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Introduction to Management
FAMILY NAME: Abdul Waseh

GIVEN NAME: Ehsanullah Abdul Waseh

STUDENT ID NO: 21018848

UNIT: Intro to management


DUE DATE AND TIME: 27th/02/2022


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Date Marked Marked by Mark/Grade

4-5 TAG

Basic Structure:
▪ File Name
▪ 1.5-2.0 Spacing
▪ Calibri, Arial, TNR Font, Completes < 2 out Completes 2 to 3 Completes all
size 12 of the 5 criteria. criteria. 5 criteria.
▪ Page Margin – Moderate
▪ Assignment Cover Sheet+
Marking Guide

▪ Spelling
▪ Grammar Poor Moderate Excellent 10%
▪ Punctuation
▪ Capitalization

Follows, for the

Assignment Structure: most part, all the Closely fol-
Follows poorly the
▪ Presentation of the text requirements re- lows all the re-
requirements re-
▪ Word Count lated to format, quirements re-
lated to format, 10%
▪ Follows structure of intro, structure and lay- lated to for-
structure and lay-
body paragraphs and out. Some require- mat, structure
conclusion ments are not fol- and layout.

Definition of Arguments:
▪ Arguments for each
premise outlined clearly. Follows poorly the
Follows for the Follows very
▪ Arguments substantiated requirements re- 40%
most part. well.
well. lated to arguments
▪ Explanations are clear
and relevant

Clear, con-
cise, well-writ-
Introduction: Introduces com-
Weak introduction ten introduc-
▪ Hook pany / situation
to topic. Barely ad- tion of key
▪ Context and what is the 10%
dresses company / topic. Ad-
▪ Clear, complete thesis purpose of the re-
situation. dresses situa-
statement port.
tion with clar-
Conclusion is well-struc-
Poor conclusion. structured well, but tured. Good
Stand-alone, non- does not summa- summariza-
▪ Restated thesis statement
cohesive and does rize / reflect the tion of report, 10%
▪ Summarized points
not reflect the re- analysis of the re- and includes
▪ Final Statement
ports analysis. port. Writers opin- writers opinion
ion missing. of futuristic

All references
Most of the refer- Most references used are im-
Research & References: ences used are ir- used are relevant, portant and of
▪ Scholarly level of in-text relevant, or of not and of good schol- good scholarly
citations. good scholarly arly quality. 8-12 quality. > 1
▪ Relevant references. quality. References references used. references
▪ Well-developed reference not used effec- Most of the refer- used effec-
list tively, or incorrectly ences are effec- tively in the
▪ Chicago style of referenc- cited. < 8 refer- tively used, cor- essay, with
ing ences used. No rectly cited and correct cita-
Reference page. listed. tions, in-text


Originality & Authenticity – If the essay is identified as not being original, and/or not done by the student, the
instructor has the right to grade the paper as an ‘F’.
Tesla is an electric vehicle company that started in 2003, with the main purpose of making large-
scale market & fast range EV's( Electric Vehicles ) (Perkins, G., & Murmann, J 2018 ). that includes
the vehicles having outstanding performance, cool features, having efficient batteries & these vehi-
cles were made in wider ranges/types so that they could be affordable for anyone to purchase in
addition to that Elon Musk the CEO is the mastermind behind the company who began with a store-
house with $6.5 million funds in Silicon Valley, to begin with, the first few types or range of vehicles
(Perkins, G., & Murmann, J 2018 ) in addition to that with Tesla being the leading EV its approach
towards technology has opened doors for the Tesla company in the Global automobile industry but
also due to the likable EV getting popularized, it has taken over the old school manufacturing vehi-
cles & introduced a new era for EV vehicles ( Edward Taylor, Norihiko Shirouzu, Joseph White,
2020 ). Moreover, When Elon musk first started funding Tesla motors it was not a smooth ride for
the CEO he faced challenges, doubts from other old-school producers who always doubted his idea
of the EV vehicles but he never lost faith in himself & knew that he would prevail at the end. Fur-
thermore, in the upcoming paragraphs, the 6 concepts of how Tesla became from Good to Great
company will be explained/elaborated in more details.

