DVS 2207-1

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8 3 DVS - DEUTSCHER VERBAND FUR SCHWEISSEN UND Content Scope General requirements Measures before welding Requirements for wetting Cleaning Cleaning agents leaning of heated tls Cleaning of joining areas Heated too! bul welding Heated too! butt welding of pines. pipetine components, fitings and sheets 41 Description ofthe procese 2 Preparation af welling 3. Weidng procedure Hested tool welding of tapping tees 1 Description af tho procese 2 Preparation of welding 3 Welding procedure Electre-sockel welding 54 Description ofthe process 54 Welding procedure 8 Hosted too! sooket welding 6.1 Description ofthe process 62 Welding devieos 63 Preparation of welding 64 Woldng procedure 7 Testing of wolded joints 8 Stangards and directives 8 Explanations ‘Appendoc Processing insiuctions (short versions) “Testing of welded joints Welding protocols 1 Scope ‘This technical code applios to the heated tool butt welding of sheets according to DIN EN ISO 14832 and for the heated fool butt, the heated too! socket- and the electro-socket welding of ‘ipes,fitings and lapping tees made from PE-HD" according to BIN 8074 and 8075, DIN 16 963, DIN 3543-4 and DIN 3544-1 boing used for the conduction of gas, fuids and sofds With cogard tothe fllewing instructions, suitability within the melt flow rates MER!) 19015 of 0.3 up to 1,7 g/10 min 97 0.2 upto 0.7 19/10 min respective may be assumed, For the heated toal butt, ‘welding of tapping tees restrictions according to section 4.2 have to be attended. DDeviating MFR values requite an addtional proof by tensa creep. tests according 10 DVS 2203-4 or supplement + cutent stands, 2) tna HI = Mat Flow Indo Toaty car be acoped by he Doser Veroana ta Welding of thermoplastics Heated tool welding of pipes, pipeline VERWANDTE VERFAHREN £¥.! components and sheets made of PE-HD ‘T The maton incicaton she specteaten of hammeplasts group ad ineludos tho types PE 62, PE 80 and PE 400. The imation comes f the This pubksson ns in raw up ya grup of exerences soecatss wang ap Ronan capady nts consderaon a a npn ace nlomatin itrocommnde Te oe shoul oye check wha evan tha eran are apphsbi lo he prea Case and whathas ha ves enh ae No rete una verware efaren ©. sd oso parirabog ne aawing yp at he Sent DVS, Technical Commitee, Working Group “Joining of Plastics ‘August 2007 DVS Technical Code DVS 2207-1 Tanslaion of the German version september 2005 2 General requirements The quaity of welded joints depends on the qualification of the weld. the sultablity of the ulbized equipment and devices a8, wall a5 on complance with the welling standards. The welded jaint can’ be tested by moans of nondestuctive andlor Sestructive methods ‘The welding work must be monitored. Type and range of ‘supervising has fo be agreed between the contract panes. tis ‘recommended to record the welding data in welding protocols (sample see appendix) or on data carers, within the framework ofthe quality assurance ts recommended to produce and test samples of omnis belove and during welding, Every welder has to be tained and has to be in possession of a valid qualifeation cetiicate. The intended application range may be decisive for the kind of qualification. For the healed tool but welding of shests as well a8 in the industrial piping system construction, the technical code DVS 2212-1 is vald, The DVGW-speciication GW’ 330 applies analogously ae quaification ‘Oo! for Heated too! butt and heated tool socket welding at the ‘construction of gas and water supply systems, The welding of plastics or indoor applications ie described In the echnical codes, vs 1908-1 and-2 “The equipment and devioes which ata used for welding must comply withthe requirements in DVS 2208-1 3. Measures before welding 3.4. Requirements for welding The welding zone must be protected against bad weather influences (¢.g, wind, moisture). It i ensured by suitable measures (@.9. preheating, tent, heating) that the conditions ave suttable for welding, work may be caried out at any outside Temperature insofar as the welder Is not hindered in his handing (200 explanation). If nacessary, an additonal proof must be provided by carving cut sample welds under the mentioned conditions (Section 7) WC the semifnished product is heated up unevenly under influence of sunshine, a temperature compensation in the area of the welding joint can be reached by covering. A cooing down during tho welding process by ventiation has to be avoWded During welding the pipe ends have to be closed additional, PE-HD-pipes from ceils are oval and bent immediately after Lncoling. The pipe end must be prepared before welding, 09. by ‘careful heating up with a hal-air equipment andor use of a Suitable clamping Fes, reeunding device ‘The joining zones of the components to be welded must be undamaged and have to bo ffee of eantaminatione (29. dit, (grease, shavings), ‘ders to: DVS-Verlag GBH, PO. Bex 101968, 0010 Duseldert, Germany, Phone: + 49(0I2TH1501-0, Telefax: +49(0)211/1581-159 8 ; i g i & g Page 2 to DVS 2207-1 3.2 Cleaning Forte production of perfect welded joints itis very important that the joning areas 28 well as the lools and heated tools are clean and rec of grease 3.2.4 Cleaning agents The Cbaning agents oF already moistened cloths in a lock-up plastic box have fo consist of a 109 % vaporizing solvent, €-9. 