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Br. J. exp. Path.

(1976) 57, 663


From the May Institute for Medical Research of the Jewish Hospital and
Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Cincinnati,
College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229, U.S.A.
Received for publication June 21, 1976

Summary.-Male and female nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) and arteriosclerotic

(breeder) Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to acute myocardial infarction with
isoprenaline. When myocardial necrosis was most intense, animals were given
cortisone (high and low doses), Dianabol, or Enovid. Animals receiving large doses
of cortisone manifested the best survival rate during the early stages of myocardial
infarction. Although their serum enzyme levels were least elevated and their hearts
showed the least amount of damage, these animals had undergone the most intense
body weight loss and began to die suddenly during the later stages of the experiment.
These animals also manifested hyperlipidaemia, hyperglycaemia, septicaemia,
severe disuse atrophy of their adrenal glands, and reduced Cmpd. B production.
Animals treated with low doses of cortisone or with the anabolic and androgenic
steroid, Dianabol, manifested none of the myocardial protective effects of the larger
dose of cortisone. These animals displayed a high incidence of left ventricular
aneurysm formation concomitant with extensive cartilaginous metaplasia within the
aneurysmal sites. Treatment with the contraceptive drug, Enovid, caused body
weight loss, hyperlipidaemia, hyperglycaemia, gonadal atrophy and reduction of
Cmpd. B production. Although the high dose of cortisone exercised definite salutary
effects during early myocardial infarction, chronic treatment led to adrenal disuse
atrophy and hypoadrenocorticism associated with sudden death during the later
stages of myocardial repair. These findings indicate that proper adjustment of the
dose and chronicity of corticosteroids used for treating the crisis of acute myocardial
infarction must be made in order to provide effective protection against untoward
pathophysiological conditions, acceleration of myocardial repair, but without sup-
pression of adrenal function.
THE USE of adrenal steroids for the The dilemma is that large doses of adrenal
treatment of acute myocardial infarction steroids impair wound healing and may
has generated intense interest and much prevent proper myocardial repair. Cur-
debate (Johnson et at., 1953; Dali and rently, there is considerable interest in
Peel, 1963; Lillehie et al., 1964; Motsay finding ways of circumventing the un-
et al., 1970; Haddy, 1970; Libby et al., toward effects of high doses of glucocorti-
1973; Spath, Lane and Lefer, 1974; coids either by adjusting the dose level of
Vyden et al., 1974; Glenn, 1974). One of the steroid used, the use of synthetic
the key problems is that exceptionally steroids, or the use of special vehicles for
large doses of cortisone are required to their administration (Glenn, 1974).
maintain life, counteract shock, and We have developed experimental
correct the metabolic derangements which models of arteriosclerosis and acute myo-
accompany acute myocardial infarction. cardial infarction which lend themselves
Reprint requests to Dr Bernard C. Wexler, May Institute for Medical Research, 421 Ridgeway Avenue,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229, U.S.A.
664 B. C. WEXLER

well toward the exploration of the problem repair phases of their myocardial infarct.
of salutary vs deleterious aspects of the use We have previously found adverse meta-
of steroids in acute myocardial infarction bolic and cardiovascular effects in non-
with and without the complication of arteriosclerotic (virgin) and arteriosclerotic
co-existent arteriosclerosis. Repeatedly- (breeder) rats treated with contraceptive
bred, male and female rats develop drugs, e.g., Enovid (Wexler, 1974). Be-
hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia, hyper- cause of reports of myocardial infarction
tension and arteriosclerosis, spontaneously and stroke in some women taking the
(Wexler, 1964c.). Although male breeder contraceptive " pill, " we elected to treat
rats develop microscopic aortic lesions arteriosclerotic and nonarteriosclerotic
only, compared to grossly-visible aortic animals with the contraceptive drug
lesions in female breeders, the male Enovid during the course of their acute
breeders die considerably earlier than the myocardial infarction to learn whether
female breeders, often due to an acute this kind of drug would have a benign or
myocardial infarction. We are able to adverse effect on the pathophysiological
produce acute myocardial infarction in course of myocardial infarction. Simi-
both arteriosclerotic (breeder) and non- larly, anabolic steroids have been reported
arteriosclerotic (virgin) rats by giving to accelerate the reparative processes in
them 2 large, subcutaneous injections of the infarcted myocardium (Bajusz, 1969).
the potent, beta-adrenergic stimulating Therefore, we also employed the anabolic
agent, isoprenaline (Wexler, 1964c; Wexler steroid Dianabol to determine whether an
and Kittinger, 1965; Wexler and Lutmer, anabolic agent would have an opposite
1972; Wexler, Willen and Greenberg, effect on the pathophysiologic course of
1974). When subjected to an acute acute myocardial infarction in contrast to
myocardial infarction, despite their genera- potentially catabolic steroids, e.g., corti-
lized arteriosclerosis, breeder rats, para- sone.
doxically, manifest much less metabolic
derangement, e.g., serum enzymes, lipids,
glucose, steroids, etc., than virgin rats MATERIALS AND METHODS
with no arteriosclerosis. These drug- General.-All of the animals used in these
induced myocardial infarcts are morpho- experiments were purchased from ARS-Sprague-
Dawley Farms, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.,
logically identical to those which occur and were housed in our temperature-, light- and
spontaneously in arteriosclerotic breeder humidity-controlled Research Animal Colony.
rats and the attendant pathophysiological They were fed a commercial rat chow (Teklad)
changes mimic those which occur in which has a relatively low fat content (4%) and
were given tap water to drink ad libitum. The
patients having an acute myocardial nonarteriosclerotic, virgin rats were 8 months
infarction, e.g., changes in CPK, SGOT, old and the arteriosclerotic, breeder rats ranged
SGPT, LDH, triglycerides, free fatty acids, in age from 7 to 9 months. The breeder males,
cholesterol, glucose and steroids. which have microscopic aortic sclerosis, had
In order to simulate the clinical been engaged in active breeding since they were
90 days old. The breeder females, which have
dilemma associated with the use of steroids grossly-visible aortic sclerosis ranging from
in acute myocardial infarction as well as clear to minimal to moderate to severe, had
the problem of the influence of the 4-5 closely-spaced pregnancies and had been
coexistence or absence of arteriosclerosis allowed to suckle 5-10 pups for 21 days, each
time before the young were abruptly weaned.
during acute myocardial infarction, we The subjects were arranged into 4 basic groups:
subjected nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) and nonarteriosclerotic, virgin males vs arterio-
arteriosclerotic (breeder) rats to an acute sclerotic, breeder males; nonarteriosclerotic,
myocardial infarction with isoprenaline. virgin females vs arteriosclerotic, breeder females.
Some of the animals received high doses of Induction of myocardial infarction with
isoprenaline.-Because we deliberately wished
cortisone while others received low doses to induce massive myocardial necrosis and
of cortisone during the acute necrosis and because the Sprague-Dawley strain of rat is

