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Unit 2: School Talk – Grammar

a. It’s adj + (of sb)+ to V:
Các tính từ sau dùng với cấu trúc này: kind, good, stupid, clever, careless, sensible, brave, timid, coward, wise,
rude, polite, generous, mean, thoughtful, tactful, selfish…
Ex: It’s kind of you to help me
S+ be + Adj + To V
Các tính từ sau đây dùng với cấu trúc này: happy, sad, glad, nice, pleased, disappointed, difficult, easy, eager,
ready, surprised, sorry, hesitant, amazed, able, willing, reluctant, sure/bound/certain.
Ex: I am very glad to see you again.
b. Động từ nguyên thể có “To” đứng ngay sau V
Agree(đồng ý), afford(có khả năng), appear (dường như), attempt (nỗ lực), arrange(sắp xếp), cause(gây
ra), choose (lựa chọn), decide(quyết định), demand (yêu cầu), Expect(mong đợi), Fail(thất bại), Hope(hi
vọng), Hesitate(ngại, phiền), intend(dự định), mange(quản lý), offer(đề nghị), promise(hứa), Plan(lập kế
hoạch), Pay(trả), Prepare(chuẩn bị), Refuse(từ chối), Threaten(đe dọa), tend(xu thế, khuynh hướng),
wish(ước), want( muốn), seem (có vẻ)
Ex: I can’t afford to go abroad study
He agreed to work for us
She refused to answer personal questions
c. Sau Wh-words (what, where, when, who, how, …)
Ex: I don’t know what to do and where to go
II/. GERUND: (V- ing)
* used as a subject, object, complement
EX: - Swimming is my favourite sport.
- My favourite sport is swimming.
* used after:
1. admit*, allow*, advise*, avoid, appreciate, begin*, consider, continue, delay, deny, (dis)like, detest,
discuss, dread(sợ), enjoy, escape, finish, forgive, fancy, hate, imagine, keep, mind, miss, postpone,
practice, prevent, start*, suggest, recall, risk, resist,…
EX: I missed meeting my old friends.
Fancy seeing you here
2. Prepositions (giới từ) {under, with, by, without, on, in, of…) EX: I’m fond of listening to classical
3. It’s no use / good (chẳng ích gì) EX: It’s no use helping these lazy pupils.
4. There’s no point (in) (không cần thiết) EX: There’s no point (in) remembering their names.
5. a waste of time / money EX: It’s a waste of time playing video games.
6. have fun / difficulty / trouble; have a hard / good / difficult time EX: I have difficulty looking
for a job.
7. be worth / busy EX: This book is worth reading.
8. can’t help / resist (không thể không) EX: I can’t help laughing.
9. can’t bear / stand (không chịu được) EX: I can’t bear waiting for someone for so long.
10. need (passive meaning) EX: My hair needs cutting.
11. be / get used to EX: We’re used to living in this crowded city.
12. look forward to EX: I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
III/. BARE INFINITIVE: (V ) is used after:
1. modal verbs EX: I can swim.
2. make / let EX: Sad movies always make me cry.
3. had better, would rather / sooner (muốn/thà), used to EX: I’d rather stay at home.
4. do nothing / anything / everything but (except) EX: He does nothing but complain.
1. SPEND / WASTE time / money + V-ing 1. IT TAKES / TOOK + O + time + to V
EX: I spent 10 minutes cooking my meal. EX: It took me 10 minutes to cook my meal.
2. TRY = do sth as an experiment (thử) 2. TRY = attempt (cố gắng)
EX: I try mixing these substances to make a new EX: As students, we must try to study well.
one. 3. STOP (ngừng 1 việc để làm việc khác)
3. STOP (ngừng việc đang làm) EX: I’m working. I stop to smoke.
EX: I’m working. I stop working. 4. ADVISE / ALLOW / PERMIT + O + to V
4. ADVISE / ALLOW / PERMIT EX: They don’t allow us to smoke here.
EX: They don’t allow smoking here. 5. REMEMBER / FORGET (hành động To V
5. REMEMBER / FORGET (hành động V-ing chưa xảy ra) (Nhớ/quên nhiệm vụ phải làm)
đã xảy ra) (Nhớ/quên việc trong quá khứ) EX: Before going out, remember to lock the doors.
EX: I remember going to school for the first time. Don’t worry! I will remember to lend you some
I remember lending you some money. money
6. REGRET + V-ING (hối tiếc việc đã làm) 6. REGRET + To-inf (tiếc phải làm gì)
Ex: I regret breaking up with him * regret to inform
Ex: I regret to inform you that you failed.
7. MEAN: có nghĩa là 7. MEAN: có ý định
EX: Failure on the exam means having to learn EX: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
one more year.