98 parls ethanol with @ purly grade of 83.8 % and 1 pan MEK {methylethyltetone, denaturation). Agents tested according to DVGW 608 compiy with this requirement. The use of ethy! alcohal could resukt in a reduction of quality because of the contained water ‘The paper fr leaning has to be clean, unused, absorbent, non- fuzzy and nervcoloured, Exhaust the ai afterwards, 3.2.2 Cleaning of heated tools, ‘The heated tools have to be cloaned with paper bofora every welding process No residues of elaning agents or paper may remain onthe heated too), 3.23 Cleaning of joining areas Before machining the joining areas it has to be ensured thatthe ublaed tools and components are dean and fee of grease even ‘outside the welding zones, necessary use a clearing agent ‘The treatment ofthe joining areas has to be done directy before the welding process starts. Any shavings have to be removed without contacting the joining Incase of contamination ofthe surface after machining, e.g. by Contact sth hands, the joining aroas have to bo treated with a Cleaning agent fa furtner machining is impossibie. 4 Heated tool butt welding 441 Heated tool butt welding of pipes, pipeline compononts, fitings and sheets. 414 Description ofthe process Wit the heated too! butt weing process, the joining zones of the components to be welded are signed under prossure on the heated tool (alignment), heated up to the welding temperature lath reduced pressure (heating up) and joined under pressure {ioming) ater Femoval of the Neated too! (changeover). Figure 1 ‘shows the principio ofthis procadure. preparing pipe heating up heater Figure, Pinca of he healed oo tat welding ofa pe. 4:12 Preparation of welding Pit to the star of the welding process the welding temperature Othe heated tools to be checked, This is dane e.g. by means of 8 fast indicating measuring device with a contact surface of 10 mmm for measuring the surface temperature, The contol Tmeasirement must be done within the area on the heated tool vihich corresponds fo the semi-finished product. For adjusting @ thermal balance, tha heated tool may be incerted at the earbest *1Ominutes attar reaching the set temperaiure ‘To ensure an optimum welding connection the heated tool has to be cleaned according to section 92.2 before every welding ‘operation. The antadhesive coating or covering of the heated tool must be fee of damages inthe working zone. ‘The joining forces and joining pressures have to be spactiod for the machines to be used, Those can be based on e.g. marx facturer information, calculated or measured values. Additional), al the welding of pipes, the workpiece moving force res. moving bressure is taken from the indicator of the welding machine ‘uring the slow displacemect of the part to be welded and have to be added to the prior determined joing force res. joining pressure, Electronically coniolled equipment is proferced, it pos~ sible with recording ‘The nominal wall thickness ofthe parts tobe welded must match inthe joming area Pipes and filings have to be aligned in axial dtection in the welding machine before the ciamping. The easy axial movement ofthe part to be welded-on can be ensured e.g. by means of ‘ollies or ewinging suspension. ‘The joining aroas have to bo planed with 2 cloan and grease-ree tool directly before the welsing 80 that they are coplanar in amped. coneition. Permissible gap width under alignment pressure see table # “Table 4. Maxinnum gap widh betwoon the trated welding ones, Sheet width| d | Gap width 05 70 = 1500 > 1500 = 2000 | > 2600 = 2300 Both, the gap width and the misalignment have fo be controle. ‘The misalignmont of the jining areas on the pype outside or sheet respactvely may not excaed the permissibie size of G1 x wall thickness. A'reduction of the quay arises in case of larger imisalignment which limits the stvangth of tho joint. In this case, the evalation according to DVS 2202-1 under consideration of requirements to Ihe joint can be done ‘The treated welding areas should be nether died nor touched by hand. as a reeaiment would be necessary then. An ‘2dditional cleaning is not necessary and means no quality improvement. Shavinge fallen int the pipe have tobe removed. 44.8 Welding procedure ‘With heated tool but weg the joining areas are heated-up to the welding temperature by means of the heated fool and joined Under pressure after removing the heated tool The heated tool temperature i 200 to 220°C. In principle th upper temperature limit ie to be aspired for smater wall thickness, the lower temperature limit for bigger ones (eee figure 2), The upper temperature has to be chosen for PE 100 as wel. The diferent steps ofthe welding process are ilusrated in figure 2 2549-L Nr 4093043001 -2008-97-16 13:35 eee eee BLEEP ELE LeL 6 Upper tit pitta heater plate temperature iower limit Sot te 0S 10 15 20 25 30 25.40 mm 50 wall thickness Figure 2. Recormences vatos for the hess fol temperaures 36 ‘neon ofthe wal eae, Aigneent pressure Joining pressure Ii I Heating up pressure 1 i ie cain ine dong reste aD te Tot na ino Teel netting tne Figure 2. Process stepe of heated tol bull welding, Alignment ‘The joining ares of the welding components are pressed to the hheated too! until all areas are coplanar on the heated tool. This factis visible on the formation of beads, The alignments fnshed Table 2, Recommended valves for the heated too butt welding of approx 20°C and modarata si ow 1 | 2 3 Nominalwall | Alignment Heating-up thickness S | Hoated tool temperature see figure 2 Bead height on heated too! onthe ond of the alignment time {alignment p= ‘0,15 Nimme) I Heating-up time ‘10 x wall, thickness 0,01 Nimm?) | wpa 5 upto as 45.70 | 70... 