relatively resistant to isoprenaline-induced myo- that we can reliably predict the presence of
cardial infarction, we were compelled to use large vascular disease by selecting animals on the
doses of isoprenaline in these investigations. basis of their breeding history. Any animals
Since only 50 to 60% of the animals subjected to used as arteriosclerotic subjects which were
this form of myocardial infarction will survive if found not to have arterial disease at the time of
not given therapeutic drugs, e.g., propranolol autopsy were discarded.
(Wexler, 1973), provision of extra numbers of High vs low doses of cortisone.-In order to
subjects to insure adequate numbers of survivors compare the salutary vs deleterious effects of
for each experimental group had to be made. cortisone during acute myocardial infarction, a
Over 1500 rats were used to complete these high dose of cortisone, known to be catabolic by
experiments. Isoprenaline (Isuprel ®, Winthrop previous tests (Wexler and Saroff, 1969), and a
Laboratories, New York, N.Y., 1-(3,4-dihydroxy- low, noncatabolic dose were used. Cortisone
phenyl)-2 isopropyl amino ethanol hydro- acetate, suspended in sodium carboxymethy-
chloride), was given as 2 single s.c. injections cellulose, polysorbate 80, sodium chloride,
spaced 24 h apart. The nonarteriosclerotic benzyl alcohol (Upjohn), diluted with saline was
virgin rats were given 50 mg of isoprenaline/ used for the injection of all treated animals.
100 g body wt. The arteriosclerotic breeder rats The high (or catabolic) dose of cortisone was
were given 25 mg of isoprenaline/100 g body wt. 2-5 mg/100 g body wt., s.c., every other day; the
It is important to point out that arteriosclerotic low (or noncatabolic) dose of cortisone was
breeder rats are 100 g heavier than nonarterio- 0-25 mg/rat, s.c., every other day. The injec-
sclerotic rats (Judd and Wexler, 1969), and thus tions of cortisone commenced on the third day
receive a total dose comparable to the non- after the animals were given their 2 injections of
arteriosclerotic rats. We have had extensive isoprenaline. (Myocardial infarction is at a
experience with this dose regimen and the total zenith on Day 3 post-isoprenaline (Wexler and
area or severity of myocardium infarcted (the Kittinger, 1965; Wexler and Lutmer, 1972;
central issue in these studies) is very similar in Wexler, Willen and Greenberg, 1974; Wexler,
both the arteriosclerotic and nonarteriosclerotic 1973). Cortisone injections were continued until
subjects despite the apparent disparity of dose. Day 30 when the animals were autopsied. All of
Further, any dose of isoprenaline above 25 mg/ the animals were weighed every other day. The
100 g body wt. given to arteriosclerotic breeder high, catabolic dose of cortisone had to be
rats leads to better than 60% mortality and reduced periodically on a per 100 g of body wt.
precludes any attempt to compare the response basis, in keeping with each animal's loss of body
of arteriosclerotic vs nonarteriosclerotic rats in weight.
statistically significant numbers. Thus, we Dianabol therapy.-In man, Dianabol ® (Ciba)
were compelled to use the dose regimen described or methandrostenolone is the most potent
wherein the severity of the myocardium anabolic steroid (Liddle and Burke, 1960).
infarcted is comparable in each group and the Like cortisone, Dianabol therapy was begun on
number of survivors (60%) permits reasonably Day 3 post-isoprenaline. Injections of 5*0 mg/
reliable interpretation of the data. (The area of 100 g body wt., s.c., suspended in saline, were
myocardium infarcted may be controlled by the given once weekly, i.e., a total of 4 doses during
size of the dose of isoprenaline employed, i.e., a the 30-day period of this experiment.
low dose will cause apical infarction only, a Enovid.-Although the contraceptive drugs
moderate dose patchy to confluent necrosis as do not cause any apparent ill effects in most
well as left ventricular necrosis and a large dose, women, there are reports of cases where the
such as we employ, will cause atrial and contraceptive " pill " has caused hyper-
ventricular, through-and-through, myocardial glycaemia, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension,
necrosis.) atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and
Arteriosclerotic vs nonarteriosclerotic rats.- "stroke " (Wexler, 1974). We have found
Virgin rats do not develop spontaneous arterio- adverse cardiovascular and metabolic changes
sclerosis until they are senile, i.e., 2 to 3 years of in nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) and arterio-
age. Arteriosclerotic male breeder rats have sclerotic (breeder), male and female rats given
microscopic lesions of their aortae and coronary, the contraceptive drug, Enovid. Therefore,
mesenteric arteries, etc., by the time they have these animals were also treated with Enovid'9
been bred repeatedly and sired 5 to 6 litters (Searle) which is a combination of the progestin,
(Wexler and True, 1963; Wexler, 1964a,b; norethynodrel and the oestrogen, mestranol,
Wexler, 1970). Arteriosclerotic, female breeders i.e., a ratio of 9-85 mg of norethynodrel to
have grossly-visible aortic sclerosis as well as 0-15 mg of oestrogen. Pills containing this ratio
microscopic lesions of their coronary, mesenteric of progestogen and oestrogen that are contracep-
arteries, etc., by the time they have delivered tive in the human were ground into a fine
and nursed-to-weaning 4 to 5 litters of pups in powder and suspended in saline. The animals
rapid succession. The development of arterio- were given 0-10 mg of this saline suspension of
sclerosis in actively bred rats is so consistent Enovid, once weekly, on a per 100 g body wt.
666 B. C. WEXLER

