Cell Membrane

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CELL MEMBRANE - Digestive enzymes then leak out and damage

nearby tissues
• Highly fluid, dynamic (exhibits rapid turnover
and lateral diffusion)
• Composed of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates
• Asymmetric, sheet-like structures with inner and
outer surfaces
• Viscous, plastic structures
o E.g. RBC that have to pass through sinusoid
should be pliable 4. Cancer metastasis
• thermodynamically stable and metabolically - Less adhesive property of cell membrane causes
active cancel cells to circulate and metastasize
• noncovalent assemblies composed of lipids, 5. Cystic fibrosis
proteins, and carbohydrates - Defective CFTR causes decreased secretion of Cl-
• Normal cellular functions depend on normal ions which in turn causes an influx of Na+ ions
membranes - Water enters the cell through osmosis which
dehydrates the mucus membrane
- Sticky mucus traps bacteria in the lungs


1. Familial hypercholesterolemia
- Lack of LDL receptors on cell membrane keeps
LDL in the bloodstream; thus, high blood


➢ Asymmetric
2. Hereditary spherocytosis ➢ Viscous and plastic
- RBC cell membranes are normally small to allow ➢ Dynamic (rapid turnover; ever-changing)
easy entry into small passages ➢ Thermodynamically stable; metabolically active
- Spherocytosis – lack in protein assembly ➢ Non-covalent assemblies composed of lipids,
(spectrin & ankyrin) resulting into spherical cells proteins, and carbohydrates


• irregular distribution of proteins: transmembrane

and peripheral proteins
• external location of carbohydrates
• specific enzymes exhibit specificity of location
• phospholipids (choline containing are external while
amino acid containing are in the inner leaflet)
3. Acute pancreatitis
- Inflammation of pancreatic cells cause of
disruption of cell membrane

o Perform special functions
• Villous border (e.g. villi found in the small intestine,
microvilli found in the ears and fallopian tubes) EXTRACELLULAR FLUID (ECF)
• Gap junctions
• 1/3 of TBW
• Tight junctions
• 2 compartments: PLASMA and INTERSTITIAL FLUID
Establishing lipid symmetry • Delivery system of nutrients, ions, oxygen, and
hormones to cells
1. Using translocases/flippases
• Removes waste products from the cells
• Enzymes for phospholipid synthesis are at the
cytoplasmic side of the microsomal membrane
• Translocases or flippases transfer phospholipid
from inner to outer leaflet
2. Preference of specific proteins for individual
3. Phospholipid exchange proteins (PEP): reorganize
certain phospholipids and transfer them from the INTRACELLULAR EXTRACELLULAR
ER to other parts of the cell (High in) (High in)
K+ Na+
Proteins Glucose
1. Cell individuality – separates cell from other cell Major anion: Phosphate Major cation: Chloride
2. Selective permeability -aided by carriers and
channels, allowing exchange between cell and the
3. Cell-cell interaction and adhesion – interactions thru
• amphipathic (have both hydrophobic and
hormone-receptor complex, adhesion of cells to
hydrophilic regions)
basement membrane and other cells
• Basic structure of the cell membrane
4. Transmembrane signaling – thru signal transduction
• Forms a lipid bilayer that is impermeable to
water-soluble molecules which results to the
5. Compartmentalization (forms specialized
need for channels and transporters
compartments – organelles)
• Lipid bilayers are formed by self-assembly driven
6. Enzyme localization
by hydrophobic effect
7. Excitation-response coupling
8. Energy transduction

In cancer, cell to cell adhesion is lost,

which leads to metastasis


Body = 60 water FATTY ACIDS

INTRACELLLULAR FLUID (ICF) • Saturated with straight tails (resulting to more rigid
cell membranes)
• 2/3 of TBW
• Unsaturated fatty acids have kinked tails (more fluid
• Provides environment for the cell to
o Synthesize, store, and utilize energy
o Repair itself

1. PHOSPHOLIPIDS – lipids with phosphate groups
A. Phosphoglycerides
• Most common
• Consists of a glycerol backbone to which area
attached two fatty acids in ester linkage and 2. GLYCOSPHONGOLIPIDS – sugar containing lipids built
phosphorylated alcohol like ethanolamine, on a backbone of ceramide
choline, serine, glycerol, or inositol • Cerebrosides – ceramide + sugar
• Fatty acids are even-numbered (16-18 C (monosaccharide)
atoms) which could be saturated or • Gangliosides – ceramide + more sugar
unsaturated (oligosaccharide)
• Simplest is phosphatidic acid • Both are structures found in CNS
• Inositols are found internally and function for 3. STEROLS
signal • Most common is cholesterol
• Modifies membrane fluidity
• Derived from acetyl coA
• Intercalates between phospholipids in cell
• amphipathic
• “moderator molecule”
• High temp – limits disorder and fluifity
(condensing effect)
• Low temp – increases fluidity by interfering with
the interactions of hydrocarbon tails of fatty
acids (induces disorder)