120 190 Changeover time | Joining pressure Page 3 to OVS 2207-1 when the bead heights have reached the mentioned values in table 2, column 2 on the tolal pipe olcumference or the total sheet surace respectively. The bead sizes are an index for 2 _semplete contac of the joining areas on tho heated toc. Heating-up_ For heating-up, the joing areas must contact the heated fool ‘ith low pressure, The pressure is reduced to nearly zero (= 0.0% Nimm¢) During heating-up, the heat penetrates the joining areas and the welding temperature is reached. Heating-up times are given in table 2. column 3 Changeover ‘ter heating-up, the joining areas are to be detached from the heated tool The heated tool should bo withdrawn without damage oF contamination ofthe heated jining zones. The joing ateas should be joined together quickly until they almost have contact. The changeover time should be as short as possible (coe table 2, column 4), a3 otherwise the plastiezed areas will coat down. The welding jeint qualty would 66 influenced negatively, Joining The areas to be weldod should mest with a speed of neatly zero, ‘The demanded joining pressure is bull possbly linear. The required times are shown in, table 2, column 8. The joining proscuro is 0,15 = 0,01 Nira, Raised mechanical loads during or directly after the declamping are allowed only after finished cooling, The joining pressure has to be kept complately during the cooling time’ at ambient temperature (see table 2, column 5) “The reduction ofthe cooling time up to 50 %, that means joining prescure ralease and removal of the welded part fom the ‘Welding equioment, alowed undar the fllowing requirements, = the welting is done under workshop condtions = the removal from the welding equipment and the temporary Storage are causing only sigh loads fo the joint = itconcerns components with a wal thickness of = 18 mm, ‘A further treatment with full mechanic load ofthe joint ie alowed only afer complete eecling down ccarding to table 2, column 5 ies, ftings and shoets made of PED at an outside temperature of ah 4 5 Changeover Joining Cooling time Under joining pressure (minimum values) = 0,15 Nimm? 0,01 (maximum time) | ~ bul 3 3 i i é i Nonmen-Doviload!. Page 4 to DVS 2207-1 ‘After the joining, a uniform double-bead must appear. The bead ‘size chows the regularly of the wolds. Different boads could be {caused by diferent mat flow behaviour of the joined materials. ‘Based on the axperionce with commercial semi-finished products ‘mage ffom PE 80 and PE 100 withthe mentioned MFRerange the Wweldabilty can be assumed, oven iF it rosulls ih asymmetic Welding beads. K’has to be always > 0 (see fgure 4) x Figure 4, Bead famation a heated ool but weg (price ol 2 pipe ‘Short version of processing instructions see append 4.2 Heated tool butt welding of tapping tees ‘The heated tool butt welding of tapping tees is epplicable wih PE-HO pines according to DIN 8075 of mellow index values of (0,7 up to 1.3 gi10 min, For ping system components mado of PE-HD with MEI values of 0,2 up fo 0.7 g/10 min the welding process is applicable only in canjunction with a reiiorcemest embracing the pipe. The last-mentioned Condition is also vali if, especialy in the case of filings atiached at a subsequent stage, fan altrbution within the scope ofthis standard ic not possible, Heated tool but welds of tapping tees have to be carried out by ‘moans of welding devices 42.1 Deseription of the process ‘The connection zones of pipe and tapping tee are abgned and heated up by means of a shaped heatod tool under alignment pressure, Aller removal of the shaped heated tool the joining faces are joined under joining pressure. 4.22 Preparation of woiding Prior othe start ofthe welding pracess, the welding temoerature set on the heated fool ie to be checked according t9 section a2. To ensure an optimum welding connection the heated tool has to be cleaned according to section 32.2 before every welding sation. The anti-adhosive coating ofthe heated tool must be ‘of damages inthe working zone Prior to clamping into the welding equipment the joining surface ofthe pipe has to be sorapod with a tring blade of another suitable Tool. Shavings have to be removed without contacting the joinng area, The teated welding areas should be neither ditied not touched by hand, olhenwise cleaning of the joining areas according to section 32.2 is necessary. The tapping tee always has to be cleaned according fo secton 3.23 The roundness of the pine is to be ensured by the clamps ofthe welding equipment o: special revounding devices. The ft of the tapping tee face is tobe controled Prior to welding the required forces for alignment and joining have to be determined trom the table provided wih the equipment, 4.23 Welding procedure ‘The shaped healed tol, heated to the welding temperature (200, up to 220 °C) i inlroduced between, the welding components, ‘The algnment