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Basic information:

This is an individual assignment and therefore must be completed by the individual student
without outside assistance. To complete the assignment, students must accomplish all the
tasks listed below.

The project should be completed by students as an extracurricular activity (not during


Deadline: 3 November 2022

Estimated time: 120 minutes
Output: three written emails (100-125 words each)


8.6 Case Study – Jeddah Royal Beach Resort

1. to issue own to print and introduce own credit cards випускати власні
credit cards кредитні картки
2. cashless resort a resort without currency exchange, all purchases and безготівковий курорт
tips put on a tab and paid before leaving the resort
3. fiercely very competitive market ринок з жорсткою
competitive конкуренцією
4. in the armo(u)ry to have all the skills, information etc someone has в арсеналі ресурсів
of available
5. to speed up to make the process of reporting your arrival at a hotel проскорення заїзду та
check-in and and leaving it faster виїзду з готелю
6. leisure activities everything you do in your free time (sports, hobbies дозвілля
7. cash advance money given to you in advance готівковий аванс
8. to vet to check and verify somebody’s request for getting a розгляд заявки на
applications for credit кредит
9. to exceed credit to go beyond the limit of money you were provided перевищити кредитні
limits with the loan / to spend more ліміти
10. debt a process of pay off money you owe стягнення
recovery заборгованості

Based on The Business. Intermediate. pp. 110-111

Follow the instructions below:
1. Think about services which large hotels can charge for in addition to
accommodation. Make a list of the ideas.

2. Read the extract from a business magazine and write down the answers to the

- How does giving credit increase room revenues and attract more clients?

Loans allow you not to pay commissions that are paid to credit companies, as well as
loans encourage various spending of money in a hotel (for example, some kind of
discounts on additional services)

- Why do luxury hotels prefer to issue their own credit cards rather than be paid by
VISA, MasterCard, American Express, etc.?

Because issuing your own credit cards allows you not to pay commission to banks

- What are the advantages for the customer of a ‘cashless resort’?

Сustomers can book purchases via the Internet, to speed up the registration of
rooms and to pay for services

- Who is Riaz Hussain and what are his responsibilities?

Riaz Hussain's responsibilities include vetting corporate and individual applications

for credit, following clients who reach or exceed their credit limits, and organizing
debt recovery from indelicate guests, or their corporate sponsors, who'forget to
settle their bills.
3. Listen to a conversation between Riaz Hussain and Frederick, the front office
manager at the Jeddah Royal Beach Resort, and complete the customer database

Record company in Buenos Aires Second hand car salesman Black Nile

50000 100000

20000 100000 30000

if her accounct goes over 10000 His difficult but his credit history good
then Frederic must notified Riaz She is very influential lady
4. Listen again and answer the questions.

- Why doesn’t Riaz like having rock groups in the hotel?

Because Rock groups always causing damage and disturbing the other guests.

- If Ms Koepple leaves today without paying, how much will the hotel lose?


- How much credit is Riaz prepared to allow her?


- Why does Frederick think Mr Kobayashi is a difficult customer?

They had to move him to a different room 3 times this week because he didn't like
the view or it was too far from the restaurant.

- Why is Frederick suspicious of him?

Because he never looks you in the eye, never smiles, never says thank you.

- What happened with Mrs Saman’s company last year?

The company paid up in the end

- Why are Mrs Saman and her brother important for the hotel?

Because they take a big credit

5. Look at the chart showing the Jeddah Royal Beach Resort’s customer payments.
Describe the trends for:

1) If we compare the customers who pay with money this

year and last year, then this year the number of people who
pay in cash has decreased due to the popularization of
2) This year and last year, the number of people who used
short credit periods reached the same values.
3) This year, long credit periods became the most popular
types of payments due to their interest and long-term
4) Over these 2 years, the number of uncollectibles has risen
to 3 percent from 2.5.

6. Write down the answers to the questions below. In question 3, review the situation
for each of the three customers by looking at the database entries in Task 3. You
could also listen to the conversation again. Explain your decisions.

- How can the trends in payments be explained?

It can be explained by changes in people's moods and mark-ups on loans. Every year
the trend will be different and the prices will also be different, therefore the schedule
will change.
- How can the hotel improve its cash flow?

In my opinion, the hotel should do more promotions and lure visitors to take out
loans and live in the hotel itself. Perhaps the hotel should make more entertainment
and connect it to the credit system.

- How should Riaz Hussain deal with each of the three customer applications in task

I think that he should write a separate letter to each client and advise them what
they need to do to reduce their credit

7. Write a short email to each customer explaining your decisions. Take into account
the circumstances surrounding each customer and the likelihood of further
business mentioned in the conversation.
Stick to the level of formality required in this kind of correspondence. You may use
the language from module 8.5.

Hello, Ms Koepple
I know how to help you reduce the loan. I think that if you want to organize a big event and earn money to pay off the loan, then you need to purchase
goods from other suppliers. For example, food to buy cheaper, alcohol too. There will be no difference in taste if you leave the same chefs, but you can
save well on this. If you want to bring a rock band with you, then charge an additional entrance fee (albeit a small one). You can also hire a cheaper
host, such as a student. He will perform the same functions with the same quality if you explain to him how to properly cheer up the crowd. I hope that
my advice will help you a lot in your problem.
Best wishes, Egor

Good afternoon, Mr Kobayashi

I know that you are already doing well with sales, but I think that I should give you advice not on business, but on psychology and attitude towards people. I think
that you need to pay more attention to communicating with people, because some people do not like that you are not friendly towards your customers. I think for
people to treat you well you need to smile more and make eye contact. Thus, people will trust you and transactions for the sale of cars will be faster and more
profitable. It is possible that even because of such a psychological attitude, you will have more customers due to good reviews.
Best wishes, Egor

Good afternoon, Mrs Saman

I think that you need to reconsider your spending and lower your credit limit to an amount that will satisfy you. Because 100k is not the amount of money you can
afford. Then you will be accrued crazy interest on this loan. Have you thought about how you will pay for them? You will need to take additional credit and so on
in a circle. Better recalculate the costs and try to do the same for less money. Send me your countdown as soon as you reconsider your plans.
Best wishes, Egor

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