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Material Bid Tabulation of 62-FA202

Review Date: 21 October 2022

Bidder's Score :
- PT. PHE : PT. Perkasa Heavyindo Engineering 0 : N.A. (Not Available)
- PT. TMS : PT. TIMAS 1-1.5 : Did not meet requirements / Not clearly defined
- PT. TKK : PT. Tokki Engineering 2-4 : Available/ Clear Define

PIM Requirement PT. PIM Scoring System Bidder Actual score

No. PT. PHE PT. TMS PT. TKK Remarks
Description Subject Weight Factor Score Sub Total PT. PHE PT. TMS PT. TKK
Score Sub Total Score Sub Total Score Sub Total
Scope of Supply
I A. Company Profile 0.1 6 0.60 6 0.6 2 0.2 2 0.2

Contractor must have ASME Stamp Quality

- 2 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 2 2 2
Assurance System

Contractor provide sub vendor list who

- 2 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 2 2 2
involved in heat exchanger fabrication

- Contractor provide fabrication experience 2 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 2 2 2

B. Material Specification 0.1 4 0.40 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Contractor provide material specification and

- brocure that supply needs of heat exchanger 4 N.A N.A N.A 0 0 0

C. Schedule 0.2 4 0.80 4 0.8 4 0.8 4 0.8

Contractor provide project schedule from

- Engineering until Heat Exchanger arrived at 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4

D. Contractor Tools 0.1 4 0.40 4 0.4 4 0.4 4 0.4

Contractor provide list and function of

- facilities to support Heat Exchanger 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4

E. Quality Assurance 0.2 28 5.60 25.5 5.1 24 4.8 24 4.8

Contractor provide (draft) Inspection Test

- 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4
Plan (ITP)

Contractor provide (draft) Fabrication

- 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4

Contractor provide (draft) Non Destructive

- 4 Did Not Meet Requirements Clear Defined Clear Defined 1.5 4 4
Examination Procedure

Contractor provide (draft) Heat Treatment

- 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined N.A 4 4 0

Contractor provide (draft) Hydrostatic Test

- 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4

- Contractor provide (draft) Painting Procedure 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4

Contractor provide (draft) Packaging

- 4 Clear Defined N.A Clear Defined 4 0 4

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Material Bid Tabulation of 62-FA202
Review Date: 21 October 2022
II E. Qualification 0.2 8 1.60 8 1.6 8 1.6 5.5 1.1
and Condition

Contractor provide Qualified Welder (proven

- 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4
by active certificate)

Contractor provide Qualified Inspector

- (proven by active Welding Inspector, ASNT 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Did Not Meet Requirements 4 4 1.5
NDT, Authorized Inspector certificate)

III Other F. Warranty 0.1 4 0.40 4 0.4 4 0.4 4 0.4

Contractor provide warranty 12 months after

- 4 Clear Defined Clear Defined Clear Defined 4 4 4
operation or 18 months after shipping

Total Score : 10 8.9 8.2 7.7

Score category Documents source: Result of Review:
0.0 - 5.0 : Not pass Quotation prepared by: PT.PHE, PT.TSP, PT.TKK Vendor who passed technical bidding evaluation are PT PHE and PT TMS.
5.1 - 8.0 : Need re-clarification
8.1 - 10.0 : Accept

Reviewer Approver

Hafizh Daru Teguh Utama Ferdiyansyah

Staff QC & NDT Vice President

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