pressure is 0.15 Nim, After beads have formed according 10 lable 3, column 1, the specific set pressure for hheating-up is reduced to < 0,04 Nimm? during the now starting hheating.up time. The heating lime depends on data provided by the manufacturer of the fitig. When the heating time nas elapsed the shaped heating ‘ool is to be withdrawn without ‘damaging and contamination of te joining area. The changeover time should be as short a8 possible (maximum valie see table 3, line 3). The joining areas. should be joined together promply afterwards. ‘After complete evaling the welding device may be removed. “Table 3. Recommended values forthe heated too! butt welding of {upping tees made of PED at outside temperature of 20 "Cand mederate airflow “Alignment under p= 0,15 Nimm? | Bead heights on heated too! | atthe end ofthe alignment time Min. value (rom) Heating-up under 9 =0,01 Nimm® | ace. to Hestno-ve tive (a) | manufacturer sata 10 Cooling time under joining pressure 115 Nin ‘Min. value (min) ‘Short version of processing instructions s2e appendix 5 Electro-socket wolding 15.1 Description ofthe process: ‘The joining areas (pipe surface and inside of the fiting) are overlapped and welded by resistance wires inside the fing {heating cols) which are heated up by electrical energy (see figure 5) Fusion zone Fusion zons, Figure 6 Elscto-cocet welding (print) 5.22 Welding equipment Only welding equipment adjusted to the parts to be welded may be Used. Automate welding equipment Is preferred ~ possibly with recording. The welding equipment must supply the required welding parameters forthe fiting to be welded such as welding timo, current and voltage. The device rust switch off as s20n 26 the necessary quanti of heat has been fed to the welding zone. 5.3 Preparation of welding CClaan surfaces and a stress fre installation are very important far the fabrication of perfect welded joints. With the choice of pipes wih lied diameter lolerance according to DIN 074 the Installation ofitings ie easier. i 5 3 : rish Standards Associ For axial pipe connections the pipes have to be cut octangular by means of suitable device Incase of a bevelled shrinkage of the pipe cut edge the untreated pipe has to show tne nominal diameter d (igure 6) at the designated insert depth minimum in the ores of the heated socket. I necessary the pipe end should be shortened immediately before welding, Figure 6, Geveled envi of to pie ene The ovalty of the pipe may not exceed 1,5 % of the outside ameter, max, 3 mn. If necessary, rounding devices can be used. ‘The surface ofthe pipe oF fiting in the welding zone hes to be completo machined, A scraping tool with @ constant wal thickness removal of approx. 0.2 mm should be used. Take care fora small annular gap! ‘Te pine end has to be deburred inside and outside, shavings have fo be removed without contacting the joining areas, The fiting may only be removed from the protective package immediately betore the instalation ln case of contamination of the pipe surface after machining i must be cloaned according to soston 323. It has to be Conelered that ne contamination ls ubbed into to the welding zone. The joining area of the fiting or tapping tee respactvely has tobe cleaned according fo section 3.2.3, “The incert dopth ofthe pipe has to be conttollable ky an added mark or suitable device. The fing may neither be tited nor usted onto the pipe end with force (low stress installation). The tapping fiting has to be clamped on the pipe by means of a suitable daviee under consideration of the manufacturers instuctions. “The contact socket for the connection ofthe welding cable must bbe easy reachable, Fiting and pipe have to show the same temperature level before the welding process. Conceming welding equipment with automatic lemperature compensation, take care that the ‘measured environmental temperature corresponds. to. the Conaiions of the welding location, i necessary the welding equipment as well as the pipe and fiting have lo be protected 9 against direct sun radiation, 5.4 Welding procedure The correct insert depth has to be controlled by means of the mark. The components to be wolded should be Secured against ‘islocaton, ‘The welding equipment is connected by @ cable with the part to bbe welded. The welsing cable has to be placed without weight loaded. The contact areas must be clean. The required dala of tne fing of tapning tee for the welding process. are taken automatically trom the welding equipment by scanning the ‘specie component bareede, The shown data (0.9, dimension) have to comply with the component data. After staring the Page 5 to OVS 2207-4 welding process it une automaticaly. The welding time ie usually Shown on tha welding aquipment, If has to be ransfered to the Welding protocel as wal as other data from the welding machine, Ino data recording is done, Consider ertor message! there should be any interupton tothe ‘power supply in the early pat ofthe welding process, the welding ‘may be tepeated as long as no visble defects on the fiting or feror messages withthe welding equipment have appeared, and the fiting manufacturer has given his permission for e-weldeg ta take place The joining area {pipe and iting) must be cooled down completely before the welding process is started again ‘The cables can be ramoved aiter