The first concept ( Level 5 leadership ):

Elon musk pushes & gives hope to his workforce by making them a part of the larger team which
does not only makes the workforce happy but also reduces the chances of them leaving the organi-
zation with that Elon musk expects his top executives to find ways to push workers & they should
work harder than the staff to be an example for the rest of the workers. ( Ruth Umoh, 2017 ). Addi-
tionally, Tesla’s CEO Elon musk is the busiest man in the world with a strong work ethic, who en-
gages with staff to ask the right questions about their health & safety, not only that the Vice princi-
ples assigned for environmental health & safety expect some errors, & the Vice principles take re-
sponsibility of their mistakes by engaging in listening, learning, regulating the staff to ensure the
worker's safety ( ISHN Tory, Johnson Dave, 2018 ). Moreover, When it comes to leadership, Tesla’s
leadership solely comes from Elon musk because of his strict adherent personality everyone around
him including his management & workforce looks up to him & copies his style of leadership so in re-
turn it creates a sense of belongingness in the organization which does not only help the workforce
but overall the whole of Tesla company tends to be in smooth running without much disruption.

The second concept ( First who then what ):

Tesla’s company focuses on hiring the best employees possible, research shows that the company
spends vast amounts of money into recruiting the right, new employees & it takes up to 52 days on
average just to get the right people on board & get the right seats filled ( Ruth Umoh, 2017 ) Not
only that having the right people does not mean that there will not be any problems at all but
Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk always acts when peoples change is needed, the workforce on the job work-
ing would usually get injured and one day out of the blue Elon ordered/requested all the employees
to report any or all injures that happen while working to Tesla’s safety team(Szal, Andy, 2017 ) plus
Elon added that it broke his heart to see this many injuries happen at Tesla motors & Elon puts the
employee's health & safety as Tesla’s first priority furthermore he rest assured all the worker's well-
being & safety in the future. (Szal, Andy. 2017 )

The third concept ( facing the brutal facts ):

In the short time of 16 years, Tesla’s charming & unprecedented CEO Elon Musk has turned around
a 100 Years old automobile industry upside down because of the latest, robust & modern technol-
ogy used in Tesla, which other old school manufacturers were unable to compete with ( Saxena,
Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik. 2021 ) additionally Tesla has shown its strengths & power by disproving
all the doubters by its current market achievements, it has overtaken the German car producer
Volkswagen & it took second place after Toyota ( Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik. 2021 ) & the
two main challenges the company had to face was, efficiency & creating vehicles at a reasonable
price ( Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik. 2021 ), almost all the big automobile companies such as
Ford, Toyota, BMW & others created affordable & cheap Electric vehicles, which in return were not
highly efficient so therefore electric vehicles were known for being less faster & efficient than the
basic vehicles & on the other hand Tesla’s vehicles are produced with highly up to date machinery
& equipment that enhances their rapped speed, range & takes up to only one charge for a long
journey ( Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik. 2021 )

The fourth concept ( The personal Hedgehog ):

 Tesla’s Mission is to be the world’s most considered company in terms of being environmentally
friendly, such as producing zero-emission vehicles ( Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik 2021 ). Be-
cause Tesla's Mission commences that it tries to be more futuristic with its advertisement practices
which has lead Tesla to focus on these two main important areas which are enhancing transmission
& doing the unthinkable ( Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik 2021 ).
On the other hand Tesla's vision focuses on making the world's most exciting & appealing vehicles
of the 21st century, this states that with the new energies arrivals procedures or changes should be
taken accordingly. Ever since the company began in 2003, it believed in its objectives & vision which
has helped with its growth stages, other vehicle companies’ rivals look up to Tesla as a role model
as it's becoming the world's biggest electric vehicle producer because of that Tesla takes into ac-
count certain fundamental aspects such as interior methods of production tasks which are overall
simplified in return it makes Tesla achieve its success with the highest rate possible ( Saxena, Nitu
and Siddhi Vibhandik 2021 ) moreover, the vision of Tesla is to encourage other old school fuel-
based companies into making electric vehicles in the near future, this way the world can transition
into much more sustainable & environmental friendly place. ( Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik
2021 )

The fifth concept ( Culture of Discipline ) :

