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OCTOBER 11, 2021



Q1: Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or
false (correct the false):
1) An analog quantity is one having a discrete set of values. ( F )
An analog quantity is one having a continuous set of values
2) Digital to analog converters are essential to convert analog signals to
ones (example: in audio systems) (F)
A digital to analog converter is a system that converts a digital signal
into an
analog signal.
3) Digital electronics involves circuits and systems in which there are
only two possible states high and low states. (T)
4) Rise time in non-ideal pulse shape is defined as the time taken by the
pulse to fall from 80% of its highest value to 30% of it. (F)
Rise time refers to the time it takes for the leading edge of a pulse
(voltage or current) to rise from its minimum to its maximum value.
Rise time is typically measured from 10% to 90% of the value (T)
5) The pulse width in non-ideal pulse width is a measure of the duration
of the
pulse and is often defined as the time interval between the 50% points
on the
rising and falling edges. (T)

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Q2: With essential details and using illustration drawing (if exist):

A) State the advantages of digital domain

1. Digital data can be processed and transmitted more efficiently and
reliably than analog data.
2. Digital data has a great advantage when storage is necessary
3. Noise (unwanted voltage fluctuations) does not affect digital data
nearly as much as it does analog signals

B)Define logical levels.

✓ In a practical digital circuit, however, a HIGH can be any voltage
between a specified minimum value and a specified maximum value.
Likewise, a LOW level.

C) compare by drawing that includes all essential date between ideal

and non-ideal pulse shapes.

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D) state the difference between selection and coding functionalities in
logical systems.
1. In selection functionalities
✓ Two types of circuits that select data are the multiplexer and the
✓ The multiplexer, or (mux) for short, is a logic circuit that switches
digital data from several input lines onto a single output line in a
specified time sequence.
✓ The demultiplexer(demux) is a logic circuit that switches digital data
from one input line to several output lines in a specified time sequence.
Essentially, the demux is a mux in reverse.

2. In coding functionalitie
✓ The encoding function is performed by a logic circuit called an encoder.

✓ The encoder converts information, such as a decimal number or an alphabetic

character, into some coded form.

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Q3-1: If the HIGH input values for a certain type of digital circuit technology
called CMOS may range from 2 V to 3.3 V and the LOW input values may
range from 0 V to 0.8 V. indicate the how the circuit will act in the following

3-1-a) if a voltage of 2.5 volt is applied.

✓ the circuit will accept it as a HIGH or binary 1.

3-1-b) if a voltage of 0.5 volt is applied.

✓ he circuit will accept it as a LOW or binary 0.

3-1-c) if a voltage of 1.9 volt is applied.

✓ unacceptable.
Q3-2) for the periodic digital waveform shown in fig.2

a) Calculate the frequency of the pulse.

b)Calculate the duty cycle.

c) Is it preferable to get high or low duty cycle in applications as coding in

communication? Justify.
according to application

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