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Excursion – NANDANVAN
Dear Parents,

Field trips provide authentic, hands-on experiential learning opportunities to the students. Such learning
experiences are an integral part of the Banyan Tree School- New Delhi. In view of this, the students of
Nursery and Kindergarten will be visiting Nandanvan, New Delhi on Wednesday,23 rd November, 2022.
This Park is equipped with swings, rope bridges, different playing equipment and board game area. The trip
will provide the students an opportunity to havefun with their friends and strengthen their body and mind.

Please note the following instructions for the field trip:

1. Students need to come dressed in school uniform on that day.
2. Regular school timings will be followed.
3. Students with consents only will be allowed to go for the trip.
4.  In case your ward is suffering from cold, cough, fever or other flu like symptoms, please do not send
the child to school.

Kindly fill the consent slip given below and mail back the consent Form by 10th November, 2022 (Friday)
positively to the respective class teacher. Please note consents received after the mentioned date will not be

I__________________________. F/o, M/o or Guardian/of ___________________, do hereby agree and
declare that:
1.    I have permitted my ward ……………………………………… studying in class …………… of Banyan
Tree School, Lodhi Road to go for the educational trip to NANDANVAN, New Delhi, organized by Banyan
Tree School scheduled on 23rd November, 2022 (Thursday) within School hours.
2.    I do understand that the School shall take proper care of the students and look into the security of the
students during the Trip. I will not hold the School responsible for any mishap, incident so happening during
the visit.
3.    Hence, signed on this ……… day of ……………….. 2022.              

      (Signature of Parent / Guardian with full name) 

Parent’s Name: ________________________

Complete Address: __________________________________________________________________``

Mobile No: Email Id: _________________________________________

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