When it comes to rinsing their cottage cheese, In Tesla the Executives are pushed to think outside
the box to come up with testing new ideas about emerging technologies & adapting to the new
business methods or operations, such as finding an alternative to using batteries in electric vehicles.
(Teece 2018)
The sixth & last concept ( Technology accelerator ):
In order for Tesla autopilot to work properly, it uses AI or a method created to interpret the data
into the system correctly & to also help drivers drive smoothly, the main components that help the
autopilot is the different angel cameras installed & the sensors chipped all around the vehicle
( Elliott, Rebecca. 2021 ). Additionally, Elon Musk has mentioned that creating or implementing an
AI system/software is more difficult than it actually is in reality ( Elliott, Rebecca. 2021 ). Although
Tesla is having a rapped speed of success in AI & autonomous vehicles, Battery scarcity is another
problem that the company has to face due to the less availability of lithium, which limits their ac-
cess to Batteries to ramp up production ( Burke, Katie. 2018 ). However,With other companies
starting to change their production towards more EVs, it makes it more difficult for Tesla or in gen-
eral for the entire automobile market industry to get access to enough batteries for producing EVs (
Burke, Katie. 2018 ). Moreover, being an autonomous company is a difficult task to be carried out,
when it comes to the autonomous vehicles software & hardware it requires in depth detail studying
about the system than how it works in the system itself in reality, due to these extreme issues faced
by autonomous companies such as Tesla, these companies form an alliance in order to work to-
gether to create & develop customers desired vehicles which in return not only satisfies the cus-
tomers but also the companies get grand benefits as well as a reward for their hard work. (Perkins,
G., & Murmann, J 2018 ).

Overall, the Tesla company is the first fastest range electric vehicle rising company & is backed by
the world's most famous CEO Elon Musk. Moreover, Elon musk the mastermind & genius is a great
leader who listens to his surroundings & is strict adherent to working conditions & Elon is always in-
volved in understanding the staff’s working conditions & well beings. Even though, Tesla is one of
the first companies to start with an impossible mission & great vision so having the right employees
is a crucial part of the company in addition to that Tesla’s HR department spends on average 52
days finding the right person for the right seat Not only that Tesla, as an electric vehicle was
doubted by every old school manufacturer & those companies, were disproven only because Elon
Musk the CEO of the company believed that no matter the hard times & challenges Elon believed
that the company will prevail at the end thus Tesla only focuses on Electric vehicles because the
company wants to change the dynamic of the electric vehicles market & also encourage other old
school manufacturers to transition to much more sustainable & environmentally friendly produc-
tion of vehicles due to the complexity of the company executives are urged to sometimes think out
of the box to find solutions that still hasn’t been found & lastly Tesla’s advancement in the techno-
logical sector has allowed the company to implement AI & autonomous Ev systems, software &
hardware to the vehicles which in return gives a better driving experience for the drivers of Tesla
hence Tesla is said to be the greatest Electric vehicle company of the 21st century.
Referencing list
Perkins, Greg, and Johann Peter Murmann. 2018. "What Does The Success Of
Tesla Mean For The Future Dynamics In The Global Automobile Sector?". Manage-
ment And Organization Review 14 (3): 471-480. doi:10.1017/mor.2018.31.

Tylor, Edward. 2020. "How Tesla Defined A New Era For The Global Auto Industry".
Reuters, , 2020.

Umoh, Ruth. 2017. "The Tactics Self-Made Billionaire Elon Musk Uses To Motivate
His Teams". CNBC.COM, , 2017.

Dave, Johnson. 2018. "TESLA RIASES THE BAR". Trade Journal 52 (10,): 24-25.

Umoh, Ruth. 2017. "The Tactics Self-Made Billionaire Elon Musk Uses To Motivate
His Teams". CNBC.COM, , 2017.

Szal, Andy. 2017. "Musk Vows to Perform Work of Tesla Employees Injured on
the Job." Industrial Maintenance & Plant Operation (Jun 06). https://

Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik. 2021. "Tesla's Competitive Strategies and
Emerging Markets Challenges." IUP Journal of Brand Management 18 (3)
(09): 57-72.

Saxena, Nitu and Siddhi Vibhandik. 2021. "Tesla's Competitive Strategies and
Emerging Markets Challenges." IUP Journal of Brand Management 18 (3)
(09): 57-72.

Teece, David J. 2018. "Tesla And The Reshaping Of The Auto Industry". Management And
Organization Review 14 (3): 501-512. doi:10.1017/mor.2018.33.

Elliott, Rebecca. 2021. "Tesla to Hold AI Day at a Time of New Scrutiny: What
to Expect; Recruiting Event in Palo Alto, Calif., to Spotlight Work the Auto
Maker is Doing on Artificial Intelligence." Wall Street Journal (Online), Aug

92 (6816) (Feb 12): 1.

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