basis. Like cortisone and Dianabol, injections anuria, prostation and shock, within
commenced on Day 3 post-isoprenaline, i.e., a minutes of receiving the first injection of
total of 4 injections during the 30-day period of
the experiment. Like the high dose of cortisone, isoprenaline. Twelve to 24h following
the dose of Enovid had to be reduced pro- the first injection of isoprenaline, those
gressively because of its catabolic effect. animals which survive their initial bout of
Autopsy.-All of the animals were killed by tachycardia, relative cardiac ischaemia
decapitation to avoid the stress of anaesthesia. and anoxia, walk about, eat, and drink
Any animal that did not have confirmed
arteriosclerosis either by gross inspection (female normally. These animals were no excep-
breeders) or subsequent histological (male tion. Following the second injection of
breeders) examination, was discarded. At isoprenaline, anuria, signs of shock and
autopsy, careful examination and record was prostration promptly recur. After the
made of the presence and severity of myocardial second injection of isoprenaline, myocardial
infarction in each animal. Key organs, e.g.,
hearts, kidneys, adrenals and thymus glands, necrosis becomes definitely established.
were trimmed of excess tissue and weighed for During the first and second day of drug-
eventual gravimetric analysis and comparison, induced myocardial ischaemia, animals
and fixed in 10% neutral formalin for histo- characteristically are found to have pro-
pathological examination, i.e., paraffin and
frozen sections. In addition to haematoxylin gressively increasing, severe, congestive
and eosin, special stains were used to demon- heart failure concomitant with their anuria.
strate metachromasia and mucopolysaccharides On the third day, surviving animals exhibit
(alcian and toluidine blue, Hale stain), lipids marked diuresis concomitant with reduc-
(Sudan black B), elastic tissue (Verhoeff, van tion of their hydrothorax. The animals
Giesen), calcium (von Kossa) and beta cell
granulation of the islets of Langerhans (aldehyde in this experiment displayed these same
fuchsin Ponceau). Blood collected from the signs and conditions. It was remarkable
severed neck vessels of each animal was centri- that those animals which were given the
fuged (refrigerated) and the serum stored in a high dose of cortisone on Day 3 manifested
deep freeze until time for analysis. The
following biochemical parameters (serum) of an immediate beneficial response. None
each animal were analysed using the Auto- of the cortisone-treated animals died;
analyser (Technicon): creatine phosphokinase their hydrothorax was completely resolved,
(CPK), transaminases, i.e., glutamic oxaloacetic while the other animals manifested per-
(SGOT), and glutamic pyruvic (SGPT), lactic sisting residual quantities of fluid in their
dehydrogenase (LDH), triglycerides, free fatty
acids, total cholesterol, glucose and blood urea thorax. It is of interest that although the
nitrogen (BUN). All of the above automated female rats survived myocardial infarction
procedures are detailed in the manual published in significantly greater numbers (Table),
by the Technicon Co., Automation in Analytical they manifested much more severe signs
Chemistry, Technicon, Mediad, Inc., New York. of acute stress than the male subjects
Serum corticosterone (Cmpd. B) levels were
measured by the fluorometric method of under the same conditions. Paradoxically,
Guillemin et al. (1959) as an index of adreno- breeder rats with pre-existing arterio-
cortical activity. Analysis of variance and sclerosis also manifested fewer signs of
biostatistical analyses followed the procedures distress than their nonarteriosclerotic vir-
and tables cited by Snedecor's text (Statistical
Methods, 5th ed., Iowa State College Press, gin counterparts and survived in greater
Cedar Falls, 1956). numbers (Table). Myocardial necrosis
reaches a zenith on Day 3 and repair is
RESULTS comparatively rapid in the rat so that by
(A) General observations Day 7, despite acute and massive myo-
cardial necrosis, repair is virtually com-
When rats are subjected to an iso- plete. This was generally true of these
prenaline-induced, massive, myocardial animals with the notable exception of
infarct, they characteristically exhibit a those receiving the high dose of cortisone.
readily observable sequence of events Although the death rate had subsided in
consisting of the prompt development of all of the treated groups by Day 7,
tachycardia, dyspnoea, hyperventilation, animals receiving the high dose of cortisone

TABLE. Percent Survival Rate of Male and Female, Nonarteriosclerotic (Virgin) and
Arteriosclerotic (Breeder) Sprague-Dawley Rats, 30 Days Post Isoprenaline-Induced
Myocardial Infarction
Male* Female*
Breedert- Breeder:-
Virgint no microscopic Virgin: no grossly visible
Treatment arteriosclerosis arteriosclerosis arteriosclerosis arteriosclerosis
Controls-No treatment 100 100 100 100
Isoprenaline + high dose cortisone 16 46 20 48
Isoprenaline + low dose cortisone 44 56 40 68
Isoprenaline + Dianabol 46 58 60 62
Isoprenaline + Enovid 28 48 62 70
Isoprenaline 44 44 64 58
* The average survival rate of all males vs females regardless of treatment or the presence or absence
arteriosclerosis was only 38% for males and 55% for females.
t The average survival rate for nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) males regardless of treatment was 26% vs
50% for their arteriosclerotic (breeder) male cohorts.
I The average survival rate for nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) females regardless of treatment was 49% vs
610% for their arteriosclerotic (breeder) female cohorts.

