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Motivating Student Personal Development

Planning by Making Links with Employability

Pauline Kneale

To cite this article: Pauline Kneale (2004) Motivating Student Personal Development Planning by
Making Links with Employability, Planet, 13:1, 20-21, DOI: 10.11120/plan.2004.00130020

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Planet No. 13 December 2004


Motivating Student Personal Development Planning by

Making Links with Employability
Pauline Kneale
University of Leeds

Abstract l What does a Development Plan look like? Comparing your

The project described here is designed to enhance the use of personal current practice with company procedures at Woolworths
development planning (PDP) amongst all Higher Education (HE) or HBOS.
students through the use of current performance and review l Planning for the future using Somerfield's template.
documentation from a range of companies and organisations.The l Setting longer-term goals using BAE Systems' planner.
overall aim is to help students from any and every discipline to make Reviewing performance against goals using
a connection between their own required portfolio planning and the

Woolworths' criteria.
performance development plans that are used in the workplace.The
database of materials from organisations is growing.The objective is Section 2. Portfolio Pages - Examples of pages that could
to have resources from a cross-section of charity and voluntary be used in departmental or institutional Personal Planning
organisations, large to small companies, national and local government Portfolios, which incorporate the company materials.
and professional bodies.The aim is to have a range of personal Section 3. Company Performance Development
planning resources that will appeal to as broad a range of students Plans - Original documentation from the companies who
as possible. have collaborated in the project.These materials, including a
brief company description, are reproduced directly and
Introduction presented in html and Word formats.
This Personal Development Planning project, Section 4. Links - to PDP resources
based in the Geography Department at the In the next phase of the project the aim is
University of Leeds, aims to improve
This is more
to expand the materials, so students can
students' understanding of the role and value see a considerable range of resources and
of planning and reflection: interesting than the teachers can select from companies and

university booklet
l Showing that reflection and planning are organisations that are familiar to their
serious workplace activities; students.We are looking for examples
Putting workplace practices in the thing, you can from as wide as possible a range of
organisations from public, private and
see the reason

student domain;
voluntary sectors, and CPD materials from
for doing it.
l Giving academic staff easily accessible Professional Bodies to enrich the
materials to work with. experience for the students.
The objective is to collect a broad resource The material on the website is
of personal planning materials from available, nationally and internationally, free
companies and other organisations and to of charge, and all HE teachers and students can access it.The
make these accessible to all staff and students in Higher agreement is that anyone using the materials must acknowledge
Education.We have obtained agreement from a pilot group of the organisation or company origins of the materials. In
companies to use their planning and development reproducing documentation for student use, the company titles
documentation. From these materials we have created a website or logos must be kept in place.
that allows HE teachers to draw on workplace PDP practices for Organisations collaborating to date are Avanade; BAE
use with undergraduate and postgraduate students. Examples of Systems; BNFL; Bradford Metropolitan District Council; CRAC;
original documentation from the companies are used as the basis Environment Agency; HBOS plc; Kirklees MDC; Save the Children
for activities that encourage students to understand workplace Fund; Somerfield plc; The Chartered Institution of Water and
cultures and practices. Environmental Management;Woolworths; and Yorkshire Dales
The materials can be found at National Park.
The PDP website The materials only went online in January 2004 and so have not
The website has four sections: yet been used very widely. However, some of the materials have
Section 1. Student Activities - Activities for use in been used in student workshops with considerable success. Part
individual, small or large group sessions working on reflection of the final phase of the project will be to revisit student use of
and personal development planning skills.These draw directly the resources and their longer term impact. Here are the
on the company materials.They follow a consistent Tutor comments and reflections from two events.
Notes and Student Materials format.They are self-contained in Comments from undergraduates. This was a class of 87 level 2
Word documents.The intention is that tutors cut and paste geography students who by their own admission were not for the
the Student Materials section to their own handouts.The Tutor most part engaging with their faculty PDP process.Their directly
Notes give information on running a session. All activities are quoted reflections are in italics.
suitable for use in one-hour or shorter sessions, usually l This is more interesting than the university booklet thing, you can
following student preparation. Some exercises can be used as see the reason for doing it. This comment summed up a
follow up activities. Examples of activities are: majority view from the class.

