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Name: Gonzales, Geraldine B.

Subject: NCMB 419

Section: BSN 4YA-1 Instructor: Prof. Diosul Roque


1. Name a leader (foreign or local) that you admire the most. What are his/her notable leadership
characteristics? Cite an instance in which any of these characteristics were demonstrated. (50
- I admired the former prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. He was assassinated this year and
he was the longest prime minister of Japan. I admired him the most because he handled Japan
very well by strengthening the Japan’s defense and expanding its alliance with United States
and other countries around Japan by doing diplomacy. Mr. Abe relaxed a restriction on the
transfer of weaponry as part of his radical defense overhaul of Japan's defense system in
2014. He altered the legislation to enable weapons to be delivered if they "contributed to
world peace." As a result, when Russia recently invaded Ukraine, Mr. Kishida was able to
deploy non-lethal military supplies to Ukraine. Japan was in economic upheaval when Mr.
Abe became power. Mr. Abe, on the other hand, promptly went about reviving Japan's
flagging economy. Soon after his re-election in 2012, he unveiled a strategy dubbed
colloquially as "Abenomics." Massive monetary stimulus, greater government expenditure,
and structural changes were all part of this strategy. Mr. Abe's efforts were enormously
effective, and the nation experienced a significant increase in not just its economy but also in
consumer and investor confidence. One of his most significant triumphs, as he resurrected the
economy and restored global trust in Japan, was securing the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (which
was later postponed to 2021 because of the pandemic). He has the characteristics of a
transformational leader wherein he encourages employee growth, attends to followers' needs
and motivations, inspires via optimism Influences perspective changes, it stimulates the mind,
and encourages the inventiveness of followers
2. CASE SCENARIO (50 points)

You are a new nurse in an Emergency Department. You observed a very busy area where rooms are
filled with patients awaiting attention. The triage nurse is responsible for prioritizing who is seen first.
This often necessitates that certain patients are not seen for long periods of time, so that more seriously ill
patients maybe treated or admitted. You notice that on a regular basis, waiting patients and families
become very angry. Often, nurses repeat blood work for patients and there is general disorganization. You
are convinced the head nurse is too laissez-faire. You believe the workplace needs order and that if the
group was called together, solutions could be found that would enhance the workflow.


⚫ What type of leadership style would be most effective in this situation? Why? Explain briefly.

- The type of leadership style that would be most effective in this situation is democratic
leadership style. Both workers and employers may benefit from democratic leadership.
Human people have an intrinsic need to have control over their life when it comes to workers.
They must believe that their efforts are valued and that they can make significant
contributions to the world. Employees are more likely to remain with their present business
when these demands are met. The democratic leader is also in charge of choosing who is in
the group and who gets to make choices. According to research, democratic leadership is one
of the most successful styles, resulting in more production, better contributions from group
members, and enhanced group morale.

⚫ What leadership behaviors would be necessary to bring more structure to the flow and treatment of
emergency patients? Explain briefly.

- It would be necessary to use transformational leadership style to bring more structure to the
flow and treatment of emergency patients because this type of leadership style
Transformational leadership is a type of leadership in which executives encourage, inspire,
and motivate people to innovate and create change that will help the organization develop and
influence its future success. Transformational leaders inspire and excite their teams without
micromanaging; they rely on trained personnel to make choices in their given roles. It's a
management style that encourages staff to be more innovative, think forward, and discover
fresh answers to old issues. Employees on the leadership track will be mentored and trained
to become transformative leaders themselves.

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