o Virgins no Arteriosclerosis
40 Breeders microscopic Arteriosclerosis
High dose Cortisone
Low dose Cortisone
-- Dianabol
500 t s - ~- Enovid
- soproterenol

(,, 400 F
-350 k _
_- *

' O **--...
LJ 300
* 0..
C) 250 F 0*..
l0 *
200 [ I I I~~~~~~

5 15 2010 25 30
FIG. 1. Changes in body weight of male, nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) and arteriosclerotic (breeder),
Sprague-Dawley rats during a 30-day period, following the induction of an acute and massive
myocardial infarction by the potent beta-adrenergic stimulating agent, isoprenaline. On Day 3
when myocardial necrosis reaches a zenith, some of the animals were given either a high or low dose
of cortisone, Dianabol or Enovid, throughout the course of their 30-day convalescence.
668 B. C. WEXLER

began to die, so that by the close of the there is marked loss in body weight despite
experiment (Day 30), this group showed fluid retention due to anuria and con-
the poorest survival rate (Table). Mor- gestive heart failure. In this experiment,
bidity was particularly high in the non- after this initial acute loss of body weight,
arteriosclerotic (virgin) males followed by most of the nonarteriosclerotic (virgin)
nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) females treatedrats began to gain weight as would be
with high doses of cortisone (Table). As expected in adult, but still growing rats
in our past experience, males were more (Figs. 1 and 2). The arteriosclerotic
prone than females to succumb to their (breeder) rats, which are characteristically
myocardial infarct and, paradoxically, much more obese than their nonarterio-
arteriosclerotic animals survived better sclerotic (virgin) counterparts (Figs. 1 and
than nonarteriosclerotic animals (Table). 2), did not show any increased increment
Of special interest was the fact that in body weight but did maintain their
nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) males treated body weight at a plateau level (Figs. 1
with Enovid showed an unusually high and 2). However, both the male and
mortality rate (Table). female, arteriosclerotic (breeder) and non-
arteriosclerotic (virgin) rats given the high
(B) Gravimetric analysis dose of cortisone exhibited marked loss in
During the acute stages of isoprenaline- body weight (Figs. 1 and 2). Although
induced myocardial infarction in the rat, both the arteriosclerotic (breeder) and


400 qj

10 O

_ Io

*0.*~~*| @0
$O 200 0~~~~~~~~~~

q 150 o Virgins no Arteriosclerosis °

* Breeders Grossly- visible Arteriosclerosis
. . High Dose Cortisone

100 . Low Dose Cortisone

-- Dianabol
-- Enovid
- Isoproterenol

5 10 15 20 25 30
FIG. 2.-Changes in body weight of female, nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) and arteriosclerotic (breeder),
Sprague-Dawley rats. Same protocol as in Fig. 1.

nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) males treated ficantly heavier adrenal glands whereas

with Enovid showed considerable loss in those treated with the high dose of corti-
body weight, only the nonarteriosclerotic sone had adrenal glands which were signi-
(virgin) females treated with Enovid ficantly reduced in size and weight (Fig. 3).
showed a similar loss in body weight The thymi of arteriosclerotic (breeder) rats
(Figs. 1 and 2). The adrenal glands are characteristically involuted and an
become greatly hypertrophied and haem- acute isoprenaline-induced myocardial in-
orrhagic during the acute stages of farct is associated with thymus gland
isoprenaline-induced myocardial infarc- involution (Fig. 4). Both the high dose of
tion. In this experiment, by Day 30 cortisone and Enovid caused unusually
post-infarction, the adrenal glands of extensive thymus gland involution (Fig. 4).
those animals treated with cortisone (low An acute isoprenaline-induced myocardial
dose), Dianabol, and isoprenaline alone, infarct is invariably accompanied by an
although still slightly hypertrophied, were increase in cardiac weight. Cardiac hyper-
within the range of normal adrenal trophy was pronounced in all of these
glandular weight (Fig. 3). The notable animals but there were no significant
exceptions were those treated with Enovid differences between the various treated
and cortisone (high dose). All of the groups. The same relationship applied in
animals treated with Enovid had signi- the case of kidney weight. The high dose
Virgins 13reeders* Virgins I Breeder;
no X microscopic no I grossly -visible
Arteriosclerosis I Arteriosclerosis Arteriosclerosis I Arteriosclerosis
E Controls I III Enovid + Isoprot.
E1 High Dose Cortisone + I soprot. Isoproterenol I
$ Low Dose Cortisone+ lsoprot.
ll Dianabol + Isoprot.
(24) (3)1 1
(20) 3
to4 (14) 1 29)
(28 34
T291 (24) 32)I
%J30 23

t20 (24)I

I ~~~~~~~~10I
10 23 ~*

FIG. 3.-Changes in adrenal gland weight of male and female, nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) and
arteriosclerotic (breeder), Sprague-Dawley rats 30 days after a massive myocardial infarction
induced by isoprenaline. Throughout the post-infarction period, some of the animals were treated
with cortisone (a high and a low dose), Dianabol, or Enovid. The height of each column indicates
the mean ± standard error. The number of samples is given in ( ). All of the remaining figures
(Figs 4 to 11) follow the same protocol.
670) B. C. WEXLER

O Controls
I High Dose C
350 I3Low Dose C
I Dionabol 4
I Enovid + Is
ffi 300 I U Isoproterer
23) 4 (24)
3: 250 1 ~~~~~~(30)