• Major functional molecules of membranes

• Proteins are for specific tasks in the membrane
• Amphipathic: hydrophilic regions are protruding
at the inside and outside faces of the membrane
B. Sphingomyelin
but connected by a hydrophobic region
• Second major class
traversing the hydrophobic core of the bilayer
• Sphingosine backbone instead of glycerol
• Different membranes have varying protein
• The fatty acid is attached by an amide link to
compositions. Thus, important functions of a cell
the amino group of sphingosine -- ceramide
are determined by its proteins
• Hydroxyl group of sphingosine is esterified to
• Functions of membrane proteins:
o Enzymes
• Sphingomyelin is prominent in myelin sheath
o Pumps, channels, carriers
because they are important for saltatory
o Antigens
conduction at node of Ranvier
o Receptors
• Sphingomyelin is prominent in myelin sheath
o Structural proteins
• Types of membrane proteins:
o Integral proteins
▪ Interact extensively with phospholipids
▪ Require detergents for solubilization

▪ Amphipathic, globular and, in certain FLUID MOSAIC MODEL
proteins, spans the bilayer several times
(e.g. G proteins)
▪ Asymmetrically distributed in cell
▪ The orientation was conferred by the
time of insertion to the bilayer during
synthesis in the ER
▪ Most membrane proteins fall under
integral proteins
▪ Usually channels and carrier • Universally accepted description of membrane
o Peripheral proteins structure coined by Singer and Nicolson (1972)
▪ Do not interact directly with • Lipid bi-layer with embedded proteins
phospholipid (do not require detergents (trilaminar under electron microscope)
for release) • “Icebergs” (proteins) floating in a “sea” of
▪ Weakly bound to hydrophilic regions phospholipids
▪ Attached to integral protein o These proteins and lipids are capable of
▪ Usually found inside the cell lateral diffusion, which means that they can
▪ E.g. Ankyrin is bound to integral protein move from one part of the cell to another
Band 3; spectrin is in turn bound to • Membrane lipids = fluid part
ankyrin • Membrane proteins = mosaic part
• Membranes undergo changes from stiff (gel or
crystalline) to fluid state
• Proteins and lipids undergo rapid redistribution
(“lateral diffusion”)

• Critical to its function; some cells have acquired
the ability to vary the fluidity of their membranes
• Occur in association with lipids or proteins Factors that affect membrane fluidity:
• Most prominent in the cell membrane are:
o Glycolipids • Lipid composition
o Glycoproteins o Longer and more saturated fatty acid chains
• Mostly found on the external membrane surface exhibit higher transition temperature
• Functions: (increases membrane solidity)
o Receptors o Unsaturated fatty acids increase membrane
o Antigens fluidity; create a kink (bend)
• Confers negative charge to cell (as glycocalyx) • Prevents fatty acids from packing together as
• Decreases the melting temperature (increasing
the fluidity) of the membrane
• Membrane with more saturate fatty acid has a
higher transition temperature. The membrane is
more compact so a higher temperature is
needed to disrupt the order of the lipids

• Temperature oIn a polar environment, the hydrophilic region
• Transition Temperature (Tm) – temp at is facing the solution and the hydrophobic
which structure undergoes transition from regions are situated in the interior of the
ordered to disordered state micelle.
o High temp – more fluid o In a non polar environment, the hydrophilic
o Low temp – hydrophobic side chains region is found in the interior while the
become aligned – stiff structure hydrophobic region faces the solution (inverse
• Cholesterol micelle)
• Moderator molecule • Used in detergents
• T above Tm, decreased fluidity due to its • Single-layer unlike cell membrane
rigid structure (condensing effect)
• T below Tm, increasing fluidity (induces

