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Verbs that take an object in Dative case and usually there is no other object in that sentence.

1 gefallen (to like)

Die Schuhe gefallen mir

Means I like the shoes/ The shoes are appealing to me (Not the shoes like me)
Mir: to me/ for me
Subject: Die Schuhe (that’s why verb has “en” at the end, so the verb is conjugated depending
on that Subject)

Der Ring gefällt mir

Means I like the Ring/ The Ring is appealing to me
Der Ring(Subject): 3rd person singular, so the verb is conjugated as gefällt

Der Anzug gefällt ihm

Means He likes the suit/ The Suit is appealing to him
Objects for Dative verbs take Dative case, therefore we have to use Dative Pronouns

Die Wohnung gefällt uns

Means We like the Apartment/ The Apartment is appealing to us.

Gefallen dir die Möbel? (Informal)

Means Do you like the Furniture / Is the Furniture appealing to you?

Gefällt euch meine neue Küche?

Means Do you guys like my new Kitchen?
Subject: Küche: 3rd person singular, so the verb is conjugated as gefällt

Gefällt Ihnen die Krawatte? (Formal)

Means Do you like the tie?

2 Passen(to fit)

Die Hose passt mir

Means The pants fits me

Passen dir die Schuhe? (Informal)

Do the shoes fit you?
Subject: die Schuhe: 3rd person plural, so the verb is conjugated as passen

Das Hemd passt ihm nicht

Means The shirt doesn’t fit him
3 Gehören(to belong to)

Das Auto gehört mir

Means the car belongs to me

Gehört dir der Hund? (Informal)

Means Does the dog belong to you?

Die Schneestiefel gehören Susanne

Means The snow boots belong to Susanne.

4 Antworten(to answer)

Er hat mir nicht geantwortet

Means He didn’t answer me/ He didn’t give answer to me

5 Danken(To thank)

Ich danke dir

Means I thank you/ I give thanks to you

6 Fehlen(to miss)

Du fehlst mir- Informal

I miss you/ You are being missed by me

7 Schmecken(to taste)

Die Suppe schmeckt mir

Means I like the soup/ The soup is tasteful for me

Schmeckt euch die Lasagne?

Means Do you guys like the Lasagna?

Schmecken dir die Kartoffeln? Informal

(Do you like Potatoes)

Der Auflauf schmeckt uns gut.

Means We like the casserole
8 Glauben( to believe)

Glaubst du mir? Informal

Do you believe me?

9 Leid tun(to be sorry)

Das tut mir leid

Means I’m sorry about that/ This gives me pain/ This makes me suffer

10 Passieren(to happen)

Ist dir was passiert? Informal

Did something happen to you?

Uns ist nichts passiert

Means Nothing happened to us

11 Weh tun(to hurt)

Der Fuβ tut mir weh

Means My foot hurts/ My foot gives me pain

12 Verzeihen(to forgive)

Ich verzeihe dir

Means I forgive you

13 Helfen(to help)

Ich helfe dir

I am helping you

Ich habe ihm geholfen

I helped him/ I provided him with my help/ I gave help to him

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