I(24) (20
5 '
6 150

50 1 3 ~~~~1031

FIG. 4.-Changes in thymus gland weight.

of cortisone was definitely anti-gonado- isoprenaline + Enovid or Dianabol or the

trophic, producing both lowered testicular low dose of cortisone (Fig. 6). Those
and ovarian weight. Those animals animals which were given the high dose of
treated with Enovid exhibited the cortisone manifested considerable reduc-
most marked antigonadotrophic effects tion of the circulating CPK level, which
(Fig. 5). usually attends an isoprenaline-induced
myocardial infarct (Fig. 6).
(C) Blood chemistry: enzymes Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
The acute elevation of serum enzymes, (SCOT). The SGOT levels were similarly
e.g., CPK, SGOT, SGPT, LDH, etc., is greatly elevated in all animals subjected
used as an index of acute myocardial to myocardial infarction. Again, con-
infarction. The distinctly elevated serum comitant treatment with Enovid, Diana-
enzymes observed in these animals, albeit bol, cortisone (low dose) and cortisone
on Day 30 post-infarction, is interpreted (high dose) caused progressively more
as being indicative of acute or on-going effective reduction in SGOT levels in that
myocardial cell damage. order (Fig. 7).
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK).-The Glutamic pyruvic transaminase
serum CPK levels were most significantly (SGPT).-The same pattern of increased
elevated in those animals which received CPK levels due to myocardial infarction
isoprenaline alone, and less elevated in but reduced levels in animals due to drug
those receiving the combined treatment of treatment applied in the case ofthe enzyme

2000 (28)
(2 2

1600 31) -60

8 30) (24)
'-1400 -50

1200 II I
(24) s
1000 I ~~~30
1o IR
800 20~

600 14 I0

FIG. 5. Changes in testi lCIular and ovarian weight.

SGPT. That is, isoprenaline alone caused Blood chemistry: lipids

the highest increase in SGPT, Enovid Arteriosclerotic (breeder) rats charac-
treatment caused moderate reduction, teristically manifest hyperlipidaemia, e.g.,
Dianabol somewhat more effective reduc- triglycerides, free fatty acids and chol-
tion, the low dose of cortisone caused an esterol, spontaneously (Figs. 8 and 9).
even greater reduction, and the high dose There is an acute and intense hyperlip-
of cortisone caused the most effective aemia, i.e., triglycerides, free fatty acids,
reduction in SGPT levels. but not cholesterol, when rats are sub-
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH). Again, jected to an acute myocardial infarction
the same pattern of elevated enzyme with isoprenaline.
levels, i.e., CPK, SGOT and SGPT, 30 Triglycerides. On Day 30, the acute
days post-infarction was observed in the hyperlipaemia which accompanies acute
case of LDH. LDH levels were reduced in myocardial necrosis had subsided in most
those animals treated with ancillary drugs of the animals. However, those animals
and in the same increasing order of receiving ancillary treatment with Enovid
effectiveness, i.e., Enovid was the least or high doses of cortisone exhibited con-
effective and the high dose of cortisone siderable elevation of their triglyceride
was the most effective. levels above the others (Fig. 8).
672 B. C. WEXLER



,]D~i.23 (23) 1

. X




(8 1 (24:

FIG. 6.-Changes in seru mn creatine phosphokinase.

Free fatty acids.-The same conditions cholesterol levels of the rats 30 days
observed for triglycerides also applied in post-infarction, in most of the experi-
the case of circulating, free fatty acids, mental groups in this study, were normal
i.e., definitely elevated free fatty acids in or near normal (Fig. 9). However, there
the case of those animals treated with were 2 notable exceptions. Animals
Enovid or with the high dose of cortisone. which survived their myocardial infarct
Cholesterol.-Despite the very consis- and were treated with a high dose of
tent pattern observed for circulating cortisone exhibited supernormal levels of
triglycerides and free fatty acids in these cholesterol. By direct contrast, animals
animals, the pattern of change for serum treated with Enovid exhibited greatly
cholesterol was strikingly different. Serum reduced levels of cholesterol (Fig. 9).
cholesterol levels are not acutely elevated
as are triglycerides and free fatty acids Blood chemistry: carbohydrate
when rats are subjected to an isoprenaline- Arteriosclerotic (breeder) rats develop
induced myocardial infarction. The serum hyperglycaemia spontaneously, and when


g 350

; ;. 300
% f 250
c \
I%. 200

C)- 150

M 100

FIG. 7.-Changes in serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase.

arteriosclerotic (breeder) and nonarterio- exacerbation of their hyperglycaemia (Fig.

sclerotic (virgin) rats are subjected to an 10).
isoprenaline-induced myocardial infarct,
they invariably become markedly hyper- Blood chemistry: protein
glycaemic during the acute necrosis phase We consistently observe a brisk in-
(Days 1 to 3) with the hyperglycaemia crease in BUN levels in animals subjected
becoming progressively less severe as to an isoprenaline-induced myocardial
myocardial repair proceeds (Days 4 to 7). infarct and arteriosclerotic (breeder) rats
Glucose.-All of the animals, except characteristically have much higher BUN
nontreated, nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) levels than nonarteriosclerotic (virgin)
controls, were definitely hyperglycaemic rats.
(Fig. 10). In general, although the male Blood urea nitrogen (BUN).-In addi-
and female arteriosclerotic (breeder) rats tion to the conditions described above, all
were typically hyperglycaemic, their glu- of the animals exhibited greatly elevated
cose levels were not further elevated 30 BUN levels (ranging from 25 to 40 mg%)
days post-infarction (Fig. 10). However, 30 days post-infarction. Ancillary drug
those arteriosclerotic (breeders) which treatment did not appear to increase or
received isoprenaline alone or isoprenaline decrease these elevated BUN levels.
plus adjunctive therapy with either Enovid Animals treated with isoprenaline +
or the high dose of cortisone did exhibit Enovid, regardless of sex, presence or
674 B. C. WEXLER