switching aff the equipment Check the welding indiators if avaiabie on the iting, The ‘connection may be moved only after cooling down. The fiting or ‘mounting manufacturer supplies corresponding informaton. The dling of tapping tees may bo dene only ater finished cooing time DDotails fom the manufacturer about ational cooing times, 9, lithe proscure test. have tobe considered, Short version of handing instuctions see appendix 6 Heated tool socket wolding 5.4 Description of the process [At heated tool socket welding (s0e figure 7). pipe and pipeline components are welded in overlapped condition. Pipe end and fiting are heated up to welding temperature by a socket oF spigot shaped heated tool and subsequently joined together Heated tools and fitings are dimensionally adapted so that on Joining @ joining pressure will be buit-up. Heated tool socket ‘welding can be performed manually up to 50 mm pipe diameter [At diameters a8 from 83 mm, @ welding device required ‘because of the higher joining force Preparing Heated toot f / coupler! Hestee 7 spool Heated Heating up socket Welded connection ——> —— Figure 7. Heated fo! sckel welding (orn) 68.2 Welding device ‘The heated tools are heated electrically and are coated ant adnesivaly. 6.3. Preparation of welding The fiting has to be cleaned inside and outside according to section 32.3. The treatment of the joining areas of the welaing Components should take place immediately before welding Is Started. The pe end has to be bevelled according to gu land table 4, The joining area of the pipe is to be treated according to the manufacturers guidelines. Concerning manual welds the insert depth ie to be marked on the pipe wth distance | According o table 4 n-KANe 1425481 Mr 4099045001-2008-07-18 13: 2h Standards Associa Normen-Downlosd-Beuth-DS Dansk Standard Dan Page 6 to DVS 2207-1 Figure, Beveling of the pee end Toble Values for pipe chamfer and incor dopth. Pipe outside diameter | Pipe chamfer | Insert depth dime) fem] feo] 6 8 20 14 25 16 @ 48 0 0 oo Ey Ea % 3t cy 38 i) a 125 48 20°C and moderate sir flow 7 2 Pipe outside Heating-up dlameter Heating up time for SDR? 11, SDR7,4, SOR 6 Heated too! temperature 250 up to 270°C. Heating up time for SDR?) 17, SOR 17,6 Betore welding stats the welding temperature (250 to 270 °C) set on the heated tool has fo be controlled according to section 412 Heating socket and heating spigot_must be free of ontaminations and should be cleaned before welding according to section 3.2.2. The artiachesive coating of the healing spigat and heating socket must be free of damages in the welding area, 6.4 Welding procedure Ferthe purpose of heating iting and pipe are pushed switly and ally anta the doviess ited on the heated tool and held unt the ‘top at mactine welding or uni the mark at manual welding. It has to be absolutely avoided that the pipe is pushed onto tho ond of the heating socket. Aterwards the heating up time starts according fo the fene values in table 5, column 2. ‘After the heating time has elapsed, the fiting and pipe should be ‘withdrawn sharply from the heated tool and pushed together |mmeckstaly witiou any twisting nil the stop or mack (macmur adjusting time see table 5, column 3), ‘At manual welding the jsined components have to be Kept faced ‘according to the time mentioned in table 5, column 4, The Connaction may be loaded by futher installation works only afer cooling time is over (table 6, clurans). ‘Short version of hancling intructions 600 appendln 7 Testing of welded joints Various tests can bo used to tos tho qualty of individual welding processes. Differentiation is made between destructive and non= ‘destructive tests For details See table 6, Tests and sampling can be carried out prior to or during welding work according to agreement. Tell 5. Recommended values forthe heated tool socket welding of pipes and pipeline components made cf PE‘HD at outside temperstine of 3 Changeover Cooling Changeover time (Maximum time} Cooling time fred | tout [2 ue to the tow wail thickness this welding method is not recommended. 2) Standard Dimension Ratio ~ ds (rao outside diameter / wall thickness) : i ish Standards Assoc! Normon-Dormioad-Beuth-DS Dansk: “Table 6. Test metho for wold joint, Test method Heated tool butt welding Sheets, pipes, fitings | Tapping tees Page 7 to DVS 2207-1 | Heated too! socket welding Electro socket welding Pipes fitings Fittings _| Tapping tees Visa test Radiographic | and Xray tost DVS 2202-1 Table 1 the complete creurterence outside of ‘Smooth wading int on | vs 7200-1 Table 2 DVS 2202-1 OVS 22024 Table 3 Table 3 Mechanical treaiment of pipe surace has ta be visible a the welcing area applicable. Slalement bout e.g. voids fs possible, but nat about the quay, Tensile tot Dys 22082 Shorterm welding factor DVS 2203-1, Supe. non applicable Tensile ereep test DVS 2203-4 tensile ceep welding factor vs 2208-1, Suppl. 2 DVS 2208-4, Suppl. 1 bending fest Technological vs 72055, Miermum boning ngle e020 VS 2208-1, Suppl. 3, Figures 1 and.2 Meimum pending sdstance ac. fo DVS 2208-1, Supe 9, Figures 7 and 8 ‘pon applicable Internal pressure creep rupture ‘est DIN 169835, seaion | 543. | Longth ofeach pips ce ON 3544-1,ceetons 23 acc fotables, =| ang.32a180°C. Non meaningiut for | Tong-erm weling factor 05 DIN 3544-1, sections 2.3 ‘and 32 ateo"c DIN 1606355, ‘ection 543% ON 16069-, section 5.434 “Torsion shear test Ra peeling tos Compression test Perna ‘on applicable en applicable on appiicatle en explicable. 