Importance of Membrane Fluidity

• it affects protein mobility and transport of

substances across the membrane
• Permeability to water and other hydrophilic
molecule increases
• Lateral mobility of integral proteins increases
• Clinical application of micelles
• Especially for transport and receptor proteins o Emulsification of fats: bile acids associate with
• Increase in membrane fluidity allows: products of lipid digestion to form micelles. Bile
o more permeability to water and other breaks down fat globules into smaller pieces as
hydrophilic molecules micelles, increasing the surface area of the fat
o lateral mobility of integral proteins, which globule for easier digestion by enzymes
includes receptor proteins and transport o Bile acids – forms micelles that assist in the
proteins digestion and absorption of fat and vitamins A,
D, E, K

Structure of a micelle


• Synthesized in microbes
• Shuttles for ion movement
• Hydrophilic center, hydrophobic peripheral
• Diffusion/hollow channels are formed

• Small aggregates of amphipathic molecules that
form a monolayer with
o Hydrophobic regions - shielded from H2O
hydrophilic regions – immersed in H2O
o The arrangement of the two regions depends
on the chemical environment where the micelle
is located

• Artificial membrane vesicle surrounded by a lipid
• Low resistance connections between the cells
• Connexon – functional unit of gap junction
• Consists of phospholipids that can be natural or
• The alignment of a connexon of one cell with the
synthetic in origin
connexon of other cell forms a channel
• Uses:
• Function:
o Lipid content can be varied for the examination
o Allows for the movement of ions and small
of varying lipid composition on certain
molecules between cells
functions (i.e. transport)
o Couples adjacent cells electrically
o Study of factors that affect protein and enzyme
o Gap junctions are commonly found in smooth
muscular tissue because movements have to
o May be used for specific drug delivery and gene
be synchronized – in heart muscles, they are
known as syncytium (pumping of the heart,
▪ Drug delivery: protect drug from enzymatic
▪ Involved in and enhances signal
transduction by clustering the elements in
cholesterol, sphingolipids, and proteins

• Located below the apical surface of epithelial
• Prevent diffusion of macromolecules between
• Composed of proteins, occludin, claudins
• Route for paracellular transport – Na+-K+ ATPase
pump which is found in the basolateral surface,
maintains the high Na+ in the blood. When Na+
enters the cell, water goes with Na+. thus, water
is able to enter the cell via paracellular transport)
• Means of attachment; physical connection
between cells

LIPID RAFTS (eg G-protein coupled receptor, tyrosine
kinase receptor)
• Dynamic areas of the exoplasmic leaflet of the o Intracellular
lipid bilayer enriched in cholesterol, ▪ In the cytoplasm or at the nucleus
sphingolipids, and proteins (intracellular receptors) – regulates gene
• Involved in and enhances signal transduction by expression by affecting the rate
clustering the elements by signaling systems transcription; for lipid soluble messengers
• Caveolae – special type of lipid raft ▪ No secondary messengers
o Mostly found in the smooth muscle cells • Attachment of one hormone to a receptor
o Store Ca2+ inside and release them into results to multiple effect since signal is amplified
sarcolemma when needed (muscle • Importance
contraction) o Cell membrane is selective – prevents
leakage of essential substances and free
entry of foreign substances
o Cell membrane receives and transmits
signals to and from other cells


• Signal transmission across the membranes • Transport system according to Direction of

• Biochemical signals from hormones, Movement
neurotransmitters bind to receptors in cell 1. UNIPORT
membrane • Moves one type of substance
o Hormones and neurotransmitter cannot bidirectionally (i.e. glucose transported
enter the cell, they can only attach to into cell through influence of insulin)
receptors found in the cell membrane 2. COTRANSPORT
• Through the generation of signaling molecules • SYMPORT – moves two solutes in the
the information is transmitted to the cytoplasm same direction (ie Glucose transported
• Signaling molecules: together with Na+)
o Cyclic nucleotides • ANTIPORT – moves two solutes in
o Calcium opposite direction (ie Na+ (in) and Ca++
o Diacylglycerol or H+ (out) and Cl-HCO3 exchanger in
o Phosphoinositides RBC membrane)
• Receptors can be found:
o Extracellular
▪ Hormones and neurotransmitters cannot
enter the cell, thus only attach to receptors
found in the cell membrane
▪ At the cell surface (plasma membrane
receptors) – generates secondary
messengers; for lipid insoluble messenger