Planet No. 13 December 2004

l I am not sure that I really want to take time on this just at l The Project Planner one (Avenade Project Contribution Form)
present. I know I should but for university study I can get enough would be really good for my thesis. I like boxes to tick and this is a
done without. I will do it at work when it means something. really brilliant idea.You can just change all the section heads to fit
I was really surprised that a company like HBOS takes this sort of what you are doing in the lab.The idea of knowing if you have
done each bit well, does it meet expectations or exceed them could

time with staff. Planning for courses in the next two years seems a
long way off. This was the most common comment although be cool.You'd get more done if someone told you it was really good.
balanced by the Why are you surprised, this is what happens at This led to a short discussion about how PhD supervisors let
work. I have been doing this for xxx for two years. And from you get on with your project but don't really give much
another In my job this is how you get promotion. My manager has praise.
been really helpful about filling the thing in and it was OK because l I like the way you get the same size space for business/MSc
I got a promotion. The best advocates for the process in this objectives and personal objectives. It can remind you that you can
class were students who already engage with this style of be doing other things not just uni work.
reflection at work and do not see it as difficult or intrusive. At the end of the session these students were all very positive
l I could be doing more on this, I find reflecting difficult so it is good and were rewriting examples with headings to suit their own
to see different ways to try. This illustrates a general issue and activities and projects.While some of the language is difficult and
also brought out some issues about the style of materials: I business oriented, the students, both UK and overseas, skipped
like the open boxes, you can write what you want contrasts with over it and started re-writing in their own style.
The tick boxes are good, I don't know what to put mostly so it’s
better to have more boxes to help.
Considerations for further development of PDP
It was really interesting talking about our plans and working out
Getting involved in collecting the materials from the organisations

what you need to do to get ready for an interview. Having the

is a task that is taking a research officer with PR contacts some
Avenade template made it seem more relevant. There is no
considerable time. So far the companies have all said yes, and it is
doubt that running the session takes
likely that cold calling would not have
some effort and encouragement from anything like this degree of success.
the staff but because the forms are
substantive and the task takes some I like boxes to tick Embedding the student activities
within course programmes will
time, the outputs can be made relevant
and personal, and certainly on the day and this is a require thought.Tutorial sessions in all
they were being taken seriously by most really brilliant idea. ... years, as well as skills and careers
modules, are obvious locations for the
the class. You'd get more done activities.The Preparing for Interviews
A group of 14 taught postgraduate and PhD if someone told you activity was used in a careers module
as was What does a Development Plan
students attended a voluntary PDP session
where we used examples of the
it was really good Look Like, with the aim of
understanding something about the
organisational resources to discuss the culture of the organisation as well as
reflection and planning process.The students the planning process.The Project
then took time to discuss and decide which Planning materials would drop into
materials they would pick to create a dissertation preparation sessions,
template for their own personal use. In each case they chose a whilst the Goal Setting and Planning activities could be helpful in
mix of materials because they wanted some general reflection preparation for a year abroad or a work placement.The
opportunities and some project planning materials. Again their experience with the students suggests that these materials can be
comments are in italics. used to good effect with taught masters and research students,
l Companies really do this. And it is for real? Do they do this with but that timing is important.The workshop was held in March
all people working for them? This group was also surprised that when taught Masters students were well into the year and
this is a serious workplace activity. planning their project work, and thinking about what to do next
I like the Somerfield stuff. It is clear, lots of space, and the time was in their minds.The PhD students who attended were in their
third and fourth years and had coping with their PhD, planning for

scale bit is really good. It would make you do things rather than
putting it off. and getting a career in mind. It can be argued that this group
were also ready to use these materials, and that timing could be
The HBOS appeals to me cos I can see what they want. It is good
critical in developing engagement.

to have someone looking after what you want. It would be good to

get feedback at all the times and I like the bit about support If you can think of new ways to use the resources then please
required too. let me know and help to build the site. If you know of
organisations that would add their PDP materials to the site,
l I could really use the ideas here - Deliverables and Actions required please pass on the details.
to achieve goals. My thesis has been going on so long and it is all
a bit of a mix-up of bits.This would get you to break it into bits
which would really help me, it’s why I came today I suppose. Professor Pauline Kneale, School of Geography,
Having Objective, Results and Method to do it columns might help. University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT.
(Woolworths). Email:


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