8 Standards and technical codes DIN 3543.4 DIN 3544-1 DIN sora Din 8075, DIN EN Iso. tere DINEN 126144 DINENISO. 14632 Topping tee fitings made from rigid PE for pipes made from rgd PE: dimensions Fitings made from vigid PE, type 1 and 2, ‘requirements and testing of tapping te fittings Pipes made from polyethylene (PE); PE 63, PE 80, PE 100, PE'HD; dimensions Pipes made fom polyethylene (PE): PE 63, FE 80, PE 100, PE-HD; General ually regu: remenis, testing Theimoplastes: Polyethylene (PE}-moulding materials, designation systoms and basics for specications Testing of welding joints made fom thermopla- lcs; Part 4: Peeling test, Exaruded sheets made ftom polyetiylene (PE HD), Requirements and tes methods ‘see appendix. Also applicable as ste fest for pipe wall thickness > 4 ram, 00 appendix. Alea appieable as ite test for pipe wl thickness > 4 mm, DIN EN 12814-6, sction 6 Also anplicabe as site test. “DIN EN 720144, section 7 non applicable DINENISO Thermoplastic piping systoms for industrial 15494 applications: Polytutene (PB), Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Requirements to pipeline components and tothe ploing system Netie sizes Pige joints and pipetine componente for pres sure pipelines made from polyethylene high ‘ensity (PE-HD) Pipes and fitings made from polyethylene high density (PE-HO) for sewage channele and Pipelines 4 =, dimeneions 2 technical delivery conditions DVEWGW220 Welding of pines and pipeline componente sade from polyethylene {PEB0, PE 100 and PE-Xa) for gas- and water system welders; ‘Training ard testing scheme DVGW GW.331 Supervisor for waking of pipelines made Kom PE-HD for gas and water Supply, Training and testing scheme DIN 18 963 IN 19597 1. 4089040001-2000-07-16 19:95. can 40 Normen-Dosintoed-Beuth-08 Oansk Standard Danish Standards Associ Page 8 to DVS 2207-1 DVGWVP 603 Preliminary teat basis for cleaning agents and their tanks forthe preparation of welding its (on patyethylene pipes Failures on welded joints of thermoplastics, features, description, evatuation Testing of welded joints on sheets and pipes of thermoplastics; testing methods — requirements Requitements for tensile test, Requirements for tensile creop test Requirements for technological bending test, bending angle/bonding distance 2 ~ tensile test tonsil creep test ~, tensile creep test; testing of socket welding connections on pipes 6 Technological bending test DVS 2208-1 Welding of thermoplastics; Machines and ‘equipment forthe neated tool welding of pipes. pibekne components and shaets Testing of plastic welders; Test group | andl Regulation of industrial safety vs 2202-1 Dvs 2203-1 Suppl. 1 Suppl.2 Suppl. 3 -4 Suppl bys 22104 Betr Sich 9 Explanation This technical code has been adjusted according tothe state-of the-art with regard to Improved cleaning agents and the evelopment of larger pipeline components. The non-contact heated tol welding i explained in DVS 2207-6. ‘The welding of thermoplastics at environmental temperatures blow 5 °C is generally problematic. This concerns less the rhalerlal specie propertice of the thermoplastics but the levied ‘manual sil of the welder, Welging outsdle at any temperature equres an envifonment which enables the welding staf to perform the individual work steps without quality, reducing Influences, Tho parts to bo welded must have the same temperature lovel, Test welds have to be performed and tested Regarding the pipe end condition it has to be considered thatthe \welaing preparations include also the remove of fost ioe and tmo‘sture fom the joining area (20.5 x fing length) by means of heat (eg. not gat device). Fitings and tapping toes must be stored in dosed. frost-free rooms and provided / used for welding only nthe required quanti. The qualty evaluation of socket welding joints by the internal preseure crop testis only inguifciently possible. In combination With the tensile creep test aft sign conta in OVS 2207-1 Supp 1 (Graf, able Appendix: Processing instructions (short versions) Ad44. Heated tool butt welding of pipes, pipeline compon- ents, ftings and sheets Processing instuction (shor version) Establish acceptable working conditions, &g, welding tent Connect the welding equipment fo the mains or alternating ‘cent ganeraior and canto! the function, ‘Adjust and clamp the pats to be welded, e.g. by dolies, Close the pipe ends against air movement. Clean the joining areas even outside ofthe woiding zene by means of cleaning agenis according to sections 22.1 and 32.3 with unused, absortent, non-uzzy and non-coloured paper Machine the joining zones, at pipes. wth planing tool 20 a 22, 2. “Take of the planing oo! al the pipe welding machine Remove shavings from the welding area without touching tne joining zones. ‘Cheek the coplanariy by moving the joining areas together {maximum gap width according table 1). Check the misalignment (maximum 0,1 x wall thickness) Check the heated tool temperature subject to the wal thickness (see figure 2). Clean the heated tool with cleaning agent according Sections 32.1 and 3.22 with unused, absorbent, nontuzzy ‘and non-colouted paper and exhaust it Determine the moving