1. Concentration across the membrane – solutes
move from high to low concentration
2. Electrical potential across the membrane – solutes
move toward the solution that has the opposite
charge (the inside of the cell is usually negative)
3. Permeability coefficient of the substance for the
membrane (lipid solubility)
PASSIVE TRANSPORT 4. Hydrostatic pressure gradient across the membrane
• From high concentration to a lower – higher pressure will increase the rate and force of
concentration without the expense of energy the collision between the molecules and the
• Some molecules can passively traverse the membrane
bilayer down electrochemical gradients by 5. Thickness of membrane – the thinner the
simple diffusion or by facilitated diffusion membrane the greater the rate of diffusion
• Unlike active transport, passive transport does 6. Temperature – increased temperature will increase
not require energy because it does not particle motion and thus increase the frequency of
constitute movement against an electrochemical collisions between external particles and the
gradient membrane
7. Distance – increased distance= decreased rate of
8. Number of channels – increased number of
channels = increased rate of diffusion

• For water soluble substances (ions) that cannot just
simply permeate the membrane
• Permeability depends upon:
o Size
SIMPLE DIFFUSION o Extent of hydration
• Transport across the membrane down an o Charge density of the ion
electrochemical gradient o There are specific channels for each ion
• No need for energy o Activity of some channels are regulated by
• Passive flow of a solute from a higher neurotransmitters
concentration due to random thermal • Function can be impaired by disease/mutations
movement • Channels can be “gated”
• The difference between facilitated diffusion (FD) • Specific channels for Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cl- have
is that FD is mediated by a specific protein been identified
• Movement via simple diffusion is limited by:
o Thermal agitation of that specific molecule
o Concentration gradient across the
o Solubility of that solute (permeability
coefficient) in the hydrophobic core of the
membrane bilayer
• Involves kinetic energy of molecules
• Membranes of nerve cells contain ion channels
Factors affecting simple diffusion: that are responsible for the generation of action

• Activity of some ion channels is controlled by 3. Carriers exhibit maximum transport (Vmax) or
neurotransmitters saturability
4. There is binding constant (Km) for the solute

The rate of facilitated diffusion, a uniport

Ion Channel Gating system, can be saturated. Many facilitated
diffusion systems are stereospecific are
1. Voltage gating
driven by the transmembrane
• Channels open or close in response to changes in
electrochemical gradient.
membrane potential
• E.g sodium channels
2. Ligand gating
• A specific molecule or chemical binds to a receptor
which opens the channel
• E.g use of neurotransmitters like Ach
3. Mechanical gating
• Channel respond to mechanical stimuli
• pressure and touch
The rate of movement in passive diffusion is
AQUAPORINS directly proportionate to solute
concentration. The process is saturable,
• Water channels found in certain cells : RBC, distal however, when carriers are involved (carrier
tubules and collecting ducts of renal nephrons – mediated diffusion). The concentration at
• Tetrameric membrane proteins half maximal velocity is equal to the binding
• Distinct aquaporins : AP-1 to AP- 5 constant (Km) of the carrier for the solute.
• Mutation in AP-2 is the cause of nephrogenic (Vmax, maximal rate)
diabetes insipidus


• A uniport system
• Explained by the “PING PONG” mechanism
o Ping state = carrier is exposed to high
concentrations of solute. Molecules of the solute
bind to specific sites on the carrier protein
o Pong state = carrier is exposed to a lower
CARRIER MEDIATED TRANSPORT concentration of solute. Solute is discharged
Facilitated diffusion and active transport are similar in (released from binding) where it goes to the side
the following: of the membrane that favors the new

1. Involve carrier proteins

2. Show specifically for ions, sugars, and amino

equilibrium • Is the transport of solute across a membrane in
the direction of increasing concentration, and
The Na+ K+ ATPase of the plasma membrane is
a key enzyme in regulating intracellular
concentration of Na+ K+

• In the ping state, the conformation of the protein

exposes the binding site to high concentration of
solute, the molecules pf the solute bind to specific
sites on the carrier protein
• The binding will cause a conformational change
(pong state) on the carrier protein which exposes
the binding site to the side of lower solute
concentration, the solute is discharged from the
Na+ K+ ATPase pump moves three Na+ ions
carrier to achieve equilibrium
from the inside of the cell to the outside and
• Empty carrier reverts back to original conformation brings two K+ ions from the outside to the
(ping state again) completing the cycle inside for every molecule of ATP hydrolyzed to
ADP by membrane associated ATPase (Mg2+ is
The rate at which solutes enter a cell by facilitated
a cofactor)
diffusion is determined by:
Ouabain and digitalis, inhibit the Na+ K+
1. Concentration gradient across membrane ATPase by binding to the extracellular domain.
2. Amount of carrier available (key control step)
3. Rapidity of solute-carrier interaction thus requires energy (frequently derived from the
4. Rapidity of conformational change for both the hydrolysis of ATP); a specific transporter (pump)
loaded and unloaded carrier is involved
5. Presence of certain hormones : insulin, GH, and ▪ Secondary active transport – “piggy-back”
glucocorticoids • Energy is from electrochemical gradient
generated by primary active transport
Hormones can regulate facilitated diffusion by changing
• Mechanism for oral rehydration solution
the number of transporters available (ie insulin increases
glucose transport in fat and muscke by recruiting glucose
transports (GLUT) from an intracellular reservoir)

