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Consider the following boundary-value problem: 𝑢,𝑥𝑥−𝜆𝑢+𝑓=0 𝑥∈[0,1]



where 𝜆, a positive constant, is a measure of the foundation stiffness. This problem

governs a string on an elastic foundation.

1. a) Write the weak, or variational, form for this problem.

2. b) Write the Galerkin form for this problem.
3. c) Write the matrix form for this problem.
4. d) Determine the element stiffness matrix explicitly.
1. A Boundary
value problem is a system of ordinary differential equations with a solution and derivative values
specified at more than one point. Most commonly, the solution and derivatives are specified at
just two points defining a two-point boundary value problem.

2.An initial value problem is an ordinary differential equation together with an initial condition
which specifies the value of the unknown function at a given point in the domain.

3.If your differential equation is homogeneous (it is equal to zero and not some function), for


and you were asked to solve the equation given the boundary conditions,



Then the boundary conditions above are known as homogenous boundary conditions.

4.A simply connected domain is a path-connected domain where one can continuously shrink any
simple closed curve into a point while remaining in the domain.
6. Essential boundary conditions are conditions that are imposed explicitly on the solution

7.Natural boundary conditions are those that automatically will be satisfied after solution of the

9. For a given set of points with no two values equal, the Lagrange polynomial is the polynomial
of lowest degree that assumes at each value the corresponding value. , so that the functions
coincide at each point.

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