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- Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas

from top to bottom. He got the idea after he finished a
1,600-kilometer bike ride. Gregg and Brooks Allen
would travel from Alaska to Argentina – by bike
- To pay for the journey, Gregg and Brooks worked and
saved money for years. In 2005, after 4 years of
planning, they set off. They often camped outdoors or
stayed in hostels. In many places along their route,
local people opened their homes to the two friends and
gave them food.
Lessons from the Road:
- Gregg and Brooks cycled through deserts, rain forests,
and mountains, visited modern cities and explored
ancient ruins, such as Tikal in Guatemala. They met
other cyclists from all over the world
- In May 2007 – two years, 12 countries, and over
30,500 km later – Gregg reached Ushuaia, Argentina,
at the southern tip of South America.
- Here is some of Gregg’s advice:
+ Travel light. The less baggage you have, the less
you’ll worry about
+ Be flexible. Don’t plan everything, you’ll be more
relaxed and happy
+ Be polite
Jog originated in England. Jog appeared a lot in 16th
century literature, referring to the act of leaving or
describing people moving quickly instead of running as it
does today.
Jogging is a very good form of exercise, suitable for
everyone and especially it helps many women get a slim
body and stabilize their body weight. When running, the
whole body will move with each step. So not only calves,
thighs participate in this activity, but also abdominal
muscles, arms, neck... Thanks to that, blood circulation is
better. Regular exercise combined with a reasonable diet is
an effective fat loss method. Jogging does not place a lot of
weight on goals, achievements, standards or pressure, so
running Jogging helps many people feel comfortable, relieve
stress. It can be said that Jogging is a running sport that is
technically quite simple but extremely effective.
Jogging is a very effective stress reliever.
Jogging is doing running steps at a comfortable, easy,
“turtle” pace.
It can be considered running with a very low rate of
exertion. Jogging is also done as a recreational activity,
without a goal or a plan. Someone who practices jogging is
not training for marathons or speed, they are simply going to
the track for a few kilometers to enjoy.
Running essentials: water bottle, running clothes, running
jacket, running bag, ...

Hiking is an outdoor sports tourism activity, hiking
activities, exploring unspoiled high mountains. Hiking will
choose less dangerous trails to move and explore. And can
use other means of transportation on the water, serving to
explore nature and wild nature.
In particular, it will help you both practice your health and
see the natural landscape. Hiking helps improve your mood
after the stresses of life, helping to avoid depression.
Enhance memory: Just a short time in nature, your memory
performance and attention capacity will be improved by
20%. Besides, good for the heart: Reduces blood pressure
and the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Help clear
your thinking: Spending time outdoors increases creativity
and problem-solving skills by up to 50%.
Features of Hiking Activities:
+ Our destinations are tourist destinations. Places
frequented by people, as well as always ready for ambulance
operations. Quick response assists us in some cases of need.
+ Secondly, hiking activities will have management
participation from a number of management units.
+ Finally, we can choose an instructor in the hiking
activity. Follow the allowed paths. Otherwise, always have
to go with an experienced person to know the rules.
In fact, hiking in Vietnam is a journey without dangers. On
the contrary, when participating in hiking experiences in
Western countries such as Europe or america. Their
destinations are actually more dangerous.
What are the items needed for a hike?
+ hiking backpack
+ Hiking shoes, climbing shoes
+ Tents and sleeping bags
+ Sunscreen and keep warm
+ Maps, compass
+ flashlight
+ First aid kit
And that's the answer to what is the preparation needed for a
Hiking trip? The items above are the basic must-haves. In
addition, kitchen, water stove, pots and pans. Or the group
of food, raw food to bring along for processing during the
trip is at the discretion of each person.
Hopefully some information about Hiking, as well as items
needed for a Hiking trip abroad, has helped people
understand it better. Hope everyone will have the
opportunity to Hiking in a pure way. True and hardest in the
most inhospitable areas.

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