- Movement of molecules across the membrane from
low to high concentration through specialized
protein channels with the use of energy
▪ Primary active transport
• Requires energy from light, electron movement
or ATP hydrolysis
• Energy for this process represents 30-40 of
energy expenditure of the cell
• E.g. Na+ K+ ATPase OSMOSIS
• The net flow of solvent across a semipermeable
membrane from an area of LOWER SOLUTE
• Due to a semipermeable membrane that only allows
the solvent to pass

• Affected by osmotic pressure • Involves macromolecules: proteins,
polysaccharides, and polynucleotides
• Requires the following:
o Energy
o Ca2+
o Contractile elements/proteins (microfilament

Osmotic Pressure

• Minimum pressure required to negate or reverse

• Force or pressure is applied on the side of the
membrane with higher solute concentration to push
the solvent back to the area with low solute
concentration • Types
• Determined by the number of particles per unit o PINOCYTOSIS
volume of fluid ▪ Cellular uptake of fluid and fluid content
• Volume may increase or decrease to accommodate ▪ FLUID-PHASE PINOCYTOSIS
equilibrium if non-penetrating solute is concerned ➢ Also called “cell drinking”
➢ Causes invaginations in the plasma
membrane resulting to formation of
Water follows Na+
- maintains cell volume vesicles
- every action potential that is generated ➢ Is a nonselective process – no requirements
disrupts the gradient; this movement helps ➢ Uptake of a solute through small vesicle
maintain the normal environment formation that is proportionate to its
➢ Is an active process (requires ATP)
• Involves vesicle formation with or from the plasma ▪ ABSORPTIVE PINOCYTOSIS
membrane (PM) ➢ Is a receptor-mediated selective process for
• Two process: the uptake of macromolecules
o Endocytosis ➢ High affinity receptors permit the selective
o Exocytosis concentration of ligands from the medium,
minimize the uptake of fluid or soluble
ENDOCYTOSIS unbound macromolecules, and increase the
• Uptake and hydrolysis of molecules yielding rate at which specific molecules enter the
nutrients cell
• Provides a mechanism for regulating the content of ➢ Involves clathrin-coated pits
certain membrane component (eg hormone - Cell membrane with invagination/pits
receptors) where the receptors for a particular
• Responsible for DNA transfection (entry of DNA into molecule can be found
the cell) - Underneath the pits in the cystosolic side
o DNA from one cell transfecting a different cell, is a contractile protein called clathrin
altering the latter’s function and phenotype ➢ May be a mechanism through which certain
o Uses Ca2+ (Ca2+ stimulates endocytosis and viruses enter the cell causing disease
precipitates DNA, making NDA a better object for - HIV – affects T cells
endocytosis) - Hepatitis – live cells

- Poliomyelitis – motor neurons o dynamin – binds and hydrolyzes GTP for the
➢ eg LDL receptors – cholesterol pinching off of clathrin-coated vesicles from
➢ receptors that can recognize carbohydrate the cell surface
moieties – extracellular glycoproteins
Fate of the vesicles after the invagination
- galactosyl receptors – asialoglycoproteins
- mannose 6-phosphate moiety receptors- • acted upon by lysosomes producing primary
acid hydrolases phagolysosomes that will eventually become
secondary phagolysosomes (contain hydrolytic
enzymes) which will digest the contents of the
• digested materials will be converted to amino acids,
simple sugars and nucleotides – transported out of
the vesicles to be used by the cell

What happen to the PM after Endocytosis?

