TOC Assignment1

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Marathwada Institute of Technology, Aurangabad

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Class TY (A & B) AY 2022-23 Part 1

Date 30/9/2022

Assignment 1
Q. 1 Define Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA).
Q. 2 Describe the tuples of Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA).
Q. 3 Illustrate the basic difference between Moore Machine and Mealy Machine.
Q. 4 Define the string acceptability of a Finite Automata (FA).
Q. 5 State the two applications of Finite Automata (FA)
Q. 6 Construct a deterministic finite automaton and represent with transition diagram equivalent to
M= ({q0, q1, q2, q3}, {0,1}, ∂, q0, {q3}). ∂ is given as follows :

State i/p=o i/p=1

→ q0 q0, q1 q0
q1 q2 q1
q2 q3 q3,q1
q3 q2

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