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(SK Officials and Members Performance)


Date of Evaluation:
4 3 2 1
EVALUATION FACTORS Excellent Good Fair Poor

Job Knowledge Use proper method or tools

Following written/oral instructions

Performs work without detailed instruction

Productivity Amount of work completed

Cooperation Accept job assignments willingly

Adaptable to changes in job assignment

Dedication Report to work on time

Makes effective use of time

Communication Communicate well to other members of SK regarding

certain matters

Work Quality Work is accurate and precise

Display completeness in work activity

Initiative Make every effort to fulfill deadlines.

Less monitoring is necessary for allocated duties.

Teamwork Contribute to the team meeting in order to complete the

group task

Maintain constructive group communication

Provides helpful feedback to the team in a timely


Personality Demonstrate a pleasant and calm personality when

dealing the projects or programs

Comments and

This performance evaluation has been reviewed by me, and I understand that I may append my remarks if preferred.

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