• PM getting less and less

o endocytosed large materials in the expense of
their PM
• have to add phospholipids and proteins OR change
a. Fluid-phase
the membrane itself – membrane assembly
• Formation of invaginations which will
become larger until the two sides of
the membrane fuse, sealing the neck of
▪ Specific uptake
the PM at the original site of
▪ High affinity receptors permit selective
invagination forming a fluid-filled
concentration of ligands from medium
▪ Pits (invaginations) is coated with filamentous
b. Absorptive
material called clathrin
• Formation of invaginations bringing the
▪ Protein association:
receptor inside it for digestion (called
• Clathrin – coating; allows selective uptake
• Adaptin – allows vesicle formation
• Some receptors are digested like that
• Dynamin – GTP-hydrolyzing; for pinching off pit
of insulin receptor (that is why people
▪ Low density lipoprotein – receptor binding
consuming too much sweets develop
▪ Disorder in LDL -familial hypercholesterolemia
Type II diabetes); some are returned
▪ Viral transfection mechanism
back to the membrane like that of LDL
Additional information about Clathrin

• has three-limbed structure (triskelion)

• each limb made of one light and one heavy chain of
• polymerization of clathrin into a vesicle
o directed by assembly particles composed of
four adapter proteins that interact to the
receptors ensuring the selectivity of uptake
o involves PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol 4.5- o PHAGOCYTOSIS
biphosphate) for vesicle assembly ▪ also called “cell eating”
▪ involves ingestion of large particles: whole cells
(bacteria), particles (viruses) and cellular debris

▪ involves specialized cells *exocytosis involves the contact of two inside surface
➢ macrophages – for more and prolong infection; (cytoplasmic side) monolayers, whereas endocytosis
can engulf an entire cell results from the contact of two outer surface monolayers
➢ neutrophils – present in CBC; for acute
▪ during severe infections, macrophages ingest a
large volume of their cell membrane through this
▪ can ingest their while CM in 30mins • Both lipids and proteins are inserted independently
▪ ingest 25% of their volume per hour in membranes
• internalize 3% of its PM each minute • Lipids and proteins turnover independently and at
o leads to membrane assembly different rates
• mechanism like that of absorptive pinocytosis – • Topogenic sequences (signal N terminal or internal
involves formation of pits and primary and or stop) are important in determining the structure
secondary phagolysosomes of proteins in membranes
• requires activation of cell surface receptors • Final sorting of many membrane proteins occur in
• requires pseudopod formation from actin filament the trans golgi
remodeling • Specific sorting sequences guide proteins to
• ingested particles are directed to primary lysosome particular organelles
that will hydrolyze the particles o Eg mannose-6-PO4 guides hydrolases
destined for lysosomes while KDEL [Lys-
EXOCYSTOSIS Asp-Glu-Leu] specify proteins for the ER)
• Release of macromolecules to the exterior (products LIPID ASSEMBLY
coming from the cell going to the outside)
• Involved in membrane remodeling • Enzymes responsible reside in the cisternae of ER
• Phospholipids self-assemble as they are synthesized
• From the site of production (ribosomes) that is
into the thermodynamically stable bilayers
attached to the ER – transported to Golgi apparatus
for processing, packaging, and formation of vesicles • Lipid vesicles migrate and fuse with golgi apparatus
o When there’s signal, vesicles will fuse with the PROTEIN ASSEMBLY
PM and extrude its contents outside
• Signal for initiation is often via a hormone binding to membrane which in turn fuse with plasma
cell surface receptors – increasing Ca2+ membrane
o Ca2+ triggers exocytosis • Explained by the signal hypothesis
o The signal hypothesis proposes that proteins
Three fates of molecules released thru exocytosis destined for secretion, which involves the
movement of the protein across a biological
1. Attach to cell surface to become peripheral proteins
( eg antigen) membrane, are originally manufactured with an
2. May become a part of extracellular matrix (collagen, initial sequence of amino acids that may or may
GAGs/glycosaminoglycans) not present in the mature protein
3. May enter ECF and signal other cells (hormones and • Requires ER – golgi apparatus – vesicles – plasma
enzymes) membrane
• The information for both modes of translocation is
encoded in the protein in the form of a short-lived
sequence extension (signal sequence)
• Additional information resides in the ribosome in
the case of co-translational translocation, which
proceeds via a ribosome – membrane junction
• Translocation is mediated by specific receptors
(ribosome and/or signal receptors) which are

restricted in their location to distinct cellular

2 kinds of proteins:

• Those synthesized by membrane bound ribosomes

(secreted proteins and integral proteins) that
contain a signal peptide at their N-terminal
• Those synthesized by free ribosomes (cytosolic
proteins, extrinsic proteins in the inner plasma
membrane leaflet) that lack signal peptide


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