pressure res. moving forco before ‘each walding and record tin the welding protocol Ostermine the values for aligning, heating-up end joining pressure, Set the reference values according to table 2 Bring the heated too tothe welding position ‘Align the welding areas t0 the heated too! unl a bead is ferred (according to table 2, column 2). Heating-up with reduced pressure < 0,01 Ninm?, heating: up time according to table 2, coluran 3. Ater heating.p& finished, withdraw the joining areas fro the heated ool and remove i from the welding poston The joining areas should be joined together quickly within the changeover time (able 2, column 4) unt they almost touch. At contacting, they have to meet with @ speed of nearly zero. Bulld up a linear joining prossure (lable 2, ‘Column 6) immediately atorwards Alter joining with a pressure of 0,15 Nim? 2 boad must fest According figure 5, Khas to be > Gon every section. Cooling down under joining pressure according 10 table 2, column 8, Deciamping ofthe welded parts after cooling time. For shop works see ining in section 4.1 3. Complete the welding protocol ‘Ad 4.2 Heated too! butt welding of tapping tees Processing instruction (short version) 1 Establish acceptable working conditions, ¢g. welding tent Control the function ofthe welding equipment Ensure the soundness of the pipe by the clamps of the welding equipment or coresponding re-iounding devices. Adjust and clamp the parts to be welded. eg, by doles. Clean the joing areas even outside ofthe wolding zone by rmeane of cleaning agents according lo sections 32.1 and 32:3 wih unused absorbent, non-fuzzy and nor-coloured. paper. Machine the pipe surface. Remove shavings from the welding area without touching the joining zones, Contr! the surface fit ofthe tapping te. Fix the welding equipment onto the pipe. ‘Clamp and adjust the tapping tee. ‘Choose the correctly shaped heated foo! ean the connection surfaces ~ contaminated ~ and the healed lool according fo sections 3.2.1, 32.2 and 3.23 by means of unused and abeorbent, nonsfuzzy and nen ‘coloured paper and exhaust it eh Standards Aasociation-KONr. 142549-L INr.4099043001 2008-67-16 13:35 Determine forces for alignment and joining (table of manufacturer) ‘Check the welding temperature (200 up to 220 °0). ‘Set the heated tool tothe wolding pasion ‘Align the welding areas to the heated tool unit a bead of 1 Heating-up with reduced pressure = 0,01 Ny time according to manufacturers date, #, heating-up Withdraw the connection ateas to be welded trom the heated tool attr heating-up time is frished andl bring thern into welding postion. 18. The joining areas should be joined together within the changeover time of maximum 10 seconds 18, Buildup joining pressure speedy and emooth within § seconds 20. Cooling don under joining pressure, minimum 18 minutes. 21. _Declamping of the welded pars ater cooling time 22. Complete the welding protocol ‘Ad 5.3 Electro-sockot welding of fittings and tapping tees Processing instruction (short version) Estabish acceptable working conditions, a.9, welding tent Connect the welding unit to the mains or the sternating ‘current generator and check function. Debure the outside of the restangular cut pipe end. Shorten the pipe in case of too much pipe end shrinkage. See figure 6 Ensure that pipe ends are round using re-ounding clams, permitted ovaiy upto = 15%, max 3 mm Clean the joining areas even outside ofthe wolding zone by means of cleaning agents according ta eectione 2.2.1 and 3.2.3 with unused, adsoroent, nonuzzy and non-coloured paper. Machine the pipe surace in the welding area it possible with a scraping tool and wal thickness removal of| ‘ppc0x. 0,2 mm. Remove the shavings without toveting the pipe surtace Clean the treated pipe surface ~ if contaminated and necessary, according to manufacturers instructions, also the insice of the fiting ~ with a cleaning agent according to Sections 32.1 and 3.2.3 with unused, absorbent. non-fuzey ‘and non-coloured paper and exhaust i Insert the pipes into te fing and contol the inser depth by ‘means ofthe mark or suitable device, Fix the tapping tee on the pipe, Take care for low etese inetaiation, Sacure the pipe against dislocation, Connect cable fo iting, Cable must be fee of weight loa. Enter welding data e.g. by means of barcode scanner check the displayed data on the equpment and start the welding process, Control the corect welding procedure on the welding equipment ®.9, by control of the display information and avaliable with the welding indicators. Consider error messages, Disconnect cable from fing Deslamping ofthe welded parts after cooling imo. Remove fang device, Complete the welding protocol form ifno automatic protocol ismade. Page 8 to DVS 2207-1 ‘Ad6 Heated too! socket welding Processing instruction (short version) 1. Estabisn acteptable working conaitions, ¢g, welding tent. 2, Connect the welding equipment to the main or aerating ‘current gnerator and control the function, Clean the heating tools by means of @ cleaning agent ‘scxording to sections 32.1 and 32.2 with unused, absorbent, non fuzzy and non-coloured paper ‘Check the wating temperature (250 up o 270°C) Clean ail nontreated joining areas with a cleaning agent according to seclions 321 and 323 with unused, ‘absorpent, non-uzzy and nen-coloured paper