300 -
E Low Dose Cortisone + isoprc
E* Dionabol + Isoprot.
>250 -

SO (2
:22) 28

io 24~ 3

5 01

Fic. 8. Changes iria serum triglycerides.

absence of arteriosclerosis, consistently compared to other drug-treated animals

had the highest BUN levels. (Fig. 11).
Blood chemistry: steroids (D) Pathology
Arteriosclerotic (breeder) rats first Gross.-The morphological nature of
develop hyperadrenocorticism but with the spontaneous arteriosclerosis which
continued breeding eventually become appears in breeder rats was not altered by
hypoadrenocorticoid. When rats are sub- subjecting these rats to myocardial infarc-
jected to isoprenaline-induced myo- tion. Because the nature of the arterial
cardial infarction, they become acutely disease in breeder rats has been described
hyperadrenocorticoid. in detail (Wexler and True, 1963; Wexler,
Corticosterone (Cmpd. B).-Animals 1964a,b,c; Wexler, 1970), it will not be
treated with isoprenaline alone were still repeated here. On gross inspection, the
producing extra quantities of Cmpd. B 30 hearts of most of the animals exhibited a
days post-infarction (Fig. 11). Animals high incidence of left ventricular aneurysm
treated with isoprenaline + Dianabol or formation 30 days post-infarction, where-
the low dose of cortisone had normal or as the remaining portions of the heart
near normal levels of Cmpd. B. However, manifested little or no evidence of the
animals treated with isoprenaline + extensive and usually confluent myocardial
Enovid or the high dose of cortisone had necrosis which reaches a zenith on Day 3
definitely suppressed levels of Cmpd. B post-isoprenaline. Those animals which

~~I70 ~~~~(.23)

150 0


90 2)29)
(23)~ ~ 29
. ~~23) ~2

(24. '

ote evdne fdmae
In urhr
FIG.,. 9.-Changes in serum total cholesterol.

received the high dose of cortisone had it was found that those animals treated
exceptionally well-repaired hearts on gross with isoprenaline + high doses of
inspection, and showed no signs of cortisone had hearts which were virtually
aneurysm formation, cardiac necrosis or free of any signs of infarction (Fig. 12).
any other evidence of damage. Further, However, several of these animals had
animals treated with isoprenaline + high miliary streptococcal infection, i.e., in-
doses of cortisone had a high incidence of volving the heart, kidney and other
grossly visible hepatic steatosis and atro- organs. Fatty infiltration of the liver,
phied adrenal glands. The animals treated which was detectable grossly, proved to be
with isoprenaline + Enovid also had a most extensive histologically (Fig. 13).
high incidence of grossly-visible hepatic Most notable was the advanced atrophy
steatosis and cirrhosis, but haemorrhagic, of the adrenal cortices in these animals,
greatly enlarged adrenal glands, atrophic i.e., selective atrophy and lipid depletion
testes and ovaries, and greatly enlarged of the zona fasciculata, but preservation,
and ballooned-out uteri. hypertrophy, and lipid repletion of the
Microscopic.-When the hearts and zona glomerulosa (Fig. 14). This histo-
organs were examined histopathologically, logical appearance of specific adreno-
676 B. C. WEXLER

200 _ tJ

180 (23)1
(14 (23)

to.1 (29
(822'i 1(24 28
LiF 140


80 I

trae ihiornln

FIG. 10 -Change3s in serum glucose.

ispenln + ow does o

cortical zones is typical of adrenal disuse DISCUSSION

atrophy which follows steroid overdose or
hypophysectomy. The salutary effects of administering
Animals treated with isoprenaline high doses of cortisone during the acute
alone, isoprenaline ± low doses of stages of myocardial infarction were
cortisone or Dianabol almost all displayed clearly demonstrated in this experiment.
dilatation and extensive cartilaginous Animals given a high dose of cortisone on
metaplasia of the left ventricle (Figs. 15 Day 3, when isoprenaline-induced myo-
and 16). Animals treated with isopren- cardial infarction reaches a zenith, not
aline + Enovid also displayed this ex- only survived in greatest numbers but also
tensive dilatation and cartilaginous meta- manifested the least amount of congestive
plasia of the left ventricle and, in addition, heart failure and displayed little or no
showed marked pancreatic islet beta cell signs of shock or prostration. In this same
degranulation, fatty and cirrhotic livers connection, it is of interest that regardless
(Fig. 13), ovarian and testicular involu- of treatment, the female rats survived in
tion, and adrenal glands that were greatly greater number than males and animals
hypertrophied and haemorrhagic, exten- with pre-existing arteriosclerosis survived
sively depleted of lipid from the inner better than those with no arterial disease.
cortical zones and with occasional foci of Apparently, the salutary effects of the
cortical thromboses (Fig. 17). high dose of cortisone were short-lived or

S 50

\ 0

Zt 30

6 20
k 10

FIG:. 11. Changes in serum corticosterone.