SMELL (hành động dài, chứng kiến 1 phần) (hành động ngắn, chứng kiến từ đầu đến cuối)
EX: Everyday I see them crossing my house on EX: I see the boy jump down from the window.
their way home. 2. (WOULD) PREFER + to V + rather than + V
2. PREFER + V-ing + to + V-ing
EX: I prefer reading to watching films. WOULD RATHER + V + than + V
EX: I’d prefer to read rather than watch films.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word given so that the rewritten sentence has the same
meaning as the original one.

1.   My uncle decided to stop smoking local tobacco two years ago. (GIVE)
2.   The teacher is satisfied with our results in Civic Education. (CONTENTED)
3.   I have the habit of getting up late on weekends. (ALWAYS)
4.   Some of my classmates cycle to school every morning. (RIDE)
5.   No one in the class got a higher mark in English than Tom. (HIGHEST)
6.   During the break, the school canteen is full of students. (CROWDED)
7.   They have to pay $50 for traveling every month. (SPEND)
8.   Martina loves studying Information Technology the most of all subjects. (FAVOURITE)
9.   After getting off the plane, I took a taxi to Sunrise Hotel at once. (IMMEDIATELY)
10.   I think fishing for long hours is a waste of time. (INTERESTED)

Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.
international safety narrow subjects
enjoy worry crowded traffic
1. Don't ................... about me. I'll be all right.
2. English is spoken by many people in the world, so it is considered as a(n) ................... language.
3. Young children ...................helping with household tasks.
4. The street is ................... with many people in the morning.
5. We were stuck in heavy ................... for more than an hour.
Complete the sentences with to-infinitive or gerund.
6. Have you ever considered (go) live in another country?
7. Where have you been? I’ve been trying (phone) for nearly an hour.
8. Tom regrets (spend) ................... too much time playing computer games .
9. They don’t allow me (talk)
10. He went on (speak) ...................for two hours.
11. The doctor advised him to give up (smoke) ....................
12. He decided (put) ................... the book on the shelf.
13. Lan planned (stay) ................... at Nha Trang for a week.
14. My father permits me (go) ................... to the party.
Underline ONE word which needs correcting in the sentences below and correct it.
15. Many players are expecting taking part in the soccer match tomorrow. 15..........................
16. It’s no use telephone Lan. She’s out now. 16..........................
17. I’m looking forward to see you at Valentine. 17..........................
18. Some people are used to stand in crowded buses. 18..........................
19. Would you mind telling me how get to the post office? 19..........................
20. I wanted to buying some presents. 20..........................
Make questions with the underlined part.
21. He is living in Bac Ninh.
→ .............................................................................................................
22. The Smiths have got three cars.
23. Tessa switched off the computer.
→ ................................................................................................
24. The meeting will take place next Tuesday.
→ .................................................................................
25. Anna is learning English because she will need it in her job.
→ ..................................................................................................
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
26. My father said I could use his car.
→ My father allowed________________________________________________________.
27. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
→ It’s better to avoid _________________________________________________________
28. I am pleased to meet you again.
→ I look forward____________________________________________________________.
29. Why don’t we visit our teacher?
→ I suggest _______________________________________________________________.
30. It is really quite easy to learn English.
→ Learning ________________________________________________________________.
31. I expect that he will get there by lunchtime.
→ I expect him_____________________________________________________________.
32. Could you turn the radio down, please?
→ Would you mind _________________________________________________________.
33. I don’t want to go to the movie tonight.
→ I don’t feel like _________________________________________________________.
34. Shall we go for a walk?
→ What about _____________________________________________________________?
35. You ought to take a rest.
→ You had better ___________________________________________________________.
36. Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?
→ He suggested ___________________________________________________________.


STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Agree to do st Đồng ý làm gì
2 And so on Vân vân
3 As a result Do đó, do vậy
4 Avoid doing st Tránh làm gì
5 Block capitals Chữ in hoa
6 Consider doing st Xem xét làm gì
7 Date of birth Ngày sinh
Place of birth Nơi sinh
8 Decide to do st = make a decision to do st Quyết định làm gì
9 Expect (sb) to do st Mong đợi (ai) làm gì
10 Fill in Điền vào
11 Forget to do st Quên phải làm gì
Forget doing st Quên đã làm gì
12 Go on doing st Tiếp tục làm gì
Go on to do st Làm tiếp một việc khác sau khi hoàn tất
một việc gì đó
13 Have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing st Gặp khó khăn trong việc làm gì
14 Heavy traffic Ách tắc giao thông
15 Help with st Giúp việc gì
Help (sb) (to) do st Giúp (ai) làm gì
16 Hope to do st Hi vọng làm gì
17 Marital status Tình trạng hôn nhân
18 Mind doing st Ngại làm gì
19 Miss doing st Nhỡ làm gì
20 Pay attention to Chú ý tới
21 Plan to do st Lên kế hoạch làm gì
22 Practice doing st Thực hành làm gì
23 Present address Địa chỉ hiện tại
24 Put a cross Gạch chéo
Put a tick Tích
25 Reason for st/ why + clause Lí do cho cái gì
26 Stop to do st Dừng lại để làm gì
Stop doing st Dừng làm gì
27 Such as Như là
28 Suggest doing st Gợi ý làm gì
29 Threaten to do st Đe dọa làm gì
30 Try to do st Cố gắng làm gì
Try doing st Thử làm gì
31 Work with sb Làm việc với ai
32 Worry about Lo lắng về điều gì


1. These magazines cover all kinds of popular subjects _______ motoring, gardening, photography, and sports.
A. such as B. so as to C. as long as D. as well as
2. He’s complaining of all the usual flu symptoms: a high temperature, headache, and _______
A. so that B. such that C. so on D. such a lot of
3. People who _______ furnaces in a steel factory need to wear protective clothing.
A. work with B. work out C. work as D. work off
4. I tried to reassure her, “Don’t _______ it. We won’t let it happen again.”
A. anxious about B. worry about
C. nervous about D. apprehensive about
5. They may be able to _______ childcare so that you can have a break.
A. break up B. help with C. grow up D. live on
6. Avoiding fatty foods and salt can help _______ down your blood pressure.
A. bringing B. to bring
C. being brought D. having been brought
7. Drivers are advised to avoid Elm Street today due to heavy _______ and long delays.
A. roadside B. car park C. transport D. traffic
8. When you _______ the form, please write clearly _______ black ink.
A. filled in - as B. fill in - at C. fill in - in D. filled in - by
9. They represent a man’s _______ , a driving licence number and an identity number.
A. day of birth B. birth of date C. date of birth D. day of birthday
10. Put your own name and present _______ at the bottom of the application form.
A. address B. report C. place D. value
11. It is impolite to ask someone about his or her _______ status in western countries.
A. marriage B. marital C. married D. marriageable
12. Just fill in the coupon in _______ and send to Beaverbrooks the Jewellers at the address below.
A. block capitals B. block graph C. block booking D. block grant
13. Put a _______ if the answer is correct and a _______ if it’s wrong.
A. stick - across B. check - sticker C. tick - cross D. click - gross
14. Officials said that the _______ the large number of delayed trains was the bad weather conditions.
A. reason for B. advantage of C. reaction to D. demand for
15. I applied for the job on the off chance, but I didn’t seriously _______ to get it.
A. intend B. expect C. pretend D. respect
16. I crossed the street to avoid _______ him, but he saw me and came running towards me.
A. meeting B. to meet C. to be met D. having met
17. Recently we _______ a few technical difficulties with the computer, or rather our printer _______ trouble
with it.
A. had had - had B. had - has had
C. have had - had D. have had - has had
18. Paper ruled into one-inch squares is used to _______ writing Chinese characters.
A. practice B. postpone C. prepare D. persuade
19. The programme is now seven years behind schedule _______ , firstly of increased costs, then of technical
A. as a result B. because of C. due to D. however
20. We’ve stopped _______ plastic bags in supermarkets. We take our own bag with us now when we go
A. to use B. using C. being used D. to be used
21. It’s difficult to concentrate on what you are doing if you have to stop _______ the phone every five minutes.
A. answering B. to answering C. to answer D. to be answering
22. I’m rather disturbed by the way the company tried _______ the truth.
A. covering in B. covering up C. to cover with D. to cover up
23. If you have problems sleeping, you could try _______ some yoga before you go to bed.
A. to do B. doing C. to be doing D. to have been done
24. Some people _______ their family pets as a means of weather prediction.
A. attract attention B. catch attention
C. pay attention to D. turn attention to
25. In February of this year, the company filed for bankruptcy, and it _______ to auction its assets in late May.
A. plans B. prefers C. prevents D. postpone

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