and exhaust a Machine the rectangular cut pipe end according to figure 8 and table 4 or according’ tothe iting manufacturer instruction. tfnecessary mark the insert depih, Insert the fiting and pipe simultaneously into the heating Spigot! the heating socket ithe stop / mark. The pine end ‘may not contact te end of the heating socket. ‘Observe the heating-vp time according te tle §, column 2 lof the fiting and pipe and push them swifly and axialy together tothe stop / mark (maximum changeover time see tabie 5, column 3) and fa this positon (soe table 5, colrmn 4) Cool down he connection, Mechanical toad of the Connection only after finished cooing tine according to table 5, column, 11. Complete the welding protocol Ad7 Testing of welded joints The torsion shear test and radial peeing test are applicable for @ quick chock of the welding quality of PE-HO pipe connections ‘Tho wall thickness ofthe pipe should be > 4mm, Figure, Tes! samle fam elecr-socket or nealed sonke! wettng Jone Four test specimen are evenly removed from the whole ccrcumference by longitudinal spacing, The contact sockets have tobe omitted at electro-socket welding. The dimensions are Test specimen length = socket length +2 x 200 mm pipe length secket length + 2x = 10 mm pipe length Test samole length Test samplo width 6 = 3 up fo 6 mm et pipe wall thickness 510 am b= 5 up to 8 mm at pipe wall thickness > 40mm Totsion_shear tes? The torsion shear test is used for the ‘evaluation of he facture behaviour and he facture appearance 5 Standers Association Kar 142540.LIM; 4098048001-2008.07-46 13:98. ‘Normen-Downtoad-Beuth-DS Dansk Standara Can Page 10 to DVS 2207-1 ofthe welding joint. For this purpose the test sample (eee figure 8) is fhed completely in a bench vice with ane part eg. socket 1038 section, The other part eg, pipe cross section, is caught with a cutable tool and twisted for 60" in he welding sexton (exe ‘igure 10). The ite rate 's vary lo in order to widely exclude the fracture behaviour ofthe test sample. The clamping areas should be slighly undercut in order to inset the twisting moment directed 10 the welding joint section. Figure 10, Apneation of force duting orion shear tos “Table 7. Evaluation criteria for torsion shoar and radial posing test. Fracture behaviour “[ Type, characteristic Evaluation ic done according to table 7. adial pesling test Fortis test the pipa cross saction of the fast ‘sample (see fque S) which is xed bythe socket cross section in the winch vice by means of a suitable pliers or ancther carping vice is redily peeled at possibly ow speed (sco figure 11) Evaluation is done according to table 7 AS) A Figure 11. Appliatn of feos ding a sting et Evaluation High release forces, ducte Fracture, > 60% ofthe waiding zone Wielding zone is party or completely melt, but only spot welded Brite eacture ductile yiold face peeling sed witha lt of voids. partly burt, overheated welding jont Pipe surface is not melt, welding jot too cold, too large woldeg gap Very structured freciure appearance with plastic and Isolated delaminations, contaminatons, insutilent sur Release zone is largspored, ne sutured, inorsper | No resp, minor faults | Unacceptable faults | ‘inesad Brow enepy0m sry sa would Bupran deo: moerueu oui iy fepieoe Lavon ‘swede Bupion oars paw i) Page 11 to DVS 2207-4 tclajay leichicie state talent paictaieic ieee = 3 cree sue | $n Cu cinred uur | de samen 15 soasipon | ea | pint suogeutou oro aes wr 00 tworonssueo yo 1824 ‘eeu >| : onaaen| upon 04 Jo Ausees pe 04 $0:01 91-2o-9a0e- LONE OESOD:INFESENL-INDY-UONE;DOESY 80 tee fous 1 vies = ¢ sad | cergunyes | porque = 2 fez veo) 2 aganje ui | nud Bunn | Susu seincoeg seunveng| sjusuoduioo seurjadid pue) sedid Jo Buipjam yng 00} payeay au 105 W104 od0j01g | Page 12 to DVS 2207-1 ‘enssand Bun soai0n ss wowsinbe Bupa a _osniadns Eupion jo ARuBis ue 82g 2 soon _eqowuenuls cain enna Buwor | _drsuneoy vesasacns| ov sousere Supa 2 0 Auzouco put owen a, vent | voveniavep sop) y0 au wows Core aes ernoora | youu 3, 12910 on sieays Jo Bulpfam yng 100} Paya} aup 40} WHO JO90}04 g ; 2 3 Page 13 to DVS 2207-1 eeon8 eeu? ‘oppeg = 5 sattnes «5 role | seg60H4 2800. ovyeeu= 9] pase eroqun a sous ‘Saseear SAIS t—-—— ES eons ‘509009 slojevou ope 3669 w erode S000 eueeH Wen 0 neuen | pense | 8 28 e08 | Suny voseauip epveres “sovesisay)| sues wn ep Bun si} 21a em wogersuan jo s004, | soswedne on amuses | bu ues pue ue _201048 oh 1 sop. jo we 120109 suen| muds 8 fctuoe oxors pun pes s}usuoduioo autjedid pue cussions) SOdid Jo BuIpjom Uo|Snyo.32a1 ay} 404 WHO} JO90}044 $604 91-20-2002: LO0ELOEGOH INIT-B6S2>)INBN-UONKOSSY SpHpURIS USiHED pieBUEIS YSUEG SO-UNEG-PeOjUAOD-UDLLION Page 14 to OVS 2207-1 vornpoysy sate buy =2 soxdne9 = 1 painseou 303] wousesBe kg pean og 012 Si 2904 Josnedie Supian jp ameUBs pu eG anauts 271 suoisig | seu, on9509 seogeuqion as utes «+ yenuin = 2 vd (pam enco ue 21) Buco | suntincog | an Bese (um pu wera ve 6 2) re 482010 uornasuee 03008, foumey | oy ouusent| kpz2) ovate 2 vets 00 onwciea a csten Cons ee rai sossadne arama hssduen pe ue ou soe oy0 561 epanso ower ue ana ‘ot ps0 ewe, sswersn9| siuauoduios auladid pue sedid BAA JOHIOS [00} POJLOH OY} JOJ UOJ |ODOJOIG Irland all laste cial nti lala ein lime eee aiaeobaceieinaee ag! lees

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