limited to the early stages of myocardial atrophy and marked reduction in adrenal
infarction, in view of the numerous and weight vs Enovid-induced adrenal hyper-
sudden deaths of these animals com- trophy and increased glandular weight.
mencing after Day 7. These sudden and Both cortisone (high dose) and Enovid
numerous deaths are in conflict with the caused severe involution of the thymus
fact that these cortisone-treated rats had gland. The severity of thymus gland
fully repaired the myocardial necrosis involution was much greater than that
which occurred between Days 1 and 3. which we usually observe following an
The fact that Enovid-treated animals also acute myocardial infarction in rats (Wexler
sohwed poor survival by the close of the and Kittinger, 1965). In addition to the
experiment suggests that this drug may thymus gland atrophy, cortisone (high
have caused depression of the hypo- dose) caused involution of the reticulo-
thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis similar endothelial system in general, as demon-
to the pituitary gland-depressing effects strated by the severe streptococcal septi-
of chronic treatment with high doses of caemia found in these animals. Similarly,
cortisone. The similarity of the changes both cortisone (high dose) and Enovid
produced by cortisone (high dose) and caused involution of the gonads. It is
Enovid was borne out by the marked well known that high doses of steroids will
catabolic effects of each, e.g., loss in body cause involution of the testes and ovaries.
weight. However, the changes induced We have also observed that Enovid, even
by these 2 drugs were sharply divergent in the relatively low doses employed, will
insofar as adrenal weight was concerned, cause gonadal involution in both male and
i.e., cortisone (high dose) caused disuse female rats (Wexler, 1974). In this
678 B. C. WEXLER


FIG. 12.-Apex and left ventricle of an arteriosclerotic, male (breeder) rat which had been treated
with a high dose of cortisone for 30 days after a massive myocardial infarct. Virtually all of the
necrosis has been completely resolved. H. and E. x 80.

Fr a ".-V

R ..
.. A~~~~~~~~~~

14 ta

FIG. 13.-Severely fatty liver with beginning cirrhosis in a nonarteriosclerotic, male (virgin) rat which
had been treated with a high dose of cortisone or Enovid during a 30-day period following myo-
cardial infarction. H. and E. x 175.
FIG. 14.-Frozen section of an adrenal gland from a nonarteriosclerotic, male (virgin) rat which had
been treated with a high dose of cortisone for 30 days post-myocardial infarction. Note the marked
atrophy of the cortex (shades of grey and black in photo), the extensive lipid depletion from the
zonae reticularis and fasciculata but the hyperplasia and lipid repletion (deep black material in
photo is lipid) in the zona glomerulosa. These conditions are typical of hypophysectomy or
adrenal disuse atrophy. The adrenal medulla (light grey area in photo) is normal. Sudan
black B. x 64.
680 B. C. WEXLER


FiG. 15. Apex and left ventricle showing aneurysmal dilatation, thinning of the myocardial wall and
replacement of much of the cardiac muscle by fibroblasts and cartilaginous metaplasia (deep black
in photo). This condition is typical of any of the animals treated with Dianabol, Enovid or the
low dose of cortisone during their 30 days' convalescence from an acute myocardial infar tion.
H. and E. x 60.
FIG. 16. High power view of a focus of cartilaginous metaplasia from the specimen shown in Fig. 15.
H. and E. x 94.


FIG. 17.-Frozen section of an adrenal cortex of a male, nonarteriosclerotic (virgin) rat treated with
Enovid for 30 days following an acute myocardial infarction. Unlike the severely atrophied,
cortisone-treated, adrenal gland shown in Fig. 14, this adrenal cortex is hypertrophied and hyper-
plastic. However, only the zona glomerulosa contains a normal complement of lipid. All of the
inner zones of the adrenal cortex are extensively depleted of lipid. This histopathological condition
is indicative of intense stimulation of adrenocortical secretion on an acute basis culminating with
inability of the cortex to replenish its lipid stores or to restore cortical steroidogenesis on a normal
basis. H. and E. x 100.
682 B. C. WEXLER

experiment, as well as in our previous increase triglyceride and free fatty acid
experiments, we believe that the gonadal levels in these same animals. Similarly,
involution caused by Enovid is due to we have consistently observed hyper-
biofeedback inhibition of gonadotrophic glycaemia in rats during the acute phase
hormone release, i.e., FSH and LH from of myocardial infarction (Wexler, 1973).
the pituitary gland. The animals in this experiment manifested
The elevated levels of serum enzymes, persistent hyperglycaemia even at Day 30
i.e., CPK, SGOT, SGPT and LDH, post-infarction. The even greater eleva-
despite the relatively long interim since tion of circulating glucose levels in
the acute induction of myocardial infarc- Enovid and cortisone (high dose)-treated
tion, i.e., 30 days post-infarction, indicated animals again attests to the potent
that destruction of myocardial cells was gluconeogenic effects of each of these
on-going at this relatively late time. drugs, e.g., it is not unusual to observe
Since the elevation of serum enzymes " steroid diabetes " in patients receiving
such as CPK is a good index of the severity high doses of glucocorticoids on a chronic
of myocardial infarction, it would appear basis and women taking the contraceptive
that the high dose of cortisone offered the " pill " may develop abnormal glucose
best protection against myocardial cell tolerance (Wexler, 1974). The elevated
damage because serum enzyme levels in BUN levels in all of the animals subjected
these animals were the least elevated, to myocardial infarction (regardless of
whereas isoprenaline alone was associated treatment) is consistent with our previous
with the highest serum enzyme levels or experience (Wexler, 1973). The unusually
the most severe myocardial damage on elevated BUN levels in those treated with
Day 30. We have consistently observed Enovid would suggest that along with
disparate changes in circulating lipids Enovid's ability to suppress pituitary
during the acute stages of myocardial release of FSH and LH, it may also
infarction, i.e., acute elevations in serum suppress other pituitary trophic factors,
triglycerides and free fatty acid levels but e.g., growth hormone or a renotrophic
little or no change in cholesterol (Wexler, factor. As indicated earlier, acute myo-
1973). Although the usual acute elevation cardial infarction is accompanied by
of triglycerides and free fatty acids had acute hyperadrenocorticism (Days 1 to 3),
subsided in most animals by Day 30, it is culminating with relatively mild hypoad-
of interest that those animals treated with renocorticism (Days 4 to 7) (Wexler and
cortisone (high dose) and Enovid had Kittinger, 1963). Judging from the greatly
persistent, supernormal levels of trigly- depressed Cmpd. B levels (Cmpd. B is the
cerides and free fatty acids. This acute main steroid secreted by the rat's adrenal
hyperlipaemia in the case of cortisone is cortex) in those animals treated with
ascribed to the lipid-mobilizing effects of Enovid and cortisone (high dose), steroido-
glucocorticoids. We and others have genesis was unusually compromised in
observed that Enovid will cause hyper- these animals.
lipaemia in animals and in humans The gross and histopathological changes
(Wexler, 1974). The normal levels of in these animals correlates well with their
circulating cholesterol found in miost of outward behaviour as well as with the
the treated animals is consistent with our gravimetric, biochemical and physiological
previous experience. The greatly elevated changes. The absence of grossly visible
cholesterol levels, only in those animals necrosis in the myocardium at 30 days
treated with the high dose of cortisone, is post-infarction is in keeping with our past
most likely due to cortisone's potent experience, i.e., the initial, severe, myo-
lipid-mobilizing effects. However, we cardial necrosis is resolved by Day 7. We
cannot explain the specific cholesterol- have found that myocardial repair in the
lowering effect of Enovid vs its ability to rat involves ground substance, e.g., muco-

