pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and contribute to global climate change are common outcomes.
Some of them are a direct outcome of human activity, while others are side effects that are the result of a chain
of events. Excess nutrient inputs are one of the main effects that humans have on aquatic environments. Nitrogen
and phosphorus are two nutrients that are crucial for the health and survival of aquatic plants and animals.
Human activities are mostly to blame for the majority of air pollution. For instance, increased fossil fuel
consumption from cars, factories, and power plants all pump a lot of air pollutants like carbon monoxide, ozone
and nitrous oxides into the atmosphere. United States data on climate change According to the Environmental
Protection Agency, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are mostly to
blame for the global warming that has resulted from human activity.

Integrate and assess how effective the national government’s efforts are in protecting our environment from
overexploitation which is caused by man’s greed.
Since the beginning of the management of fire, and possibly even before, mankind has always used the
environment. Survival and raising one's standard of living have always been the main goals for humanity.
Although it is currently highly fashionable to claim that environmental devastation is a result of greed, the truth
is that many more deserving causes, frequently coupled with ignorance or poverty, are actually the primary
causes of environmental destruction. Additionally, it's currently popular to characterize all change as
destructive, even though there may be other perspectives that are more suitable. For instance, the destruction of
the Amazon rainforest for the purpose of food production and modern living is depicted as egregiously
immoral, yet the European countryside, from which the forest was long ago clearedis today seen as lovely and
worthy of preservation for precisely the same reasons. According to me, environmental challenges must be
viewed as a balance between the advancement of humanity and nature. I have the controversial opinion that as
we advance, environmental stewardship improves. Here, "we" refers to both the federal and state governments.


Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting details, and factual scenarios. 15
Grammar Used correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. 5
Organization of ideas Expressed the points in clear and logical arrangement of ideas in the paragraph. 5
Total 25

02 Activity Sheet 1 *Property of STI

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