polysaccharides, and related myocardial dichotomous similarity of the changes

connective tissue elements, e.g., fibro- found in Enovid-treated animals to those
blasts, which are vital for proper repair of treated with cortisone (high dose) is
the early myocardial damage (Judd and particularly provocative. Although
Wexler, 1969, 1970). Evidently, many of Enovid treatment did not have an
these animals were unable effectively to ameliorative effect on myocardial repair
repair the severe myocardial damage, as like cortisone, Enovid also caused marked
evidenced by the finding of a high body weight loss, hyperlipidaemia, and
incidence of left ventricular aneurysm hepatic steatosis, islet beta cell degranula-
formation. The fact that animals treated tion and hyperglycaemia and gonadal
with high doses of cortisone showed involution. In direct contrast to cortisone,
excellent resolution of their initial myo- Enovid caused adrenal hyperplasia but,
cardial necrosis, e.g., absence of ventricular despite adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal
aneurysm and other indications of cardiac steroidogenesis was depressed. In contrast
damage, indicates that the anticipated to the reduced Cmpd. B production due to
interference with wound healing asso- adrenal atrophy induced by cortisone, we
ciated with high doses of cortisone did not believe that Enovid caused a temporary
occur in these rats. This protection or state of relative hyperadrenocorticism
resolution of the damage is probably due which would account for the body weight
to the anti-inflammatory and lysosome- loss, hyperlipidaemia (except for chol-
stabilizing effects of cortisone. It would esterol) and fatty liver, hyperglycaemia
appear that the therapeutic use of high and elevated BUN levels. This temporary
doses of cortisone afforded excellent pro- and relative hyperadrenocorticism ascribed
tection against the acute untoward effects to Enovid was not sufficiently intense to
of myocardial infarction, e.g., superior have the positive ameliorative effects on
survival and absence of congestive heart the course of myocardial infarction as in
failure. However, with the prolonged those treated with the high dose of
use of cortisone, despite the salutary cortisone. Apparently, during the 30-day
effects on myocardial repair, the untoward period, adrenal glands overstimulated by
effects of the excess cortisone led to Enovid passed from a state of hyper-
generalized catabolism, e.g., body weight adrenocorticism to hypoadrenocorticism
loss and involution of the gonadal and as evidenced by the depressed Cmpd. B
reticuloendothelial systems. In addition, levels. We believe that these reduced
the chronic use of a high dose of cortisone Cmpd. B levels were due to a defect in
caused fatty infiltration of the liver, proper release of ACTH in the Enovid-
hyperlipidaemia (due to lipid-mobilizing treated rats and this alleged defect was
effects), hyperglycaemia (because of gluco- related to the concomitant reduction of
neogenesis), and decreased Cmpd. B FSH and LH through biofeedback mech-
production and adrenal disuse atrophy anisms induced by oestrogens and proges-
(because of the biofeedback effect on the togens. For example, it is well known that
pituitary gland induced by chronic over- oestrogens will stimulate ACTH release.
dose of cortisone). Thus, although the Thus, the initial hyperadrenocorticism
acute effects of high dose of cortisone and adrenocortical hyperplasia could be
afforded good protection against the ascribed to the acute stimulating effects
myocardial infarction, and had no adverse of the oestrogen component in Enovid;
effects on myocardial repair, nonetheless the eventual cortical lipid depletion and
animals treated with cortisone succumbed Cmpd. B reduction could be ascribed to
in great numbers because of the untoward the more chronic biofeedback effects of
physiological effects of chronic overdose, the combined components in Enovid, i.e.,
i.e., pituitary gland suppression and oestrogen and progestogen.
involution of the adrenal gland. The In summary, these experimental find-
684 B. C. WEXLER

ings indicate that although large doses of This work was sponsored, in part, by
cortisone protected animals against shock grants from the Southwestern Ohio Heart
and other untoward pathophysiological Association and the National Heart and
conditions during the acute stages of Lung Institute (HL-13, 222 and HL-15,
myocardial infarction, and although the 304), N.I.H., U.S. Public Health Service.
large doses of cortisone actually enhanced During the tenure of this work, Dr Wexler
myocardial wound repair, chronic treat- was supported by the Research Career
ment with cortisone induced intense body Award Program of the National Heart and
weight loss, septicaemia, hyperglycaemia, Lung Institute (HL-K3-1734), N.I.H.,
hyperlipidaemia and hypoadrenocorticism. U.S.P.H.S.
The anabolic steroid, Dianabol, which has
potent androgenic effects, and in con- REFERENCES
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